///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* // // Copyright (C) 2012-23 Miranda NG team, // Copyright (c) 2000-09 Miranda ICQ/IM project, // all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people // listed in contributors.txt. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // part of tabSRMM messaging plugin for Miranda. // // (C) 2005-2010 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors // // Windows 7 taskbar integration // // - overlay icons // - custom taskbar thumbnails for aero peek in tabbed containers // - read Windows 7 task bar configuration from the registry. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // how it works: // // Because of the fact, the DWM does not talk to non-toplevel windows // we need an invisible "proxy window" for each tab. This window is a very // small and hidden toplevel tool window which is used to communicate // with the dwm. Each proxy is associated with the client window (the "tab") // and registers itself with the message container window via // ITaskbarList3::RegisterTab(). // // Instead of automatically created snapshots of the window content, we // use custom generated thumbnails for the task bar buttons, including // nickname, UID, status message and avatar. This makes the thumbnails // easily recognizable. // // Thumbnails are generated "on request", only when the desktop window // manager needs one. // // Each proxy window has a CThumbIM or CThumbMUC object which represents // the actual thumbnail bitmap. #include "stdafx.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // maps MUC event types to icon names for retrieving the "big" icons // while generating task bar thumbnails. // used by getMUCBigICon() CTaskbarInteract* Win7Taskbar = nullptr; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sets the overlay icon for a task bar button. Used for typing notifications and incoming // message indicator. bool CTaskbarInteract::setOverlayIcon(HWND hwndDlg, LPARAM lParam) const { if (m_pTaskbarInterface && m_isEnabled && m_fHaveLargeicons) { m_pTaskbarInterface->SetOverlayIcon(hwndDlg, (HICON)lParam, nullptr); return true; } return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // checks the task bar status for "large icon mode". // @return bool: true if large icons are in use, false otherwise bool CTaskbarInteract::haveLargeIcons() { m_fHaveLargeicons = false; if (m_pTaskbarInterface && m_isEnabled) { uint32_t val = 0; uint32_t valGrouping = 2; /* * check whether the taskbar is set to show large icons. This is necessary, because the method SetOverlayIcon() * always returns S_OK, but the icon is simply ignored when using small taskbar icons. * also, figure out the button grouping mode. */ HKEY hKey; if (::RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced", &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD size = sizeof(val), dwType = REG_DWORD; ::RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"TaskbarSmallIcons", nullptr, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&val, &size); size = 4; dwType = REG_DWORD; /* * this is the "grouping mode" setting for the task bar. 0 = always combine, no labels */ size = sizeof(valGrouping); ::RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"TaskbarGlomLevel", nullptr, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&valGrouping, &size); ::RegCloseKey(hKey); } m_fHaveLargeicons = (val ? false : true); // small icons in use, revert to default icon feedback m_fHaveAlwaysGrouping = (valGrouping == 0 ? true : false); } return(m_fHaveLargeicons); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // removes the overlay icon for the given container window unsigned __cdecl CTaskbarInteract::sttSetOverlay(void *owner, void *param) { auto *pClass = (CTaskbarInteract *)owner; pClass->m_pTaskbarInterface->SetOverlayIcon((HWND)param, nullptr, nullptr); return 0; } void