///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* // // Copyright (C) 2012-23 Miranda NG team, // Copyright (c) 2000-09 Miranda ICQ/IM project, // all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people // listed in contributors.txt. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // part of tabSRMM messaging plugin for Miranda. // // (C) 2005-2010 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors // // implements the message dialog window. #include "stdafx.h" bool IsStringValidLink(wchar_t *pszText); LIST g_arUnreadWindows(1, PtrKeySortT); static int g_cLinesPerPage = 0; static int g_iWheelCarryover = 0; static const UINT formatControls[] = { IDC_SRMM_BOLD, IDC_SRMM_ITALICS, IDC_SRMM_UNDERLINE, IDC_FONTSTRIKEOUT }; static const UINT addControls[] = { IDC_ADD, IDC_CANCELADD }; static const UINT btnControls[] = { IDC_RETRY, IDC_CANCELSEND, IDC_MSGSENDLATER, IDC_ADD, IDC_CANCELADD }; static const UINT errorControls[] = { IDC_STATICERRORICON, IDC_STATICTEXT, IDC_RETRY, IDC_CANCELSEND, IDC_MSGSENDLATER }; struct { int id; const wchar_t *text; } static tooltips[] = { { IDC_ADD, LPGENW("Add this contact permanently to your contact list") }, { IDC_CANCELADD, LPGENW("Do not add this contact permanently") }, { IDC_TOGGLESIDEBAR, LPGENW("Expand or collapse the side bar") } }; struct { int id; HICON *pIcon; } static buttonicons[] = { { IDC_ADD, &PluginConfig.g_buttonBarIcons[ICON_BUTTON_ADD] }, { IDC_CANCELADD, &PluginConfig.g_buttonBarIcons[ICON_BUTTON_CANCEL] } }; static void _clrMsgFilter(MSGFILTER *m) { m->msg = 0; m->lParam = 0; m->wParam = 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sublassing procedure for the h++ based message log viewer LRESULT CALLBACK HPPKFSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CMsgDialog *mwdat = (CMsgDialog*)GetWindowLongPtr(GetParent(hwnd), GWLP_USERDATA); if (mwdat) { bool isCtrl, isShift, isAlt; mwdat->KbdState(isShift, isCtrl, isAlt); switch (msg) { case WM_NCCALCSIZE: return CSkin::NcCalcRichEditFrame(hwnd, mwdat, ID_EXTBKHISTORY, msg, wParam, lParam, HPPKFSubclassProc); case WM_NCPAINT: return CSkin::DrawRichEditFrame(hwnd, mwdat, ID_EXTBKHISTORY, msg, wParam, lParam, HPPKFSubclassProc); case WM_KEYDOWN: if (!isCtrl && !isAlt && !isShift) { if (wParam != VK_PRIOR && wParam != VK_NEXT && wParam != VK_DELETE && wParam != VK_MENU && wParam != VK_END && wParam != VK_HOME && wParam != VK_UP && wParam != VK_DOWN && wParam != VK_LEFT && wParam != VK_RIGHT && wParam != VK_TAB && wParam != VK_SPACE) { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(mwdat->GetHwnd(), IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE)); keybd_event((uint8_t)wParam, (uint8_t)MapVirtualKey(wParam, 0), KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | 0, 0); return 0; } break; } } } return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, HPPKFSubclassProc, msg, wParam, lParam); } static void ShowMultipleControls(HWND hwndDlg, const UINT *controls, int cControls, int state) { for (int i = 0; i < cControls; i++) Utils::showDlgControl(hwndDlg, controls[i], state); } void CMsgDialog::SetDialogToType() { if (!Contact::OnList(m_hContact)) { m_bNotOnList = true; ShowMultipleControls(m_hwnd, addControls, _countof(addControls), SW_SHOW); Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT, SW_SHOW); SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT, TranslateT("Contact not on list. You may add it...")); } else { ShowMultipleControls(m_hwnd, addControls, _countof(addControls), SW_HIDE); m_bNotOnList = false; Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT, SW_HIDE); } Utils::enableDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_TIME, true); m_message.Show(); ShowMultipleControls(m_hwnd, errorControls, _countof(errorControls), m_bErrorState ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); if (!m_SendFormat) ShowMultipleControls(m_hwnd, formatControls, _countof(formatControls), SW_HIDE); if (m_pContainer->m_hwndActive == m_hwnd) UpdateReadChars(); SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_STATICTEXT, TranslateT("A message failed to send successfully.")); DM_RecalcPictureSize(); GetAvatarVisibility(); Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_CONTACTPIC, m_bShowAvatar ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERY, m_bIsAutosizingInput ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_MULTISPLITTER, (m_sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); EnableSendButton(GetWindowTextLength(m_message.GetHwnd()) != 0); UpdateTitle(); Resize(); Utils::enableDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_CONTACTPIC, false); m_pPanel.Configure(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // subclasses the avatar display controls, needed for skinning and to prevent // it from flickering during resize/move operations. static LRESULT CALLBACK AvatarSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_ERASEBKGND: return TRUE; case WM_UPDATEUISTATE: return TRUE; case WM_NOTIFY: ProcessAvatarChange(hwnd, lParam); break; } return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, AvatarSubclassProc, msg, wParam, lParam); } LRESULT CALLBACK SplitterSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { RECT rc; HWND hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); CMsgDialog *dat = (CMsgDialog*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndParent, GWLP_USERDATA); switch (msg) { case WM_NCHITTEST: return HTCLIENT; case WM_SETCURSOR: GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); SetCursor(rc.right > rc.bottom ? PluginConfig.hCurSplitNS : PluginConfig.hCurSplitWE); return TRUE; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if (hwnd == GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDC_SPLITTERY)) { GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); dat->m_savedSplitterY = dat->m_iSplitterY; dat->m_savedDynaSplit = dat->m_dynaSplitter; } SetCapture(hwnd); return 0; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (GetCapture() == hwnd) { GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); dat->SplitterMoved(rc.right > rc.bottom ? (short)HIWORD(GetMessagePos()) + rc.bottom / 2 : (short)LOWORD(GetMessagePos()) + rc.right / 2, hwnd); } return 0; case WM_ERASEBKGND: return 1; case WM_PAINT: GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC dc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); if (dat && CSkin::m_skinEnabled) CSkin::SkinDrawBG(hwnd, dat->m_pContainer->m_hwnd, dat->m_pContainer, &rc, dc); else if (M.isAero() || M.isVSThemed()) { if (GetDlgCtrlID(hwnd) == IDC_PANELSPLITTER) { EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); return 0; } CSkin::FillBack(dc, &rc); } else CSkin::FillBack(dc, &rc); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); } return 0; case WM_LBUTTONUP: HWND hwndCapture = GetCapture(); ReleaseCapture(); dat->DM_ScrollToBottom(0, 1); if (!dat->isChat() && hwnd == GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDC_PANELSPLITTER)) { SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); RedrawWindow(hwndParent, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); } else if (hwnd == GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDC_SPLITTERY)) { if (hwndCapture != hwnd) break; POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); LONG messagePos = GetMessagePos(); GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); int selection; if (g_plugin.bUseSameSplitSize) selection = ID_SPLITTERCONTEXT_SAVEGLOBALFORALLSESSIONS; else if (dat->m_bIsAutosizingInput) selection = ID_SPLITTERCONTEXT_SETPOSITIONFORTHISSESSION; else selection = TrackPopupMenu(GetSubMenu(PluginConfig.g_hMenuContext, 6), TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, hwndParent, nullptr); switch (selection) { case ID_SPLITTERCONTEXT_SAVEFORTHISCONTACTONLY: dat->m_bSplitterOverride = true; db_set_b(dat->m_hContact, SRMSGMOD_T, "splitoverride", 1); if (!dat->isChat()) dat->SaveSplitter(); break; case ID_SPLITTERCONTEXT_SETPOSITIONFORTHISSESSION: if (dat->m_bIsAutosizingInput) { GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(dat->GetHwnd(), IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE), &rc); dat->m_iInputAreaHeight = 0; } break; case ID_SPLITTERCONTEXT_SAVEGLOBALFORALLSESSIONS: { uint32_t dwOff_IM = 0, dwOff_CHAT = 0; dwOff_CHAT = -(2 + (PluginConfig.m_DPIscaleY > 1.0 ? 1 : 0)); dwOff_IM = 2 + (PluginConfig.m_DPIscaleY > 1.0 ? 1 : 0); RECT rcWin; GetWindowRect(hwndParent, &rcWin); PluginConfig.lastSPlitterPos.pSrcDat = dat; PluginConfig.lastSPlitterPos.pSrcContainer = dat->m_pContainer; PluginConfig.lastSPlitterPos.lParam = rc.bottom; PluginConfig.lastSPlitterPos.pos = rcWin.bottom - HIWORD(messagePos); PluginConfig.lastSPlitterPos.pos_chat = rcWin.bottom - (short)HIWORD(messagePos) + rc.bottom / 2; PluginConfig.lastSPlitterPos.off_chat = dwOff_CHAT; PluginConfig.lastSPlitterPos.off_im = dwOff_IM; SendMessage(dat->GetHwnd(), DM_SPLITTERGLOBALEVENT, 0, 0); Srmm_Broadcast(DM_SPLITTERGLOBALEVENT, 0, 0); } break; default: dat->m_iSplitterY = dat->m_savedSplitterY; dat->m_dynaSplitter = dat->m_savedDynaSplit; dat->DM_RecalcPictureSize(); dat->UpdateToolbarBG(); SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); dat->DM_ScrollToBottom(0, 1); break; } } return 0; } return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, SplitterSubclassProc, msg, wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMsgDialog::CMsgDialog(int iDlgId, MCONTACT hContact) : CSuper(g_plugin, iDlgId), m_pPanel(this), timerAwayMsg(this, 4), m_btnAdd(this, IDC_ADD), m_btnQuote(this, IDC_QUOTE), m_btnCancelAdd(this, IDC_CANCELADD) { m_hContact = hContact; m_btnAdd.OnClick = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onClick_Add); m_btnQuote.OnClick = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onClick_Quote); m_btnCancelAdd.OnClick = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onClick_CancelAdd); Init(); } CMsgDialog::CMsgDialog(SESSION_INFO *si) : CSuper(g_plugin, IDD_CHANNEL, si), m_pPanel(this), timerAwayMsg(this, 4), m_btnAdd(this, IDC_ADD), m_btnQuote(this, IDC_QUOTE), m_btnCancelAdd(this, IDC_CANCELADD) { m_hContact = si->hContact; m_btnQuote.OnClick = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onClick_Quote); m_btnFilter.OnClick = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onClick_Filter); m_btnNickList.OnClick = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onClick_ShowNickList); m_nickList.OnDblClick = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onDblClick_List); Init(); } void CMsgDialog::Init() { m_szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(m_hContact); m_autoClose = CLOSE_ON_CANCEL; m_forceResizable = true; // refresh cache data for this contact m_cache = CContactCache::getContactCache(m_hContact); m_cache->updateNick(); m_cache->updateUIN(); // events