/* * astyle --force-indent=tab=4 --brackets=linux --indent-switches * --pad=oper --one-line=keep-blocks --unpad=paren * * Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* * * Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project, * all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people * listed in contributors.txt. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * part of tabSRMM messaging plugin for Miranda. * * This code is based on and still contains large parts of the the * original chat module for Miranda NG, written and copyrighted * by Joergen Persson in 2005. * * (C) 2005-2009 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors * * Helper functions for the group chat module. * */ #include "..\commonheaders.h" int GetRichTextLength(HWND hwnd) { GETTEXTLENGTHEX gtl; gtl.flags = GTL_PRECISE; gtl.codepage = CP_ACP ; return (int) SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM)>l, 0); } /** * @param pszWord string to strip of any IRC-style * formatting * @param fToLower convert to lowercase * @param fStripCR strip cr/lf sequences (only for highlighter, defaults to false) * @param buf caller-provided buffer, use a static one * when the caller does not provide a * buffer * caller provided buffer is NEEDED to make * this thread-safe. * * @return TCHAR* the stripped string */ TCHAR* RemoveFormatting(const TCHAR* pszWord, bool fToLower, bool fStripCR, TCHAR* buf, const size_t len) { static TCHAR _szTemp[20000]; TCHAR* szTemp = 0; size_t _buflen = 0; if (0 == buf) { szTemp = _szTemp; _buflen = 20000; } else { szTemp = buf; _buflen = len; szTemp[len - 1] = 0; } size_t i = 0; size_t j = 0; if (pszWord == 0) return NULL; size_t wordlen = lstrlen(pszWord); while (j < _buflen && i <= wordlen) { if (pszWord[i] == '%') { switch (pszWord[i+1]) { case '%': szTemp[j] = '%'; j++; i++; i++; break; case 'b': case 'u': case 'i': case 'B': case 'U': case 'I': case 'r': case 'C': case 'F': i++; i++; break; case 'c': case 'f': i += 4; break; default: szTemp[j] = pszWord[i]; j++; i++; break; } } else { if (fStripCR) { if (0x0a == pszWord[i] || 0x0c == pszWord[i]) { szTemp[j++] = ' '; i++; continue; } } szTemp[j] = pszWord[i]; j++; i++; } } if (fToLower) { _wsetlocale(LC_ALL, L""); wcslwr(szTemp); } return(szTemp); } static void __stdcall ShowRoomFromPopup(void * pi) { SESSION_INFO* si = (SESSION_INFO*) pi; ShowRoom(si, WINDOW_VISIBLE, TRUE); } static void TSAPI Chat_OpenPopup(SESSION_INFO* si, HWND hwndPopup) { CallFunctionAsync(ShowRoomFromPopup, si); PUDeletePopUp(hwndPopup); } static void TSAPI Chat_DismissPopup(const SESSION_INFO* si, HWND hwndPopup) { if (si->hContact) if (CallService(MS_CLIST_GETEVENT, (WPARAM)si->hContact, 0)) CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVEEVENT, (WPARAM)si->hContact, (LPARAM)szChatIconString); if (si->hWnd && KillTimer(si->hWnd, TIMERID_FLASHWND)) FlashWindow(si->hWnd, FALSE); PUDeletePopUp(hwndPopup); } static INT_PTR CALLBACK PopupDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SESSION_INFO* si = (SESSION_INFO*)CallService(MS_POPUP_GETPLUGINDATA, (WPARAM)hWnd, 0);; switch (message) { case WM_COMMAND: if ( HIWORD(wParam) == STN_CLICKED) { if (si) { if (nen_options.maskActL & MASK_OPEN) Chat_OpenPopup(si, hWnd); else Chat_DismissPopup(si, hWnd); } return TRUE; } break; case WM_CONTEXTMENU: if (si && si->hContact) { if (nen_options.maskActR & MASK_OPEN) Chat_OpenPopup(si, hWnd); else Chat_DismissPopup(si, hWnd); } break; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } static int ShowPopup(HANDLE hContact, SESSION_INFO* si, HICON hIcon, char* pszProtoName, TCHAR* pszRoomName, COLORREF crBkg, const TCHAR* fmt, ...) { POPUPDATAT pd = {0}; va_list marker; static TCHAR szBuf[4*1024]; if (!fmt || lstrlen(fmt) == 0 || lstrlen(fmt) > 2000) return 0; va_start(marker, fmt); _vstprintf(szBuf, fmt, marker); va_end(marker); pd.lchContact = hContact; if (hIcon) pd.lchIcon = hIcon ; else pd.lchIcon = LoadIconEx(IDI_CHANMGR, "window", 0, 0); mir_sntprintf(pd.lptzContactName, MAX_CONTACTNAME - 1, _T("%S - %s"), pszProtoName, CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME, (WPARAM)hContact, GCDNF_TCHAR)); lstrcpyn(pd.lptzText, TranslateTS(szBuf), MAX_SECONDLINE - 1); pd.iSeconds = g_Settings.iPopupTimeout; if (g_Settings.iPopupStyle == 2) { pd.colorBack = 0; pd.colorText = 0; } else if (g_Settings.iPopupStyle == 3) { pd.colorBack = g_Settings.crPUBkgColour; pd.colorText = g_Settings.crPUTextColour; } else { pd.colorBack = M->GetDword(FONTMODULE, SRMSGSET_BKGCOLOUR_MUC, SRMSGDEFSET_BKGCOLOUR); pd.colorText = crBkg; } pd.PluginWindowProc = (WNDPROC)PopupDlgProc; pd.PluginData = si; return PUAddPopUpT(&pd); } static BOOL DoTrayIcon(SESSION_INFO* si, GCEVENT * gce) { int iEvent = gce->pDest->iType; if (si && (iEvent & si->iLogTrayFlags)) { switch (iEvent) { case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE | GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT : case GC_EVENT_ACTION | GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT : CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, PluginConfig.g_IconMsgEvent, szChatIconString, 0, TranslateT("%s wants your attention in %s"), gce->ptszNick, si->ptszName); break; case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE : CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_MESSAGE], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("%s speaks in %s"), gce->ptszNick, si->ptszName); break; case GC_EVENT_ACTION: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_ACTION], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("%s speaks in %s"), gce->ptszNick, si->ptszName); break; case GC_EVENT_JOIN: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_JOIN], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("%s has joined %s"), gce->ptszNick, si->ptszName); break; case GC_EVENT_PART: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_PART], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("%s has left %s"), gce->ptszNick, si->ptszName); break; case GC_EVENT_QUIT: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_QUIT], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("%s has disconnected"), gce->ptszNick); break; case GC_EVENT_NICK: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_NICK], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("%s is now known as %s"), gce->ptszNick, gce->pszText); break; case GC_EVENT_KICK: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_KICK], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("%s kicked %s from %s"), gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick, si->ptszName); break; case GC_EVENT_NOTICE: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_NOTICE], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("Notice from %s"), gce->ptszNick); break; case GC_EVENT_TOPIC: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_TOPIC], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("Topic change in %s"), si->ptszName); break; case GC_EVENT_INFORMATION: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_INFO], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("Information in %s"), si->ptszName); break; case GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_ADDSTATUS], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("%s enables \'%s\' status for %s in %s"), gce->pszText, gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick, si->ptszName); break; case GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS: CList_AddEvent(si->hContact, hIcons[ICON_REMSTATUS], szChatIconString, CLEF_ONLYAFEW, TranslateT("%s disables \'%s\' status for %s in %s"), gce->pszText, gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick, si->ptszName); break; } } return TRUE; } static BOOL DoPopup(SESSION_INFO* si, GCEVENT* gce, struct TWindowData* dat) { int iEvent = gce->pDest->iType; struct TContainerData *pContainer = dat ? dat->pContainer : NULL; char *szProto = dat ? dat->szProto : si->pszModule; TCHAR *bbStart, *bbEnd; if (g_Settings.BBCodeInPopups) { bbStart = _T("[b]"); bbEnd = _T("[/b]"); } else bbStart = bbEnd = _T(""); if (si && (iEvent & si->iLogPopupFlags)) { if (nen_options.iMUCDisable) // no popups at all. Period return 0; /* * check the status mode against the status mask */ if (nen_options.dwStatusMask != -1) { DWORD dwStatus = 0; if (szProto != NULL) { dwStatus = (DWORD)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); if (!(dwStatus == 0 || dwStatus <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || ((1 << (dwStatus - ID_STATUS_ONLINE)) & nen_options.dwStatusMask))) // should never happen, but... return 0; } } if (dat && pContainer != 0) { // message window is open, need to check the container config if we want to see a popup nonetheless if (nen_options.bWindowCheck) { // no popups at all for open windows... no exceptions if (!PluginConfig.m_HideOnClose) return 0; if (pContainer->fHidden) goto passed; return 0; } if (pContainer->dwFlags & CNT_DONTREPORT && IsIconic(pContainer->hwnd)) // in tray counts as "minimised" goto passed; if (pContainer->dwFlags & CNT_DONTREPORTUNFOCUSED) { if (!IsIconic(pContainer->hwnd) && GetForegroundWindow() != pContainer->hwnd && GetActiveWindow() != pContainer->hwnd) goto passed; } if (pContainer->dwFlags & CNT_ALWAYSREPORTINACTIVE) { if (pContainer->dwFlags & CNT_DONTREPORTFOCUSED) goto passed; if (pContainer->hwndActive == si->hWnd) return 0; goto passed; } return 0; } passed: int iNewEvent = iEvent; COLORREF clr = 0; if ((iNewEvent & GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT)) { clr = aFonts[16].color; iNewEvent &= ~GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT; } switch (iNewEvent) { case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE : ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_MESSAGE], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[9].color, TranslateT("%s%s says:%s %s"), bbStart, gce->ptszNick, bbEnd, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_ACTION: ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_ACTION], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[15].color, _T("%s %s"), gce->ptszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_JOIN: ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_JOIN], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[3].color, TranslateT("%s has joined"), gce->ptszNick); break; case GC_EVENT_PART: if (!gce->pszText) ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_PART], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[4].color, TranslateT("%s