/* * astyle --force-indent=tab=4 --brackets=linux --indent-switches * --pad=oper --one-line=keep-blocks --unpad=paren * * Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* * * Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project, * all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people * listed in contributors.txt. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * part of tabSRMM messaging plugin for Miranda. * * (C) 2005-2010 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors * * implements the richedit based message log and the template parser * */ #include "commonheaders.h" struct TCpTable cpTable[] = { { 874, LPGENT("Thai") }, { 932, LPGENT("Japanese") }, { 936, LPGENT("Simplified Chinese") }, { 949, LPGENT("Korean") }, { 950, LPGENT("Traditional Chinese") }, { 1250, LPGENT("Central European") }, { 1251, LPGENT("Cyrillic") }, { 20866, LPGENT("Cyrillic KOI8-R") }, { 1252, LPGENT("Latin I") }, { 1253, LPGENT("Greek") }, { 1254, LPGENT("Turkish") }, { 1255, LPGENT("Hebrew") }, { 1256, LPGENT("Arabic") }, { 1257, LPGENT("Baltic") }, { 1258, LPGENT("Vietnamese") }, { 1361, LPGENT("Korean (Johab)") }, { -1, NULL} }; wchar_t* weekDays[7] = {LPGENT("Sunday"), LPGENT("Monday"), LPGENT("Tuesday"), LPGENT("Wednesday"), LPGENT("Thursday"), LPGENT("Friday"), LPGENT("Saturday")}; wchar_t* months[12] = { LPGENT("January"), LPGENT("February"), LPGENT("March"), LPGENT("April"), LPGENT("May"), LPGENT("June"), LPGENT("July"), LPGENT("August"), LPGENT("September"), LPGENT("October"), LPGENT("November"), LPGENT("December") }; static TCHAR *Template_MakeRelativeDate(struct TWindowData *dat, HANDLE hTimeZone, time_t check, int groupBreak, TCHAR code); static void ReplaceIcons(HWND hwndDlg, struct TWindowData *dat, LONG startAt, int fAppend, BOOL isSent); static time_t today; int g_groupBreak = TRUE; static TCHAR *szMyName = NULL; static TCHAR *szYourName = NULL; static int logPixelSY; static TCHAR szToday[22], szYesterday[22]; char rtfFontsGlobal[MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 2][RTFCACHELINESIZE]; char *rtfFonts; LOGFONTA logfonts[MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 2]; COLORREF fontcolors[MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 2]; #define LOGICON_MSG 0 #define LOGICON_URL 1 #define LOGICON_FILE 2 #define LOGICON_OUT 3 #define LOGICON_IN 4 #define LOGICON_STATUS 5 #define LOGICON_ERROR 6 static HICON Logicons[NR_LOGICONS]; #define STREAMSTAGE_HEADER 0 #define STREAMSTAGE_EVENTS 1 #define STREAMSTAGE_TAIL 2 #define STREAMSTAGE_STOP 3 struct LogStreamData { int stage; HANDLE hContact; HANDLE hDbEvent, hDbEventLast; char *buffer; int bufferOffset, bufferLen; int eventsToInsert; int isEmpty; int isAppend; struct TWindowData *dlgDat; DBEVENTINFO *dbei; }; __forceinline char *GetRTFFont(DWORD dwIndex) { return rtfFonts + (dwIndex * RTFCACHELINESIZE); } /* * remove any empty line at the end of a message to avoid some RichEdit "issues" with * the highlight code (individual background colors). * Doesn't touch the message for sure, but empty lines at the end are ugly anyway. */ static void TrimMessage(TCHAR *msg) { size_t iLen = lstrlen(msg) - 1; size_t i = iLen; while (i && (msg[i] == '\r' || msg[i] == '\n')) { i--; } if (i < iLen) msg[i+1] = '\0'; } void TSAPI CacheLogFonts() { int i; HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); logPixelSY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); ZeroMemory((void*)logfonts, sizeof(LOGFONTA) * MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 2); for (i=0; i < MSGDLGFONTCOUNT; i++) { LoadLogfont(i, &logfonts[i], &fontcolors[i], FONTMODULE); wsprintfA(rtfFontsGlobal[i], "\\f%u\\cf%u\\b%d\\i%d\\ul%d\\fs%u", i, i, logfonts[i].lfWeight >= FW_BOLD ? 1 : 0, logfonts[i].lfItalic,logfonts[i].lfUnderline, 2 * abs(logfonts[i].lfHeight) * 74 / logPixelSY); } wsprintfA(rtfFontsGlobal[MSGDLGFONTCOUNT], "\\f%u\\cf%u\\b%d\\i%d\\fs%u", MSGDLGFONTCOUNT, MSGDLGFONTCOUNT, 0, 0, 0); _tcsncpy(szToday, TranslateT("Today"), 20); _tcsncpy(szYesterday, TranslateT("Yesterday"), 20); szToday[19] = szYesterday[19] = 0; /* * cache/create the info panel fonts */ COLORREF clr; LOGFONTA lf; for (i=0; i < IPFONTCOUNT; i++) { if (CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[i]) DeleteObject(CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[i]); LoadLogfont(i + 100, &lf, &clr, FONTMODULE); //lf.lfHeight =-MulDiv(lf.lfHeight, logPixelSY, 72); lf.lfUnderline = 0; CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[i] = CreateFontIndirectA(&lf); CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.clrs[i] = clr; } hdc = GetDC(PluginConfig.g_hwndHotkeyHandler); HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTID_NICK]); SIZE sz; GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, _T("WMA"), 3, &sz); CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.height1 = sz.cy; SelectObject(hdc, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTID_UIN]); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, _T("WMA"), 3, &sz); CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.height2 = sz.cy; SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont); ReleaseDC(PluginConfig.g_hwndHotkeyHandler, hdc); PluginConfig.hFontCaption = CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTCOUNT - 1]; PluginConfig.crIncoming = M->GetDword(FONTMODULE, "inbg", SRMSGDEFSET_BKGINCOLOUR); PluginConfig.crOutgoing = M->GetDword(FONTMODULE, "outbg", SRMSGDEFSET_BKGOUTCOLOUR); PluginConfig.crStatus = M->GetDword(FONTMODULE, "statbg", SRMSGDEFSET_BKGCOLOUR); PluginConfig.crOldIncoming = M->GetDword(FONTMODULE, "oldinbg", SRMSGDEFSET_BKGINCOLOUR); PluginConfig.crOldOutgoing = M->GetDword(FONTMODULE, "oldoutbg", SRMSGDEFSET_BKGOUTCOLOUR); } void FreeLogFonts() { int i; for (i=0; i < IPFONTCOUNT; i++) if (CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[i]) DeleteObject(CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[i]); } void TSAPI CacheMsgLogIcons() { Logicons[0] = LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE); Logicons[1] = LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_URL); Logicons[2] = LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_FILE); Logicons[3] = PluginConfig.g_iconOut; Logicons[4] = PluginConfig.g_iconIn; Logicons[5] = PluginConfig.g_iconStatus; Logicons[6] = PluginConfig.g_iconErr; } static int TSAPI GetColorIndex(char *rtffont) { char *p; if ((p = strstr(rtffont, "\\cf")) != NULL) return atoi(p + 3); return 0; } static void AppendToBuffer(char **buffer, int *cbBufferEnd, int *cbBufferAlloced, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; int charsDone; va_start(va, fmt); for (;;) { charsDone = mir_vsnprintf(*buffer + *cbBufferEnd, *cbBufferAlloced - *cbBufferEnd, fmt, va); if (charsDone >= 0) break; *cbBufferAlloced += 1024; *buffer = (char *) realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced); } va_end(va); *cbBufferEnd += charsDone; } static int AppendUnicodeToBuffer(char **buffer, int *cbBufferEnd, int *cbBufferAlloced, TCHAR * line, int mode) { DWORD textCharsCount = 0; char *d; int lineLen = (int)(wcslen(line)) * 9 + 8; if (*cbBufferEnd + lineLen > *cbBufferAlloced) { cbBufferAlloced[0] += (lineLen + 1024UL - lineLen % 1024UL); *buffer = (char *) realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced); } d = *buffer + *cbBufferEnd; strcpy(d, "{\\uc1 "); d += 6; for (; *line; line++, textCharsCount++) { if (1) { if (*line == 127 && line[1] != 0) { TCHAR code = line[2]; if (((code == '0' || code == '1') && line[3] == ' ') || (line[1] == 'c' && code == 'x')) { int begin = (code == '1'); switch (line[1]) { case 'b': CopyMemory(d, begin ? "\\b " : "\\b0 ", begin ? 