m_btnOk.OnClick = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onClick_Ok); m_message.OnChange = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onChange_Message); timerAwayMsg.OnEvent = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onAwayMsg); timerFlash.OnEvent = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onFlash); timerType.OnEvent = Callback(this, &CMsgDialog::onType); } CMsgDialog::~CMsgDialog() { mir_free(m_sendBuffer); mir_free(m_hHistoryEvents); if (m_hClientIcon) DestroyIcon(m_hClientIcon); if (m_hSmileyIcon) DestroyIcon(m_hSmileyIcon); if (m_hXStatusIcon) DestroyIcon(m_hXStatusIcon); if (m_hTaskbarIcon) DestroyIcon(m_hTaskbarIcon); } bool CMsgDialog::OnInitDialog() { CSuper::OnInitDialog(); m_cache->setWindowData(this); // m_hwnd is valid, pass it to the tab control TCITEM tci; tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM; tci.lParam = (LPARAM)m_hwnd; TabCtrl_SetItem(m_hwndParent, m_iTabID, &tci); // update another tab ids m_pContainer->UpdateTabs(); // add this window to window list & proxy if (IsWinVer7Plus() && PluginConfig.m_useAeroPeek) m_pWnd = new CProxyWindow(this); else m_pWnd = nullptr; m_iLogMode = m_pLog->GetType(); // set up Windows themes DM_ThemeChanged(); m_bIsAutosizingInput = m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bAutoSplitter && !m_bSplitterOverride; m_szProto = const_cast(m_cache->getProto()); m_bIsMeta = m_cache->isMeta(); if (m_bIsMeta) m_cache->updateMeta(); if (isChat()) { m_si->pDlg = this; Chat_SetFilters(m_si); m_pPanel.getVisibility(); m_pPanel.Configure(); for (auto &it : btnControls) ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, it), SW_HIDE); } else { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERX), SW_HIDE); m_nickList.Hide(); for (auto &it : btnControls) CustomizeButton(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, it)); } m_hDbEventFirst = 0; if (m_szProto != nullptr) { m_wStatus = db_get_w(m_hContact, m_szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); wcsncpy_s(m_wszStatus, Clist_GetStatusModeDescription(m_wStatus, 0), _TRUNCATE); } else m_wStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; GetMYUIN(); GetClientIcon(); HWND hwndBtn = CreateWindowEx(0, L"MButtonClass", L"", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 0, 0, 6, DPISCALEY_S(20), m_hwnd, (HMENU)IDC_TOGGLESIDEBAR, g_plugin.getInst(), nullptr); CustomizeButton(hwndBtn); SendMessage(hwndBtn, BUTTONSETASTHEMEDBTN, 1, 0); SendMessage(hwndBtn, BUTTONSETCONTAINER, (LPARAM)m_pContainer, 0); SendMessage(hwndBtn, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, FALSE, 0); SendMessage(hwndBtn, BUTTONSETASTOOLBARBUTTON, TRUE, 0); SendMessage(hwndBtn, BUTTONADDTOOLTIP, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Expand or collapse the side bar"), BATF_UNICODE); m_hwndPanelPicParent = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST, L"Static", L"", SS_OWNERDRAW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 1, 1, 1, 1, m_hwnd, (HMENU)6000, nullptr, nullptr); mir_subclassWindow(m_hwndPanelPicParent, CInfoPanel::avatarParentSubclass); m_bShowUIElements = (m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bHideToolbar) == 0; if (M.GetByte(m_hContact, "no_ack", 0)) m_sendMode |= SMODE_NOACK; m_iCurrentQueueError = -1; // message history limit // hHistoryEvents holds up to n event handles m_maxHistory = M.GetDword(m_hContact, "maxhist", M.GetDword("maxhist", 0)); m_curHistory = 0; if (m_maxHistory) m_hHistoryEvents = (MEVENT*)mir_alloc(m_maxHistory * sizeof(MEVENT)); else m_hHistoryEvents = nullptr; if (!m_bIsMeta) UpdateWindowIcon(); GetMyNick(); m_iMultiSplit = g_plugin.getDword("multisplit", 150); if (AllowTyping()) { m_nTypeMode = PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF; timerType.Start(1000); } m_iLastEventType = 0xffffffff; // load log option flags... m_dwFlags = m_pContainer->m_theme.dwFlags; // consider per-contact message setting overrides if (M.GetDword(m_hContact, "mwmask", 0)) LoadLocalFlags(); DM_InitTip(); m_bSplitterOverride = M.GetByte(m_hContact, "splitoverride", 0) != 0; m_pPanel.getVisibility(); m_pPanel.loadHeight(); m_bShowAvatar = GetAvatarVisibility(); Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_MULTISPLITTER, SW_HIDE); RECT rc; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERY), &rc); POINT pt; pt.y = (rc.top + rc.bottom) / 2; pt.x = 0; ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, &pt); m_originalSplitterY = pt.y; if (m_iSplitterY == -1) m_iSplitterY = m_originalSplitterY + 60; GetWindowRect(m_message.GetHwnd(), &rc); m_minEditBoxSize.cx = rc.right - rc.left; m_minEditBoxSize.cy = rc.bottom - rc.top; BB_InitDlgButtons(); SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_CBD_LOADICONS, 0, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_ADD, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, TRUE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CANCELADD, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, TRUE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_TOGGLESIDEBAR, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, TRUE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_TOGGLESIDEBAR, BUTTONSETASTHEMEDBTN, CSkin::IsThemed(), 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_TOGGLESIDEBAR, BUTTONSETCONTAINER, (LPARAM)m_pContainer, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_TOGGLESIDEBAR, BUTTONSETASTOOLBARBUTTON, TRUE, 0); NotifyEvent(MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPENING); for (auto &it : tooltips) SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it.id, BUTTONADDTOOLTIP, (WPARAM)TranslateW(it.text), BATF_UNICODE); SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT, m_bNotOnList ? TranslateT("Contact not on list. You may add it...") : TranslateT("Auto scrolling is disabled (press F12 to enable it)")); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CLOSE, BUTTONADDTOOLTIP, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Close session"), BATF_UNICODE); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_PROTOCOL, BUTTONADDTOOLTIP, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Click for contact menu\nClick dropdown for window settings"), BATF_UNICODE); SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_RETRY, TranslateT("Retry")); { UINT _ctrls[] = { IDC_RETRY, IDC_CANCELSEND, IDC_MSGSENDLATER }; for (auto &it : _ctrls) { SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, TRUE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, FALSE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it, BUTTONSETASTHEMEDBTN, TRUE, 0); } } SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_CANCELSEND, TranslateT("Cancel")); SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_MSGSENDLATER, TranslateT("Send later")); m_message.SendMsg(EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, ENM_REQUESTRESIZE | ENM_MOUSEEVENTS | ENM_SCROLL | ENM_KEYEVENTS | ENM_CHANGE); m_message.SendMsg(EM_SETMARGINS, EC_LEFTMARGIN | EC_RIGHTMARGIN, MAKELONG(3, 3)); m_bActualHistory = M.GetByte(m_hContact, "ActualHistory", 0) != 0; // subclassing stuff mir_subclassWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CONTACTPIC), AvatarSubclassProc); mir_subclassWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERX), SplitterSubclassProc); mir_subclassWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERY), SplitterSubclassProc); mir_subclassWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_MULTISPLITTER), SplitterSubclassProc); mir_subclassWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_PANELSPLITTER), SplitterSubclassProc); // load old messages from history (if wanted...) m_cache->getMaxMessageLength(); m_cache->updateStats(TSessionStats::INIT_TIMER); LoadContactAvatar(); LoadOwnAvatar(); if (isChat()) { m_pLog->Clear(); UpdateOptions(); UpdateStatusBar(); UpdateTitle(); m_hTabIcon = m_hTabStatusIcon; if (!m_SendFormat) ShowMultipleControls(m_hwnd, formatControls, _countof(formatControls), SW_HIDE); UpdateNickList(); UpdateChatLog(); } else { GetFirstEvent(); DM_OptionsApplied(); DB::ECPTR pCursor(DB::EventsRev(m_hContact)); while (MEVENT hdbEvent = pCursor.FetchNext()) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; db_event_get(hdbEvent, &dbei); if (dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE && !(dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT)) { m_lastMessage = dbei.timestamp; DM_UpdateLastMessage(); break; } } } // restore saved msg if any... ptrW wszSavedMsg(g_plugin.getWStringA(m_hContact, "SavedMsg")); if (wszSavedMsg != 0) { SETTEXTEX stx = { ST_DEFAULT, 1200 }; m_message.SendMsg(EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&stx, wszSavedMsg); UpdateSaveAndSendButton(); if (m_pContainer->m_hwndActive == m_hwnd) UpdateReadChars(); } if (wszInitialText) { m_message.SetText(wszInitialText); int len = GetWindowTextLength(m_message.GetHwnd()); PostMessage(m_message.GetHwnd(), EM_SETSEL, len, len); if (len) EnableSendButton(true); mir_free(wszInitialText); } m_pContainer->QueryClientArea(rc); SetWindowPos(m_hwnd, nullptr, rc.left, rc.top, (rc.right - rc.left), (rc.bottom - rc.top), m_bActivate ? 0 : SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); LoadSplitter(); ShowPicture(true); if (m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bCreateMinimized || !m_bActivate || m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bDeferredTabSelect) { m_iFlashIcon = PluginConfig.g_IconMsgEvent; timerFlash.Start(TIMEOUT_FLASHWND); m_bCanFlashTab = true; DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; FlashOnClist(m_hDbEventFirst, &dbei); if (!isChat()) m_pContainer->SetIcon(this, Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE)); m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bNeedsUpdateTitle = true; m_bWasBackgroundCreate = m_bNeedCheckSize = m_bDeferredScroll = true; } if (isChat()) { m_pContainer->m_hwndActive = m_hwnd; ShowWindow(m_hwnd, SW_SHOW); } else if (m_bActivate) { m_pContainer->m_hwndActive = m_hwnd; ShowWindow(m_hwnd, SW_SHOW); SetActiveWindow(m_hwnd); SetForegroundWindow(m_hwnd); } else if (m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bCreateMinimized) { m_bDeferredScroll = true; ShowWindow(m_hwnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); m_pContainer->m_hwndActive = m_hwnd; m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bDeferredConfigure = true; } m_pContainer->UpdateTitle(m_hContact); DM_RecalcPictureSize(); m_dwLastActivity = GetTickCount() - 1000; m_pContainer->m_dwLastActivity = m_dwLastActivity; if (m_iLogMode == WANT_HPP_LOG) mir_subclassWindow(m_pLog->GetHwnd(), HPPKFSubclassProc); m_bInitMode = false; NotifyEvent(MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPEN); if (m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bCreateMinimized) { m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bCreateMinimized = false; m_pContainer->m_hwndActive = m_hwnd; } return true; } void CMsgDialog::OnDestroy() { NotifyEvent(MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CLOSING); g_arUnreadWindows.remove((HANDLE)m_hContact); m_cache->setWindowData(); m_pContainer->ClearMargins(); PostMessage(m_pContainer->m_hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 1); if (m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bSideBar) m_pContainer->m_pSideBar->removeSession(this); if (g_plugin.bDeleteTemp) if (!Contact::OnList(m_hContact)) db_delete_contact(m_hContact); if (m_hwndContactPic) DestroyWindow(m_hwndContactPic); if (m_hwndPanelPic) DestroyWindow(m_hwndPanelPic); if (m_hwndPanelPicParent) DestroyWindow(m_hwndPanelPicParent); if (m_si) { if (Clist_GetEvent(m_si->hContact, 0)) Clist_RemoveEvent(m_si->hContact, GC_FAKE_EVENT); m_si->wState &= ~STATE_TALK; m_si->pDlg = nullptr; m_si = nullptr; } if (m_cache->isValid()) { // not valid means the contact was deleted if (!m_bEditNotesActive) { char *msg = m_message.GetRichTextRtf(true); if (msg) { g_plugin.setUString(m_hContact, "SavedMsg", msg); mir_free(msg); } else g_plugin.delSetting(m_hContact, "SavedMsg"); } else SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDC_PIC, 0); } if (AllowTyping()) if (m_nTypeMode == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON) DM_NotifyTyping(PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF); DM_FreeTheme(); // search the sendqueue for unfinished send jobs and mir_free them. Leave unsent // messages in the queue as they can be acked later { SendJob *jobs = sendQueue->getJobByIndex(0); for (int i = 0; i < SendQueue::NR_SENDJOBS; i++) { if (jobs[i].hContact == m_hContact) { if (jobs[i].iStatus > (unsigned)SendQueue::SQ_INPROGRESS) sendQueue->clearJob(i); // unfinished jobs which did not yet return anything are kept in the queue. // the hwndOwner is set to 0 because the window handle is now no longer valid. // Response for such a job is still silently handled by AckMessage() (sendqueue.c) if (jobs[i].iStatus == (unsigned)SendQueue::SQ_INPROGRESS) jobs[i].hOwnerWnd = nullptr; } } } if (m_pWnd) { delete m_pWnd; m_pWnd = nullptr; } if (m_hwndTip) DestroyWindow(m_hwndTip); if (m_cache->isValid()) g_plugin.setDword("multisplit", m_iMultiSplit); int i = GetTabIndexFromHWND(m_hwndParent, m_hwnd); if (i >= 0) { SendMessage(m_hwndParent, WM_USER + 100, 0, 0); // remove tooltip TabCtrl_DeleteItem(m_hwndParent, i); m_pContainer->UpdateTabs(); m_iTabID = -1; } NotifyEvent(MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CLOSE); CSuper::OnDestroy(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Send button handler void CMsgDialog::onClick_Ok(CCtrlButton *) { if (m_bEditNotesActive) { ActivateTooltip(IDC_PIC, TranslateT("You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode")); return; } int final_sendformat; if (!isChat()) { // don't parse text formatting when the message contains curly braces - these are used by the rtf syntax // and the parser currently cannot handle them properly in the text - XXX needs to be fixed later. FINDTEXTEX fi = { 0 }; fi.chrg.cpMin = 0; fi.chrg.cpMax = -1; fi.lpstrText = L"{"; final_sendformat = m_message.SendMsg(EM_FINDTEXTEX, FR_DOWN, (LPARAM)&fi) == -1 ? m_SendFormat : 0; fi.lpstrText = L"}"; final_sendformat = m_message.SendMsg(EM_FINDTEXTEX, FR_DOWN, (LPARAM)&fi) == -1 ? final_sendformat : 0; } else final_sendformat = true; if (GetSendButtonState() == PBS_DISABLED) return; ptrA streamOut(m_message.GetRichTextRtf(!final_sendformat)); if (streamOut == nullptr) return; CMStringW decoded(ptrW(mir_utf8decodeW(streamOut))); if (decoded.IsEmpty()) return; if (isChat()) { m_cache->saveHistory(); DoRtfToTags(decoded); decoded.Trim(); if (m_si->pMI->bAckMsg) { m_message.Enable(false); m_message.SendMsg(EM_SETREADONLY, TRUE, 0); } else m_message.SetText(L""); Utils::enableDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDOK, false); // Typing support for GCW_PRIVMESS sessions if (AllowTyping()) if (m_nTypeMode == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON) DM_NotifyTyping(PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF); bool fSound = true; if (decoded[0] == '/' || m_si->iType == GCW_SERVER) fSound = false; Chat_DoEventHook(m_si, GC_USER_MESSAGE, nullptr, decoded, 0); m_si->pMI->idleTimeStamp = time(0); UpdateStatusBar(); if (m_pContainer) if (fSound && !NEN::bNoSounds && !m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bNoSound) Skin_PlaySound("SendMsg"); } else { if (final_sendformat) DoRtfToTags(decoded); decoded.TrimRight(); T2Utf utfResult(decoded); size_t memRequired = mir_strlen(utfResult) + 1; // try to detect RTL HWND hwndEdit = m_message.GetHwnd(); SendMessage(hwndEdit, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); PARAFORMAT2 pf2; memset(&pf2, 0, sizeof(PARAFORMAT2)); pf2.cbSize = sizeof(pf2); pf2.dwMask = PFM_RTLPARA; SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_GETPARAFORMAT, 0, (LPARAM)&pf2); int flags = 0; if (pf2.wEffects & PFE_RTLPARA) if (Utils_IsRtl(decoded)) flags |= PREF_RTL; SendMessage(hwndEdit, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_SETSEL, -1, -1); InvalidateRect(hwndEdit, nullptr, FALSE); if (memRequired > m_iSendBufferSize) { m_sendBuffer = (char *)mir_realloc(m_sendBuffer, memRequired); m_iSendBufferSize = memRequired; } memcpy(m_sendBuffer, (char *)utfResult, memRequired); if (memRequired == 0 || m_sendBuffer[0] == 0) return; if (m_sendMode & SMODE_CONTAINER && m_pContainer->m_hwndActive == m_hwnd && GetForegroundWindow() == m_pContainer->m_hwnd) { int tabCount = TabCtrl_GetItemCount(m_hwndParent); ptrA szFromStream(m_message.GetRichTextRtf(!m_SendFormat)); for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) { // get the contact from the tabs lparam which hopefully is the tabs hwnd so we can get its userdata.... hopefully HWND contacthwnd = GetTabWindow(m_hwndParent, i); if (IsWindow(contacthwnd)) { // if the contact hwnd is the current contact then ignore it and let the normal code deal with the msg if (contacthwnd != m_hwnd) { SETTEXTEX stx = { ST_DEFAULT, CP_UTF8 }; // send the buffer to the contacts msg typing area SendDlgItemMessage(contacthwnd, IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE, EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&stx, (LPARAM)szFromStream); SendMessage(contacthwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0); } } } } // END /all /MOD if (m_nTypeMode == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON) DM_NotifyTyping(PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF); sendQueue->addTo(this, memRequired, flags); } SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); } void CMsgDialog::onClick_Add(CCtrlButton*) { Contact::Add(m_hContact, m_hwnd); if (Contact::OnList(m_hContact)) { m_bNotOnList = false; ShowMultipleControls(m_hwnd, addControls, _countof(addControls), SW_HIDE); if (!m_bScrollingDisabled) Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT, SW_HIDE); Resize(); } } void CMsgDialog::onClick_Quote(CCtrlButton*) { SETTEXTEX stx = { ST_SELECTION, 1200 }; wchar_t *selected = m_pLog->GetSelection(); if (selected != nullptr) { ptrW szQuoted(QuoteText(selected)); m_message.SendMsg(EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&stx, (LPARAM)szQuoted); return; } MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_last(m_hContact); if (hDBEvent == 0) return; bool bUseSelection = false; if (m_iLogMode == WANT_BUILTIN_LOG) { CHARRANGE sel; LOG()->WndProc(EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&sel); if (sel.cpMin != sel.cpMax) { ptrA szFromStream(LOG()->GetRichTextRtf(true, true)); ptrW converted(mir_utf8decodeW(szFromStream)); Utils::FilterEventMarkers(converted); m_message.SendMsg(EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&stx, ptrW(QuoteText(converted))); bUseSelection = true; } } if (!bUseSelection) { DB::EventInfo dbei(hDBEvent); ptrW szConverted(DbEvent_GetTextW(&dbei, CP_ACP)); if (szConverted != nullptr) m_message.SendMsg(EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&stx, ptrW(QuoteText(szConverted))); mir_free(szConverted); } SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); } void CMsgDialog::onClick_CancelAdd(CCtrlButton*) { m_bNotOnList = false; ShowMultipleControls(m_hwnd, addControls, _countof(addControls), SW_HIDE); if (!m_bScrollingDisabled) Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT, SW_HIDE); Resize(); } void CMsgDialog::onClick_Filter(CCtrlButton *pButton) { if (!pButton->Enabled()) return; m_bFilterEnabled = !m_bFilterEnabled; UpdateFilterButton(); if (m_bFilterEnabled && !g_chatApi.bRightClickFilter) ShowFilterMenu(); else { RedrawLog(); UpdateTitle(); } } void CMsgDialog::onClick_ShowNickList(CCtrlButton *pButton) { if (!pButton->Enabled() || m_si->iType == GCW_SERVER) return; m_bNicklistEnabled = !m_bNicklistEnabled; Resize(); if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) InvalidateRect(m_hwnd, nullptr, TRUE); m_pLog->ScrollToBottom(); } void CMsgDialog::onDblClick_List(CCtrlListBox *pList) { TVHITTESTINFO hti; hti.pt.x = (short)LOWORD(GetMessagePos()); hti.pt.y = (short)HIWORD(GetMessagePos()); ScreenToClient(pList->GetHwnd(), &hti.pt); int item = LOWORD(pList->SendMsg(LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(hti.pt.x, hti.pt.y))); USERINFO *ui = g_chatApi.UM_FindUserFromIndex(m_si, item); if (ui == nullptr) return; bool bShift = (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) != 0; if (Chat::bDoubleClick4Privat ? bShift : !bShift) { int selStart = LOWORD(m_message.SendMsg(EM_GETSEL, 0, 0)); CMStringW tszName(ui->pszNick); if (selStart == 0 && mir_wstrlen(g_Settings.pwszAutoText)) tszName.Append(g_Settings.pwszAutoText); m_message.SendMsg(EM_REPLACESEL, FALSE, (LPARAM)tszName.GetString()); PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, 0, 0); SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); } else Chat_DoEventHook(m_si, GC_USER_PRIVMESS, ui, nullptr, 0); } void CMsgDialog::onChange_Message(CCtrlEdit*) { if (m_pContainer->m_hwndActive == m_hwnd) UpdateReadChars(); m_dwLastActivity = GetTickCount(); m_pContainer->m_dwLastActivity = m_dwLastActivity; UpdateSaveAndSendButton(); m_btnOk.SendMsg(BUTTONSETASNORMAL, m_message.GetRichTextLength() != 0, 0); m_btnOk.Enable(m_message.GetRichTextLength() != 0); // Typing support for GCW_PRIVMESS sessions if (AllowTyping()) { if (!