has left"), gce->ptszNick); else ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_PART], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[4].color, TranslateT("%s has left (%s)"), gce->ptszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_QUIT: if (!gce->pszText) ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_QUIT], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[5].color, TranslateT("%s has disconnected"), gce->ptszNick); else ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_QUIT], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[5].color, TranslateT("%s has disconnected (%s)"), gce->ptszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_NICK: ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_NICK], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[7].color, TranslateT("%s is now known as %s"), gce->ptszNick, gce->ptszText); break; case GC_EVENT_KICK: if (!gce->pszText) ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_KICK], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[6].color, TranslateT("%s kicked %s"), (char *)gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick); else ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_KICK], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[6].color, TranslateT("%s kicked %s (%s)"), (char *)gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_NOTICE: ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_NOTICE], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[8].color, TranslateT("Notice from %s: %s"), gce->ptszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_TOPIC: if (!gce->ptszNick) ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_TOPIC], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[11].color, TranslateT("The topic is \'%s\'"), RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); else ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_TOPIC], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[11].color, TranslateT("The topic is \'%s\' (set by %s)"), RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText), gce->ptszNick); break; case GC_EVENT_INFORMATION: ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_INFO], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[12].color, _T("%s"), RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS: ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_ADDSTATUS], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[13].color, TranslateT("%s enables \'%s\' status for %s"), gce->ptszText, (char *)gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick); break; case GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS: ShowPopup(si->hContact, si, hIcons[ICON_REMSTATUS], si->pszModule, si->ptszName, clr ? clr : aFonts[14].color, TranslateT("%s disables \'%s\' status for %s"), gce->ptszText, (char *)gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick); break; } } return TRUE; } void TSAPI DoFlashAndSoundWorker(FLASH_PARAMS* p) { SESSION_INFO* si = SM_FindSessionByHCONTACT(p->hContact); TWindowData* dat = 0; if (si == 0) return; if (si->hWnd) { dat = si->dat; if (dat) { p->bInactive = dat->pContainer->hwnd != GetForegroundWindow(); p->bActiveTab = (dat->pContainer->hwndActive == si->hWnd); } if (p->sound && Utils::mustPlaySound(si->dat)) SkinPlaySound(p->sound); } else if (p->sound) SkinPlaySound(p->sound); if (dat) { HWND hwndTab = GetParent(si->hWnd); BOOL bForcedIcon = (p->hNotifyIcon == hIcons[ICON_HIGHLIGHT] || p->hNotifyIcon == hIcons[ICON_MESSAGE]); if ((p->iEvent & si->iLogTrayFlags) || bForcedIcon) { if (!p->bActiveTab) { if (p->hNotifyIcon == hIcons[ICON_HIGHLIGHT]) dat->iFlashIcon = p->hNotifyIcon; else { if (dat->iFlashIcon != hIcons[ICON_HIGHLIGHT] && dat->iFlashIcon != hIcons[ICON_MESSAGE]) dat->iFlashIcon = p->hNotifyIcon; } dat->mayFlashTab = TRUE; SetTimer(si->hWnd, TIMERID_FLASHWND, TIMEOUT_FLASHWND, NULL); } } if (dat->pWnd) { dat->pWnd->updateIcon(p->hNotifyIcon); dat->pWnd->setOverlayIcon(p->hNotifyIcon, true); } // autoswitch tab.. if (p->bMustAutoswitch) { if ((IsIconic(dat->pContainer->hwnd)) && !IsZoomed(dat->pContainer->hwnd) && PluginConfig.haveAutoSwitch() && dat->pContainer->hwndActive != si->hWnd) { int iItem = GetTabIndexFromHWND(hwndTab, si->hWnd); if (iItem >= 0) { TabCtrl_SetCurSel(hwndTab, iItem); ShowWindow(dat->pContainer->hwndActive, SW_HIDE); dat->pContainer->hwndActive = si->hWnd; SendMessage(dat->pContainer->hwnd, DM_UPDATETITLE, (WPARAM)dat->hContact, 0); dat->pContainer->dwFlags |= CNT_DEFERREDTABSELECT; } } } /* * flash window if it is not focused */ if (p->bMustFlash && p->bInactive) if (!(dat->pContainer->dwFlags & CNT_NOFLASH)) FlashContainer(dat->pContainer, 1, 0); if (p->hNotifyIcon && p->bInactive && ((p->iEvent & si->iLogTrayFlags) || bForcedIcon)) { if (p->bMustFlash) dat->hTabIcon = p->hNotifyIcon; else if (dat->iFlashIcon) { dat->hTabIcon = dat->iFlashIcon; TCITEM item = {0}; item.mask = TCIF_IMAGE; item.iImage = 0; TabCtrl_SetItem(GetParent(si->hWnd), dat->iTabID, &item); } HICON hIcon = (HICON)SendMessage(dat->pContainer->hwnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_BIG, 0); if (p->hNotifyIcon == hIcons[ICON_HIGHLIGHT] || (hIcon != hIcons[ICON_MESSAGE] && hIcon != hIcons[ICON_HIGHLIGHT])) { SendMessage(dat->pContainer->hwnd, DM_SETICON, (WPARAM)dat, (LPARAM)p->hNotifyIcon); dat->pContainer->dwFlags |= CNT_NEED_UPDATETITLE; } } if (p->bMustFlash && p->bInactive) UpdateTrayMenu(dat, si->wStatus, si->pszModule, dat ? dat->szStatus : NULL, si->hContact, p->bHighlight ? 