;     Sample skin for Tipper YM 
;          Skin Definition    
; Skin has 6 main elements: 
;	[About], [Background], [Sidebar], [Fonts], [Appearance], [Other]
; Element [About] has 2 attributes:
;	Author, Preview
; Elements [Background], [Sidebar] have 6 attributes:
;	Image, TM, Left, Top, Right, Bottom 
; Element [Fonts] has 17 attributes:
;	Title-face, Title-color, Title-size, Title-effect
;	Label-face, Label-color, Label-size, Label-effect
;	Value-face, Value-color, Value-size, Value-effect
;	TrayTitle-face, TrayTitle-color, TrayTitle-size, TrayTitle-effect
;	Divider-color 
; Element [Appearance] has 9 attributes:
;	General-padding, Title-indent, Text-indent, Value-indent, Text-padding,
;	Outer-avatar-padding, Inner-avatar-padding, Sidebar-width, Opacity
; Elemet [Other] has 1 attribute:
;	Enable-coloring
;        Attributes
; Author
;	Your name or nick ;-) 
; Preview
;	Relative path to the image file with the preview of your skin.
; Image
;	Relative path to the image file that is used as tooltip background. 
; TM (Transformation mode) 
;	Edge parts and center area of the image file are tranformed according to this value.
;	Can be one of following values:
; Left, Top, Right, Bottom
;	Margins in pixels for Glyph transformation.
; XXX-face
;	Name of the font (eg. Arial, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS).
;   String is case sensitive!
; XXX-color
;	Font (divider) color defined by 3 decimal numbers separated by spaces.
;	RGB color model (Red Green Blue) 
; XXX-size
;	Font size in pixels :-)
; XXX-effect
;	Effect applied to the tooltip text.
;	Can be one or more of the following values (separated by spaces):
;		FONT_BOLD		  	
; XXX-padding, XXX-indent 
;	These values in pixels determine proportions of the tooltip.
; Sidebar-width
;	Width of the sidebar in pixels.
; Opacity
;	Opacity which is applied to the final tooltip
;	Can be number within the range of 0 - 100.
; Enable-coloring
;	Enable or disable 'Enable coloring' checkbox in the options.
;	Can be TRUE or FALSE.

Author = yaho
Preview = preview.jpg

Image = xpmc_bg.png
Left = 16
Top = 16
Right = 16
Bottom = 16

Image = xpmc_sidebar.png
Left = 16
Top = 16
Right = 4
Bottom = 16

Title-face = Tahoma
Title-color = 128 0 0
Title-size = 12
Title-effect = FONT_BOLD

Label-face = Tahoma
Label-color = 0 0 0
Label-size = 8
Label-effect = FONT_BOLD

Value-face = Tahoma
Value-color = 40 40 40
Value-size = 8
Value-effect = 0

TrayTitle-face = Tahoma
TrayTitle-color = 100 0 0
TrayTitle-size = 10
TrayTitle-effect = FONT_BOLD

Divider-color = 120 120 120

General-padding = 14
Title-indent = 25
Text-indent = 25
Value-indent = 8 
Text-padding = 3
Outer-avatar-padding = 18
Inner-avatar-padding = 10
Sidebar-width = 34 
Opacity = 90

Enable-coloring = FALSE