3 : 4); d += (begin ? 3 : 4); line += 3; continue; case 'i': CopyMemory(d, begin ? "\\i " : "\\i0 ", begin ? 3 : 4); d += (begin ? 3 : 4); line += 3; continue; case 'u': CopyMemory(d, begin ? "\\ul " : "\\ul0 ", begin ? 4 : 5); d += (begin ? 4 : 5); line += 3; continue; case 's': CopyMemory(d, begin ? "\\strike " : "\\strike0 ", begin ? 8 : 9); d += (begin ? 8 : 9); line += 3; continue; case 'c': begin = (code == 'x'); CopyMemory(d, "\\cf", 3); if (begin) { d[3] = (char)line[3]; d[4] = (char)line[4]; d[5] = ' '; } else { char szTemp[10]; int colindex = GetColorIndex(GetRTFFont(LOWORD(mode) ? (MSGFONTID_MYMSG + (HIWORD(mode) ? 8 : 0)) : (MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + (HIWORD(mode) ? 8 : 0)))); _snprintf(szTemp, 4, "%02d", colindex); d[3] = szTemp[0]; d[4] = szTemp[1]; d[5] = ' '; } d += 6; line += (begin ? 6 : 3); continue; } } } } if (*line == '\r' && line[1] == '\n') { CopyMemory(d, "\\line ", 6); line++; d += 6; } else if (*line == '\n') { CopyMemory(d, "\\line ", 6); d += 6; } else if (*line == '\t') { CopyMemory(d, "\\tab ", 5); d += 5; } else if (*line == '\\' || *line == '{' || *line == '}') { *d++ = '\\'; *d++ = (char) * line; } else if (*line < 128) { *d++ = (char) * line; } else d += sprintf(d, "\\u%d ?", *line); } strcpy(d, "}"); d++; *cbBufferEnd = (int)(d - *buffer); return textCharsCount; } /* * same as above but does "\r\n"->"\\par " and "\t"->"\\tab " too */ static int AppendToBufferWithRTF(int mode, char **buffer, int *cbBufferEnd, int *cbBufferAlloced, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; int charsDone, i; va_start(va, fmt); for (;;) { charsDone = mir_vsnprintf(*buffer + *cbBufferEnd, *cbBufferAlloced - *cbBufferEnd, fmt, va); if (charsDone >= 0) break; *cbBufferAlloced += 1024; *buffer = (char *) realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced); } va_end(va); *cbBufferEnd += charsDone; for (i = *cbBufferEnd - charsDone; (*buffer)[i]; i++) { if (1) { if ((*buffer)[i] == '' && (*buffer)[i + 1] != 0) { char code = (*buffer)[i + 2]; char tag = (*buffer)[i + 1]; if (((code == '0' || code == '1') && (*buffer)[i + 3] == ' ') || (tag == 'c' && (code == 'x' || code == '0'))) { int begin = (code == '1'); if (*cbBufferEnd + 5 > *cbBufferAlloced) { *cbBufferAlloced += 1024; *buffer = (char *) realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced); } switch (tag) { case 'b': CopyMemory(*buffer + i, begin ? "\\b1 " : "\\b0 ", 4); continue; case 'i': CopyMemory(*buffer + i, begin ? "\\i1 " : "\\i0 ", 4); continue; case 'u': MoveMemory(*buffer + i + 2, *buffer + i + 1, *cbBufferEnd - i); CopyMemory(*buffer + i, begin ? "\\ul1 " : "\\ul0 ", 5); *cbBufferEnd += 1; continue; case 's': *cbBufferAlloced += 20; *buffer = (char *)realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced); MoveMemory(*buffer + i + 6, *buffer + i + 1, (*cbBufferEnd - i) + 1); CopyMemory(*buffer + i, begin ? "\\strike1 " : "\\strike0 ", begin ? 9 : 9); *cbBufferEnd += 5; continue; case 'c': begin = (code == 'x'); CopyMemory(*buffer + i, "\\cf", 3); if (begin) { } else { char szTemp[10]; int colindex = GetColorIndex(GetRTFFont(LOWORD(mode) ? (MSGFONTID_MYMSG + (HIWORD(mode) ? 8 : 0)) : (MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + (HIWORD(mode) ? 8 : 0)))); _snprintf(szTemp, 4, "%02d", colindex); (*buffer)[i + 3] = szTemp[0]; (*buffer)[i + 4] = szTemp[1]; } continue; } } } } if ((*buffer)[i] == '\r' && (*buffer)[i + 1] == '\n') { if (*cbBufferEnd + 5 > *cbBufferAlloced) { *cbBufferAlloced += 1024; *buffer = (char *) realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced); } MoveMemory(*buffer + i + 6, *buffer + i + 2, *cbBufferEnd - i - 1); CopyMemory(*buffer + i, "\\line ", 6); *cbBufferEnd += 4; } else if ((*buffer)[i] == '\n') { if (*cbBufferEnd + 6 > *cbBufferAlloced) { *cbBufferAlloced += 1024; *buffer = (char *) realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced); } MoveMemory(*buffer + i + 6, *buffer + i + 1, *cbBufferEnd - i); CopyMemory(*buffer + i, "\\line ", 6); *cbBufferEnd += 5; } else if ((*buffer)[i] == '\t') { if (*cbBufferEnd + 5 > *cbBufferAlloced) { *cbBufferAlloced += 1024; *buffer = (char *) realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced); } MoveMemory(*buffer + i + 5, *buffer + i + 1, *cbBufferEnd - i); CopyMemory(*buffer + i, "\\tab ", 5); *cbBufferEnd += 4; } else if ((*buffer)[i] == '\\' || (*buffer)[i] == '{' || (*buffer)[i] == '}') { if (*cbBufferEnd + 2 > *cbBufferAlloced) { *cbBufferAlloced += 1024; *buffer = (char *) realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced); } MoveMemory(*buffer + i + 1, *buffer + i, *cbBufferEnd - i + 1); (*buffer)[i] = '\\'; ++*cbBufferEnd; i++; } } return (int)(_mbslen((unsigned char *)*buffer + *cbBufferEnd)); } static void Build_RTF_Header(char **buffer, int *bufferEnd, int *bufferAlloced, struct TWindowData *dat) { COLORREF colour; int i; char szTemp[30]; LOGFONTA* logFonts = dat->pContainer->theme.logFonts; COLORREF* fontColors = dat->pContainer->theme.fontColors; TLogTheme *theme = &dat->pContainer->theme; // rtl if (dat->dwFlags & MWF_LOG_RTL) AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl"); else AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl"); for (i=0; i < MSGDLGFONTCOUNT; i++) AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "{\\f%u\\fnil\\fcharset%u %s;}", i, logFonts[i].lfCharSet, logFonts[i].lfFaceName); AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "{\\f%u\\fnil\\fcharset%u %s;}", MSGDLGFONTCOUNT, logFonts[i].lfCharSet, "Arial"); AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "}{\\colortbl "); for (i=0; i < MSGDLGFONTCOUNT; i++) AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(fontColors[i]), GetGValue(fontColors[i]), GetBValue(fontColors[i])); if (GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HOTLIGHT) == NULL) colour = RGB(0, 0, 255); else colour = GetSysColor(COLOR_HOTLIGHT); AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(colour), GetGValue(colour), GetBValue(colour)); /* OnO: Create incoming and outcoming colours */ colour = theme->inbg; AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(colour), GetGValue(colour), GetBValue(colour)); colour = theme->outbg; AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(colour), GetGValue(colour), GetBValue(colour)); colour = theme->bg; AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(colour), GetGValue(colour), GetBValue(colour)); colour = theme->hgrid; AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(colour), GetGValue(colour), GetBValue(colour)); colour = theme->oldinbg; AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(colour), GetGValue(colour), GetBValue(colour)); colour = theme->oldoutbg; AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(colour), GetGValue(colour), GetBValue(colour)); colour = theme->statbg; AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(colour), GetGValue(colour), GetBValue(colour)); // custom template colors... for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { _snprintf(szTemp, 10, "cc%d", i); colour = theme->custom_colors[i - 1]; if (colour == 0) colour = RGB(1, 1, 1); AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(colour), GetGValue(colour), GetBValue(colour)); } // bbcode colors... for (i=0; i < Utils::rtf_ctable_size; i++) AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(Utils::rtf_ctable[i].clr), GetGValue(Utils::rtf_ctable[i].clr), GetBValue(Utils::rtf_ctable[i].clr)); /* * paragraph header */ AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "}"); /* * indent: * real indent is set in msgdialog.c (DM_OPTIONSAPPLIED) */ if (!(dat->dwFlags & MWF_LOG_INDENT)) AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\li%u\\ri%u\\fi%u\\tx%u", 2*15, 2*15, 0, 70 * 15); } //free() the return value static char *CreateRTFHeader(struct TWindowData *dat) { char *buffer; int bufferAlloced, bufferEnd; bufferEnd = 0; bufferAlloced = 1024; buffer = (char *) malloc(bufferAlloced); buffer[0] = '\0'; Build_RTF_Header(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, dat); return buffer; } static void AppendTimeStamp(TCHAR *szFinalTimestamp, int isSent, char **buffer, int *bufferEnd, int *bufferAlloced, int skipFont, struct TWindowData *dat, int iFontIDOffset) { if (skipFont) AppendUnicodeToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, szFinalTimestamp, MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); else { AppendToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset)); AppendUnicodeToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, szFinalTimestamp, MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); } } //free() the return value static char *CreateRTFTail(struct TWindowData *dat) { char *buffer; int bufferAlloced, bufferEnd; bufferEnd = 0; bufferAlloced = 1024; buffer = (char *) malloc(bufferAlloced); buffer[0] = '\0'; AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "}"); return buffer; } int TSAPI DbEventIsShown(struct TWindowData *dat, DBEVENTINFO * dbei) { switch (dbei->eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: return 1; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: return(dat->dwFlagsEx & MWF_SHOW_FILEEVENTS); } return IsStatusEvent(dbei->eventType); } static int DbEventIsForMsgWindow(DBEVENTINFO *dbei) { DBEVENTTYPEDESCR* et = ( DBEVENTTYPEDESCR* )CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETTYPE, (WPARAM)dbei->szModule, (LPARAM)dbei->eventType); return et && ( et->flags & DETF_MSGWINDOW ); } static char *Template_CreateRTFFromDbEvent(struct TWindowData *dat, HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hDbEvent, int prefixParaBreak, struct LogStreamData *streamData) { char *buffer, c; TCHAR ci, cc; TCHAR *szFinalTimestamp; int bufferAlloced, bufferEnd; size_t iTemplateLen, i = 0; DBEVENTINFO dbei = { 0 }; int isSent = 0; int iFontIDOffset = 0; TCHAR *szTemplate; HANDLE hTimeZone; BOOL skipToNext = FALSE, showTime = TRUE, showDate = TRUE, skipFont = FALSE; struct tm event_time; TTemplateSet *this_templateset; BOOL isBold = FALSE, isItalic = FALSE, isUnderline = FALSE; DWORD dwEffectiveFlags; DWORD dwFormattingParams = MAKELONG(PluginConfig.m_FormatWholeWordsOnly, 0); BOOL fIsStatusChangeEvent = FALSE; TCHAR *msg, *formatted = NULL; char *rtfMessage = NULL; bufferEnd = 0; bufferAlloced = 1024; buffer = (char *) malloc(bufferAlloced); buffer[0] = '\0'; if (streamData->dbei != 0) dbei = *(streamData->dbei); else { dbei.cbSize = sizeof(dbei); dbei.cbBlob = db_event_getBlobSize(hDbEvent); if (dbei.cbBlob == -1) { free(buffer); return NULL; } dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE) malloc(dbei.cbBlob); db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei); if (!DbEventIsShown(dat, &dbei)) { free(dbei.pBlob); free(buffer); return NULL; } } if (dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE && !(dbei.flags & (DBEF_SENT | DBEF_READ))) dat->cache->updateStats(TSessionStats::SET_LAST_RCV, lstrlenA((char *) dbei.pBlob)); if (rtfMessage == NULL) { msg = DbGetEventTextT(&dbei, dat->codePage); if (!msg) { free(dbei.pBlob); free(buffer); return NULL; } TrimMessage(msg); formatted = const_cast<TCHAR *>(Utils::FormatRaw(dat, msg, dwFormattingParams, isSent)); mir_free(msg); } fIsStatusChangeEvent = IsStatusEvent(dbei.eventType); if (dat->isAutoRTL & 2) { // means: last \\par was deleted to avoid new line at end of log AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\par"); dat->isAutoRTL &= ~2; } if (dat->dwFlags & MWF_LOG_RTL) dbei.flags |= DBEF_RTL; if (dbei.flags & DBEF_RTL) dat->isAutoRTL |= 1; dwEffectiveFlags = dat->dwFlags; dat->isHistory = (dbei.timestamp < dat->cache->getSessionStart() && (dbei.flags & DBEF_READ || dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT)); iFontIDOffset = dat->isHistory ? 