(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)) { m_nLastTyping = GetTickCount(); if (GetWindowTextLength(m_message.GetHwnd())) { if (m_nTypeMode == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF) { if (!m_bInitMode) DM_NotifyTyping(PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON); } } else if (m_nTypeMode == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON) DM_NotifyTyping(PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF); } } } void CMsgDialog::onType(CTimer *) { if (AllowTyping()) DM_Typing(false); } void CMsgDialog::onFlash(CTimer *) { if (m_bCanFlashTab) FlashTab(true); } // timer to control info panel hovering void CMsgDialog::onAwayMsg(CTimer *pTimer) { pTimer->Stop(); POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); if (m_pPanel.hitTest(pt) != CInfoPanel::HTNIRVANA) ActivateTooltip(0, 0); else m_bAwayMsgTimer = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // resizer proc for the "new" layout. int CMsgDialog::Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc) { int panelHeight = m_pPanel.getHeight() + 1; bool bNick = false; bool bInfoPanel = m_pPanel.isActive(); bool bShowToolbar = (m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bHideToolbar) == 0; bool bBottomToolbar = (m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bBottomToolbar) != 0; int iSplitterX = m_pContainer->cfg.iSplitterX; RECT rcButton; GetClientRect(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_PROTOCOL), &rcButton); if (m_bIsAutosizingInput) Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERY, SW_HIDE); if (m_panelStatusCX == 0) m_panelStatusCX = 80; if (isChat()) { if (m_si->iType != GCW_SERVER) { m_nickList.Show(m_bNicklistEnabled); Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERX, m_bNicklistEnabled ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); m_btnNickList.Enable(); if (m_si->iType == GCW_CHATROOM) m_btnChannelMgr.Enable(m_si->pMI->bChanMgr); } else { m_nickList.Hide(); Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERX, SW_HIDE); m_btnNickList.Disable(); m_btnFilter.Disable(); m_btnChannelMgr.Disable(); } bNick = m_si->iType != GCW_SERVER && m_bNicklistEnabled; } switch (urc->wId) { case IDC_PANELSPLITTER: urc->rcItem.bottom = panelHeight; urc->rcItem.top = panelHeight - 2; return RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH | RD_ANCHORY_TOP; case IDC_SRMM_LOG: if (isChat()) { urc->rcItem.top = 0; urc->rcItem.left = 0; urc->rcItem.right = bNick ? urc->dlgNewSize.cx - iSplitterX : urc->dlgNewSize.cx; urc->rcItem.bottom = urc->dlgNewSize.cy - m_iSplitterY; if (!bShowToolbar || bBottomToolbar) urc->rcItem.bottom += DPISCALEY_S(21); if (bInfoPanel) urc->rcItem.top += panelHeight; if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) { CSkinItem *item = &SkinItems[ID_EXTBKHISTORY]; if (!item->IGNORED) { urc->rcItem.left += item->MARGIN_LEFT; urc->rcItem.right -= item->MARGIN_RIGHT; urc->rcItem.top += item->MARGIN_TOP; urc->rcItem.bottom -= item->MARGIN_BOTTOM; } } return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_CUSTOM; } if (m_bErrorState) urc->rcItem.bottom -= ERRORPANEL_HEIGHT; if (m_bScrollingDisabled || m_bNotOnList) urc->rcItem.bottom -= 20; if (m_sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE) urc->rcItem.right -= (m_iMultiSplit + 3); urc->rcItem.bottom -= m_iSplitterY - m_originalSplitterY; if (!bShowToolbar || bBottomToolbar) urc->rcItem.bottom += DPISCALEY_S(21); if (bInfoPanel) urc->rcItem.top += panelHeight; urc->rcItem.bottom += 3; if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) { CSkinItem *item = &SkinItems[ID_EXTBKHISTORY]; if (!item->IGNORED) { urc->rcItem.left += item->MARGIN_LEFT; urc->rcItem.right -= item->MARGIN_RIGHT; urc->rcItem.top += item->MARGIN_TOP; urc->rcItem.bottom -= item->MARGIN_BOTTOM; } } rcLogBottom = urc->rcItem.bottom; return RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH | RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT; case IDC_SRMM_NICKLIST: urc->rcItem.top = 0; urc->rcItem.right = urc->dlgNewSize.cx; urc->rcItem.left = urc->dlgNewSize.cx - iSplitterX + 2; urc->rcItem.bottom = urc->dlgNewSize.cy - m_iSplitterY; if (!bShowToolbar || bBottomToolbar) urc->rcItem.bottom += DPISCALEY_S(21); if (bInfoPanel) urc->rcItem.top += panelHeight; if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) { CSkinItem *item = &SkinItems[ID_EXTBKUSERLIST]; if (!item->IGNORED) { urc->rcItem.left += item->MARGIN_LEFT; urc->rcItem.right -= item->MARGIN_RIGHT; urc->rcItem.top += item->MARGIN_TOP; urc->rcItem.bottom -= item->MARGIN_BOTTOM; } } return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_CUSTOM; case IDC_CONTACTPIC: RECT rc; GetClientRect(m_message.GetHwnd(), &rc); urc->rcItem.top -= m_iSplitterY - m_originalSplitterY; urc->rcItem.left = urc->rcItem.right - (m_pic.cx + 2); if ((urc->rcItem.bottom - urc->rcItem.top) < (m_pic.cy/* + 2*/) && m_bShowAvatar) { urc->rcItem.top = urc->rcItem.bottom - m_pic.cy; m_bUseOffset = true; } else m_bUseOffset = false; if (bShowToolbar && bBottomToolbar && (PluginConfig.m_bAlwaysFullToolbarWidth || ((m_pic.cy - DPISCALEY_S(6)) < rc.bottom))) { urc->rcItem.bottom -= DPISCALEY_S(22); if (m_bIsAutosizingInput) { urc->rcItem.left--; urc->rcItem.top--; } } if (m_hwndContactPic) //if m_pPanel control was created? SetWindowPos(m_hwndContactPic, HWND_TOP, 1, ((urc->rcItem.bottom - urc->rcItem.top) - (m_pic.cy)) / 2 + 1, //resizes it m_pic.cx - 2, m_pic.cy - 2, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); return RD_ANCHORX_RIGHT | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; case IDC_SPLITTERX: urc->rcItem.right = urc->dlgNewSize.cx - iSplitterX + 2; urc->rcItem.left = urc->dlgNewSize.cx - iSplitterX; urc->rcItem.bottom = urc->dlgNewSize.cy - m_iSplitterY; if (!bShowToolbar || bBottomToolbar) urc->rcItem.bottom += DPISCALEY_S(21); urc->rcItem.top = 0; if (bInfoPanel) urc->rcItem.top += panelHeight; return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_CUSTOM; case IDC_SPLITTERY: urc->rcItem.right = urc->dlgNewSize.cx; if (isChat()) { urc->rcItem.top = urc->dlgNewSize.cy - m_iSplitterY + DPISCALEY_S(23); urc->rcItem.bottom = urc->rcItem.top + DPISCALEY_S(2); urc->rcItem.left = 0; urc->rcItem.bottom++; urc->rcItem.top++; return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_CUSTOM; } urc->rcItem.top -= m_iSplitterY - m_originalSplitterY; urc->rcItem.bottom = urc->rcItem.top + DPISCALEY_S(2); OffsetRect(&urc->rcItem, 0, 1); urc->rcItem.left = 0; if (m_bUseOffset) urc->rcItem.right -= (m_pic.cx); // + DPISCALEX(2)); return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; case IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE: urc->rcItem.right = urc->dlgNewSize.cx; if (m_bShowAvatar) urc->rcItem.right -= m_pic.cx + 2; if (isChat()) { urc->rcItem.bottom = urc->dlgNewSize.cy; urc->rcItem.top = urc->dlgNewSize.cy - m_iSplitterY + 3 + DPISCALEY_S(23); } else { urc->rcItem.top -= m_iSplitterY - m_originalSplitterY; } if (bBottomToolbar && bShowToolbar) urc->rcItem.bottom -= DPISCALEY_S(22); if (m_bIsAutosizingInput) urc->rcItem.top -= DPISCALEY_S(1); msgTop = urc->rcItem.top; if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) { CSkinItem *item = &SkinItems[ID_EXTBKINPUTAREA]; if (!item->IGNORED) { urc->rcItem.left += item->MARGIN_LEFT; urc->rcItem.right -= item->MARGIN_RIGHT; urc->rcItem.top += item->MARGIN_TOP; urc->rcItem.bottom -= item->MARGIN_BOTTOM; } } if (isChat()) return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_CUSTOM; return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; case IDC_MULTISPLITTER: if (bInfoPanel) urc->rcItem.top += panelHeight; urc->rcItem.left -= m_iMultiSplit; urc->rcItem.right -= m_iMultiSplit; urc->rcItem.bottom = rcLogBottom; return RD_ANCHORX_RIGHT | RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT; case IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT: urc->rcItem.right = urc->dlgNewSize.cx - 50; urc->rcItem.bottom = msgTop - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28); urc->rcItem.top = msgTop - 16 - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28); if (!bShowToolbar && !bBottomToolbar) { urc->rcItem.bottom += 21; urc->rcItem.top += 21; } return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; case IDC_ADD: urc->rcItem.bottom = msgTop - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28); urc->rcItem.top = msgTop - 18 - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28); urc->rcItem.right = urc->dlgNewSize.cx - 28; urc->rcItem.left = urc->rcItem.right - 20; if (!bShowToolbar && !bBottomToolbar) { urc->rcItem.bottom += 21; urc->rcItem.top += 21; } return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; case IDC_CANCELADD: urc->rcItem.bottom = msgTop - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28); urc->rcItem.top = msgTop - 18 - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28); urc->rcItem.right = urc->dlgNewSize.cx - 4; urc->rcItem.left = urc->rcItem.right - 20; if (!bShowToolbar && !bBottomToolbar) { urc->rcItem.bottom += 21; urc->rcItem.top += 21; } return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; case IDC_TOGGLESIDEBAR: return RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM | RD_ANCHORY_CUSTOM; case IDC_RETRY: case IDC_CANCELSEND: case IDC_MSGSENDLATER: if (m_bErrorState) { urc->rcItem.bottom = msgTop - 5 - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28) - ((m_bNotOnList || m_bScrollingDisabled) ? 20 : 0); urc->rcItem.top = msgTop - 25 - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28) - ((m_bNotOnList || m_bScrollingDisabled) ? 20 : 0); } if (!bShowToolbar && !bBottomToolbar) { urc->rcItem.bottom += 21; urc->rcItem.top += 21; } return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; case IDC_STATICTEXT: case IDC_STATICERRORICON: if (m_bErrorState) { urc->rcItem.bottom = msgTop - 28 - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28) - ((m_bNotOnList || m_bScrollingDisabled) ? 20 : 0); urc->rcItem.top = msgTop - 45 - (bBottomToolbar ? 0 : 28) - ((m_bNotOnList || m_bScrollingDisabled) ? 20 : 0); } if (!bShowToolbar && !bBottomToolbar) { urc->rcItem.bottom += 21; urc->rcItem.top += 21; } return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; } return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // message filter int CMsgDialog::OnFilter(MSGFILTER *pFilter) { uint32_t msg = pFilter->msg; WPARAM wp = pFilter->wParam; LPARAM lp = pFilter->lParam; bool isCtrl, isShift, isAlt; KbdState(isShift, isCtrl, isAlt); if (msg == WM_SYSKEYUP) { if (wp == VK_MENU) if (!m_bkeyProcessed && !(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) && !(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) && !(lp & (1 << 24))) m_pContainer->m_pMenuBar->autoShow(); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 0); } if ((msg == WM_KEYDOWN || msg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) && !