///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* // // Copyright (C) 2012-22 Miranda NG team, // Copyright (c) 2000-09 Miranda ICQ/IM project, // all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people // listed in contributors.txt. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // part of tabSRMM messaging plugin for Miranda. // // (C) 2005-2010 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors // // the contact switch bar on the left (or right) side #include "stdafx.h" TSideBarLayout CSideBar::m_layouts[CSideBar::NR_LAYOUTS] = { { LPGENW("Like tabs, vertical text orientation"), 26, 30, SIDEBARLAYOUT_DYNHEIGHT | SIDEBARLAYOUT_VERTICALORIENTATION, CSideBar::m_DefaultContentRenderer, CSideBar::m_DefaultBackgroundRenderer, nullptr, nullptr, SIDEBARLAYOUT_VERTICAL }, { LPGENW("Compact layout, horizontal buttons"), 100, 24, 0, CSideBar::m_DefaultContentRenderer, CSideBar::m_DefaultBackgroundRenderer, nullptr, nullptr, SIDEBARLAYOUT_NORMAL }, { LPGENW("Advanced layout with avatars"), 140, 40, SIDEBARLAYOUT_NOCLOSEBUTTONS, CSideBar::m_AdvancedContentRenderer, CSideBar::m_DefaultBackgroundRenderer, nullptr, nullptr, SIDEBARLAYOUT_NORMAL }, { LPGENW("Advanced with avatars, vertical orientation"), 40, 40, SIDEBARLAYOUT_DYNHEIGHT | SIDEBARLAYOUT_VERTICALORIENTATION | SIDEBARLAYOUT_NOCLOSEBUTTONS, CSideBar::m_AdvancedContentRenderer, CSideBar::m_DefaultBackgroundRenderer, CSideBar::m_measureAdvancedVertical, nullptr, SIDEBARLAYOUT_VERTICAL } }; CSideBarButton::CSideBarButton(CMsgDialog *dat, CSideBar *sideBar) { m_dat = dat; m_id = UINT(dat->m_hContact); // set the control id m_sideBar = sideBar; _create(); } CSideBarButton::CSideBarButton(const UINT id, CSideBar *sideBar) { m_dat = nullptr; m_id = id; m_sideBar = sideBar; _create(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal method to create the button item and configure the associated button control void CSideBarButton::_create() { m_hwnd = nullptr; m_isTopAligned = true; m_sz.cx = m_sz.cy = 0; m_hwnd = ::CreateWindowEx(0, L"MButtonClass", L"", WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 0, 0, 40, 40, m_sideBar->getScrollWnd(), reinterpret_cast(m_id), g_plugin.getInst(), nullptr); if (m_hwnd) { CustomizeButton(m_hwnd); ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, BUTTONSETASSIDEBARBUTTON, (WPARAM)this, 0); ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, FALSE, 0); ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, BUTTONSETASTHEMEDBTN, TRUE, 0); ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, BUTTONSETCONTAINER, (LPARAM)m_sideBar->getContainer(), 0); m_buttonControl = (TSButtonCtrl *)::GetWindowLongPtr(m_hwnd, 0); if (m_id == IDC_SIDEBARUP || m_id == IDC_SIDEBARDOWN) ::SetParent(m_hwnd, m_sideBar->getContainer()->m_hwnd); } else delete this; } CSideBarButton::~CSideBarButton() { if (m_hwnd) { ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, BUTTONSETASSIDEBARBUTTON, 0, 0); // make sure, the button will no longer call us back ::DestroyWindow(m_hwnd); } } void CSideBarButton::Show(const int showCmd) const { ::ShowWindow(m_hwnd, showCmd); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Measure the metrics for the current item. The side bar layouting will call this // whenever a layout with a dynamic height is active). For fixed dimension layouts, // m_elementWidth and m_elementHeight will be used. // // @return SIZE&: reference to the item's size member. The caller may use cx and cy values // to determine further layouting actions. const SIZE& CSideBarButton::measureItem() { if (m_sideBarLayout->pfnMeasureItem) m_sideBarLayout->pfnMeasureItem(this); // use the current layout's function, if available, else use default else { HDC dc = ::GetDC(m_hwnd); HFONT oldFont = reinterpret_cast(::SelectObject(dc, ::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT))); wchar_t tszLabel[255]; wcsncpy_s(tszLabel, m_dat->m_wszTitle, _TRUNCATE); SIZE sz; ::GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, tszLabel, (int)mir_wstrlen(tszLabel), &sz); sz.cx += 28; if (m_dat->m_pContainer->m_flagsEx.m_bTabCloseButton) sz.cx += 20; if (m_sideBarLayout->dwFlags & CSideBar::SIDEBARLAYOUT_VERTICALORIENTATION) m_sz.cy = sz.cx; else m_sz.cx = sz.cx; ::SelectObject(dc, oldFont); ::ReleaseDC(m_hwnd, dc); } return