CTaskbarInteract::clearOverlayIcon(HWND hwndDlg) const { if (m_pTaskbarInterface && m_isEnabled) mir_forkthreadowner(sttSetOverlay, (void*)this, hwndDlg); } LONG CTaskbarInteract::updateMetrics() { m_IconSize = 32; return(m_IconSize); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // register a new task bar button ("tab") for the button group hwndContainer // (one of the top level message windows) void CTaskbarInteract::registerTab(const HWND hwndTab, const HWND hwndContainer) const { if (m_isEnabled) { m_pTaskbarInterface->RegisterTab(hwndTab, hwndContainer); m_pTaskbarInterface->SetTabOrder(hwndTab, nullptr); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // remove a previously registered proxy window. The destructor of the proxy // window class is using this before destroying the proxy window itself. // @param hwndTab proxy window handle void CTaskbarInteract::unRegisterTab(const HWND hwndTab) const { if (m_isEnabled) m_pTaskbarInterface->UnregisterTab(hwndTab); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set a tab as active. The active thumbnail will appear with a slightly // different background and transparency. void CTaskbarInteract::SetTabActive(const HWND hwndTab, const HWND hwndGroup) const { if (m_isEnabled) m_pTaskbarInterface->SetTabActive(hwndTab, hwndGroup, 0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is called from the broadcasted WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED event by all messages // sessions. It checks and, if needed, destroys or creates a proxy object, based on // the status of the DWM void CMsgDialog::VerifyProxy() { if (IsWinVer7Plus() && PluginConfig.m_useAeroPeek) { if (nullptr == m_pWnd) { m_pWnd = new CProxyWindow(this); m_pWnd->updateIcon(m_hTabStatusIcon); m_pWnd->updateTitle(m_cache->getNick()); } else m_pWnd->verifyDwmState(); } /* * this should not happens, but who knows... */ else { if (m_pWnd) { delete m_pWnd; m_pWnd = nullptr; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create the proxy (toplevel) window required to show per tab thumbnails // and previews for a message session. // each tab has one invisible proxy window CProxyWindow::CProxyWindow(CMsgDialog *dat) : m_dat(dat) { m_hwndProxy = ::CreateWindowEx(/*WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | */WS_EX_NOACTIVATE, PROXYCLASSNAME, L"", WS_POPUP | WS_BORDER | WS_SYSMENU | WS_CAPTION, -32000, -32000, 10, 10, nullptr, nullptr, g_plugin.getInst(), (LPVOID)this); Win7Taskbar->registerTab(m_hwndProxy, m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwnd); if (CMimAPI::m_pfnDwmSetWindowAttribute) { BOOL fIconic = TRUE; BOOL fHasIconicBitmap = TRUE; CMimAPI::m_pfnDwmSetWindowAttribute(m_hwndProxy, DWMWA_FORCE_ICONIC_REPRESENTATION, &fIconic, sizeof(fIconic)); CMimAPI::m_pfnDwmSetWindowAttribute(m_hwndProxy, DWMWA_HAS_ICONIC_BITMAP, &fHasIconicBitmap, sizeof(fHasIconicBitmap)); } } CProxyWindow::~CProxyWindow() { Win7Taskbar->unRegisterTab(m_hwndProxy); ::DestroyWindow(m_hwndProxy); delete m_thumb; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // verify status of DWM when system broadcasts a WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED message // delete thumbnails, if no longer needed void CProxyWindow::verifyDwmState() { if (!M.isDwmActive()) { if (m_thumb) { delete m_thumb; m_thumb = nullptr; } } else { /* * force thumbnail recreation */ m_width = 0; m_height = 0; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // send a thumbnail to the DWM. If required, refresh it first. // called by WM_DWMSENDICONICTHUMBNAIL handler. void CProxyWindow::sendThumb(LONG width, LONG height) { if (nullptr == m_thumb) { m_width = width; m_height = height; m_thumb = m_dat->tabCreateThumb(this); } else if (width != m_width || height != m_height || !m_thumb->isValid()) { m_width = width; m_height = height; m_thumb->update(); } if (m_thumb) CMimAPI::m_pfnDwmSetIconicThumbnail(m_hwndProxy, m_thumb->getHBM(), DWM_SIT_DISPLAYFRAME); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // send a live preview image of a given message session to the DWM. // called by WM_DWMSENDICONICLIVEPREVIEWBITMAP on DWM's request. // // The bitmap can be deleted after submitting it, because the DWM // will cache a copy of it (and re-request it when its own bitmap cache was purged). void CProxyWindow::sendPreview() { if (m_dat->m_pContainer == nullptr) return; CMsgDialog *dat_active = reinterpret_cast<CMsgDialog *>(::GetWindowLongPtr(m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwndActive, GWLP_USERDATA)); if (!m_thumb || !dat_active) return; FORMATRANGE fr = {}; POINT pt = {}; RECT rcContainer, rcTemp, rcRich, rcLog; HDC hdc, dc; int twips = (int)(15.0f / PluginConfig.m_DPIscaleY); bool fIsChat = m_dat->isChat(); HWND hwndRich = m_dat->m_pLog->GetHwnd(); POINT ptOrigin = {}, ptBottom; if (m_dat->m_bNeedCheckSize) { RECT rcClient; m_dat->m_pContainer->QueryClientArea(rcClient); ::MoveWindow(m_dat->GetHwnd(), rcClient.left, rcClient.top, (rcClient.right - rcClient.left), (rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top), FALSE); ::SendMessage(m_dat->GetHwnd(), WM_SIZE, 0, 0); m_dat->DM_ScrollToBottom(0, 1); } // a minimized container has a null rect as client area, so do not use it // use the last known client area size instead. if (!::IsIconic(m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwnd)) { ::GetWindowRect(m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwndActive, &rcLog); ::GetClientRect(m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwnd, &rcContainer); pt.x = rcLog.left; pt.y = rcLog.top; ::ScreenToClient(m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwnd, &pt); } else { rcLog = m_dat->m_pContainer->m_rcLogSaved; rcContainer = m_dat->m_pContainer->m_rcSaved; pt = m_dat->m_pContainer->m_ptLogSaved; } ::GetWindowRect(::GetDlgItem(m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwndActive, IDC_SRMM_LOG), &rcTemp); ptBottom.x = rcTemp.left; ptBottom.y = rcTemp.bottom; ::ScreenToClient(m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwnd, &ptBottom); int cx = rcLog.right - rcLog.left; int cy = rcLog.bottom - rcLog.top; rcRich.left = 0; rcRich.top = 0; rcRich.right = cx; rcRich.bottom = ptBottom.y - pt.y; dc = ::GetDC(m_dat->GetHwnd()); hdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(dc); HBITMAP hbm = CSkin::CreateAeroCompatibleBitmap(rcContainer, hdc); HBITMAP hbmOld = reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP>(::SelectObject(hdc, hbm)); HBRUSH brb = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(20, 20, 20)); ::FillRect(hdc, &rcContainer, brb); ::DeleteObject(brb); CImageItem::SetBitmap32Alpha(hbm, 100); LRESULT first = ::SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, LPARAM(&ptOrigin)); // paint the content of the message log control into a separate bitmap without transparency HDC hdcRich = ::CreateCompatibleDC(dc); HBITMAP hbmRich = CSkin::CreateAeroCompatibleBitmap(rcRich, hdcRich); HBITMAP hbmRichOld = reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP>(::SelectObject(hdcRich, hbmRich)); COLORREF clr = fIsChat ? db_get_dw(0, FONTMODULE, SRMSGSET_BKGCOLOUR, SRMSGDEFSET_BKGCOLOUR) : m_dat->m_pContainer->m_theme.inbg; HBRUSH br = ::CreateSolidBrush(clr); ::FillRect(hdcRich, &rcRich, br); ::DeleteObject(br); if (m_dat->m_iLogMode == WANT_IEVIEW_LOG) ::SendMessage(hwndRich, WM_PRINT, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(hdcRich), PRF_CLIENT | PRF_NONCLIENT); else if (m_dat->m_iLogMode == WANT_HPP_LOG) { CSkin::RenderText(hdcRich, m_dat->m_hTheme, TranslateT("Previews not available when using History++ plugin for message log display."), &rcRich, DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK, 10, m_dat->m_pContainer->m_theme.fontColors[MSGFONTID_MYMSG], false); } else { rcRich.right *= twips; rcRich.bottom *= twips; fr.hdc = hdcRich; fr.hdcTarget = hdcRich; fr.rc = rcRich; fr.rcPage = rcRich; fr.chrg.cpMax = -1; fr.chrg.cpMin = first; ::SendMessage(hwndRich, EM_FORMATRANGE, 1, LPARAM(&fr)); } ::SelectObject(hdcRich, hbmRichOld); CImageItem::SetBitmap32Alpha(hbmRich, 255); ::SelectObject(hdcRich, hbmRich); ::BitBlt(hdc, pt.x, pt.y, cx, cy, hdcRich, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); ::SelectObject(hdcRich, hbmRichOld); ::DeleteObject(hbmRich); ::DeleteDC(hdcRich); ::SelectObject(hdc, hbmOld); ::DeleteDC(hdc); if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled && CSkin::m_frameSkins) { pt.x = CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_left; pt.y = CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_caption + CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_bottom; } else pt.x = pt.y = 0; CMimAPI::m_pfnDwmSetIconicLivePreviewBitmap(m_hwndProxy, hbm, &pt, m_dat->m_pContainer->cfg.flags.m_bCreateMinimized ? 0 : DWM_SIT_DISPLAYFRAME); ::ReleaseDC(m_dat->GetHwnd(), dc); ::DeleteObject(hbm); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set the large icon for the thumbnail. This is mostly used by group chats // to indicate last active event in the session. // // hIcon may be 0 to remove a custom big icon. In that case, the renderer // will try to figure out a suitable one, based on session data. void CProxyWindow::setBigIcon(const HICON hIcon, bool fInvalidate) { m_hBigIcon = hIcon; if (fInvalidate) Invalidate(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set a overlay icon for the thumbnail. This is mostly used by group chats // to indicate last active event in the session. // // hIcon may be 0 to remove a custom overlay icon. void CProxyWindow::setOverlayIcon(const HICON hIcon, bool fInvalidate) { m_hOverlayIcon = hIcon; if (fInvalidate) Invalidate(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // update the (small) thumbnail icon in front of the title string void CProxyWindow::updateIcon(const HICON hIcon) const { if (m_hwndProxy && hIcon) ::SendMessage(m_hwndProxy, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, LPARAM(hIcon)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set the task bar button ("tab") active. This activates the proxy // window as a sub-window of the (top level) container window. // This is called whenever the active message tab or window changes void CProxyWindow::activateTab() const { Win7Taskbar->SetTabActive(m_hwndProxy, m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwnd); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // invalidate the thumbnail, it will be recreated at the next request by the DWM // // this is called from several places whenever a relevant information, // represented in a thumbnail image, has changed. // also tells the DWM that it must request a new thumb. void CProxyWindow::Invalidate() const { if (m_thumb) { m_thumb->setValid(false); /* * tell the DWM to request a new thumbnail for the proxy window m_hwnd * when it needs one. */ CMimAPI::m_pfnDwmInvalidateIconicBitmaps(m_hwndProxy); } } /** * update the thumb title string (usually, the nickname) * @param tszTitle: new title string */ void CProxyWindow::updateTitle(const wchar_t *tszTitle) const { if (m_hwndProxy && tszTitle) ::SetWindowText(m_hwndProxy, tszTitle); } /** * stub window procedure for the custom proxy window class * just initialize GWLP_USERDATA and call the object's method * * static member function */ LRESULT CALLBACK CProxyWindow::stubWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CProxyWindow *pWnd = reinterpret_cast<CProxyWindow *>(::GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA)); if (pWnd) return pWnd->wndProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); switch (msg) { case WM_NCCREATE: CREATESTRUCT *cs = reinterpret_cast<CREATESTRUCT *>(lParam); pWnd = reinterpret_cast<CProxyWindow *>(cs->lpCreateParams); ::SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(pWnd)); return pWnd->wndProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // window procedure for the proxy window LRESULT CALLBACK CProxyWindow::wndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_CLOSE: { HWND hwndCont = m_dat->m_pContainer->m_hwnd; SendMessage(m_dat->GetHwnd(), WM_CLOSE, 1, 2); if (!IsIconic(hwndCont)) SetForegroundWindow(hwndCont); } return 0; case WM_ACTIVATE: // proxy window was activated by clicking on the thumbnail. Send this // to the real message window. if (WA_ACTIVE == wParam) { if (IsWindow(m_dat->GetHwnd())) m_dat->ActivateTab(); // no default processing, avoid flickering. return 0; } break; case WM_NCDESTROY: ::SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, 0); break; case WM_DWMSENDICONICTHUMBNAIL: sendThumb(HIWORD(lParam), LOWORD(lParam)); return 0; case WM_DWMSENDICONICLIVEPREVIEWBITMAP: sendPreview(); return 0; } return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // base thumbnail class. Create the background and common parts for a thumbnail CThumbBase::CThumbBase(const CProxyWindow* _p) : m_isValid(false) { m_pWnd = _p; m_hbmThumb = nullptr; renderBase(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // render base for a thumbnail. This creates the background, the large icon // and the basic status mode text. It also divides the thumbnail rectangle // into a few content rectangles used later by the content renderer. void CThumbBase::renderBase() { HICON hIcon = nullptr; HBRUSH brBack; LONG lIconSize = 32; m_width = m_pWnd->getWidth(); m_height = m_pWnd->getHeight(); m_dat = m_pWnd->getDat(); m_dtFlags = 0; m_hOldFont = nullptr; m_rc.right = m_width; m_rc.bottom = m_height; m_rc.left = m_rc.top = 0; if (m_hbmThumb) { ::DeleteObject(m_hbmThumb); m_hbmThumb = nullptr; } HDC dc = ::GetDC(m_pWnd->getHwnd()); m_hdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(dc); m_hbmThumb = CSkin::CreateAeroCompatibleBitmap(m_rc, m_hdc); m_hbmOld = reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP>(::SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbmThumb)); ReleaseDC(m_pWnd->getHwnd(), dc); brBack = ::CreateSolidBrush(m_dat->m_dwUnread ? RGB(80, 60, 60) : RGB(60, 60, 60)); ::FillRect(m_hdc, &m_rc, brBack); ::DeleteObject(brBack); ::SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbmOld); CImageItem::SetBitmap32Alpha(m_hbmThumb, m_dat->m_dwUnread ? 110 : 60); m_hbmOld = reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP>(::SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbmThumb)); SetBkMode(m_hdc, TRANSPARENT); m_hOldFont = reinterpret_cast<HFONT>(::SelectObject(m_hdc, CInfoPanel::m_ipConfig.hFonts[IPFONTID_STATUS])); ::GetTextExtentPoint32A(m_hdc, "A", 1, &m_sz); InflateRect(&m_rc, -3, -3); setupRect(); hIcon = m_pWnd->getBigIcon(); if (nullptr == hIcon) { if (m_dat->m_dwUnread) { if (PluginConfig.g_IconMsgEventBig) hIcon = PluginConfig.g_IconMsgEventBig; else { hIcon = PluginConfig.g_IconMsgEvent; lIconSize = 16; } } else { hIcon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(Skin_LoadProtoIcon(m_dat->m_cache->getActiveProto(), m_dat->m_cache->getActiveStatus(), true)); if (nullptr == hIcon || reinterpret_cast<HICON>(CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND) == hIcon) { hIcon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(Skin_LoadProtoIcon(m_dat->m_cache->getActiveProto(), m_dat->m_cache->getActiveStatus())); lIconSize = 16; } } } ::DrawIconEx(m_hdc, m_rcIcon.right / 2 - lIconSize / 2, m_rcIcon.top, hIcon, lIconSize, lIconSize, 0, nullptr, DI_NORMAL); hIcon = m_pWnd->getOverlayIcon(); if (hIcon) ::DrawIconEx(m_hdc, m_rcIcon.right - 16, m_rcIcon.top + 16, hIcon, 16, 16, 0, nullptr, DI_NORMAL); m_rcIcon.top += (lIconSize + 3); CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, m_dat->m_wszStatus, &m_rcIcon, m_dtFlags | DT_CENTER | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS, 10, 0, true); if (m_dat->m_dwUnread && !m_dat->isChat()) { wchar_t tszTemp[30]; m_rcIcon.top += m_sz.cy; mir_snwprintf(tszTemp, TranslateT("%d unread"), m_dat->m_dwUnread); CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, tszTemp, &m_rcIcon, m_dtFlags | DT_CENTER | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS, 10, 0, true); } m_rcIcon = m_rcTop; m_rcIcon.top += 2; m_rcIcon.left = m_rc.right / 3; m_cx = m_rcIcon.right - m_rcIcon.left; m_cy = m_rcIcon.bottom - m_rcIcon.top; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // divide space into content rectangles for normal thumbnails void CThumbBase::setupRect() { if (!m_pWnd->getDat()->isChat()) { m_rcTop = m_rc; m_rcBottom = m_rc; m_rcBottom.top = m_rc.bottom - (2 * (m_rcBottom.bottom / 5)) - 2; m_rcTop.bottom = m_rcBottom.top - 2; m_rcIcon = m_rcTop; m_rcIcon.right = m_rc.right / 3; } else { m_rcTop = m_rc; m_rcBottom = m_rc; m_rcBottom.top = m_rc.bottom - (2 * (m_rcBottom.bottom / 5)) - 2; m_rcTop.bottom = m_rcBottom.top - 2; m_rcIcon = m_rcTop; m_rcIcon.right = m_rc.left + 42; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // destroy the thumbnail object. Just delete the bitmap we cached CThumbBase::~CThumbBase() { if (m_hbmThumb) { ::DeleteObject(m_hbmThumb); m_hbmThumb = nullptr; m_isValid = false; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create a IM session thumbnail. base class will create the bitmap and render the background. CThumbIM::CThumbIM(const CProxyWindow* _p) : CThumbBase(_p) { renderContent(); setValid(true); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // update the thumbnail, render everything and set it valid void CThumbIM::update() { renderBase(); renderContent(); setValid(true); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // render the content for an IM chat session thumbnail m_hdc etc. // must already be initialized (done by the constructor) background had been already rendered void CThumbIM::renderContent() { double dNewWidth = 0.0, dNewHeight = 0.0; HBITMAP hbmAvatar = (m_dat->m_ace && m_dat->m_ace->hbmPic) ? m_dat->m_ace->hbmPic : PluginConfig.g_hbmUnknown; Utils::scaleAvatarHeightLimited(hbmAvatar, dNewWidth, dNewHeight, m_rcIcon.bottom - m_rcIcon.top); HBITMAP hbmResized = ::Image_Resize(hbmAvatar, RESIZEBITMAP_STRETCH, dNewWidth, dNewHeight); HDC dc = CreateCompatibleDC(m_hdc); HBITMAP hbmOldAv = reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP>(::SelectObject(dc, hbmResized)); LONG xOff = m_rcIcon.right - (LONG)dNewWidth - 2; LONG yOff = (m_cy - (LONG)dNewHeight) / 2 + m_rcIcon.top; HRGN hRgn = ::CreateRectRgn(xOff - 1, yOff - 1, xOff + (LONG)dNewWidth + 2, yOff + (LONG)dNewHeight + 2); CSkin::m_default_bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 150; GdiAlphaBlend(m_hdc, xOff, yOff, (LONG)dNewWidth, (LONG)dNewHeight, dc, 0, 0, (LONG)dNewWidth, (LONG)dNewHeight, CSkin::m_default_bf); CSkin::m_default_bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 255; ::FrameRgn(m_hdc, hRgn, reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(::GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)), 1, 1); ::DeleteObject(hRgn); ::SelectObject(dc, hbmOldAv); if (hbmResized != hbmAvatar) ::DeleteObject(hbmResized); ::DeleteDC(dc); m_rcBottom.bottom -= 16; // status message and bottom line (either UID or nick name, depending on // task bar grouping mode). For chat rooms, it is the topic. if ((m_rcBottom.bottom - m_rcBottom.top) < 2 * m_sz.cy) m_dtFlags |= DT_SINGLELINE; m_rcBottom.bottom -= ((m_rcBottom.bottom - m_rcBottom.top) % m_sz.cy); // adjust to a multiple of line height const wchar_t *tszStatusMsg = m_dat->m_cache->getStatusMsg(); if (tszStatusMsg == nullptr) tszStatusMsg = TranslateT("No status message"); CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, tszStatusMsg, &m_rcBottom, DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | m_dtFlags, 