(GetKeyState(VK_RMENU) & 0x8000)) { MSG message = { m_hwnd, msg, wp, lp }; LRESULT mim_hotkey_check = Hotkey_Check(&message, isChat() ? TABSRMM_HK_SECTION_GC : TABSRMM_HK_SECTION_IM); if (mim_hotkey_check) m_bkeyProcessed = true; switch (mim_hotkey_check) { case TABSRMM_HK_CHANNELMGR: m_btnChannelMgr.Click(); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_FILTERTOGGLE: m_btnFilter.Click(); InvalidateRect(m_btnFilter.GetHwnd(), nullptr, TRUE); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_LISTTOGGLE: m_btnNickList.Click(); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_MUC_SHOWSERVER: if (m_si->iType != GCW_SERVER) Chat_DoEventHook(m_si, GC_USER_MESSAGE, nullptr, L"/servershow", 0); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_SETUSERPREFS: CallService(MS_TABMSG_SETUSERPREFS, m_hContact, 0); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_SENDFILE: CallService(MS_FILE_SENDFILE, m_hContact, 0); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_QUOTEMSG: SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDC_QUOTE, 0); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_CLEARMSG: m_message.SetText(L""); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_USERMENU: SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDC_PROTOCOL, 0); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_SENDMENU: SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDC_SENDMENU, IDC_SENDMENU); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_PROTOMENU: SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDC_PROTOMENU, IDC_PROTOMENU); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_USERDETAILS: SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(IDC_NAME, BN_CLICKED), 0); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_EDITNOTES: PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(IDC_PIC, BN_CLICKED), 0); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_TOGGLESENDLATER: if (SendLater::Avail) { m_sendMode ^= SMODE_SENDLATER; SetWindowPos(m_message.GetHwnd(), nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_DRAWFRAME | SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOCOPYBITS); RedrawWindow(m_hwnd, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } else CWarning::show(CWarning::WARN_NO_SENDLATER, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_TOGGLERTL: m_dwFlags ^= MWF_LOG_RTL; { uint32_t dwGlobal = M.GetDword("mwflags", MWF_LOG_DEFAULT); uint32_t dwMask = M.GetDword(m_hContact, "mwmask", 0); uint32_t dwFlags = M.GetDword(m_hContact, "mwflags", 0); if ((dwGlobal & MWF_LOG_RTL) != (dwFlags & MWF_LOG_RTL)) { dwMask |= MWF_LOG_RTL; dwFlags |= (dwFlags & MWF_LOG_RTL); } else { dwMask &= ~MWF_LOG_RTL; dwFlags &= ~MWF_LOG_RTL; } if (dwMask) { db_set_dw(m_hContact, SRMSGMOD_T, "mwmask", dwMask); db_set_dw(m_hContact, SRMSGMOD_T, "mwflags", dwFlags); } else { db_unset(m_hContact, SRMSGMOD_T, "mwmask"); db_unset(m_hContact, SRMSGMOD_T, "mwflags"); } DM_OptionsApplied(); RemakeLog(); } return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case TABSRMM_HK_TOGGLEMULTISEND: m_sendMode ^= SMODE_MULTIPLE; if (m_sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE) DM_CreateClist(); else if (IsWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CLIST))) DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CLIST)); HWND hwndEdit = m_message.GetHwnd(); SetWindowPos(hwndEdit, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); Resize(); RedrawWindow(hwndEdit, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_ERASE); DM_ScrollToBottom(0, 0); Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_MULTISPLITTER, (m_sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_CLIST, (m_sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); if (m_sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE) SetFocus(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CLIST)); else SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); RedrawWindow(m_hwnd, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (DM_GenericHotkeysCheck(&message)) { m_bkeyProcessed = true; return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } } if (wp == VK_BROWSER_BACK || wp == VK_BROWSER_FORWARD) return 1; if (msg == WM_CHAR) { if (isCtrl && !isShift && !isAlt) { switch (wp) { case 23: // ctrl - w PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 1, 0); break; case 20: // ctrl - t PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDC_TOGGLETOOLBAR, 1); break; } return 1; } } if (msg == WM_KEYDOWN) { if ((wp == VK_INSERT && isShift && !isCtrl) || (wp == 'V' && isCtrl && !isShift && !isAlt)) { m_message.SendMsg(EM_PASTESPECIAL, CF_UNICODETEXT, 0); _clrMsgFilter(pFilter); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (isCtrl && isShift) { if (wp == 0x9) { // ctrl-shift tab m_pContainer->SelectTab(DM_SELECT_PREV); _clrMsgFilter(pFilter); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } } if (isCtrl && !isShift && !isAlt) { if (wp == VK_TAB) { m_pContainer->SelectTab(DM_SELECT_NEXT); _clrMsgFilter(pFilter); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (wp == VK_F4) { PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 1, 0); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (wp == VK_PRIOR) { m_pContainer->SelectTab(DM_SELECT_PREV); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (wp == VK_NEXT) { m_pContainer->SelectTab(DM_SELECT_NEXT); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } } } if (msg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN && isAlt) { if (wp == 0x52) { m_pContainer->QueryPending(); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (wp == VK_MULTIPLY) { SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (wp == VK_DIVIDE) { SetFocus(m_pLog->GetHwnd()); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (wp == VK_ADD) { m_pContainer->SelectTab(DM_SELECT_NEXT); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (wp == VK_SUBTRACT) { m_pContainer->SelectTab(DM_SELECT_PREV); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } } if (msg == WM_KEYDOWN && wp == VK_F12) { if (isShift || isCtrl || isAlt) return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); m_bScrollingDisabled = !m_bScrollingDisabled; Utils::showDlgControl(m_hwnd, IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT, (m_bNotOnList || m_bScrollingDisabled) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); if (!m_bScrollingDisabled) SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT, TranslateT("Contact not on list. You may add it...")); else SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_LOGFROZENTEXT, TranslateT("Auto scrolling is disabled (press F12 to enable it)")); Resize(); DM_ScrollToBottom(1, 1); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } // tabulation mod if (msg == WM_KEYDOWN && wp == VK_TAB) { if (g_plugin.bAllowTab) { if (pFilter->nmhdr.idFrom == IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE) m_message.SendMsg(EM_REPLACESEL, FALSE, (LPARAM)"\t"); _clrMsgFilter(pFilter); if (pFilter->nmhdr.idFrom != IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE) SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (pFilter->nmhdr.idFrom == IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE) { if (GetSendButtonState() != PBS_DISABLED && !m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bHideToolbar) SetFocus(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDOK)); else SetFocus(m_pLog->GetHwnd()); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } if (pFilter->nmhdr.idFrom == IDC_SRMM_LOG) { SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); } return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 0); } if (msg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL && (pFilter->nmhdr.idFrom == IDC_SRMM_LOG || pFilter->nmhdr.idFrom == IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE)) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); RECT rc; GetWindowRect(m_pLog->GetHwnd(), &rc); if (PtInRect(&rc, pt)) { short wDirection = (short)HIWORD(wp); if (LOWORD(wp) & MK_SHIFT) { if (wDirection < 0) LOG()->WndProc(WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_PAGEDOWN, 0), 0); else if (wDirection > 0) LOG()->WndProc(WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_PAGEUP, 0), 0); return 0; } return 0; } return 1; } if (msg == WM_CHAR && wp == 'c') { if (isCtrl) { SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, pFilter->nmhdr.code, WM_COPY, 0, 0); return 0; } } if ((msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || msg == WM_KEYUP || msg == WM_LBUTTONUP) && pFilter->nmhdr.idFrom == IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE) { int bBold = IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_SRMM_BOLD); int bItalic = IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_SRMM_ITALICS); int bUnder = IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_SRMM_UNDERLINE); int bStrikeout = IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_FONTSTRIKEOUT); CHARFORMAT2 cf2; cf2.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT2); cf2.dwMask = CFM_BOLD | CFM_ITALIC | CFM_UNDERLINE | CFM_UNDERLINETYPE | CFM_STRIKEOUT; cf2.dwEffects = 0; m_message.SendMsg(EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&cf2); if (cf2.dwEffects & CFE_BOLD) { if (bBold == BST_UNCHECKED) CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_SRMM_BOLD, BST_CHECKED); } else if (bBold == BST_CHECKED) CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_SRMM_BOLD, BST_UNCHECKED); if (cf2.dwEffects & CFE_ITALIC) { if (bItalic == BST_UNCHECKED) CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_SRMM_ITALICS, BST_CHECKED); } else if (bItalic == BST_CHECKED) CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_SRMM_ITALICS, BST_UNCHECKED); if (cf2.dwEffects & CFE_UNDERLINE && (cf2.bUnderlineType & CFU_UNDERLINE || cf2.bUnderlineType & CFU_UNDERLINEWORD)) { if (bUnder == BST_UNCHECKED) CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_SRMM_UNDERLINE, BST_CHECKED); } else if (bUnder == BST_CHECKED) CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_SRMM_UNDERLINE, BST_UNCHECKED); if (cf2.dwEffects & CFE_STRIKEOUT) { if (bStrikeout == BST_UNCHECKED) CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_FONTSTRIKEOUT, BST_CHECKED); } else if (bStrikeout == BST_CHECKED) CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_FONTSTRIKEOUT, BST_UNCHECKED); } switch (msg) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { HCURSOR hCur = GetCursor(); m_pContainer->m_pMenuBar->Cancel(); if (hCur == PluginConfig.hCurSplitNS || hCur == PluginConfig.hCurSplitWE || hCur == PluginConfig.hCurSplitSW || hCur == PluginConfig.hCurSplitWSE) { SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, TRUE); return TRUE; } } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: // auto-select-and-copy handling... // if enabled, releasing the lmb with an active selection automatically copies the selection // to the clipboard. // holding ctrl while releasing the button pastes the selection to the input area, using plain text // holding ctrl-alt does the same, but pastes formatted text if (pFilter->nmhdr.idFrom == IDC_SRMM_LOG && g_plugin.bAutoCopy) { CHARRANGE cr; LOG()->WndProc(EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&cr); if (cr.cpMax == cr.cpMin) break; cr.cpMin = cr.cpMax; if (isCtrl) { SETTEXTEX stx = { ST_KEEPUNDO | ST_SELECTION, CP_UTF8 }; ptrA streamOut(LOG()->GetRichTextRtf(!isAlt, true)); if (streamOut) { Utils::FilterEventMarkers(streamOut); m_message.SendMsg(EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&stx, (LPARAM)streamOut); } SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); } else if (!isShift) { LOG()->WndProc(WM_COPY, 0, 0); SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); if (m_pContainer->m_hwndStatus) SendMessage(m_pContainer->m_hwndStatus, SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Selection copied to clipboard")); } } break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: return _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, 1); case WM_MOUSEMOVE: POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); DM_DismissTip(pt); m_pPanel.trackMouse(pt); HCURSOR hCur = GetCursor(); if (hCur == PluginConfig.hCurSplitNS || hCur == PluginConfig.hCurSplitWE || hCur == PluginConfig.hCurSplitSW || hCur == PluginConfig.hCurSplitWSE) SetCursor(LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW)); break; } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LRESULT CMsgDialog::WndProc_Message(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { bool isCtrl, isShift, isAlt; // prevent the rich edit from switching text direction or keyboard layout when // using hotkeys with ctrl-shift or alt-shift modifiers if (m_bkeyProcessed && (msg == WM_KEYUP)) { GetKeyboardState(kstate); if (kstate[VK_CONTROL] & 0x80 || kstate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80) return 0; m_bkeyProcessed = false; return 0; } switch (msg) { case WM_NCCALCSIZE: return CSkin::NcCalcRichEditFrame(m_message.GetHwnd(), this, ID_EXTBKINPUTAREA, msg, wParam, lParam, stubMessageProc); case WM_NCPAINT: return CSkin::DrawRichEditFrame(m_message.GetHwnd(), this, ID_EXTBKINPUTAREA, msg, wParam, lParam, stubMessageProc); case WM_DROPFILES: SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_DROPFILES, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_CHAR: KbdState(isShift, isCtrl, isAlt); if (!isAlt && !isCtrl && !m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bNoSound && wParam != VK_ESCAPE && !(wParam == VK_TAB && g_plugin.bAllowTab)) Skin_PlaySound("SoundOnTyping"); break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if (DM_MouseWheelHandler(wParam, lParam) == 0) return 0; break; case EM_PASTESPECIAL: case WM_PASTE: if (OpenClipboard(m_message.GetHwnd())) { HANDLE hClip = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if (hClip) { size_t iMaxSize = m_cache->getMaxMessageLength(); if (mir_strlen((char*)hClip) > iMaxSize) { wchar_t szBuffer[512]; if (M.GetByte("autosplit", 0)) mir_snwprintf(szBuffer, TranslateT("WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters"), iMaxSize - 10); else mir_snwprintf(szBuffer, TranslateT("The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. Only the first %d characters will be sent."), iMaxSize); ActivateTooltip(IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE, szBuffer); } } else if (hClip = GetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP)) SendHBitmapAsFile((HBITMAP)hClip); else if (hClip = GetClipboardData(CF_HDROP)) SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_DROPFILES, WPARAM(hClip), 0); CloseClipboard(); } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: KbdState(isShift, isCtrl, isAlt); if (!isAlt && !m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bNoSound && wParam == VK_DELETE) Skin_PlaySound("SoundOnTyping"); if (wParam == VK_INSERT && !isShift && !isCtrl && !isAlt) { m_bInsertMode = !m_bInsertMode; m_message.OnChange(&m_message); } if (wParam == VK_CAPITAL || wParam == VK_NUMLOCK) m_message.OnChange(&m_message); if (isChat()) { // tab-autocomplete if (wParam == VK_TAB && !isCtrl && !isShift) { // if tab acts as a key pressing, simply do nothing if (g_plugin.bAllowTab) break; m_message.SetDraw(false); bool fCompleted = TabAutoComplete(); m_message.SetDraw(true); RedrawWindow(m_message.GetHwnd(), nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE); if (!fCompleted) { if ((GetSendButtonState() != PBS_DISABLED)) SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); else SetFocus(m_pLog->GetHwnd()); } return 0; } if (wParam != VK_ESCAPE) if (ProcessHotkeys(wParam, isShift, isCtrl, isAlt)) return 0; } if (wParam != VK_RIGHT && wParam != VK_LEFT) { replaceStrW(m_wszSearchQuery, nullptr); replaceStrW(m_wszSearchResult, nullptr); } if (wParam == VK_RETURN && m_bEditNotesActive) break; if (isCtrl && !isAlt && !isShift) { if (wParam == VK_UP || wParam == VK_DOWN) { // input history scrolling (ctrl-up / down) m_cache->inputHistoryEvent(wParam); return 0; } } if (isCtrl && isAlt && !isShift) { switch (wParam) { case VK_UP: case VK_DOWN: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_NEXT: case VK_HOME: case VK_END: WPARAM wp = 0; if (wParam == VK_UP) wp = MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEUP, 0); else if (wParam == VK_PRIOR) wp = MAKEWPARAM(SB_PAGEUP, 0); else if (wParam == VK_NEXT) wp = MAKEWPARAM(SB_PAGEDOWN, 0); else if (wParam == VK_HOME) wp = MAKEWPARAM(SB_TOP, 0); else if (wParam == VK_END) { DM_ScrollToBottom(0, 0); return 0; } else if (wParam == VK_DOWN) wp = MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEDOWN, 0); LOG()->WndProc(WM_VSCROLL, wp, 0); return 0; } } case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: m_bkeyProcessed = false; if (ProcessHotkeysByMsgFilter(m_message, msg, wParam, lParam)) { m_bkeyProcessed = true; return 0; } break; case WM_SYSKEYUP: if (wParam == VK_MENU) { ProcessHotkeysByMsgFilter(m_message, msg, wParam, lParam); return 0; } break; case WM_SYSCHAR: if (m_bkeyProcessed) { m_bkeyProcessed = false; return 0; } KbdState(isShift, isCtrl, isAlt); if ((wParam >= '0' && wParam <= '9') && isAlt) { // ALT-1 -> ALT-0 direct tab selection uint8_t bChar = (uint8_t)wParam; int iIndex; if (bChar == '0') iIndex = 10; else iIndex = bChar - (uint8_t)'0'; m_pContainer->SelectTab(DM_SELECT_BY_INDEX, iIndex); return 0; } break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: return !CSkin::m_skinEnabled; // sent by smileyadd when the smiley selection window dies // just grab the focus :) case WM_USER + 100: SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); break; case WM_CONTEXTMENU: POINT pt; if (lParam == 0xFFFFFFFF) { CHARRANGE sel; m_message.SendMsg(EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&sel); m_message.SendMsg(EM_POSFROMCHAR, (WPARAM)&pt, (LPARAM)sel.cpMax); ClientToScreen(m_message.GetHwnd(), &pt); } else { pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); } ShowPopupMenu(m_message, pt); return TRUE; } return CSuper::WndProc_Message(msg, wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // subclassing for the nickname list control.It is an ownerdrawn listbox LRESULT CMsgDialog::WndProc_Nicklist(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_NCCALCSIZE: if (CSkin::m_DisableScrollbars) { RECT lpRect; GetClientRect(m_nickList.GetHwnd(), &lpRect); LONG itemHeight = m_nickList.SendMsg(LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0); g_cLinesPerPage = (lpRect.bottom - lpRect.top) / itemHeight; } return CSkin::NcCalcRichEditFrame(m_nickList.GetHwnd(), this, ID_EXTBKUSERLIST, msg, wParam, lParam, stubNicklistProc); case WM_NCPAINT: return CSkin::DrawRichEditFrame(m_nickList.GetHwnd(), this, ID_EXTBKUSERLIST, msg, wParam, lParam, stubNicklistProc); case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if (CSkin::m_DisableScrollbars) { UINT uScroll; short zDelta = (short)HIWORD(wParam); if (!SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0, &uScroll, 0)) uScroll = 3; /* default value */ if (uScroll == WHEEL_PAGESCROLL) uScroll = g_cLinesPerPage; if (uScroll == 0) return 0; zDelta += g_iWheelCarryover; /* Accumulate wheel motion */ int dLines = zDelta * (int)uScroll / WHEEL_DELTA; //Record the unused portion as the next carryover. g_iWheelCarryover = zDelta - dLines * WHEEL_DELTA / (int)uScroll; // scrolling. while (abs(dLines)) { if (dLines > 0) { m_nickList.SendMsg(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0); dLines--; } else { m_nickList.SendMsg(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0); dLines++; } } return 0; } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: if (wParam == 0x57 && GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { // ctrl-w (close window) PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 1); return TRUE; } if (wParam == VK_ESCAPE || wParam == VK_UP || wParam == VK_DOWN || wParam == VK_NEXT || wParam == VK_PRIOR || wParam == VK_TAB || wParam == VK_HOME || wParam == VK_END) { m_wszSearch[0] = 0; m_iSearchItem = -1; } break; case WM_SETFOCUS: case WM_KILLFOCUS: m_wszSearch[0] = 0; m_iSearchItem = -1; break; case WM_CHAR: case WM_UNICHAR: // simple incremental search for the user (nick) - list control // typing esc or movement keys will clear the current search string if (wParam == 27 && m_wszSearch[0]) { // escape - reset everything m_wszSearch[0] = 0; m_iSearchItem = -1; break; } if (wParam == '\b' && m_wszSearch[0]) // backspace m_wszSearch[mir_wstrlen(m_wszSearch) - 1] = '\0'; else if (wParam < ' ') break; else { if (mir_wstrlen(m_wszSearch) >= _countof(m_wszSearch) - 2) { MessageBeep(MB_OK); break; } wchar_t szNew[2]; szNew[0] = (wchar_t)wParam; szNew[1] = '\0'; mir_wstrcat(m_wszSearch, szNew); } if (m_wszSearch[0]) { // iterate over the (sorted) list of nicknames and search for the // string we have int i, iItems = m_nickList.SendMsg(LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < iItems; i++) { USERINFO *ui = g_chatApi.UM_FindUserFromIndex(m_si, i); if (ui) { if (!wcsnicmp(ui->pszNick, m_wszSearch, mir_wstrlen(m_wszSearch))) { m_nickList.SendMsg(LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1); m_nickList.SendMsg(LB_SETSEL, TRUE, i); m_iSearchItem = i; InvalidateRect(m_nickList.GetHwnd(), nullptr, FALSE); return 0; } } } if (i == iItems) { MessageBeep(MB_OK); m_wszSearch[mir_wstrlen(m_wszSearch) - 1] = '\0'; return 0; } } break; } return CSuper::WndProc_Nicklist(msg, wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dialog procedure INT_PTR CMsgDialog::DlgProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pt, tmp, cur; RECT rc; switch (uMsg) { case WM_ERASEBKGND: RECT rcClient, rcWindow; { HDC hdc = (HDC)wParam; HDC hdcMem = nullptr; HBITMAP hbm, hbmOld; HANDLE hpb = nullptr; GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rcClient); uint32_t cx = rcClient.right - rcClient.left; uint32_t cy = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top; if (CMimAPI::m_haveBufferedPaint) { hpb = CMimAPI::m_pfnBeginBufferedPaint(hdc, &rcClient, BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, nullptr, &hdcMem); hbm = hbmOld = nullptr; } else { hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); hbm = CSkin::CreateAeroCompatibleBitmap(rcClient, hdc); hbmOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcMem, hbm); } bool bAero = M.isAero(); if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) { UINT item_ids[] = { ID_EXTBKUSERLIST, ID_EXTBKHISTORY, ID_EXTBKINPUTAREA }; UINT ctl_ids[] = { IDC_SRMM_NICKLIST, IDC_SRMM_LOG, IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE }; BOOL isEditNotesReason = m_bEditNotesActive; BOOL isSendLaterReason = (m_sendMode & SMODE_SENDLATER); BOOL isMultipleReason = (m_sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE || m_sendMode & SMODE_CONTAINER); CSkin::SkinDrawBG(m_hwnd, m_pContainer->m_hwnd, m_pContainer, &rcClient, hdcMem); for (int i = 0; i < _countof(item_ids); i++) { CSkinItem *item = &SkinItems[item_ids[i]]; if (!item->IGNORED) { GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, ctl_ids[i]), &rcWindow); pt.x = rcWindow.left; pt.y = rcWindow.top; ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, &pt); rc.left = pt.x - item->MARGIN_LEFT; rc.top = pt.y - item->MARGIN_TOP; rc.right = rc.left + item->MARGIN_RIGHT + (rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left) + item->MARGIN_LEFT; rc.bottom = rc.top + item->MARGIN_BOTTOM + (rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top) + item->MARGIN_TOP; if (item_ids[i] == ID_EXTBKINPUTAREA && (isMultipleReason || isEditNotesReason || isSendLaterReason)) { HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush(isMultipleReason ? RGB(255, 130, 130) : (isEditNotesReason ? RGB(80, 255, 80) : RGB(80, 80, 255))); FillRect(hdcMem, &rc, br); DeleteObject(br); } else CSkin::DrawItem(hdcMem, &rc, item); } } } else { CSkin::FillBack(hdcMem, &rcClient); if (M.isAero()) { LONG temp = rcClient.bottom; rcClient.bottom = m_pPanel.isActive() ? m_pPanel.getHeight() + 5 : 5; FillRect(hdcMem, &rcClient, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); rcClient.bottom = temp; } } // draw the (new) infopanel background. Use the gradient from the statusitem. GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc); m_pPanel.renderBG(hdcMem, rc, &SkinItems[ID_EXTBKINFOPANELBG], bAero); // draw aero related stuff if (!CSkin::m_skinEnabled) RenderToolbarBG(hdcMem, rcClient); // render info panel fields m_pPanel.renderContent(hdcMem); if (hpb) CSkin::FinalizeBufferedPaint(hpb, &rcClient); else { BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, cx, cy, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); DeleteObject(hbm); DeleteDC(hdcMem); } if (!m_fLimitedUpdate) m_pContainer->SetAeroMargins(); } return 1; case WM_NCPAINT: if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) return 0; break; case WM_PAINT: PAINTSTRUCT ps; BeginPaint(m_hwnd, &ps); EndPaint(m_hwnd, &ps); return 0; case WM_SIZE: if (wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED) m_pLog->ScrollToBottom(); if (!IsIconic(m_hwnd)) { if (m_ipFieldHeight == 0) m_ipFieldHeight = CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.height2; if (m_pContainer->m_uChildMinHeight > 0 && HIWORD(lParam) >= m_pContainer->m_uChildMinHeight) { if (m_iSplitterY > HIWORD(lParam) - DPISCALEY_S(MINLOGHEIGHT)) { m_iSplitterY = HIWORD(lParam) - DPISCALEY_S(MINLOGHEIGHT); m_dynaSplitter = m_iSplitterY - DPISCALEY_S(34); DM_RecalcPictureSize(); } if (m_iSplitterY < DPISCALEY_S(MINSPLITTERY)) LoadSplitter(); } if (m_si == nullptr) { HBITMAP hbm = ((m_pPanel.isActive()) && m_pContainer->cfg.avatarMode != 3) ? m_hOwnPic : (m_ace ? m_ace->hbmPic : PluginConfig.g_hbmUnknown); if (hbm != nullptr) { BITMAP bminfo; GetObject(hbm, sizeof(bminfo), &bminfo); CalcDynamicAvatarSize(&bminfo); } } GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc); CSuper::DlgProc(uMsg, 0, 0); // call basic window resizer BB_SetButtonsPos(); // size info panel fields if (m_pPanel.isActive()) { LONG cx = rc.right; LONG panelHeight = m_pPanel.getHeight(); HBITMAP hbm = (m_pContainer->cfg.avatarMode == 3) ? m_hOwnPic : (m_ace ? m_ace->hbmPic : PluginConfig.g_hbmUnknown); double dHeight = 0, dWidth = 0; Utils::scaleAvatarHeightLimited(hbm, dWidth, dHeight, panelHeight - 2); m_iPanelAvatarX = (int)dWidth; m_iPanelAvatarY = (int)dHeight; rc.top = 1; rc.left = cx - m_iPanelAvatarX; rc.bottom = panelHeight - (CSkin::m_bAvatarBorderType ? 2 : 0); rc.right = cx; m_rcPic = rc; if (m_bShowInfoAvatar) { SetWindowPos(m_hwndPanelPicParent, HWND_TOP, rc.left - 2, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top + 1, 0); ShowWindow(m_hwndPanelPicParent, (m_iPanelAvatarX == 0) || !m_pPanel.isActive() ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); } else { ShowWindow(m_hwndPanelPicParent, SW_HIDE); m_iPanelAvatarX = m_iPanelAvatarY = 0; } rc.right = cx - m_iPanelAvatarX; rc.left = rc.right - m_panelStatusCX; rc.bottom = panelHeight - 3; rc.top = rc.bottom - m_ipFieldHeight; m_rcStatus = rc; rc.left = CInfoPanel::LEFT_OFFSET_LOGO; rc.right = cx - m_iPanelAvatarX - (panelHeight < CInfoPanel::DEGRADE_THRESHOLD ? (m_rcStatus.right - m_rcStatus.left) + 3 : 0); rc.bottom = panelHeight - (panelHeight >= CInfoPanel::DEGRADE_THRESHOLD ? m_ipFieldHeight : 0) - 1; rc.top = 1; m_rcNick = rc; rc.left = CInfoPanel::LEFT_OFFSET_LOGO; rc.right = cx - (m_iPanelAvatarX + 2) - m_panelStatusCX; rc.bottom = panelHeight - 3; rc.top = rc.bottom - m_ipFieldHeight; m_rcUIN = rc; m_pPanel.Invalidate(); } if (GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CLIST) != nullptr) { RECT rcLog; GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rcClient); GetClientRect(m_pLog->GetHwnd(), &rcLog); rc.top = 0; rc.right = rcClient.right; rc.left = rcClient.right - m_iMultiSplit; rc.bottom = rcLog.bottom; if (m_pPanel.isActive()) rc.top += (m_pPanel.getHeight() + 1); MoveWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CLIST), rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rcLog.bottom - rcLog.top, FALSE); } m_pLog->Resize(); DetermineMinHeight(); } return 0; case WM_TIMECHANGE: if (isChat()) RedrawLog(); else DM_OptionsApplied(); break; case WM_NOTIFY: if (this != nullptr && ((NMHDR*)lParam)->hwndFrom == m_hwndTip) { if (((NMHDR*)lParam)->code == NM_CLICK) SendMessage(m_hwndTip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, FALSE, 0); break; } switch (((NMHDR*)lParam)->idFrom) { case IDC_SRMM_LOG: case IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE: switch (((NMHDR*)lParam)->code) { case EN_MSGFILTER: if (OnFilter((MSGFILTER*)lParam)) return TRUE; break; case EN_REQUESTRESIZE: DM_HandleAutoSizeRequest((REQRESIZE *)lParam); break; case EN_LINK: if (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom == IDC_SRMM_LOG) { switch (((ENLINK *)lParam)->msg) { case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: CHARRANGE sel; SendMessage(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->hwndFrom, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&sel); if (sel.cpMin == sel.cpMax) { UINT msg = ((ENLINK *)lParam)->msg; m_pContainer->m_pMenuBar->Cancel(); TEXTRANGE tr; tr.lpstrText = nullptr; tr.chrg = ((ENLINK *)lParam)->chrg; tr.lpstrText = (wchar_t *)mir_alloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (tr.chrg.cpMax - tr.chrg.cpMin + 2)); SendMessage(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->hwndFrom, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)&tr); BOOL isLink = IsStringValidLink(tr.lpstrText); if (isLink) // handled by core break; // clicked a nick name if (isChat() && g_Settings.bClickableNicks) { if (msg == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) { for (auto &ui : m_si->getUserList()) { if (mir_wstrcmp(ui->pszNick, tr.lpstrText)) continue; pt.x = (short)LOWORD(((ENLINK *)lParam)->lParam); pt.y = (short)HIWORD(((ENLINK *)lParam)->lParam); ClientToScreen(((NMHDR *)lParam)->hwndFrom, &pt); RunUserMenu(m_hwnd, ui, pt); break; } return TRUE; } if (msg == WM_LBUTTONUP) { CHARRANGE chr; m_message.SendMsg(EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&chr); CMStringW buf(tr.lpstrText); wchar_t str[2] = { 0, 0 }; TEXTRANGE tr2; tr2.lpstrText = str; if (chr.cpMin) { // prepend nick with space if needed tr2.chrg.cpMin = chr.cpMin - 1; tr2.chrg.cpMax = chr.cpMin; m_message.SendMsg(EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)&tr2); if (!iswspace(*tr2.lpstrText)) buf.Insert(0, ' '); } else {// in the beginning of the message window if (mir_wstrlen(g_Settings.pwszAutoText)) buf.Append(g_Settings.pwszAutoText); } if (chr.cpMax != -1) { tr2.chrg.cpMin = chr.cpMax; tr2.chrg.cpMax = chr.cpMax + 1; // if there is no space after selection, // or there is nothing after selection at all... if (!m_message.SendMsg(EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)&tr2) || !iswspace(*tr2.lpstrText)) buf.AppendChar(' '); } else buf.AppendChar(' '); m_message.SendMsg(EM_REPLACESEL, FALSE, (LPARAM)buf.c_str()); } } SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); mir_free(tr.lpstrText); return TRUE; } } break; } break; } } break; case WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX: SetBkColor((HDC)wParam, g_Settings.crUserListBGColor); return (INT_PTR)g_chatApi.hListBkgBrush; case DM_UPDATEWINICON: UpdateWindowIcon(); return 0; case DM_CONFIGURETOOLBAR: // configures the toolbar only... if lParam != 0, then it also calls // SetDialogToType() to reconfigure the message window m_bShowUIElements = m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bHideToolbar ? 