1 : 1); } free(p); } BOOL DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff(SESSION_INFO* si, GCEVENT * gce, BOOL bHighlight, int bManyFix) { FLASH_PARAMS* params; struct TWindowData *dat = 0; bool fFlagUnread = false; WPARAM wParamForHighLight = 0; if (gce == 0 || si == 0 || gce->bIsMe || si->iType == GCW_SERVER) return FALSE; params = (FLASH_PARAMS*)calloc(1, sizeof(FLASH_PARAMS)); params->hContact = si->hContact; params->bInactive = TRUE; if (si->hWnd && si->dat) { dat = si->dat; if ((si->hWnd == si->dat->pContainer->hwndActive) && GetForegroundWindow() == si->dat->pContainer->hwnd) params->bInactive = FALSE; } params->bActiveTab = params->bMustFlash = params->bMustAutoswitch = FALSE; params->iEvent = gce->pDest->iType; if (bHighlight) { gce->pDest->iType |= GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT; params->sound = "ChatHighlight"; if (M->GetByte(si->hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 0) != 0) db_unset(si->hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); if (params->bInactive) { fFlagUnread = true; DoTrayIcon(si, gce); } /* TODO fix for 3.0 final !!! */ #if !defined(__DELAYED_FOR_3_1) if (g_Settings.CreateWindowOnHighlight && 0 == dat) wParamForHighLight = 1; if (dat && g_Settings.AnnoyingHighlight && params->bInactive && dat->pContainer->hwnd != GetForegroundWindow()) { wParamForHighLight = 2; params->hWnd = dat->hwnd; } #endif if (dat || !nen_options.iMUCDisable) DoPopup(si, gce, dat); if (params->bInactive && si && si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, GC_SETMESSAGEHIGHLIGHT, 0, (LPARAM)si); if (g_Settings.FlashWindowHightlight && params->bInactive) params->bMustFlash = TRUE; params->bMustAutoswitch = TRUE; params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_HIGHLIGHT]; } else { // do blinking icons in tray if (params->bInactive || !g_Settings.TrayIconInactiveOnly) { DoTrayIcon(si, gce); if (params->iEvent == GC_EVENT_MESSAGE) fFlagUnread = true; } // stupid thing to not create multiple popups for a QUIT event for instance if (bManyFix == 0) { // do popups if (dat || !nen_options.iMUCDisable) DoPopup(si, gce, dat); // do sounds and flashing switch (params->iEvent) { case GC_EVENT_JOIN: params->sound = "ChatJoin"; if (params->bInactive) params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_JOIN]; break; case GC_EVENT_PART: params->sound = "ChatPart"; if (params->bInactive) params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_PART]; break; case GC_EVENT_QUIT: params->sound = "ChatQuit"; if (params->bInactive) params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_QUIT]; break; case GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS: case GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS: params->sound = "ChatMode"; if (params->bInactive) params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[params->iEvent == GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS ? ICON_ADDSTATUS : ICON_REMSTATUS]; break; case GC_EVENT_KICK: params->sound = "ChatKick"; if (params->bInactive) params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_KICK]; break; case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE: params->sound = "ChatMessage"; if (params->bInactive && !(si->wState&STATE_TALK)) { si->wState |= STATE_TALK; DBWriteContactSettingWord(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "ApparentMode", (LPARAM)(WORD) 40071); } break; case GC_EVENT_ACTION: params->sound = "ChatAction"; if (params->bInactive) params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_ACTION]; break; case GC_EVENT_NICK: params->sound = "ChatNick"; if (params->bInactive) params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_NICK]; break; case GC_EVENT_NOTICE: params->sound = "ChatNotice"; if (params->bInactive) params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_NOTICE]; break; case GC_EVENT_TOPIC: params->sound = "ChatTopic"; if (params->bInactive) params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_TOPIC]; break; } } else { switch (params->iEvent) { case GC_EVENT_JOIN: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_JOIN]; break; case GC_EVENT_PART: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_PART]; break; case GC_EVENT_QUIT: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_QUIT]; break; case GC_EVENT_KICK: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_KICK]; break; case GC_EVENT_ACTION: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_ACTION]; break; case GC_EVENT_NICK: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_NICK]; break; case GC_EVENT_NOTICE: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_NOTICE]; break; case GC_EVENT_TOPIC: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_TOPIC]; break; case GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_ADDSTATUS]; break; case GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS: params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_REMSTATUS]; break; } } if (params->iEvent == GC_EVENT_MESSAGE) { params->bMustAutoswitch = TRUE; if (g_Settings.FlashWindow) params->bMustFlash = TRUE; params->hNotifyIcon = hIcons[ICON_MESSAGE]; } } if (dat && fFlagUnread) { dat->dwUnread++; if (dat->pWnd) dat->pWnd->Invalidate(); } PostMessage(PluginConfig.g_hwndHotkeyHandler, DM_MUCFLASHWORKER, wParamForHighLight, (LPARAM)params); return TRUE; } int Chat_GetColorIndex(const char* pszModule, COLORREF cr) { MODULEINFO * pMod = MM_FindModule(pszModule); if (!pMod || pMod->nColorCount == 0) return -1; for (int i=0; i < pMod->nColorCount; i++) if (pMod->crColors[i] == cr) return i; return -1; } // obscure function that is used to make sure that any of the colors // passed by the protocol is used as fore- or background color // in the messagebox. THis is to vvercome limitations in the richedit // that I do not know currently how to fix void CheckColorsInModule(const char* pszModule) { MODULEINFO * pMod = MM_FindModule(pszModule); COLORREF crFG; COLORREF crBG = (COLORREF)M->GetDword(FONTMODULE, "inputbg", SRMSGDEFSET_BKGCOLOUR); LoadLogfont(MSGFONTID_MESSAGEAREA, NULL, &crFG, FONTMODULE); if (!pMod) return; for (int i=0; i < pMod->nColorCount; i++) { if (pMod->crColors[i] == crFG || pMod->crColors[i] == crBG) { if (pMod->crColors[i] == RGB(255, 255, 255)) pMod->crColors[i]--; else pMod->crColors[i]++; } } } TCHAR* my_strstri(const TCHAR* s1, const TCHAR* s2) { int i, j, k; _tsetlocale(LC_ALL, _T("")); for (i=0;s1[i];i++) for (j = i, k = 0; _totlower(s1[j]) == _totlower(s2[k]);j++, k++) if (!s2[k+1]) return (TCHAR*)(s1 + i); return NULL; } /* * log the event to the log file * allows selective logging of wanted events */ BOOL LogToFile(SESSION_INFO* si, GCEVENT * gce) { TCHAR szBuffer[4096]; TCHAR szLine[4096]; TCHAR szTime[100]; FILE *hFile = NULL; TCHAR tszFolder[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR p = '\0'; BOOL bFileJustCreated = TRUE; if (!si || !gce) return FALSE; MODULEINFO *mi = MM_FindModule(si->pszModule); if (!mi) return FALSE; /* * check whether we have to log this event */ if (!(gce->pDest->iType & si->iDiskLogFlags)) return FALSE; szBuffer[0] = '\0'; GetChatLogsFilename(si, gce->time); bFileJustCreated = !PathFileExists(si->pszLogFileName); _tcscpy(tszFolder, si->pszLogFileName); PathRemoveFileSpec(tszFolder); if (!PathIsDirectory(tszFolder)) CreateDirectoryTreeT(tszFolder); lstrcpyn(szTime, MakeTimeStamp(g_Settings.pszTimeStampLog, gce->time), 99); hFile = _tfopen(si->pszLogFileName, _T("ab+")); if (hFile) { TCHAR szTemp[512], szTemp2[512]; TCHAR* pszNick = NULL; if (bFileJustCreated) fputws((const wchar_t*)"\377\376", hFile); //UTF-16 LE BOM == FF FE if (gce->ptszNick) { if (g_Settings.LogLimitNames && lstrlen(gce->ptszNick) > 20) { lstrcpyn(szTemp2, gce->ptszNick, 20); lstrcpyn(szTemp2 + 20, _T("..."), 4); } else lstrcpyn(szTemp2, gce->ptszNick, 511); if (gce->pszUserInfo) mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), _T("%s (%s)"), szTemp2, gce->pszUserInfo); else mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), _T("%s"), szTemp2); pszNick = szTemp; } switch (gce->pDest->iType) { case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE: case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE | GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT: p = '*'; mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), _T("%s: %s"), gce->ptszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_ACTION: case GC_EVENT_ACTION | GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT: p = '*'; mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), _T("%s %s"), gce->ptszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_JOIN: p = '>'; mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s has joined"), (char *)pszNick); break; case GC_EVENT_PART: p = '<'; if (!gce->pszText) mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s has left"), (char *)pszNick); else mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s has left (%s)"), (char *)pszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_QUIT: p = '<'; if (!gce->pszText) mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s has disconnected"), (char *)pszNick); else mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s has disconnected (%s)"), (char *)pszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_NICK: p = '^'; mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s is now known as %s"), gce->ptszNick, gce->ptszText); break; case GC_EVENT_KICK: p = '~'; if (!gce->pszText) mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s kicked %s"), (char *)gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick); else mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s kicked %s (%s)"), (char *)gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_NOTICE: p = 'o'; mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("Notice from %s: %s"), gce->ptszNick, RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_TOPIC: p = '#'; if (!gce->pszNick) mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("The topic is \'%s\'"), RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); else mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("The topic is \'%s\' (set by %s)"), RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText), gce->ptszNick); break; case