m_sz; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Render the button item. Callback from the button window procedure // // @param ctl TSButtonCtrl *: pointer to the private button data structure // @param hdc HDC: device context for painting void CSideBarButton::RenderThis(const HDC hdc) const { RECT rc; ::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc); bool bVertical = (m_sideBarLayout->dwFlags & CSideBar::SIDEBARLAYOUT_VERTICALORIENTATION) ? true : false; if (m_id == IDC_SIDEBARUP || m_id == IDC_SIDEBARDOWN) bVertical = false; int cx, cy; if (bVertical) { cx = rc.bottom; cy = rc.right; } else { cx = rc.right; cy = rc.bottom; } HDC hdcMem = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); HBITMAP hbmMem; if (bVertical) { RECT rcFlipped = { 0, 0, cx, cy }; hbmMem = CSkin::CreateAeroCompatibleBitmap(rcFlipped, hdcMem); rc = rcFlipped; } else hbmMem = CSkin::CreateAeroCompatibleBitmap(rc, hdcMem); HBITMAP hbmOld = reinterpret_cast(::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmMem)); HFONT hFontOld = reinterpret_cast(::SelectObject(hdcMem, ::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT))); m_sideBarLayout->pfnBackgroundRenderer(hdcMem, &rc, this); m_sideBarLayout->pfnContentRenderer(hdcMem, &rc, this); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hFontOld); // for vertical tabs, we did draw to a rotated rectangle, so we now must rotate the // final bitmap back to it's original orientation if (bVertical) { ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); FIBITMAP *fib = FreeImage_CreateDIBFromHBITMAP(hbmMem); FIBITMAP *fib_new = FreeImage_Rotate(fib, 90.0f, nullptr); FreeImage_Unload(fib); ::DeleteObject(hbmMem); hbmMem = FreeImage_CreateHBITMAPFromDIB(fib_new); FreeImage_Unload(fib_new); hbmOld = reinterpret_cast(::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmMem)); ::BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, cy, cx, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); ::DeleteObject(hbmMem); ::DeleteDC(hdcMem); } else { ::BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, cx, cy, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); ::DeleteObject(hbmMem); ::DeleteDC(hdcMem); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // render basic button content like nickname and icon. Used for the basic layouts // only. Pretty much the same code as used for the tabs. // // @param hdc : target device context // @param rcItem : rectangle to render into void CSideBarButton::renderIconAndNick(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rcItem) const { const TContainerData *pContainer = m_sideBar->getContainer(); if (!m_dat || !pContainer) return; int iSize = 16; HICON hIcon = m_dat->m_cache->getIcon(iSize); RECT rc = *rcItem; if (!m_dat->m_bCanFlashTab || (m_dat->m_bCanFlashTab == TRUE && m_dat->m_bTabFlash) || !pContainer->m_flagsEx.m_bTabFlashIcon) { uint32_t ix = rc.left + 4; uint32_t iy = (rc.bottom + rc.top - iSize) / 2; if (m_dat->m_bIsIdle && PluginConfig.m_bIdleDetect) CSkin::DrawDimmedIcon(hdc, ix, iy, iSize, iSize, hIcon, 180); else ::DrawIconEx(hdc, ix, iy, hIcon, iSize, iSize, 0, nullptr, DI_NORMAL | DI_COMPAT); } rc.left += (iSize + 7); // draw the close button if enabled if (m_sideBar->getContainer()->m_flagsEx.m_bTabCloseButton) { if (m_sideBar->getHoveredClose() != this) CSkin::m_default_bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 150; GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, rc.right - 20, (rc.bottom + rc.top - 16) / 2, 16, 16, CSkin::m_tabCloseHDC, 0, 0, 16, 16, CSkin::m_default_bf); rc.right -= 19; CSkin::m_default_bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 255; } ::SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); if (!m_dat->m_bCanFlashTab || (m_dat->m_bCanFlashTab == TRUE && m_dat->m_bTabFlash) || !pContainer->m_flagsEx.m_bTabFlashLabel) { bool fIsActive = (m_sideBar->getActiveItem() == this); COLORREF clr; int stateId = m_buttonControl->stateId; if (fIsActive || stateId == PBS_PRESSED) clr = PluginConfig.tabConfig.colors[1]; else if (stateId == PBS_HOT) clr = PluginConfig.tabConfig.colors[3]; else clr = PluginConfig.tabConfig.colors[0]; uint32_t dwTextFlags = DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS; CSkin::RenderText(hdc, m_buttonControl->hThemeButton, m_dat->m_wszTitle, &rc, dwTextFlags, CSkin::m_glowSize, clr); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // test if we have the mouse pointer over our close button. // @return: 1 if the pointer is inside the button's rect, -1 otherwise int CSideBarButton::testCloseButton() const { if (m_id == IDC_SIDEBARUP || m_id == IDC_SIDEBARDOWN) // scroller buttons don't have a close button return -1; if (m_sideBar->getContainer()->m_flagsEx.m_bTabCloseButton && !