10, 0, true); m_rcBottom.bottom = m_rc.bottom; m_rcBottom.top = m_rcBottom.bottom - m_sz.cy - 2; CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, Win7Taskbar->haveAlwaysGroupingMode() ? m_dat->m_cache->getUIN() : m_dat->m_cache->getNick(), &m_rcBottom, m_dtFlags | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS | DT_END_ELLIPSIS, 10, 0, true); // finalize it // do NOT delete the bitmap, the dwm will need the handle // m_hbm is deleted when a new thumbnail is generated on dwm's request. // this is not a leak! if (m_hOldFont) ::SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hOldFont); ::SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbmOld); ::DeleteDC(m_hdc); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create a MUC session thumbnail. base class will create the // bitmap and render the background. CThumbMUC::CThumbMUC(const CProxyWindow* _p, SESSION_INFO *_si) : CThumbBase(_p), si(_si) { renderContent(); setValid(true); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // update an invalidated thumbnail void CThumbMUC::update() { renderBase(); renderContent(); setValid(true); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // render content area for a MUC thumbnail void CThumbMUC::renderContent() { if (si == nullptr) return; const MODULEINFO *mi = si->pMI; wchar_t szTemp[250]; if (m_dat->m_dwUnread) { mir_snwprintf(szTemp, TranslateT("%d unread"), m_dat->m_dwUnread); CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, szTemp, &m_rcIcon, m_dtFlags | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_RIGHT, 10, 0, true); m_rcIcon.top += m_sz.cy; } if (si->iType != GCW_SERVER) { wchar_t* _p = nullptr; if (si->ptszStatusbarText) _p = wcschr(si->ptszStatusbarText, ']'); if (_p) { _p++; wchar_t _t = *_p; *_p = 0; mir_snwprintf(szTemp, TranslateT("Chat room %s"), si->ptszStatusbarText); *_p = _t; } else mir_snwprintf(szTemp, TranslateT("Chat room %s"), L""); CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, szTemp, &m_rcIcon, m_dtFlags | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_RIGHT, 10, 0, true); m_rcIcon.top += m_sz.cy; mir_snwprintf(szTemp, TranslateT("%d user(s)"), si->getUserList().getCount()); CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, szTemp, &m_rcIcon, m_dtFlags | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_RIGHT, 10, 0, true); } else { mir_snwprintf(szTemp, TranslateT("Server window")); CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, szTemp, &m_rcIcon, m_dtFlags | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_RIGHT, 10, 0, true); if (mi->tszIdleMsg[0] && mir_wstrlen(mi->tszIdleMsg) > 2) { m_rcIcon.top += m_sz.cy; CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, &mi->tszIdleMsg[2], &m_rcIcon, m_dtFlags | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_RIGHT, 10, 0, true); } } if ((m_rcBottom.bottom - m_rcBottom.top) < 2 * m_sz.cy) m_dtFlags |= DT_SINGLELINE; m_rcBottom.bottom -= ((m_rcBottom.bottom - m_rcBottom.top) % m_sz.cy); // adjust to a multiple of line height const wchar_t *szStatusMsg = nullptr; if (si->iType != GCW_SERVER) { if (nullptr == (szStatusMsg = si->ptszTopic)) szStatusMsg = TranslateT("no topic set."); } else if (mi) { mir_snwprintf(szTemp, TranslateT("%s on %s%s"), m_dat->m_wszMyNickname, mi->ptszModDispName, L""); szStatusMsg = szTemp; } CSkin::RenderText(m_hdc, m_dat->m_hTheme, szStatusMsg, &m_rcBottom, DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | m_dtFlags, 10, 0, true); // finalize it // do NOT delete the bitmap, the dwm will need the handle // m_hbm is deleted when a new thumbnail is generated on dwm's request. // this is not a leak! if (m_hOldFont) ::SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hOldFont); ::SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbmOld); ::DeleteDC(m_hdc); }