8 : 0; // offset into the font table for either history (old) or new events... (# of fonts per configuration set) isSent = (dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT); if (!isSent && (fIsStatusChangeEvent || dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE || DbEventIsForMsgWindow(&dbei))) { db_event_markRead(hContact, hDbEvent); CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVEEVENT, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)hDbEvent); } g_groupBreak = TRUE; if (dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_DIVIDERWANTED) { static char szStyle_div[128] = "\0"; if (szStyle_div[0] == 0) mir_snprintf(szStyle_div, 128, "\\f%u\\cf%u\\ul0\\b%d\\i%d\\fs%u", H_MSGFONTID_DIVIDERS, H_MSGFONTID_DIVIDERS, 0, 0, 5); AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\sl-1\\slmult0\\highlight%d\\cf%d\\-\\par\\sl0", H_MSGFONTID_DIVIDERS, H_MSGFONTID_DIVIDERS); dat->dwFlags &= ~MWF_DIVIDERWANTED; } if (dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_GROUPMODE && ((dbei.flags & (DBEF_SENT | DBEF_READ | DBEF_RTL)) == LOWORD(dat->iLastEventType)) && dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE && HIWORD(dat->iLastEventType) == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE && (dbei.timestamp - dat->lastEventTime) < 86400) { g_groupBreak = FALSE; if ((time_t)dbei.timestamp > today && dat->lastEventTime < today) g_groupBreak = TRUE; } if (!streamData->isEmpty && g_groupBreak && (dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_GRID)) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\sl-1\\slmult0\\highlight%d\\cf%d\\-\\par\\sl0", MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 4, MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 4); if (dbei.flags & DBEF_RTL) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\rtlpar"); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\ltrpar"); /* OnO: highlight start */ if (fIsStatusChangeEvent) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\highlight%d\\cf%d", MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 7, MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 7); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\highlight%d\\cf%d", MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + (dat->isHistory?5:1) + ((isSent) ? 1 : 0), MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + (dat->isHistory?5:1) + ((isSent) ? 1 : 0)); streamData->isEmpty = FALSE; if (dat->isAutoRTL & 1) { if (dbei.flags & DBEF_RTL) { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\ltrch\\rtlch"); } else { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\rtlch\\ltrch"); } } /* * templated code starts here */ if (dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_SHOWTIME) { hTimeZone = ((dat->dwFlags & MWF_LOG_LOCALTIME) && !isSent) ? dat->hTimeZone : NULL; time_t local_time = tmi.timeStampToTimeZoneTimeStamp(hTimeZone, dbei.timestamp); event_time = *gmtime(&local_time); } this_templateset = dbei.flags & DBEF_RTL ? dat->pContainer->rtl_templates : dat->pContainer->ltr_templates; if (fIsStatusChangeEvent) szTemplate = this_templateset->szTemplates[TMPL_STATUSCHG]; else if (dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_ERRMSG) szTemplate = this_templateset->szTemplates[TMPL_ERRMSG]; else { if (dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_GROUPMODE) szTemplate = isSent ? (g_groupBreak ? this_templateset->szTemplates[TMPL_GRPSTARTOUT] : this_templateset->szTemplates[TMPL_GRPINNEROUT]) : (g_groupBreak ? this_templateset->szTemplates[TMPL_GRPSTARTIN] : this_templateset->szTemplates[TMPL_GRPINNERIN]); else szTemplate = isSent ? this_templateset->szTemplates[TMPL_MSGOUT] : this_templateset->szTemplates[TMPL_MSGIN]; } iTemplateLen = lstrlen(szTemplate); showTime = dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_SHOWTIME; showDate = dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_SHOWDATES; if (dat->hHistoryEvents) { if (dat->curHistory == dat->maxHistory) { MoveMemory(dat->hHistoryEvents, &dat->hHistoryEvents[1], sizeof(HANDLE) * (dat->maxHistory - 1)); dat->curHistory--; } dat->hHistoryEvents[dat->curHistory++] = hDbEvent; } AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\ul0\\b0\\i0 "); while (i < iTemplateLen) { ci = szTemplate[i]; if (ci == '%') { cc = szTemplate[i + 1]; skipToNext = FALSE; skipFont = FALSE; /* * handle modifiers */ while (cc == '#' || cc == '$' || cc == '&' || cc == '?' || cc == '\\') { switch (cc) { case '#': if (!dat->isHistory) { skipToNext = TRUE; goto skip; } else { i++; cc = szTemplate[i + 1]; continue; } case '$': if (dat->isHistory) { skipToNext = TRUE; goto skip; } else { i++; cc = szTemplate[i + 1]; continue; } case '&': i++; cc = szTemplate[i + 1]; skipFont = TRUE; break; case '?': if (dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_NORMALTEMPLATES) { i++; cc = szTemplate[i + 1]; continue; } else { i++; skipToNext = TRUE; goto skip; } case '\\': if (!(dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_NORMALTEMPLATES)) { i++; cc = szTemplate[i + 1]; continue; } else { i++; skipToNext = TRUE; goto skip; } } } switch (cc) { case 'V': //AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\fs0\\\expnd-40 ~-%d-~", hDbEvent); break; case 'I': { if (dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_SHOWICONS) { int icon; if ((dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_INOUTICONS) && dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE) icon = isSent ? LOGICON_OUT : LOGICON_IN; else { switch (dbei.eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_FILE: icon = LOGICON_FILE; break; case EVENTTYPE_ERRMSG: icon = LOGICON_ERROR; break; default: icon = LOGICON_MSG; break; } if (fIsStatusChangeEvent) icon = LOGICON_STATUS; } AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s\\fs1 #~#%01d%c%s ", GetRTFFont(MSGFONTID_SYMBOLS_IN), icon, isSent ? '>' : '<', GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYMSG + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + iFontIDOffset)); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; } case 'D': // long date if (showTime && showDate) { szFinalTimestamp = Template_MakeRelativeDate(dat, hTimeZone, dbei.timestamp, g_groupBreak, (TCHAR)'D'); AppendTimeStamp(szFinalTimestamp, isSent, &buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, skipFont, dat, iFontIDOffset); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'E': // short date... if (showTime && showDate) { szFinalTimestamp = Template_MakeRelativeDate(dat, hTimeZone, dbei.timestamp, g_groupBreak, (TCHAR)'E'); AppendTimeStamp(szFinalTimestamp, isSent, &buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, skipFont, dat, iFontIDOffset); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'a': // 12 hour case 'h': // 24 hour if (showTime) { if (skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, cc == 'h' ? "%02d" : "%2d", cc == 'h' ? event_time.tm_hour : (event_time.tm_hour > 12 ? event_time.tm_hour - 12 : event_time.tm_hour)); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, cc == 'h' ? "%s %02d" : "%s %2d", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset), cc == 'h' ? event_time.tm_hour : (event_time.tm_hour > 12 ? event_time.tm_hour - 12 : event_time.tm_hour)); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'm': // minute if (showTime) { if (skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%02d", event_time.tm_min); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s %02d", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset), event_time.tm_min); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 's': //second if (showTime && dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_SHOWSECONDS) { if (skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%02d", event_time.tm_sec); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s %02d", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset), event_time.tm_sec); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'p': // am/pm symbol if (showTime) { if (skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s", event_time.tm_hour > 11 ? "PM" : "AM"); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s %s", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset), event_time.tm_hour > 11 ? "PM" : "AM"); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'o': // month if (showTime && showDate) { if (skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%02d", event_time.tm_mon + 1); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s %02d", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset), event_time.tm_mon + 1); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case'O': // month (name) if (showTime && showDate) { if (skipFont) AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, TranslateTS( months[event_time.tm_mon]), MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); else { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset)); AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, TranslateTS( months[ event_time.tm_mon]), MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); } } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'd': // day of month if (showTime && showDate) { if (skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%02d", event_time.tm_mday); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s %02d", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset), event_time.tm_mday); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'w': // day of week if (showTime && showDate) { if (skipFont) AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, TranslateTS( weekDays[event_time.tm_wday]), MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); else { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset)); AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, TranslateTS( weekDays[event_time.tm_wday]), MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); } } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'y': // year if (showTime && showDate) { if (skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%04d", event_time.tm_year + 1900); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s %04d", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset), event_time.tm_year + 1900); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'R': case 'r': // long date if (showTime && showDate) { szFinalTimestamp = Template_MakeRelativeDate(dat, hTimeZone, dbei.timestamp, g_groupBreak, cc); AppendTimeStamp(szFinalTimestamp, isSent, &buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, skipFont, dat, iFontIDOffset); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 't': case 'T': if (showTime) { szFinalTimestamp = Template_MakeRelativeDate(dat, hTimeZone, dbei.timestamp, g_groupBreak, (TCHAR)((dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_SHOWSECONDS) ? cc : (TCHAR)'t')); AppendTimeStamp(szFinalTimestamp, isSent, &buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, skipFont, dat, iFontIDOffset); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; case 'S': { // symbol if (dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_SYMBOLS) { if ((dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_INOUTICONS) && dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE) c = isSent ? 0x37 : 0x38; else { switch (dbei.eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: c = (char)0xaa; break; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: c = (char)0xcd; break; case EVENTTYPE_ERRMSG: c = (char)0x72;; break; default: c = (char)0xaa; break; } if (fIsStatusChangeEvent) c = 0x4e; } if (skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%c%s ", c, GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYMSG + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + iFontIDOffset)); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s %c%s ", isSent ? GetRTFFont(MSGFONTID_SYMBOLS_OUT) : GetRTFFont(MSGFONTID_SYMBOLS_IN), c, GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYMSG + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + iFontIDOffset)); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; } case 'n': // hard line break AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, dbei.flags & DBEF_RTL ? "\\rtlpar\\par\\rtlpar" : "\\par\\ltrpar"); break; case 'l': // soft line break AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\line"); break; case 'N': // nickname if (!skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYNAME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURNAME + iFontIDOffset)); if (isSent) AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, szMyName, MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); else AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, szYourName, MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); break; case 'U': // UIN if (!skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYNAME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURNAME + iFontIDOffset)); if (!isSent) AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, (wchar_t *)dat->cache->getUIN(), MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); else AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, (wchar_t *)dat->myUin, MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); break; case 'e': // error message AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(MSGFONTID_ERROR)); AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, (wchar_t *)dbei.szModule, MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); break; case 'M': // message if (fIsStatusChangeEvent) dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE; switch (dbei.eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: case EVENTTYPE_ERRMSG: case EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE: { if (fIsStatusChangeEvent || dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_ERRMSG) { if (dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_ERRMSG && dbei.cbBlob == 0) break; if (dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_ERRMSG) { if (!skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\line%s ", GetRTFFont(fIsStatusChangeEvent ? H_MSGFONTID_STATUSCHANGES : MSGFONTID_MYMSG)); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\line "); } else { if (!skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(fIsStatusChangeEvent ? H_MSGFONTID_STATUSCHANGES : MSGFONTID_MYMSG)); } } else { if (!skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYMSG + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + iFontIDOffset)); } if (rtfMessage != NULL) { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s", rtfMessage); } else { AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, formatted, MAKELONG(isSent, dat->isHistory)); } AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s", "\\b0\\ul0\\i0 "); break; } case EVENTTYPE_FILE: if (!skipFont) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYMISC + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURMISC + iFontIDOffset)); { char* szFileName = (char *)dbei.pBlob + sizeof(DWORD); char* szDescr = szFileName + lstrlenA(szFileName) + 1; TCHAR* tszFileName = DbGetEventStringT( &dbei, szFileName ); if ( *szDescr != 0 ) { TCHAR* tszDescr = DbGetEventStringT( &dbei, szDescr ); TCHAR buf[1000]; mir_sntprintf( buf, SIZEOF(buf), _T("%s (%s)"), tszFileName, tszDescr ); AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, buf, 0 ); mir_free( tszDescr ); } else { AppendUnicodeToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, tszFileName, 0 ); } mir_free( tszFileName ); } break; } break; case '*': // bold AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, isBold ? "\\b0 " : "\\b "); isBold = !isBold; break; case '/': // italic AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, isItalic ? "\\i0 " : "\\i "); isItalic = !isItalic; break; case '_': // italic AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, isUnderline ? "\\ul0 " : "\\ul "); isUnderline = !isUnderline; break; case '-': { // grid line TCHAR color = szTemplate[i + 2]; if (color >= '0' && color <= '4') { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\par\\sl-1\\slmult0\\highlight%d\\cf%d\\-\\par\\sl0", MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 8 + (color - '0'), MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 7 + (color - '0')); i++; } else { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\par\\sl-1\\slmult0\\highlight%d\\cf%d\\-\\par\\sl0", MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 4, MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 4); } break; } case '~': // font break (switch to default font...) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, GetRTFFont(isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYMSG + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + iFontIDOffset)); break; case 'H': { // highlight TCHAR color = szTemplate[i + 2]; if (color >= '0' && color <= '4') { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\highlight%d", MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 8 + (color - '0')); i++; } else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\highlight%d", (MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + (dat->isHistory?5:1) + ((isSent) ? 1 : 0))); break; } case '|': // tab if (dwEffectiveFlags & MWF_LOG_INDENT) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\tab"); else AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, " "); break; case 'f': { // font tag... TCHAR code = szTemplate[i + 2]; int fontindex = -1; switch (code) { case 'd': fontindex = isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset; break; case 'n': fontindex = isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYNAME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURNAME + iFontIDOffset; break; case 'm': fontindex = isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYMSG + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + iFontIDOffset; break; case 'M': fontindex = isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYMISC + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + iFontIDOffset; break; case 's': fontindex = isSent ? MSGFONTID_SYMBOLS_OUT : MSGFONTID_SYMBOLS_IN; break; } if (fontindex != -1) { i++; AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "%s ", GetRTFFont(fontindex)); } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; } case 'c': { // font color (using one of the predefined 5 colors) or one of the standard font colors (m = message, d = date/time, n = nick) TCHAR color = szTemplate[i + 2]; if (color >= '0' && color <= '4') { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\cf%d ", MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 8 + (color - '0')); i++; } else if (color == (TCHAR)'d') { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\cf%d ", isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYTIME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURTIME + iFontIDOffset); i++; } else if (color == (TCHAR)'m') { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\cf%d ", isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYMSG + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURMSG + iFontIDOffset); i++; } else if (color == (TCHAR)'n') { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\cf%d ", isSent ? MSGFONTID_MYNAME + iFontIDOffset : MSGFONTID_YOURNAME + iFontIDOffset); i++; } else if (color == (TCHAR)'s') { AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\cf%d ", isSent ? MSGFONTID_SYMBOLS_OUT : MSGFONTID_SYMBOLS_IN); i++; } else skipToNext = TRUE; break; } case '<': // bidi tag AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\rtlmark\\rtlch "); break; case '>': // bidi tag AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\ltrmark\\ltrch "); break; } skip: if (skipToNext) { i++; while (szTemplate[i] != '%' && i < iTemplateLen) i++; } else i += 2; } else { char temp[24]; mir_snprintf(temp, 24, "{\\uc1\\u%d?}", (int)ci); AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, temp); i++; } } if (dat->hHistoryEvents) AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, dat->szMicroLf, MSGDLGFONTCOUNT + 1 + ((isSent) ? 