 * astyle --force-indent=tab=4 --brackets=linux --indent-switches
 *		  --pad=oper --one-line=keep-blocks  --unpad=paren
 * Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
 * Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
 * all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
 * listed in contributors.txt.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * part of tabSRMM messaging plugin for Miranda.
 * (C) 2005-2009 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors
 * the contact cache


#define C_INVALID_PROTO "<proto error>"
#define C_INVALID_ACCOUNT _T("<account error>")
#define C_INVALID_PROTO_T _T("<proto error>")

struct TInputHistory {
	TCHAR*	szText;
	size_t	lLen;

struct TSessionStats {
	enum {
		BYTES_SENT 			= 2,
		FAILURE				= 3,
		SET_LAST_RCV		= 5,
		INIT_TIMER			= 6,

	time_t 			started;
	unsigned int 	iSent, iReceived, iSentBytes, iReceivedBytes;
	unsigned int	messageCount;
	unsigned int 	iFailures;
	unsigned int 	lastReceivedChars;
	BOOL 			bWritten;

class CContactCache {

	CContactCache									() {}
	CContactCache									(const HANDLE hContact);
	~CContactCache									()
	void					inc						() { m_accessCount++; }
	const	bool			isValid					() const { return(m_Valid); }
	const	WORD			getStatus				() const { return(m_wStatus); }
	const	WORD			getMetaStatus			() const { return(m_wMetaStatus); }
	const	WORD			getActiveStatus			() const { return(m_isMeta ? m_wMetaStatus : m_wStatus); }
	const	WORD			getOldStatus			() const { return(m_wOldStatus); }
	const	TCHAR*			getNick					() const { return(m_szNick); }
	const	HANDLE			getContact				() const { return(m_hContact); }
	const	HANDLE			getActiveContact		() const { return(m_isMeta ? (m_hSubContact ? m_hSubContact : m_hContact) : m_hContact); }
	const	DWORD			getIdleTS				() const { return(m_idleTS); }
	const	char*			getProto				() const { return(m_szProto); }
	const	TCHAR*			getProtoT				() const { return(m_tszProto); }
	const	char*			getMetaProto			() const { return(m_szMetaProto ? m_szMetaProto : C_INVALID_PROTO); }
	const	TCHAR*			getMetaProtoT			() const { return(m_szMetaProto ? m_tszMetaProto : C_INVALID_PROTO_T); }
	const	char*			getActiveProto			() const { return(m_isMeta ? (m_szMetaProto ? m_szMetaProto : m_szProto) : m_szProto); }
	const	TCHAR*			getActiveProtoT			() const { return(m_isMeta ? (m_szMetaProto ? m_tszMetaProto : m_tszProto) : m_tszProto); }
	bool					isMeta					() const { return(m_isMeta); }
	bool					isSubContact			() const { return(m_isSubcontact); }
	bool					isFavorite				() const { return(m_isFavorite); }
	bool					isRecent				() const { return(m_isRecent); }
	const TCHAR*			getRealAccount			() const { return(m_szAccount ? m_szAccount : C_INVALID_ACCOUNT); }
	const TCHAR*			getUIN					() const { return(m_szUIN); }
	const TCHAR*			getStatusMsg			() const { return(m_szStatusMsg); }
	const TCHAR*			getXStatusMsg			() const { return(m_xStatusMsg); }
	const TCHAR*			getListeningInfo		() const { return(m_ListeningInfo); }
	BYTE					getXStatusId			() const { return(m_xStatus); }
	const HWND				getWindowData			(TWindowData*& dat) const { dat = m_dat; return(m_hwnd); }
	const HWND				getHwnd					() const { return(m_hwnd); }
	int						getMaxMessageLength		();

	TWindowData*		getDat					() const { return(m_dat); }

	void					updateStats				(int iType, size_t value = 0);
	const DWORD				getSessionStart			() const { return(m_stats->started); }
	const int				getSessionMsgCount		() const { return((int)m_stats->messageCount) ; }
	void					updateState				();
	bool					updateStatus			();
	bool					updateNick				();
	void					updateMeta				(bool fForce = false);
	bool					updateUIN				();
	void					updateStatusMsg			(const char *szKey = 0);
	void					setWindowData			(const HWND hwnd = 0, TWindowData *dat = 0);
	void					resetMeta				();
	void					closeWindow				();
	void					deletedHandler			();
	void					updateFavorite			();
	TCHAR*					getNormalizedStatusMsg  (const TCHAR *src, bool fStripAll = false);
	HICON					getIcon					(int& iSize) const;

	 * input history
	void 					saveHistory				(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	void					inputHistoryEvent		(WPARAM wParam);

	HANDLE					m_hContact;
	CContactCache*			m_next;

	static					CContactCache* m_cCache;
	static  CContactCache*	getContactCache(const HANDLE hContact);

	void					allocStats				();
	void					initPhaseTwo			();
	void					allocHistory			();
	void					releaseAlloced			();

	size_t				m_accessCount;
	HANDLE				m_hSubContact;
	WORD				m_wStatus, m_wMetaStatus;
	WORD				m_wOldStatus;
	char*				m_szProto, *m_szMetaProto;
	TCHAR*				m_tszProto, m_tszMetaProto[40];
	TCHAR*				m_szAccount;
	TCHAR				m_szNick[80], m_szUIN[80];
	TCHAR*				m_szStatusMsg, *m_xStatusMsg, *m_ListeningInfo;
	BYTE				m_xStatus;
	DWORD				m_idleTS;
	bool				m_isMeta, m_isSubcontact;
	bool				m_Valid;
	bool				m_isFavorite;
	bool				m_isRecent;
	HWND				m_hwnd;
	int					m_nMax;
	int     			m_iHistoryCurrent, m_iHistoryTop, m_iHistorySize;
	TWindowData*	m_dat;
	TSessionStats* 		m_stats;
	TInputHistory*		m_history;

#endif /* __CONTACTCACHE_H */