GC_EVENT_INFORMATION: p = '!'; mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), _T("%s"), RemoveFormatting(gce->ptszText)); break; case GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS: p = '+'; mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s enables \'%s\' status for %s"), gce->ptszText, (char *)gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick); break; case GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS: p = '-'; mir_sntprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s disables \'%s\' status for %s"), gce->ptszText, (char *)gce->pszStatus, gce->ptszNick); break; } /* * formatting strings don't need to be translatable - changing them via language pack would * only screw up the log format. */ if (p) mir_sntprintf(szLine, SIZEOF(szLine), _T("%s %c %s\r\n"), szTime, p, szBuffer); else mir_sntprintf(szLine, SIZEOF(szLine), _T("%s %s\r\n"), szTime, szBuffer); if (szLine[0]) { _fputts(szLine, hFile); if (g_Settings.LoggingLimit > 0) { long dwSize; long trimlimit; fseek(hFile, 0, SEEK_END); dwSize = ftell(hFile); rewind(hFile); trimlimit = g_Settings.LoggingLimit * 1024; if (dwSize > trimlimit) { TCHAR tszDrive[_MAX_DRIVE]; TCHAR tszDir[_MAX_DIR]; TCHAR tszName[_MAX_FNAME]; TCHAR tszExt[_MAX_EXT]; TCHAR tszNewName[_MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 20]; TCHAR tszNewPath[_MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 20]; TCHAR tszTimestamp[20]; time_t now = time(0); _tcsftime(tszTimestamp, 20, _T("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), _localtime32((__time32_t *)&now)); tszTimestamp[19] = 0; /* * max size reached, rotate the log * move old logs to /archived sub folder just inside the log root folder. * add a time stamp to the file name. */ _tsplitpath(si->pszLogFileName, tszDrive, tszDir, tszName, tszExt); mir_sntprintf(tszNewPath, _MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 20, _T("%s%sarchived\\"), tszDrive, tszDir); CreateDirectoryTreeT(tszNewPath); mir_sntprintf(tszNewName, _MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 20, _T("%s%s-%s%s"), tszNewPath, tszName, tszTimestamp, tszExt); fclose(hFile); hFile = 0; if (!PathFileExists(tszNewName)) CopyFile(si->pszLogFileName, tszNewName, TRUE); DeleteFile(si->pszLogFileName); } } } if (hFile) fclose(hFile); hFile = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } UINT CreateGCMenu(HWND hwndDlg, HMENU *hMenu, int iIndex, POINT pt, SESSION_INFO* si, TCHAR* pszUID, TCHAR* pszWordText) { GCMENUITEMS gcmi = {0}; int i; HMENU hSubMenu = 0; DWORD codepage = M->GetDword(si->hContact, "ANSIcodepage", 0); int pos; *hMenu = GetSubMenu(g_hMenu, iIndex); TranslateMenu(*hMenu); gcmi.pszID = si->ptszID; gcmi.pszModule = si->pszModule; gcmi.pszUID = pszUID; if (iIndex == 1) { int i = GetRichTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CHAT_LOG)); EnableMenuItem(*hMenu, ID_CLEARLOG, MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem(*hMenu, ID_COPYALL, MF_ENABLED); ModifyMenu(*hMenu, 4, MF_GRAYED | MF_BYPOSITION, 4, NULL); if (!i) { EnableMenuItem(*hMenu, ID_COPYALL, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(*hMenu, ID_CLEARLOG, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); if (pszWordText && pszWordText[0]) ModifyMenu(*hMenu, 4, MF_ENABLED | MF_BYPOSITION, 4, NULL); } if (pszWordText && pszWordText[0]) { TCHAR szMenuText[4096]; mir_sntprintf(szMenuText, 4096, TranslateT("Look up \'%s\':"), pszWordText); ModifyMenu(*hMenu, 4, MF_STRING | MF_BYPOSITION, 4, szMenuText); } else ModifyMenu(*hMenu, 4, MF_STRING | MF_GRAYED | MF_BYPOSITION, 4, TranslateT("No word to look up")); gcmi.Type = MENU_ON_LOG; } else if (iIndex == 0) { TCHAR szTemp[30], szTemp2[30]; lstrcpyn(szTemp, TranslateT("&Message"), 24); if (pszUID) mir_sntprintf(szTemp2, SIZEOF(szTemp2), _T("%s %s"), szTemp, pszUID); else lstrcpyn(szTemp2, szTemp, 24); if (lstrlen(szTemp2) > 22) lstrcpyn(szTemp2 + 22, _T("..."), 4); ModifyMenu(*hMenu, ID_MESS, MF_STRING | MF_BYCOMMAND, ID_MESS, szTemp2); gcmi.Type = MENU_ON_NICKLIST; } NotifyEventHooks(hBuildMenuEvent, 0, (WPARAM)&gcmi); if (gcmi.nItems > 0) AppendMenu(*hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); for (i=0; i < gcmi.nItems; i++) { TCHAR* ptszDescr = a2tf(gcmi.Item[i].pszDesc, si->dwFlags); TCHAR* ptszText = TranslateTS(ptszDescr); DWORD dwState = gcmi.Item[i].bDisabled ? MF_GRAYED : 0; if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_NEWPOPUP) { hSubMenu = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(*hMenu, dwState | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)hSubMenu, ptszText); } else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_POPUPHMENU) AppendMenu(hSubMenu == 0 ? *hMenu : hSubMenu, dwState | MF_POPUP, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText); else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_POPUPITEM) AppendMenu(hSubMenu == 0 ? *hMenu : hSubMenu, dwState | MF_STRING, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText); else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_POPUPCHECK) AppendMenu(hSubMenu == 0 ? *hMenu : hSubMenu, dwState | MF_CHECKED | MF_STRING, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText); else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR) AppendMenu(hSubMenu == 0 ? *hMenu : hSubMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, ptszText); else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_SEPARATOR) AppendMenu(*hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, ptszText); else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_HMENU) AppendMenu(*hMenu, dwState | MF_POPUP, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText); else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_ITEM) AppendMenu(*hMenu, dwState | MF_STRING, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText); else if (gcmi.Item[i].uType == MENU_CHECK) AppendMenu(*hMenu, dwState | MF_CHECKED | MF_STRING, gcmi.Item[i].dwID, ptszText); mir_free(ptszDescr); } #if !defined(__DELAYED_FOR_3_1) if (iIndex == 0) { AppendMenu(*hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); pos = GetMenuItemCount(*hMenu); InsertMenu(*hMenu, pos, MF_BYPOSITION, (UINT_PTR)20020, TranslateT("Highlight User...")); InsertMenu(*hMenu, pos, MF_BYPOSITION, (UINT_PTR)20021, TranslateT("Edit Highlight List...")); } #endif if (iIndex == 1 && si->iType != GCW_SERVER && !(si->dwFlags & GC_UNICODE)) { AppendMenu(*hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); InsertMenu(PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding, 1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, (UINT_PTR)CP_UTF8, TranslateT("UTF-8")); pos = GetMenuItemCount(*hMenu); InsertMenu(*hMenu, pos, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR) PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding, TranslateT("Character Encoding")); for (i=0; i < GetMenuItemCount(PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding); i++) CheckMenuItem(PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding, i, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_UNCHECKED); if (codepage == CP_ACP) CheckMenuItem(PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_CHECKED); else CheckMenuItem(PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding, codepage, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); } return TrackPopupMenu(*hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, hwndDlg, NULL); } void DestroyGCMenu(HMENU *hMenu, int iIndex) { MENUITEMINFO mi = { sizeof(mi) }; mi.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU; while (GetMenuItemInfo(*hMenu, iIndex, TRUE, &mi)) { if (mi.hSubMenu != NULL) DestroyMenu(mi.hSubMenu); RemoveMenu(*hMenu, iIndex, MF_BYPOSITION); } } BOOL DoEventHookAsync(HWND hwnd, const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, int iType, TCHAR* pszUID, TCHAR* pszText, DWORD dwItem) { SESSION_INFO* si; GCHOOK* gch = (GCHOOK*)mir_alloc(sizeof(GCHOOK)); GCDEST* gcd = (GCDEST*)mir_alloc(sizeof(GCDEST)); memset(gch, 0, sizeof(GCHOOK)); memset(gcd, 0, sizeof(GCDEST)); replaceStrA(&gcd->pszModule, pszModule); if ((si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule)) == NULL) return FALSE; if (!(si->dwFlags & GC_UNICODE)) { DWORD dwCP = M->GetDword(si->hContact, "ANSIcodepage", 0); gcd->pszID = t2a(pszID, 0); gch->pszUID = t2a(pszUID, 0); gch->pszText = t2a(pszText, dwCP); } else { replaceStr(&gcd->ptszID, pszID); replaceStr(&gch->ptszUID, pszUID); replaceStr(&gch->ptszText, pszText); } gcd->iType = iType; gch->dwData = dwItem; gch->pDest = gcd; PostMessage(hwnd, GC_FIREHOOK, 0, (LPARAM)gch); return TRUE; } BOOL DoEventHook(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, int iType, const TCHAR* pszUID, const TCHAR* pszText, DWORD dwItem) { SESSION_INFO* si; GCHOOK gch = {0}; GCDEST gcd = {0}; gcd.pszModule = (char*)pszModule; if ((si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule)) == NULL) return FALSE; if (!(si->dwFlags & GC_UNICODE)) { DWORD dwCP = M->GetDword(si->hContact, "ANSIcodepage", 0); gcd.pszID = t2a(pszID, 0); gch.pszUID = t2a(pszUID, 0); gch.pszText = t2a(pszText, dwCP); } else { gcd.ptszID = mir_tstrdup(pszID); gch.ptszUID = mir_tstrdup(pszUID); gch.ptszText = mir_tstrdup(pszText); } gcd.iType = iType; gch.dwData = dwItem; gch.pDest = &gcd; NotifyEventHooks(hSendEvent, 0, (WPARAM)&gch); mir_free(gcd.pszID); mir_free(gch.ptszUID); mir_free(gch.ptszText); return TRUE; } BOOL IsEventSupported(int eventType) { // Supported events switch (eventType) { case GC_EVENT_JOIN: case GC_EVENT_PART: case GC_EVENT_QUIT: case GC_EVENT_KICK: case GC_EVENT_NICK: case GC_EVENT_NOTICE: case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE: case GC_EVENT_TOPIC: case GC_EVENT_INFORMATION: case GC_EVENT_ACTION: case GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS: case GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS: case GC_EVENT_CHUID: case GC_EVENT_CHANGESESSIONAME: case GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP: case GC_EVENT_SETITEMDATA: case GC_EVENT_GETITEMDATA: case GC_EVENT_SETSBTEXT: case GC_EVENT_ACK: case GC_EVENT_SENDMESSAGE: case GC_EVENT_SETSTATUSEX: case GC_EVENT_CONTROL: case GC_EVENT_SETCONTACTSTATUS: return TRUE; } // Other events return FALSE; } TCHAR* a2tf(const TCHAR* str, int flags, DWORD cp) { if (str == NULL) return NULL; if (flags & GC_UNICODE) return mir_tstrdup(str); else { int cbLen; TCHAR *result; if (cp == CP_UTF8) return(mir_utf8decodeW((char *)str)); if (cp == 0) cp = PluginConfig.m_LangPackCP; // CallService( MS_LANGPACK_GETCODEPAGE, 