1 : 0), hDbEvent); AppendToBuffer(&buffer, &bufferEnd, &bufferAlloced, "\\par"); if (streamData->dbei == 0) free(dbei.pBlob); dat->iLastEventType = MAKELONG((dbei.flags & (DBEF_SENT | DBEF_READ | DBEF_RTL)), dbei.eventType); dat->lastEventTime = dbei.timestamp; return buffer; } static DWORD CALLBACK LogStreamInEvents(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG * pcb) { struct LogStreamData *dat = (struct LogStreamData *) dwCookie; if (dat->buffer == NULL) { dat->bufferOffset = 0; switch (dat->stage) { case STREAMSTAGE_HEADER: if (dat->buffer) free(dat->buffer); dat->buffer = CreateRTFHeader(dat->dlgDat); dat->stage = STREAMSTAGE_EVENTS; break; case STREAMSTAGE_EVENTS: if (dat->eventsToInsert) { do { if (dat->buffer) free(dat->buffer); dat->buffer = Template_CreateRTFFromDbEvent(dat->dlgDat, dat->hContact, dat->hDbEvent, !dat->isEmpty, dat); if (dat->buffer) dat->hDbEventLast = dat->hDbEvent; dat->hDbEvent = db_event_next(dat->hDbEvent); if (--dat->eventsToInsert == 0) break; } while (dat->buffer == NULL && dat->hDbEvent); if (dat->buffer) { //dat->isEmpty = 0; break; } } dat->stage = STREAMSTAGE_TAIL; //fall through case STREAMSTAGE_TAIL: { if (dat->buffer) free(dat->buffer); dat->buffer = CreateRTFTail(dat->dlgDat); dat->stage = STREAMSTAGE_STOP; break; } case STREAMSTAGE_STOP: *pcb = 0; return 0; } dat->bufferLen = lstrlenA(dat->buffer); } *pcb = min(cb, dat->bufferLen - dat->bufferOffset); CopyMemory(pbBuff, dat->buffer + dat->bufferOffset, *pcb); dat->bufferOffset += *pcb; if (dat->bufferOffset == dat->bufferLen) { free(dat->buffer); dat->buffer = NULL; } return 0; } static void SetupLogFormatting(struct TWindowData *dat) { if (dat->hHistoryEvents) { mir_snprintf(dat->szMicroLf, sizeof(dat->szMicroLf), "%s", "\\v\\cf%d \\ ~-+%d+-~\\v0 "); } else { mir_snprintf(dat->szMicroLf, sizeof(dat->szMicroLf), "%s\\par\\ltrpar\\sl-1%s ", GetRTFFont(MSGDLGFONTCOUNT), GetRTFFont(MSGDLGFONTCOUNT)); } } void TSAPI StreamInEvents(HWND hwndDlg, HANDLE hDbEventFirst, int count, int fAppend, DBEVENTINFO *dbei_s) { EDITSTREAM stream = { 0 }; struct LogStreamData streamData = { 0 }; struct TWindowData *dat = (struct TWindowData *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA); CHARRANGE oldSel, sel; HWND hwndrtf; LONG startAt = 0; FINDTEXTEXA fi; struct tm tm_now, tm_today; time_t now; SCROLLINFO si = {0}, *psi = &si; POINT pt = {0}; BOOL wasFirstAppend = (dat->isAutoRTL & 2) ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOL isSent; /* * calc time limit for grouping */ hwndrtf = dat->hwndIEView ? dat->hwndIWebBrowserControl : GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG); si.cbSize = sizeof(si); /* if (IsWindow(hwndrtf)) { si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS;; GetScrollInfo(hwndrtf, SB_VERT, &si); SendMessage(hwndrtf, EM_GETSCROLLPOS, 0, (LPARAM)&pt); if (GetWindowLongPtr(hwndrtf, GWL_STYLE) & WS_VSCROLL) psi = &si; else psi = NULL; } */ rtfFonts = dat->pContainer->theme.rtfFonts ? dat->pContainer->theme.rtfFonts : &(rtfFontsGlobal[0][0]); now = time(NULL); tm_now = *localtime(&now); tm_today = tm_now; tm_today.tm_hour = tm_today.tm_min = tm_today.tm_sec = 0; today = mktime(&tm_today); if (dat->hwndIEView != 0) { IEVIEWEVENT event; ZeroMemory(&event, sizeof(event)); event.cbSize = sizeof(IEVIEWEVENT); event.hwnd = dat->hwndIEView; event.hContact = dat->hContact; event.dwFlags = (dat->dwFlags & MWF_LOG_RTL) ? IEEF_RTL : 0; if (dat->sendMode & SMODE_FORCEANSI) { event.dwFlags |= IEEF_NO_UNICODE; event.codepage = dat->codePage; } else event.codepage = 0; if (!fAppend) { event.iType = IEE_CLEAR_LOG; CallService(MS_IEVIEW_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&event); } event.iType = IEE_LOG_DB_EVENTS; event.hDbEventFirst = hDbEventFirst; event.count = count; event.pszProto = dat->szProto; CallService(MS_IEVIEW_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&event); DM_ScrollToBottom(dat, 0, 0); if (fAppend) dat->hDbEventLast = hDbEventFirst; else dat->hDbEventLast = db_event_last(dat->hContact); return; } if (dat->hwndHPP != 0) { IEVIEWEVENT event; event.cbSize = sizeof(IEVIEWEVENT); event.hwnd = dat->hwndHPP; event.hContact = dat->hContact; event.dwFlags = (dat->dwFlags & MWF_LOG_RTL) ? IEEF_RTL : 0; if (dat->sendMode & SMODE_FORCEANSI) { event.dwFlags |= IEEF_NO_UNICODE; event.codepage = dat->codePage; } else event.codepage = 0; if (!fAppend) { event.iType = IEE_CLEAR_LOG; CallService(MS_HPP_EG_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&event); } event.iType = IEE_LOG_DB_EVENTS; event.hDbEventFirst = hDbEventFirst; event.count = count; CallService(MS_HPP_EG_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&event); //SendMessage(hwndDlg, DM_FORCESCROLL, (WPARAM)&pt, (LPARAM)&si); DM_ScrollToBottom(dat, 0, 0); if (fAppend) dat->hDbEventLast = hDbEventFirst; else dat->hDbEventLast = db_event_last(dat->hContact); return; } // separator strings used for grid lines, message separation and so on... dat->clr_added = FALSE; if (dat->szMicroLf[0] == 0) SetupLogFormatting(dat); szYourName = const_cast<TCHAR *>(dat->cache->getNick()); szMyName = dat->szMyNickname; SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_HIDESELECTION, TRUE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)& oldSel); streamData.hContact = dat->hContact; streamData.hDbEvent = hDbEventFirst; streamData.dlgDat = dat; streamData.eventsToInsert = count; streamData.isEmpty = fAppend ? GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG)) == 0 : 1; streamData.dbei = dbei_s; stream.pfnCallback = LogStreamInEvents; stream.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR) & streamData; streamData.isAppend = fAppend; if (fAppend) { GETTEXTLENGTHEX gtxl = {0}; gtxl.codepage = 1200; gtxl.flags = GTL_DEFAULT | GTL_PRECISE | GTL_NUMCHARS; fi.chrg.cpMin = SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM)& gtxl, 0); sel.cpMin = sel.cpMax = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG)); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)& sel); } else { SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, _T("")); sel.cpMin = 0; sel.cpMax = GetWindowTextLength(hwndrtf); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&sel); fi.chrg.cpMin = 0; dat->isAutoRTL = 0; } startAt = fi.chrg.cpMin; SendMessage(hwndrtf, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_STREAMIN, fAppend ? SFF_SELECTION | SF_RTF : SFF_SELECTION | SF_RTF, (LPARAM)& stream); //SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_STREAMIN, fAppend ? SFF_SELECTION | SF_RTF : SF_RTF, (LPARAM)& stream); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)& oldSel); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_HIDESELECTION, FALSE, 0); dat->hDbEventLast = streamData.hDbEventLast; if (dat->isAutoRTL & 1) { SendMessage(hwndrtf, EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, LOWORD(dat->iLastEventType) & DBEF_SENT ? (fAppend?dat->pContainer->theme.outbg : dat->pContainer->theme.oldoutbg) : (fAppend?dat->pContainer->theme.inbg : dat->pContainer->theme.oldinbg)); } if (!