(getLayout()->dwFlags & CSideBar::SIDEBARLAYOUT_NOCLOSEBUTTONS)) { POINT pt; ::GetCursorPos(&pt); ::ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, &pt); RECT rc; ::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc); if (getLayout()->dwFlags & CSideBar::SIDEBARLAYOUT_VERTICALORIENTATION) { rc.bottom = rc.top + 18; rc.top += 2; rc.left += 2; rc.right -= 2; if (::PtInRect(&rc, pt)) return 1; } else { rc.bottom -= 4; rc.top += 4; rc.right -= 3; rc.left = rc.right - 16; if (::PtInRect(&rc, pt)) return 1; } } return -1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // call back from the button window procedure. Activate my session void CSideBarButton::activateSession() const { if (m_dat) m_dat->ActivateTab(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // show the context menu (same as on tabs void CSideBarButton::invokeContextMenu() { const TContainerData *pContainer = m_sideBar->getContainer(); if (pContainer) { TSideBarNotify tsn = {}; tsn.nmHdr.code = NM_RCLICK; tsn.nmHdr.idFrom = 5000; tsn.nmHdr.hwndFrom = ::GetDlgItem(pContainer->m_hwnd, 5000); tsn.dat = m_dat; ::SendMessage(pContainer->m_hwnd, WM_NOTIFY, 0, LPARAM(&tsn)); } } CSideBar::CSideBar(TContainerData *pContainer) : m_buttonlist(1, PtrKeySortT) { m_pContainer = pContainer; m_up = m_down = nullptr; m_hwndScrollWnd = nullptr; m_activeItem = nullptr; m_isVisible = true; Init(); } CSideBar::~CSideBar() { destroyScroller(); if (m_hwndScrollWnd) ::DestroyWindow(m_hwndScrollWnd); } void CSideBar::Init() { m_iTopButtons = m_iBottomButtons = 0; m_topHeight = m_bottomHeight = 0; m_firstVisibleOffset = 0; m_totalItemHeight = 0; m_uLayout = (m_pContainer->m_flagsEx.dw & 0xff000000) >> 24; m_uLayout = ((m_uLayout < NR_LAYOUTS) ? m_uLayout : 0); m_currentLayout = &m_layouts[m_uLayout]; m_dwFlags = m_currentLayout->dwFlags; m_dwFlags = (m_pContainer->m_flagsEx.m_bTabSBarLeft ? m_dwFlags | SIDEBARORIENTATION_LEFT : m_dwFlags & ~SIDEBARORIENTATION_LEFT); m_dwFlags = (m_pContainer->m_flagsEx.m_bTabSBarRight ? m_dwFlags | SIDEBARORIENTATION_RIGHT : m_dwFlags & ~SIDEBARORIENTATION_RIGHT); if (m_pContainer->m_flags.m_bSideBar) { if (m_hwndScrollWnd == nullptr) m_hwndScrollWnd = ::CreateWindowEx(0, L"TS_SideBarClass", L"", WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 0, 0, m_width, 40, m_pContainer->m_hwnd, reinterpret_cast(5000), g_plugin.getInst(), this); m_isActive = m_isVisible = true; createScroller(); m_elementHeight = m_currentLayout->height; m_elementWidth = m_currentLayout->width; m_width = m_elementWidth + 4; populateAll(); if (m_activeItem) setActiveItem(m_activeItem, true); } else { destroyScroller(); m_width = 0; m_isActive = m_isVisible = false; m_activeItem = nullptr; removeAll(); if (m_hwndScrollWnd) ::DestroyWindow(m_hwndScrollWnd); m_hwndScrollWnd = nullptr; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sets visibility status for the sidebar. An invisible sidebar (collapsed // by the button in the message dialog) will remain active, it will, however // not do any drawing or other things that are only visually important. // // @param fNewVisible : set the new visibility status void CSideBar::setVisible(bool fNewVisible) { m_isVisible = fNewVisible; // only needed on hiding. Layout() will do it when showing it if (!m_isVisible) showAll(SW_HIDE); else { m_up->Show(SW_SHOW); m_down->Show(SW_SHOW); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create both scrollbar buttons which can be used to scroll the switchbar // up and down. void CSideBar::createScroller() { if (m_up == nullptr) m_up = new CSideBarButton(IDC_SIDEBARUP, this); if (m_down == nullptr) m_down = new CSideBarButton(IDC_SIDEBARDOWN, this); m_up->setLayout(m_currentLayout); m_down->setLayout(m_currentLayout); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destroy the scroller buttons. void CSideBar::destroyScroller() { if (m_up) { delete m_up; m_up = nullptr; } if (m_down) { delete m_down; m_down = nullptr; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // remove all buttons from the current list // Does not remove the sessions. This is basically only used when switching // from a sidebar to a tabbed interface void CSideBar::removeAll() { m_buttonlist.destroy(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // popuplate the side bar with all sessions inside the current window. Information // is gathered from the tab control, which remains active (but invisible) when the // switch bar is in use. // // This is needed when the user switches from tabs to a switchbar layout while a // window is open. void CSideBar::populateAll() { int iItems = (int)TabCtrl_GetItemCount(m_pContainer->m_hwndTabs); m_iTopButtons = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iItems; i++) { HWND hDlg = GetTabWindow(m_pContainer->m_hwndTabs, i); if (hDlg == 0 || !IsWindow(hDlg)) continue; CMsgDialog *dat = (CMsgDialog *)::GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA); if (dat == nullptr) continue; CSideBarButton *b_item = findSession(dat); if (b_item == nullptr) addSession(dat, i); else { b_item->setLayout(m_currentLayout); if (m_dwFlags & SIDEBARLAYOUT_VERTICALORIENTATION) { b_item->measureItem(); m_topHeight += b_item->getHeight() + 1; } else m_topHeight += m_elementHeight + 1; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add a new session to the switchbar. // // @param dat _MessageWindowData *: session data for a client session. Must be fully initialized // (that is, it can only be used after WM_INITIALOG completed). // position: -1 = append, otherwise insert it at the given position void CSideBar::addSession(CMsgDialog *dat, int position) { if (!m_isActive) return; CSideBarButton *item = new CSideBarButton(dat, this); item->setLayout(m_currentLayout); if (m_dwFlags & SIDEBARLAYOUT_DYNHEIGHT) { SIZE sz = item->measureItem(); m_topHeight += (sz.cy + 1); } else m_topHeight += (m_elementHeight + 1); m_iTopButtons++; if (position == -1 || position >= m_buttonlist.getCount()) m_buttonlist.insert(item); else m_buttonlist.insert(item, position); SendDlgItemMessage(dat->GetHwnd(), IDC_TOGGLESIDEBAR, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)(m_dwFlags & SIDEBARORIENTATION_LEFT ? PluginConfig.g_buttonBarIcons[ICON_DEFAULT_LEFT] : PluginConfig.g_buttonBarIcons[ICON_DEFAULT_RIGHT])); moveButtons(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remove a new session from the switchbar. // // @param dat _MessageWindowData *: session data for a client session. HRESULT CSideBar::removeSession(CMsgDialog *dat) { if (dat) { CSideBarButton *item = findSession(dat); if (item != nullptr) { m_iTopButtons--; if (m_dwFlags & SIDEBARLAYOUT_DYNHEIGHT) { SIZE sz = item->getSize(); m_topHeight -= (sz.cy + 1); } else m_topHeight -= (m_elementHeight + 1); m_buttonlist.remove(item); moveButtons(); return(S_OK); } } return(S_FALSE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // make sure the given item is visible in a scrolled switch bar // // @param item CSideBarButtonItem*: the item which must be visible in the switch bar void CSideBar::scrollIntoView(const CSideBarButton *item) { LONG spaceUsed = 0, itemHeight = 0; bool fNeedLayout = false, bFound = false; if (!m_isActive) return; if (item == nullptr) item = m_activeItem; for (auto &it : m_buttonlist) { itemHeight = it->getHeight(); spaceUsed += itemHeight; if (it == item) { bFound = true; break; } } RECT rc; GetClientRect(m_hwndScrollWnd, &rc); if (m_topHeight <= rc.bottom) m_firstVisibleOffset = 0; else if (!bFound || (item == &m_buttonlist[0] && m_firstVisibleOffset == 0)) ; // do nothing for the first item and .end() should not really happen else if (spaceUsed <= rc.bottom && spaceUsed - (itemHeight + 1) >= m_firstVisibleOffset) ; // item fully visible, do nothing else { // button partially or not at all visible at the top if (spaceUsed < m_firstVisibleOffset || spaceUsed - (itemHeight + 1) < m_firstVisibleOffset) { m_firstVisibleOffset = spaceUsed - (itemHeight + 1); fNeedLayout = true; } else { if (spaceUsed > rc.bottom) { // partially or not at all visible at the bottom fNeedLayout = true; m_firstVisibleOffset = spaceUsed - rc.bottom; } } } moveButtons(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Invalidate the button