0, 0 ); cbLen = MultiByteToWideChar(cp, 0, (char*)str, -1, 0, 0); result = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * (cbLen + 1)); if (result == NULL) return NULL; MultiByteToWideChar(cp, 0, (char*)str, -1, result, cbLen); result[ cbLen ] = 0; return result; } } static char* u2a(const wchar_t* src, DWORD cp) { int cbLen; char *result; if (cp == 0) cp = PluginConfig.m_LangPackCP; else if (cp == CP_UTF8) return(mir_utf8encodeT(src)); cbLen = WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, src, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); result = (char*)mir_alloc(cbLen + 1); if (result == NULL) return NULL; WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, src, -1, result, cbLen, NULL, NULL); result[ cbLen ] = 0; return result; } char* t2a(const TCHAR* src, DWORD cp) { return u2a(src, cp); } TCHAR* replaceStr(TCHAR** dest, const TCHAR* src) { mir_free(*dest); *dest = mir_tstrdup(src); return *dest; } char* replaceStrA(char** dest, const char* src) { mir_free(*dest); *dest = mir_strdup(src); return *dest; } /* * set all filters and notification config for a session * uses per channel mask + filterbits, default config as backup */ void Chat_SetFilters(SESSION_INFO *si) { DWORD dwFlags_default = 0, dwMask = 0, dwFlags_local = 0; int i; if (si == NULL) return; dwFlags_default = M->GetDword("Chat", "FilterFlags", 0x03E0); dwFlags_local = M->GetDword(si->hContact, "Chat", "FilterFlags", 0x03E0); dwMask = M->GetDword(si->hContact, "Chat", "FilterMask", 0); si->iLogFilterFlags = dwFlags_default; for (int i=0; i < 32; i++) if (dwMask & (1 << i)) si->iLogFilterFlags = (dwFlags_local & (1 << i) ? si->iLogFilterFlags | (1 << i) : si->iLogFilterFlags & ~(1 << i)); dwFlags_default = M->GetDword("Chat", "PopupFlags", 0x03E0); dwFlags_local = M->GetDword(si->hContact, "Chat", "PopupFlags", 0x03E0); dwMask = M->GetDword(si->hContact, "Chat", "PopupMask", 0); si->iLogPopupFlags = dwFlags_default; for (i=0; i < 32; i++) { if (dwMask & (1 << i)) si->iLogPopupFlags = (dwFlags_local & (1 << i) ? si->iLogPopupFlags | (1 << i) : si->iLogPopupFlags & ~(1 << i)); } dwFlags_default = M->GetDword("Chat", "TrayIconFlags", 0x03E0); dwFlags_local = M->GetDword(si->hContact, "Chat", "TrayIconFlags", 0x03E0); dwMask = M->GetDword(si->hContact, "Chat", "TrayIconMask", 0); si->iLogTrayFlags = dwFlags_default; for (i=0; i < 32; i++) { if (dwMask & (1 << i)) si->iLogTrayFlags = (dwFlags_local & (1 << i) ? si->iLogTrayFlags | (1 << i) : si->iLogTrayFlags & ~(1 << i)); } dwFlags_default = M->GetDword("Chat", "DiskLogFlags", 0xFFFF); si->iDiskLogFlags = dwFlags_default; if (si->iLogFilterFlags == 0) si->bFilterEnabled = 0; } static TCHAR tszOldTimeStamp[30] = _T("\0"); TCHAR* GetChatLogsFilename(SESSION_INFO *si, time_t tTime) { REPLACEVARSARRAY rva[11]; REPLACEVARSDATA dat = {0}; TCHAR *p = 0, *tszParsedName = 0; int i; bool fReparse = false; if (!tTime) time(&tTime); /* * check whether relevant parts of the timestamp have changed and * we have to reparse the filename */ TCHAR *tszNow = MakeTimeStamp(_T("%a%d%m%Y"), tTime); if (_tcscmp(tszOldTimeStamp, tszNow)) { _tcsncpy(tszOldTimeStamp, tszNow, 30); tszOldTimeStamp[29] = 0; fReparse = true; } if (fReparse || 0 == si->pszLogFileName[0]) { rva[0].lptzKey = _T("d"); rva[0].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%#d"), tTime)); // day 01-31 rva[1].lptzKey = _T("dd"); rva[1].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%d"), tTime)); // month 1-12 rva[2].lptzKey = _T("m"); rva[2].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%#m"), tTime)); // month 01-12 rva[3].lptzKey = _T("mm"); rva[3].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%m"), tTime)); // month text short rva[4].lptzKey = _T("mon"); rva[4].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%b"), tTime)); // month text rva[5].lptzKey = _T("month"); rva[5].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%B"), tTime)); // year 01-99 rva[6].lptzKey = _T("yy"); rva[6].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%y"), tTime)); // year 1901-9999 rva[7].lptzKey = _T("yyyy"); rva[7].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%Y"), tTime)); // weekday short rva[8].lptzKey = _T("wday"); rva[8].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%a"), tTime)); // weekday rva[9].lptzKey = _T("weekday"); rva[9].lptzValue = mir_tstrdup(MakeTimeStamp(_T("%A"), tTime)); // end of array rva[10].lptzKey = NULL; rva[10].lptzValue = NULL; if (g_Settings.pszLogDir[lstrlen(g_Settings.pszLogDir)-1] == '\\') _tcscat(g_Settings.pszLogDir, _T("%userid%.log")); dat.cbSize = sizeof(dat); dat.dwFlags = RVF_TCHAR; dat.hContact = si->hContact; dat.variables = rva; tszParsedName = (TCHAR*) CallService(MS_UTILS_REPLACEVARS, (WPARAM)g_Settings.pszLogDir, (LPARAM)&dat); if (!M->pathIsAbsolute(tszParsedName)) mir_sntprintf(si->pszLogFileName, MAX_PATH, _T("%s%s"), M->getChatLogPath(), tszParsedName); else mir_sntprintf(si->pszLogFileName, MAX_PATH, _T("%s"), tszParsedName); mir_free(tszParsedName); for (i=0; i < SIZEOF(rva);i++) mir_free(rva[i].lptzValue); for (p = si->pszLogFileName + 2; *p; ++p) { if (*p == ':' || *p == '*' || *p == '?' || *p == '"' || *p == '<' || *p == '>' || *p == '|' ) *p = _T('_'); } } return si->pszLogFileName; }