0 : 1; SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERY), GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SPLITTERY), GWL_EXSTYLE) & ~WS_EX_STATICEDGE); if (lParam == 1) { GetSendFormat(); SetDialogToType(); DM_RecalcPictureSize(); Resize(); DM_ScrollToBottom(0, 1); } return 0; case WM_CBD_LOADICONS: for (auto &it : buttonicons) { SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it.id, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)*it.pIcon); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it.id, BUTTONSETCONTAINER, (LPARAM)m_pContainer, 0); } Srmm_UpdateToolbarIcons(m_hwnd); UpdateWindowIcon(); return 0; case DM_OPTIONSAPPLIED: DM_OptionsApplied(lParam == 0); return 0; case DM_UPDATESTATUSMSG: m_pPanel.Invalidate(); return 0; case DM_OWNNICKCHANGED: GetMyNick(); return 0; case WM_KEYDOWN: SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); break; case WM_SETFOCUS: if (CMimAPI::m_shutDown) break; UpdateWindowState(WM_SETFOCUS); SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); return 1; case WM_ACTIVATE: if (LOWORD(wParam) != WA_ACTIVE) { m_pContainer->m_hwndSaved = nullptr; break; } __fallthrough; case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: UpdateWindowState(WM_ACTIVATE); return 1; case DM_UPDATEPICLAYOUT: if (wParam == 0 || wParam == m_hContact) { LoadContactAvatar(); Resize(); } return 0; case DM_FORCEDREMAKELOG: m_dwFlags &= ~(MWF_LOG_ALL); m_dwFlags |= (lParam & MWF_LOG_ALL); m_bDeferredRemakeLog = true; return 0; case DM_APPENDMCEVENT: if (m_hContact == db_mc_getMeta(wParam) && m_hDbEventFirst == 0) { m_hDbEventFirst = lParam; RemakeLog(); } else if (m_hContact == wParam && db_mc_isSub(wParam) && db_event_getContact(lParam) != wParam) StreamEvents(lParam, 1, 1); return 0; case WM_TIMER: // timer id for message timeouts is composed like: // for single message sends: basevalue (TIMERID_MSGSEND) + send queue index if (wParam >= TIMERID_MSGSEND) { int iIndex = wParam - TIMERID_MSGSEND; if (iIndex < SendQueue::NR_SENDJOBS) { // single sendjob timer SendJob *job = sendQueue->getJobByIndex(iIndex); KillTimer(m_hwnd, wParam); replaceStrW(job->pwszErrorMsg, CMStringW(FORMAT, TranslateT("Delivery failure: %s"), TranslateT("The message send timed out"))); job->iStatus = SendQueue::SQ_ERROR; if (!NEN::bNoSounds && !m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bNoSound) Skin_PlaySound("SendError"); if (!m_bErrorState) sendQueue->handleError(this, iIndex); break; } } break; case DM_QUERYLASTUNREAD: // return timestamp (in ticks) of last recent message which has not been read yet. // 0 if there is none // lParam = pointer to a dword receiving the value. { uint32_t *pdw = (uint32_t *)lParam; if (pdw) *pdw = m_dwTickLastEvent; } return 0; case DM_UPDATELASTMESSAGE: DM_UpdateLastMessage(); return 0; case DM_SAVESIZE: if (m_bNeedCheckSize) lParam = 0; m_bNeedCheckSize = false; if (m_bWasBackgroundCreate) { m_bInitMode = false; if (m_lastMessage) DM_UpdateLastMessage(); } m_pContainer->QueryClientArea(rcClient); MoveWindow(m_hwnd, rcClient.left, rcClient.top, (rcClient.right - rcClient.left), (rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top), TRUE); if (m_bWasBackgroundCreate) { m_bWasBackgroundCreate = false; Resize(); PostMessage(m_hwnd, DM_UPDATEPICLAYOUT, 0, 0); SetFocus(m_message.GetHwnd()); if (m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bSideBar) m_pContainer->m_pSideBar->moveButtons(); } else { Resize(); if (lParam == 0) DM_ScrollToBottom(0, 1); } return 0; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: GetCursorPos(&tmp); cur.x = (SHORT)tmp.x; cur.y = (SHORT)tmp.y; if (!m_pPanel.isHovered()) SendMessage(m_pContainer->m_hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, *((LPARAM*)(&cur))); break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: GetCursorPos(&tmp); if (m_pPanel.isHovered()) m_pPanel.handleClick(tmp); else { cur.x = (SHORT)tmp.x; cur.y = (SHORT)tmp.y; SendMessage(m_pContainer->m_hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONUP, HTCAPTION, *((LPARAM*)(&cur))); } break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: { RECT rcPicture, rcPanelNick = { 0 }; int menuID = 0; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CONTACTPIC), &rcPicture); rcPanelNick.left = rcPanelNick.right - 30; GetCursorPos(&pt); if (m_pPanel.invokeConfigDialog(pt)) break; if (PtInRect(&rcPicture, pt)) menuID = MENU_PICMENU; if ((menuID == MENU_PICMENU && ((m_ace ? m_ace->hbmPic : PluginConfig.g_hbmUnknown) || m_hOwnPic) && m_bShowAvatar != 0)) { HMENU submenu = GetSubMenu(PluginConfig.g_hMenuContext, 1); GetCursorPos(&pt); MsgWindowUpdateMenu(submenu, menuID); int iSelection = TrackPopupMenu(submenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, m_hwnd, nullptr); MsgWindowMenuHandler(iSelection, menuID); break; } HMENU subMenu = GetSubMenu(PluginConfig.g_hMenuContext, 0); MsgWindowUpdateMenu(subMenu, MENU_TABCONTEXT); int iSelection = TrackPopupMenu(subMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, m_hwnd, nullptr); if (iSelection >= IDM_CONTAINERMENU) { char szIndex[10]; char *szKey = "TAB_ContainersW"; mir_snprintf(szIndex, "%d", iSelection - IDM_CONTAINERMENU); if (iSelection - IDM_CONTAINERMENU >= 0) { ptrW val(db_get_wsa(0, szKey, szIndex)); if (val) SwitchToContainer(val); } break; } MsgWindowMenuHandler(iSelection, MENU_TABCONTEXT); } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: GetCursorPos(&pt); DM_DismissTip(pt); m_pPanel.trackMouse(pt); break; case WM_MEASUREITEM: { MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *mis = (MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *)lParam; if (mis->CtlType == ODT_MENU) { if (m_pPanel.isHovered()) { mis->itemHeight = 0; mis->itemWidth = 6; return TRUE; } return Menu_MeasureItem(lParam); } mis->itemHeight = g_Settings.iNickListFontHeight; } return TRUE; case WM_DRAWITEM: { DRAWITEMSTRUCT *dis = (DRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam; if (dis->CtlType == ODT_MENU) { if (m_pPanel.isHovered()) { DrawMenuItem(dis, (HICON)dis->itemData, 0); return TRUE; } return Menu_DrawItem(lParam); } if (dis->CtlID == IDC_SRMM_NICKLIST) break; } return MsgWindowDrawHandler((DRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam); case WM_NCHITTEST: SendMessage(m_pContainer->m_hwnd, WM_NCHITTEST, wParam, lParam); break; case WM_APPCOMMAND: { uint32_t cmd = GET_APPCOMMAND_LPARAM(lParam); if (cmd == APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_BACKWARD || cmd == APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_FORWARD) { m_pContainer->SelectTab(cmd == APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_BACKWARD ? DM_SELECT_PREV : DM_SELECT_NEXT); return 1; } } break; case WM_COMMAND: DM_MsgWindowCmdHandler(LOWORD(wParam), wParam, lParam); break; case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { uint32_t idFrom = GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)wParam); if (idFrom >= MIN_CBUTTONID && idFrom <= MAX_CBUTTONID) { Srmm_ClickToolbarIcon(m_hContact, idFrom, m_hwnd, 1); break; } } break; case HM_EVENTSENT: // this is now *only* called from the global ME_PROTO_ACK handler (static int ProtoAck() in msgs.c) // it receives: // wParam = index of the sendjob in the queue in the low word, index of the found sendID in the high word // (normally 0, but if its a multisend job, then the sendjob may contain more than one hContact/iSendId pairs.) // lParam = the original ackdata // // the "per message window" ACK hook is gone, the global ack handler cares about all types of ack's (currently // *_MESSAGE and *_AVATAR and dispatches them to the owner windows). sendQueue->ackMessage(this, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_NEXTDLGCTL: if (m_bWasBackgroundCreate) return 1; break; case DM_IEVIEWOPTIONSCHANGED: RemakeLog(); break; case DM_SMILEYOPTIONSCHANGED: if (isChat()) RedrawLog(); else RemakeLog(); break; case DM_MYAVATARCHANGED: { const char *szProto = m_cache->getActiveProto(); if (!mir_strcmp((char *)wParam, szProto) && mir_strlen(szProto) == mir_strlen((char *)wParam)) LoadOwnAvatar(); } break; case DM_CLIENTCHANGED: GetClientIcon(); if (m_hClientIcon && m_pPanel.isActive()) InvalidateRect(m_hwnd, nullptr, TRUE); return 0; case DM_UPDATEUIN: if (m_pPanel.isActive()) m_pPanel.Invalidate(); if (m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bUinStatusBar) tabUpdateStatusBar(); return 0; case EM_THEMECHANGED: DM_FreeTheme(); DM_ThemeChanged(); return 0; case WM_CBD_UPDATED: if (lParam) CB_ChangeButton((CustomButtonData*)lParam); else BB_InitDlgButtons(); BB_SetButtonsPos(); return 0; case WM_CBD_REMOVED: if (lParam) CB_DestroyButton((uint32_t)wParam, (uint32_t)lParam); else CB_DestroyAllButtons(); return 0; case WM_DROPFILES: if (!ProcessFileDrop((HDROP)wParam, m_cache->getActiveContact())) ActivateTooltip(IDC_SRMM_MESSAGE, TranslateT("Contact is offline and this protocol does not support sending files to offline users.")); return 0; case DM_CHECKQUEUEFORCLOSE: { int *uOpen = (int*)lParam; if (uOpen) *uOpen += m_iOpenJobs; } return 0; case WM_CLOSE: // usual close, not forced if (wParam == 0 && lParam == 0) { // esc handles error controls if we are in error state (error controls visible) if (m_bErrorState) { DM_ErrorDetected(MSGERROR_CANCEL, 0); return TRUE; } switch (PluginConfig.m_EscapeCloses) { case 1: // minimize container SendMessage(m_pContainer->m_hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0); return TRUE; case 2: // close or hide, optionally if (g_plugin.bHideOnClose) { ShowWindow(m_pContainer->m_hwnd, SW_HIDE); return TRUE; } break; case 3: // do nothing _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, FALSE); return TRUE; } _dlgReturn(m_hwnd, TRUE); } if (m_iOpenJobs > 0 && lParam != 2) { if (m_bErrorState) DM_ErrorDetected(MSGERROR_CANCEL, 1); else { if (m_bWarnClose) return TRUE; m_bWarnClose = true; LRESULT result = SendQueue::WarnPendingJobs(0); m_bWarnClose = false; if (result == IDNO) return TRUE; } } CloseTab(); return 0; case WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED: BB_RefreshTheme(); m_pContainer->ClearMargins(); VerifyProxy(); break; case DM_FORCEREDRAW: RedrawWindow(m_hwnd, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_UPDATENOW); return 0; case DM_CHECKINFOTIP: m_pPanel.hideTip(reinterpret_cast(lParam)); return 0; case DM_SETINFOPANEL: // broadcasted when global info panel setting changes if (wParam == 0 && lParam == 0) { m_pPanel.getVisibility(); m_pPanel.loadHeight(); m_pPanel.showHide(); } else { CMsgDialog *srcDat = (CMsgDialog *)wParam; if (lParam == 0) m_pPanel.loadHeight(); else { if (srcDat && lParam && this != srcDat && !m_pPanel.isPrivateHeight()) { if (srcDat->isChat() != isChat() && M.GetByte("syncAllPanels", 0) == 0) return 0; if (m_pContainer->cfg.fPrivate && srcDat->m_pContainer != m_pContainer) return 0; m_pPanel.setHeight((LONG)lParam); } } Resize(); } return 0; case DM_STATUSICONCHANGE: m_pContainer->InitRedraw(); return 0; case DM_QUERYHCONTACT: if (lParam) *(MCONTACT *)lParam = m_hContact; return 0; case DM_CHECKSIZE: m_bNeedCheckSize = true; return 0; case DM_STATUSBARCHANGED: tabUpdateStatusBar(); break; case DM_CHECKAUTOHIDE: // This is broadcasted by the container to all child windows to check if the // container can be autohidden or -closed. // // wParam is the autohide timeout (in seconds) // lParam points to a BOOL and a session which wants to prevent auto-hiding // the container must set it to FALSE. // // If no session in the container disagrees, the container will be hidden. if (lParam) { BOOL *fResult = (BOOL *)lParam; // text entered in the input area -> prevent autohide/cose if (GetWindowTextLength(m_message.GetHwnd()) > 0) *fResult = FALSE; // unread events, do not hide or close the container else if (m_dwUnread) *fResult = FALSE; // time since last activity did not yet reach the threshold. else if (((GetTickCount() - m_dwLastActivity) / 1000) <= wParam) *fResult = FALSE; } return 0; case DM_SPLITTERGLOBALEVENT: DM_SplitterGlobalEvent(wParam, lParam); return 0; } return CSuper::DlgProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam); }