associated with the given session. // // @param dat _MessageWindowData*: Session data void CSideBar::updateSession(CMsgDialog *dat) { if (!m_isVisible || !m_isActive) return; CSideBarButton *item = findSession(dat); if (item == nullptr) return; if (m_dwFlags & SIDEBARLAYOUT_DYNHEIGHT) { LONG oldHeight = item->getHeight(); m_topHeight -= (oldHeight + 1); SIZE sz = item->measureItem(); m_topHeight += (sz.cy + 1); if (sz.cy != oldHeight) { moveButtons(); ::InvalidateRect(item->getHwnd(), nullptr, TRUE); } else ::InvalidateRect(item->getHwnd(), nullptr, FALSE); } else ::InvalidateRect(item->getHwnd(), nullptr, FALSE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sets the active session item // called from the global update handler in msgdialog/group room window // on every tab activation to ensure consistency // // @param dat _MessageWindowData*: session data // // @return The previously active item (that can be zero) void CSideBar::setActiveItem(const CMsgDialog *dat, bool bScroll) { if (auto *item = findSession(dat)) setActiveItem(item, bScroll); } void CSideBar::setActiveItem(CSideBarButton *newItem, bool bScroll) { CSideBarButton *oldItem = m_activeItem; m_activeItem = newItem; if (oldItem) ::InvalidateRect(oldItem->getHwnd(), nullptr, FALSE); ::InvalidateRect(m_activeItem->getHwnd(), nullptr, FALSE); if (bScroll) scrollIntoView(m_activeItem); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Layout the buttons within the available space... ensure that buttons are // set to invisible if there is not enough space. Also, update the state of // the scroller buttons // // @param rc RECT*:the window rectangle // // @param fOnlyCalc bool: if false (default), window positions will be updated, otherwise, // the method will only calculate the layout parameters. A final call to // Layout() with the parameter set to false is required to perform the // position update. void CSideBar::moveButtons() { if (!m_isVisible) return; RECT rcWnd; ::GetClientRect(m_hwndScrollWnd, &rcWnd); if (m_currentLayout->pfnLayout) { m_currentLayout->pfnLayout(this, &rcWnd); return; } HDWP hdwp = ::BeginDeferWindowPos(1); BOOL topEnabled = FALSE, bottomEnabled = FALSE; uint32_t dwFlags = SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW; m_firstVisibleOffset = max(0, m_firstVisibleOffset); m_totalItemHeight = 0; int height = m_elementHeight, spaceUsed = 0, iSpaceAvail = rcWnd.bottom; for (auto &p : m_buttonlist) { HWND hwnd = p->getHwnd(); if (m_dwFlags & SIDEBARLAYOUT_DYNHEIGHT) height = p->getHeight(); if (spaceUsed > iSpaceAvail || m_totalItemHeight + height < m_firstVisibleOffset) { ::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); m_totalItemHeight += (height + 1); continue; } if (p->isTopAligned()) { if (m_totalItemHeight <= m_firstVisibleOffset) { // partially visible if (nullptr != hwnd) /* Wine fix. */ hdwp = ::DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwnd, nullptr, 2, -(m_firstVisibleOffset - m_totalItemHeight), m_elementWidth, height, dwFlags); spaceUsed += ((height + 1) - (m_firstVisibleOffset - m_totalItemHeight)); m_totalItemHeight += (height + 1); } else { if (nullptr != hwnd) /* Wine fix. */ hdwp = ::DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwnd, nullptr, 2, spaceUsed, m_elementWidth, height, dwFlags); spaceUsed += (height + 1); m_totalItemHeight += (height + 1); } } } topEnabled = m_firstVisibleOffset > 0; bottomEnabled = (m_totalItemHeight - m_firstVisibleOffset > rcWnd.bottom); ::EndDeferWindowPos(hdwp); RECT rcContainer; ::GetClientRect(m_pContainer->m_hwnd, &rcContainer); LONG dx = m_dwFlags & SIDEBARORIENTATION_LEFT ? m_pContainer->m_tBorder_outer_left : rcContainer.right - m_pContainer->m_tBorder_outer_right - (m_elementWidth + 4); ::SetWindowPos(m_up->getHwnd(), nullptr, dx, m_pContainer->m_tBorder_outer_top + m_pContainer->m_pMenuBar->getHeight(), m_elementWidth + 4, 14, dwFlags); ::SetWindowPos(m_down->getHwnd(), nullptr, dx, (rcContainer.bottom - 14 - m_pContainer->m_statusBarHeight - 1), m_elementWidth + 4, 14, dwFlags); ::EnableWindow(m_up->getHwnd(), topEnabled); ::EnableWindow(m_down->getHwnd(), bottomEnabled); ::InvalidateRect(m_up->getHwnd(), nullptr, FALSE); ::InvalidateRect(m_down->getHwnd(), nullptr, FALSE); } void CSideBar::showAll(int showCmd) { ::ShowWindow(m_up->getHwnd(), showCmd); ::ShowWindow(m_down->getHwnd(), showCmd); for (auto &it : m_buttonlist) ::ShowWindow(it->getHwnd(), showCmd); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper function: find a button item associated to the given // session data // // @param dat _MessageWindowData*: session information // // @return CSideBarButtonItem*: pointer to the found item. Zero, if none was found CSideBarButton* CSideBar::findSession(const CMsgDialog *dat) { if (dat == nullptr) return nullptr; for (auto &it : m_buttonlist) if (it->getDat() == dat) return it; return nullptr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper function: find a button item associated to the given // contact handle // // @param hContact HANDLE: contact's handle to look for // // @return CSideBarButtonItem*: pointer to the found item. Zero, if none was found CSideBarButton* CSideBar::findSession(const MCONTACT hContact) { if (hContact == 0) return nullptr; for (auto &it : m_buttonlist) if (it->getContactHandle() == hContact) return it; return nullptr; } void CSideBar::processScrollerButtons(UINT commandID) { if (!m_isActive || m_down == nullptr) return; if (commandID == IDC_SIDEBARDOWN && ::IsWindowEnabled(m_down->getHwnd())) m_firstVisibleOffset += 10; else if (commandID == IDC_SIDEBARUP && ::IsWindowEnabled(m_up->getHwnd())) m_firstVisibleOffset = max(0, m_firstVisibleOffset - 10); moveButtons(); } void CSideBar::resizeScrollWnd(LONG x, LONG y, LONG, LONG height) const { if (!m_isVisible || !m_isActive) { ::ShowWindow(m_hwndScrollWnd, SW_HIDE); return; } ::SetWindowPos(m_hwndScrollWnd, nullptr, x, y + 15, m_width, height - 30, SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING | SWP_DEFERERASE | SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS); } void CSideBar::invalidateButton(CMsgDialog *dat) { if (m_isActive && m_isVisible) { CSideBarButton *item = findSession(dat); if (item != nullptr) RedrawWindow(item->m_buttonControl->hwnd, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the window procedure for the sidebar container window (the window which // acts as a parent for the actual buttons). itself, this window is a child // of the container window. LRESULT CALLBACK CSideBar::wndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_SIZE: return TRUE; case WM_ERASEBKGND: HDC hdc = (HDC)wParam; RECT rc; ::GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) { CSkinItem *item = &SkinItems[ID_EXTBKSIDEBARBG]; if (item->IGNORED) CSkin::SkinDrawBG(hwnd, m_pContainer->m_hwnd, m_pContainer, &rc, hdc); else CSkin::DrawItem(hdc, &rc, item); } else if (M.isAero() || M.isVSThemed()) { HDC hdcMem; HANDLE hbp = nullptr; HBITMAP hbm, hbmOld; if (CMimAPI::m_haveBufferedPaint) { hbp = CSkin::InitiateBufferedPaint(hdc, rc, hdcMem); hbm = hbmOld = nullptr; } else { hdcMem = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); hbm = CSkin::CreateAeroCompatibleBitmap(rc, hdcMem); hbmOld = reinterpret_cast(::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbm)); } if (M.isAero()) ::FillRect(hdcMem, &rc, CSkin::m_BrushBack); else CSkin::FillBack(hdcMem, &rc); if (hbp) CSkin::FinalizeBufferedPaint(hbp, &rc); else { ::BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, rc.right, rc.bottom, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); ::DeleteObject(hbm); ::DeleteDC(hdcMem); } } else ::FillRect(hdc, &rc, ::GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE)); return 1; } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } LRESULT CALLBACK CSideBar::wndProcStub(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CSideBar *sideBar = (CSideBar *)::GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); if (sideBar) return(sideBar->wndProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam)); switch (msg) { case WM_NCCREATE: CREATESTRUCT *cs = (CREATESTRUCT *)lParam; ::SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)cs->lpCreateParams); return TRUE; } return ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // paints the background for a switchbar item. It can paint aero, visual styles, skins or // classic buttons (depending on os and current plugin settings). // // @param hdc HDC: target device context // @param rc RECT*: target rectangle // @param stateId the state identifier (normal, pressed, hot, disabled etc.) void __fastcall