(dat->isAutoRTL & 1)) { GETTEXTLENGTHEX gtxl = {0}; PARAFORMAT2 pf2; gtxl.codepage = 1200; gtxl.flags = GTL_DEFAULT | GTL_PRECISE | GTL_NUMCHARS; ZeroMemory(&pf2, sizeof(PARAFORMAT2)); sel.cpMax = SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM)& gtxl, 0); sel.cpMin = sel.cpMax - 1; SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)& sel); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, EM_REPLACESEL, FALSE, (LPARAM)_T("")); dat->isAutoRTL |= 2; } if (streamData.dbei != 0) isSent = (streamData.dbei->flags & DBEF_SENT) != 0; else { DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; db_event_get(hDbEventFirst, &dbei); isSent = (dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT) != 0; } ReplaceIcons(hwndDlg, dat, startAt, fAppend, isSent); dat->clr_added = FALSE; SendMessage(hwndDlg, DM_FORCESCROLL, (WPARAM)&pt, (LPARAM)psi); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG), NULL, FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_QUOTE), dat->hDbEventLast != NULL); if (streamData.buffer) free(streamData.buffer); } static void ReplaceIcons(HWND hwndDlg, struct TWindowData *dat, LONG startAt, int fAppend, BOOL isSent) { FINDTEXTEXA fi; CHARFORMAT2 cf2; HWND hwndrtf; IRichEditOle *ole; TEXTRANGEA tr; COLORREF crDefault; struct TLogIcon theIcon; char trbuffer[40]; DWORD dwScale = M->GetDword("iconscale", 0); tr.lpstrText = trbuffer; hwndrtf = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG); fi.chrg.cpMin = startAt; if (dat->clr_added) { unsigned int length; int index; CHARRANGE cr; fi.lpstrText = "##col##"; fi.chrg.cpMax = -1; ZeroMemory((void*)&cf2, sizeof(cf2)); cf2.cbSize = sizeof(cf2); cf2.dwMask = CFM_COLOR; while (SendMessageA(hwndrtf, EM_FINDTEXTEX, FR_DOWN, (LPARAM)&fi) > -1) { tr.chrg.cpMin = fi.chrgText.cpMin; tr.chrg.cpMax = tr.chrg.cpMin + 18; trbuffer[0] = 0; SendMessageA(hwndrtf, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)&tr); trbuffer[18] = 0; cr.cpMin = fi.chrgText.cpMin; cr.cpMax = cr.cpMin + 18; SendMessage(hwndrtf, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&cr); SendMessageA(hwndrtf, EM_REPLACESEL, FALSE, (LPARAM)""); length = (unsigned int)atol(&trbuffer[7]); index = atol(&trbuffer[14]); if (length > 0 && length < 20000 && index >= RTF_CTABLE_DEFSIZE && index < Utils::rtf_ctable_size) { cf2.crTextColor = Utils::rtf_ctable[index].clr; cr.cpMin = fi.chrgText.cpMin; cr.cpMax = cr.cpMin + length; SendMessage(hwndrtf, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&cr); SendMessage(hwndrtf, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&cf2); } } } fi.chrg.cpMin = startAt; if (dat->dwFlags & MWF_LOG_SHOWICONS) { BYTE bIconIndex = 0; char bDirection = 0; CHARRANGE cr; fi.lpstrText = "#~#"; fi.chrg.cpMax = -1; ZeroMemory((void*)&cf2, sizeof(cf2)); cf2.cbSize = sizeof(cf2); cf2.dwMask = CFM_BACKCOLOR; SendMessage(hwndrtf, EM_GETOLEINTERFACE, 0, (LPARAM)&ole); while (SendMessageA(hwndrtf, EM_FINDTEXTEX, FR_DOWN, (LPARAM)&fi) > -1) { cr.cpMin = fi.chrgText.cpMin; cr.cpMax = fi.chrgText.cpMax + 2; SendMessage(hwndrtf, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&cr); tr.chrg.cpMin = fi.chrgText.cpMin + 3; tr.chrg.cpMax = fi.chrgText.cpMin + 5; SendMessageA(hwndrtf, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)&tr); bIconIndex = ((BYTE)trbuffer[0] - (BYTE)'0'); if (bIconIndex >= NR_LOGICONS) { fi.chrg.cpMin = fi.chrgText.cpMax + 6; continue; } bDirection = trbuffer[1]; SendMessage(hwndrtf, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&cf2); crDefault = cf2.crBackColor == 0 ? (true ? (bDirection == '>' ? (fAppend ? dat->pContainer->theme.outbg : dat->pContainer->theme.oldoutbg) : (fAppend ? dat->pContainer->theme.inbg : dat->pContainer->theme.oldinbg)) : dat->pContainer->theme.bg) : cf2.crBackColor; CacheIconToBMP(&theIcon, Logicons[bIconIndex], crDefault, dwScale, dwScale); ImageDataInsertBitmap(ole, theIcon.hBmp); DeleteCachedIcon(&theIcon); fi.chrg.cpMin = cr.cpMax + 6; } ReleaseRichEditOle(ole); } /* * do smiley replacing, using the service */ if (PluginConfig.g_SmileyAddAvail) { CHARRANGE sel; SMADD_RICHEDIT3 smadd; sel.cpMin = startAt; sel.cpMax = -1; ZeroMemory(&smadd, sizeof(smadd)); smadd.cbSize = sizeof(smadd); smadd.hwndRichEditControl = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG); smadd.Protocolname = const_cast<char *>(dat->cache->getActiveProto()); smadd.hContact = dat->cache->getActiveContact(); smadd.flags = isSent ? SAFLRE_OUTGOING : 0; if (startAt > 0) smadd.rangeToReplace = &sel; else smadd.rangeToReplace = NULL; smadd.disableRedraw = TRUE; if (dat->doSmileys) CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_REPLACESMILEYS, TABSRMM_SMILEYADD_BKGCOLORMODE, (LPARAM)&smadd); } if (PluginConfig.m_MathModAvail) { TMathRicheditInfo mathReplaceInfo; CHARRANGE mathNewSel; mathNewSel.cpMin = startAt; mathNewSel.cpMax = -1; mathReplaceInfo.hwndRichEditControl = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOG); if (startAt > 0) mathReplaceInfo.sel = & mathNewSel; else mathReplaceInfo.sel = 0; mathReplaceInfo.disableredraw = TRUE; CallService(MATH_RTF_REPLACE_FORMULAE, 0, (LPARAM)&mathReplaceInfo); } if (dat->hHistoryEvents && dat->curHistory == dat->maxHistory) { char szPattern[50]; FINDTEXTEXA fi; _snprintf(szPattern, 40, "~-+%d+-~", (INT_PTR)dat->hHistoryEvents[0]); fi.lpstrText = szPattern; fi.chrg.cpMin = 0; fi.chrg.cpMax = -1; if (SendMessageA(hwndrtf, EM_FINDTEXTEX, FR_DOWN, (LPARAM)&fi) != 0) { CHARRANGE sel; sel.cpMin = 0; sel.cpMax = 20; SendMessage(hwndrtf, EM_SETSEL, 0, fi.chrgText.cpMax + 1); SendMessageA(hwndrtf, EM_REPLACESEL, TRUE, (LPARAM)""); } } } /* * NLS functions (for unicode version only) encoding stuff.. */ static BOOL CALLBACK LangAddCallback(LPTSTR str) { int i, count; UINT cp; cp = _ttoi(str); count = sizeof(cpTable) / sizeof(cpTable[0]); for (i=0; i < count && cpTable[i].cpId != cp; i++); if (i < count) AppendMenu(PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding, MF_STRING, cp, TranslateTS(cpTable[i].cpName)); return TRUE; } void TSAPI BuildCodePageList() { PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding, MF_STRING, 500, TranslateT("Use default codepage")); AppendMenuA(PluginConfig.g_hMenuEncoding, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); EnumSystemCodePages(LangAddCallback, CP_INSTALLED); } static TCHAR *Template_MakeRelativeDate(struct TWindowData *dat, HANDLE hTimeZone, time_t check, int groupBreak, TCHAR code) { static TCHAR szResult[100]; const TCHAR *szFormat; if ((code == (TCHAR)'R' || code == (TCHAR)'r') && check >= today) { _tcscpy(szResult, szToday); } else if ((code == (TCHAR)'R' || code == (TCHAR)'r') && check > (today - 86400)) { _tcscpy(szResult, szYesterday); } else { if (code == 'D' || code == 'R') szFormat = _T("D"); else if (code == 'T') szFormat = _T("s"); else if (code == 't') szFormat = _T("t"); else szFormat = _T("d"); tmi.printTimeStamp(hTimeZone, check, szFormat, szResult, SIZEOF(szResult), 0); } return szResult; }