/* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Scott Ellis Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Jan Holub This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _OPTIONS_INC #define _OPTIONS_INC #define WMU_ENABLE_LIST_BUTTONS (WM_USER + 0x030) #define WMU_ENABLE_MODULE_ENTRY (WM_USER + 0x031) #define LABEL_LEN 1024 #define VALUE_LEN 8192 #define MODULE_NAME_LEN 512 #define SETTING_NAME_LEN 512 // chekcbox icons #define IDI_NOTICK 205 #define IDI_TICK 206 #define IDPRESETITEM 1000 #define MS_TOOLTIP_SHOWTIP "mToolTip/ShowTip" typedef struct { UINT id, uintCoreIconId, uintResIconId; TCHAR *swzTooltip; } OPTBUTTON; typedef enum { DIT_ALL = 0, DIT_CONTACTS = 1, DIT_CHATS = 2 } DisplayItemType; typedef struct { TCHAR swzLabel[LABEL_LEN]; TCHAR swzValue[VALUE_LEN]; DisplayItemType type; bool bLineAbove, bValueNewline; bool bIsVisible; bool bParseTipperVarsFirst; } DISPLAYITEM; // display item types static struct { DisplayItemType type; TCHAR* title; } displayItemTypes[] = { { DIT_ALL, LPGENT("Show for all contact types") }, { DIT_CONTACTS, LPGENT("Show only for contacts") }, { DIT_CHATS, LPGENT("Show only for chatrooms") } }; typedef enum {DVT_DB = 0, DVT_PROTODB = 1} DisplaySubstType; typedef struct { TCHAR swzName[LABEL_LEN]; DisplaySubstType type; char szModuleName[MODULE_NAME_LEN]; char szSettingName[SETTING_NAME_LEN]; int iTranslateFuncId; } DISPLAYSUBST; struct DSListNode { DISPLAYSUBST ds; DSListNode *next; }; struct DIListNode { DISPLAYITEM di; DIListNode *next; }; typedef struct { BYTE top; BYTE right; BYTE bottom; BYTE left; } MARGINS; // tray tooltip items static TCHAR* trayTipItems[TRAYTIP_ITEMS_COUNT] = { LPGENT("Number of contacts"), LPGENT("Protocol lock status"), LPGENT("Logon time"), LPGENT("Unread emails"), LPGENT("Status"), LPGENT("Status message"), LPGENT("Extra status"), LPGENT("Listening to"), LPGENT("Favorite contacts"), LPGENT("Miranda uptime"), LPGENT("Clist event") }; // extra icons static TCHAR* extraIconName[6] = { LPGENT("Status"), LPGENT("Extra status"), LPGENT("Jabber activity"), LPGENT("Gender"), LPGENT("Country flag"), LPGENT("Client") }; typedef struct { bool bDragging; HTREEITEM hDragItem; } EXTRAICONDATA; typedef struct { BYTE order; BYTE vis; } ICONSTATE; typedef enum {PAV_NONE=0, PAV_LEFT=1, PAV_RIGHT=2} PopupAvLayout; typedef enum {PTL_LEFTICON=0, PTL_RIGHTICON=1, PTL_NOICON=2, PTL_NOTITLE=3} PopupTitleLayout; typedef enum {PP_BOTTOMRIGHT=0, PP_BOTTOMLEFT=1, PP_TOPRIGHT=2, PP_TOPLEFT=3} PopupPosition; typedef enum {PSE_NONE=0, PSE_ANIMATE=1, PSE_FADE=2} PopupShowEffect; typedef struct { int iWinWidth, iWinMaxHeight, iAvatarSize; //tweety PopupTitleLayout titleLayout; PopupAvLayout avatarLayout; int iTextIndent, iTitleIndent, iValueIndent; bool bShowNoFocus; DSListNode *dsList; int iDsCount; DIListNode *diList; int iDiCount; int iTimeIn; int iPadding, iOuterAvatarPadding, iInnerAvatarPadding, iTextPadding; PopupPosition pos; int iMinWidth, iMinHeight; // no UI for these int iMouseTollerance; bool bStatusBarTips; int iSidebarWidth; COLORREF colBg, colBorder, colAvatarBorder, colDivider, colBar, colTitle, colLabel, colValue, colTrayTitle, colSidebar; int iLabelValign, iLabelHalign, iValueValign, iValueHalign; bool bWaitForStatusMsg, bWaitForAvatar; // tooltip skin SkinMode skinMode; TCHAR szSkinName[256]; TCHAR szPreviewFile[1024]; TCHAR *szImgFile[SKIN_ITEMS_COUNT]; MARGINS margins[SKIN_ITEMS_COUNT]; TransformationMode transfMode[SKIN_ITEMS_COUNT]; PopupShowEffect showEffect; bool bLoadFonts; bool bLoadProportions; int iEnableColoring; int iAnimateSpeed; int iOpacity; int iAvatarOpacity; bool bBorder; bool bRound, bAvatarRound; bool bDropShadow; bool bAeroGlass; // tray tooltip bool bTraytip; bool bHandleByTipper; bool bExpandTraytip; bool bHideOffline; int iExpandTime; int iFirstItems, iSecondItems; int iFavoriteContFlags; // extra setting bool bOriginalAvatarSize; bool bAvatarBorder; bool bWaitForContent; bool bGetNewStatusMsg; bool bDisableIfInvisible; bool bRetrieveXstatus; bool bLimitMsg; int iLimitCharCount; int iSmileyAddFlags; BYTE exIconsOrder[EXICONS_COUNT]; BYTE exIconsVis[EXICONS_COUNT]; } OPTIONS; extern OPTIONS opt; void InitOptions(); void LoadOptions(); void SaveOptions(); void DeinitOptions(); #endif