CSideBar::m_DefaultBackgroundRenderer(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, const CSideBarButton *item) { UINT id = item->getID(); int stateId = item->m_buttonControl->stateId; bool fIsActiveItem = (item->m_sideBar->getActiveItem() == item); if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) { TContainerData *pContainer = const_cast(item->m_sideBar->getContainer()); int ctrlId = stateId == PBS_PRESSED || fIsActiveItem ? ID_EXTBKBUTTONSPRESSED : (stateId == PBS_HOT ? ID_EXTBKBUTTONSMOUSEOVER : ID_EXTBKBUTTONSNPRESSED); CSkinItem *skinItem = &SkinItems[ctrlId]; HWND hwnd = item->m_buttonControl->hwnd; CSkin::SkinDrawBG(hwnd, pContainer->m_hwnd, pContainer, const_cast(rc), hdc); CSkin::DrawItem(hdc, rc, skinItem); } else if (M.isAero() || PluginConfig.m_fillColor) { if (id == IDC_SIDEBARUP || id == IDC_SIDEBARDOWN) { if (M.isAero()) ::FillRect(hdc, const_cast(rc), CSkin::m_BrushBack); else CSkin::FillBack(hdc, const_cast(rc)); if (stateId == PBS_HOT || stateId == PBS_PRESSED) DrawAlpha(hdc, const_cast(rc), 0xf0f0f0, 70, 0x000000, 0, 9, 31, 4, nullptr); else DrawAlpha(hdc, const_cast(rc), 0xf0f0f0, 30, 0x707070, 0, 9, 31, 4, nullptr); } else { if (PluginConfig.m_fillColor) FillTabBackground(hdc, stateId, item->getDat(), const_cast(rc)); CSkin::m_switchBarItem->setAlphaFormat(AC_SRC_ALPHA, (stateId == PBS_HOT && !fIsActiveItem) ? 250 : (fIsActiveItem || stateId == PBS_PRESSED ? 250 : 230)); CSkin::m_switchBarItem->Render(hdc, rc, true); if (stateId == PBS_HOT || stateId == PBS_PRESSED || fIsActiveItem) { RECT rcGlow = *rc; rcGlow.top += 1; rcGlow.bottom -= 2; CSkin::m_tabGlowTop->setAlphaFormat(AC_SRC_ALPHA, (stateId == PBS_PRESSED || fIsActiveItem) ? 180 : 100); CSkin::m_tabGlowTop->Render(hdc, &rcGlow, true); } } } else if (M.isVSThemed()) { RECT *rcDraw = const_cast(rc); if (id == IDC_SIDEBARUP || id == IDC_SIDEBARDOWN) { ::FillRect(hdc, rc, stateId == PBS_HOT ? ::GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HOTLIGHT) : ::GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE)); ::InflateRect(rcDraw, -2, 0); ::DrawEdge(hdc, rcDraw, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_SOFT | BF_RECT | BF_FLAT); } else { CSkin::FillBack(hdc, rcDraw); if (IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(item->m_buttonControl->hThemeToolbar, TP_BUTTON, stateId)) DrawThemeParentBackground(item->getHwnd(), hdc, rcDraw); if (M.isAero() || IsWinVerVistaPlus()) { stateId = (fIsActiveItem ? PBS_PRESSED : PBS_HOT); DrawThemeBackground(item->m_buttonControl->hThemeToolbar, hdc, 8, RBStateConvert2Flat(stateId), rcDraw, rcDraw); } else { stateId = (fIsActiveItem ? PBS_PRESSED : PBS_HOT); DrawThemeBackground(item->m_buttonControl->hThemeToolbar, hdc, TP_BUTTON, TBStateConvert2Flat(stateId), rcDraw, rcDraw); } } } else { RECT *rcDraw = const_cast(rc); if (!(id == IDC_SIDEBARUP || id == IDC_SIDEBARDOWN)) { HBRUSH br = (stateId == PBS_HOT && !fIsActiveItem) ? ::GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BTNSHADOW) : (fIsActiveItem || stateId == PBS_PRESSED ? ::GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HOTLIGHT) : ::GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE)); ::FillRect(hdc, rc, br); ::DrawEdge(hdc, rcDraw, (stateId == PBS_HOT && !fIsActiveItem) ? EDGE_ETCHED : (fIsActiveItem || stateId == PBS_PRESSED) ? EDGE_BUMP : EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT | BF_SOFT | BF_FLAT); } else { ::FillRect(hdc, rc, stateId == PBS_HOT ? ::GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HOTLIGHT) : ::GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE)); ::InflateRect(rcDraw, -2, 0); ::DrawEdge(hdc, rcDraw, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_SOFT | BF_RECT | BF_FLAT); } } } void __fastcall CSideBar::m_DefaultContentRenderer(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rcBox, const CSideBarButton *item) { UINT id = item->getID(); int stateID = item->m_buttonControl->stateId; if (id == IDC_SIDEBARUP || id == IDC_SIDEBARDOWN) { ::DrawIconEx(hdc, (rcBox->left + rcBox->right) / 2 - 8, (rcBox->top + rcBox->bottom) / 2 - 8, id == IDC_SIDEBARUP ? PluginConfig.g_buttonBarIcons[26] : PluginConfig.g_buttonBarIcons[16], 16, 16, 0, nullptr, DI_NORMAL); if (!M.isAero() && stateID == PBS_HOT) ::DrawEdge(hdc, const_cast(rcBox), BDR_INNER, BF_RECT | BF_SOFT | BF_FLAT); } else if (item->getDat()) item->renderIconAndNick(hdc, rcBox); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // content renderer for the advanced side bar button layout. includes // avatars void __fastcall CSideBar::m_AdvancedContentRenderer(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rcBox, const CSideBarButton *item) { const CMsgDialog *dat = item->getDat(); UINT id = item->getID(); LONG cx = rcBox->right - rcBox->left; LONG cy = rcBox->bottom - rcBox->top; SIZE szFirstLine, szSecondLine; if (id == IDC_SIDEBARUP || id == IDC_SIDEBARDOWN) m_DefaultContentRenderer(hdc, rcBox, item); else if (dat) { RECT rc = *rcBox; if (dat->m_ace && dat->m_ace->hbmPic) { // we have an avatar double dNewHeight, dNewWidth; LONG maxHeight = cy - 8; Utils::scaleAvatarHeightLimited(dat->m_ace->hbmPic, dNewWidth, dNewHeight, maxHeight); HBITMAP hbmResized = ::Image_Resize(dat->m_ace->hbmPic, RESIZEBITMAP_STRETCH, dNewWidth, dNewHeight); HDC dc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); HBITMAP hbmOld = reinterpret_cast(::SelectObject(dc, hbmResized)); LONG xOff = (cx - maxHeight) + (maxHeight - (LONG)dNewWidth) / 2 - 4; LONG yOff = (cy - (LONG)dNewHeight) / 2; GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, xOff, yOff, (LONG)dNewWidth, (LONG)dNewHeight, dc, 0, 0, (LONG)dNewWidth, (LONG)dNewHeight, CSkin::m_default_bf); ::SelectObject(dc, hbmOld); if (hbmResized != dat->m_ace->hbmPic) ::DeleteObject(hbmResized); ::DeleteDC(dc); rc.right -= (maxHeight + 6); } // calculate metrics based on font configuration. Determine if we have enough // space for both lines rc.left += 3; HFONT hOldFont = reinterpret_cast(::SelectObject(hdc, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTID_NICK])); ::GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdc, "A", 1, &szFirstLine); ::SelectObject(hdc, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTID_STATUS]); ::GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdc, "A", 1, &szSecondLine); szSecondLine.cy = max(szSecondLine.cy, 18); LONG required = szFirstLine.cy + szSecondLine.cy; bool fSecondLine = (required < cy ? true : false); uint32_t dtFlags = DT_SINGLELINE | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | (!fSecondLine ? DT_VCENTER : 0); ::SelectObject(hdc, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTID_NICK]); rc.top++; ::SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); CSkin::RenderText(hdc, dat->m_hThemeIP, dat->m_cache->getNick(), &rc, dtFlags, CSkin::m_glowSize, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.clrs[IPFONTID_NICK]); if (fSecondLine) { int iSize; HICON hIcon = dat->m_cache->getIcon(iSize); // TODO support larger icons at a later time. This side bar button // could use 32x32 icons as well. rc.top = rc.bottom - szSecondLine.cy - 2; ::DrawIconEx(hdc, rc.left, rc.top + (rc.bottom - rc.top) / 2 - 8, hIcon, 16, 16, 0, nullptr, DI_NORMAL); rc.left += 18; ::SelectObject(hdc, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTID_STATUS]); CSkin::RenderText(hdc, dat->m_hThemeIP, dat->m_wszStatus, &rc, dtFlags | DT_VCENTER, CSkin::m_glowSize, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.clrs[IPFONTID_STATUS]); } ::SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // measure callback for the advanced sidebar button layout (vertical mode // with variable height buttons) const SIZE &__fastcall CSideBar::m_measureAdvancedVertical(CSideBarButton *item) { SIZE sz = {}; const CMsgDialog *dat = item->getDat(); if (dat) { SIZE szFirstLine, szSecondLine; if (dat->m_ace && dat->m_ace->hbmPic) sz.cy = item->getLayout()->width; HDC dc = ::GetDC(dat->GetHwnd()); HFONT hOldFont = reinterpret_cast(::SelectObject(dc, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTID_NICK])); ::GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, dat->m_cache->getNick(), (int)mir_wstrlen(dat->m_cache->getNick()), &szFirstLine); ::SelectObject(dc, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTID_STATUS]); ::GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, dat->m_wszStatus, (int)mir_wstrlen(dat->m_wszStatus), &szSecondLine); ::SelectObject(dc, hOldFont); ReleaseDC(dat->GetHwnd(), dc); szSecondLine.cx += 18; // icon space sz.cy += max(szFirstLine.cx + 4, szSecondLine.cx + 4); sz.cy += 2; } item->setSize(sz); return(item->getSize()); }