/* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Scott Ellis Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Jan Holub This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "common.h" int RefreshSkinList(HWND hwndDlg) { HWND hwndSkins = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LB_SKINS); ListBox_ResetContent(hwndSkins); ListBox_AddString(hwndSkins, TranslateT("# Solid color fill")); TCHAR szDirSave[1024]; GetCurrentDirectory(1024, szDirSave); SetCurrentDirectory(SKIN_FOLDER); WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(_T("*.*"), &ffd); while (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if ((ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && mir_tstrcmp(_T("."), ffd.cFileName) && mir_tstrcmp(_T(".."), ffd.cFileName)) { SetCurrentDirectory(ffd.cFileName); WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd2; HANDLE hFindFile = FindFirstFile(_T("*.tsf"), &ffd2); if (hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ListBox_AddString(hwndSkins, ffd.cFileName); FindClose(hFindFile); SetCurrentDirectory(_T("..")); } if (!FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd)) break; } FindClose(hFind); SetCurrentDirectory(szDirSave); return ListBox_SelectString(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LB_SKINS), -1, opt.szSkinName); } bool FileExists(TCHAR *filename) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(filename, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); return true; } return false; } void ParseAboutPart(FILE *fp, TCHAR *buff, TCHAR *szSkinName) { myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); while (buff[0] != '[') { if (buff[0] != ';') { TCHAR *pch = _tcschr(buff, '='); if (pch++) { while (pch && (*pch == ' ' || *pch == '\t')) pch++; if (pch) { if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("author"))) {} else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("preview"))) { TCHAR szImgPath[1024]; mir_sntprintf(szImgPath, SIZEOF(szImgPath), _T("%s\\%s\\%s"), SKIN_FOLDER, szSkinName, pch); if (FileExists(szImgPath)) _tcscpy(opt.szPreviewFile, szImgPath); } } } } if (feof(fp)) break; myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); } } void ParseImagePart(FILE *fp, TCHAR *buff, int iPart) { opt.szImgFile[iPart] = NULL; opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_NONE; opt.margins[iPart].left = 0; opt.margins[iPart].top = 0; opt.margins[iPart].right = 0; opt.margins[iPart].bottom = 0; myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); while (buff[0] != '[') { if (buff[0] != ';') { TCHAR *pch = _tcschr(buff, '='); if (pch++) { while (pch && (*pch == ' ' || *pch == '\t')) pch++; if (pch) { if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("image"))) { TCHAR szImgPath[1024]; mir_sntprintf(szImgPath, SIZEOF(szImgPath), _T("%s\\%s\\%s"), SKIN_FOLDER, opt.szSkinName, pch); opt.szImgFile[iPart] = mir_tstrdup(szImgPath); } else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("tm"))) { if (!mir_tstrcmpi(pch, _T("TM_NONE"))) opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_NONE; else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(pch, _T("TM_CENTRE"))) opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_CENTRE; else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(pch, _T("TM_STRECH_ALL"))) opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_STRECH_ALL; else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(pch, _T("TM_STRECH_HORIZONTAL"))) opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_STRECH_HORIZONTAL; else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(pch, _T("TM_STRECH_VERTICAL"))) opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_STRECH_VERTICAL; else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(pch, _T("TM_TILE_ALL"))) opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_TILE_ALL; else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(pch, _T("TM_TILE_HORIZONTAL"))) opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_TILE_HORIZONTAL; else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(pch, _T("TM_TILE_VERTICAL"))) opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_TILE_VERTICAL; else opt.transfMode[iPart] = TM_NONE; } else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("left"))) opt.margins[iPart].left = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("top"))) opt.margins[iPart].top = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("right"))) opt.margins[iPart].right = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("bottom"))) opt.margins[iPart].bottom = _ttoi(pch); } } } if (feof(fp)) break; myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); } } char *GetSettingName(TCHAR *szValue, char *szPostfix, char *buff, size_t buffsize) { buff[0] = 0; if (_tcsstr(szValue, _T("traytitle"))) mir_snprintf(buff, buffsize, "FontTrayTitle%s", szPostfix); else if (_tcsstr(szValue, _T("title"))) mir_snprintf(buff, buffsize, "FontFirst%s", szPostfix); else if (_tcsstr(szValue, _T("label"))) mir_snprintf(buff, buffsize, "FontLabels%s", szPostfix); else if (_tcsstr(szValue, _T("value"))) mir_snprintf(buff, buffsize, "FontValues%s", szPostfix); else if (_tcsstr(szValue, _T("divider"))) mir_snprintf(buff, buffsize, "Divider%s", szPostfix); return buff[0] ? buff : NULL; } void ParseFontPart(FILE *fp, TCHAR *buff) { char szSetting[64]; myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); while (buff[0] != '[') { if (buff[0] != ';') { TCHAR *pch = _tcschr(buff, '='); if (pch++) { while (pch && (*pch == ' ' || *pch == '\t')) pch++; if (pch) { if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("face"))) { if (GetSettingName(buff, "", szSetting, sizeof(szSetting) - 1)) { if (mir_tstrlen(pch) > 32) pch[32] = 0; db_set_ts(0, MODULE, szSetting, pch); } } else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("color"))) { if (GetSettingName(buff, "Col", szSetting, sizeof(szSetting) - 1)) { BYTE r = _ttoi(pch); pch = _tcschr(pch, ' '); if (++pch) { BYTE g = _ttoi(pch); pch = _tcschr(pch, ' '); if (++pch) { BYTE b = _ttoi(pch); COLORREF color = RGB(r, g ,b); db_set_dw(0, MODULE, szSetting, color); } } } } else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("size"))) { if (GetSettingName(buff, "Size", szSetting, sizeof(szSetting) - 1)) { HDC hdc = GetDC(0); int size = -MulDiv(_ttoi(pch), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72); db_set_b(0, MODULE, szSetting, (BYTE)size); ReleaseDC(0, hdc); } } else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("effect"))) { if (GetSettingName(buff, "Sty", szSetting, sizeof(szSetting) - 1)) { BYTE effect = 0; if (_tcsstr(pch, _T("font_bold"))) effect |= DBFONTF_BOLD; if (_tcsstr(pch, _T("font_italic"))) effect |= DBFONTF_ITALIC; if (_tcsstr(pch, _T("font_underline"))) effect |= DBFONTF_UNDERLINE; db_set_b(0, MODULE, szSetting, effect); } } } } } if (feof(fp)) break; myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); } } void ParseAppearancePart(FILE *fp, TCHAR *buff) { myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); while (buff[0] != '[') { if (buff[0] != ';') { TCHAR *pch = _tcschr(buff, '='); if (pch++) { while (pch && (*pch == ' ' || *pch == '\t')) pch++; if (pch) { if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("general-padding"))) opt.iPadding = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("title-indent"))) opt.iTitleIndent = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("text-indent"))) opt.iTextIndent = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("value-indent"))) opt.iValueIndent = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("text-padding"))) opt.iTextPadding = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("outer-avatar-padding"))) opt.iOuterAvatarPadding = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("inner-avatar-padding"))) opt.iInnerAvatarPadding = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("sidebar-width"))) opt.iSidebarWidth = _ttoi(pch); else if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("opacity"))) opt.iOpacity = _ttoi(pch); } } } if (feof(fp)) break; myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); } } void ParseOtherPart(FILE *fp, TCHAR *buff) { myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); while (buff[0] != '[') { if (buff[0] != ';') { TCHAR *pch = _tcschr(buff, '='); if (pch++) { while (pch && (*pch == ' ' || *pch == '\t')) pch++; if (pch) { if (_tcsstr(buff, _T("enable-coloring"))) { if (_tcsstr(pch, _T("false"))) opt.iEnableColoring = -1; } } } } if (feof(fp)) break; myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); } } void ParseSkinFile(TCHAR *szSkinName, bool bStartup, bool bOnlyPreview) { TCHAR szDirSave[1024], buff[1024]; if (opt.skinMode == SM_OBSOLOTE && bStartup) return; if (!bStartup) opt.iEnableColoring = 0; opt.szPreviewFile[0] = 0; GetCurrentDirectory(1024, szDirSave); SetCurrentDirectory(SKIN_FOLDER); SetCurrentDirectory(szSkinName); WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(_T("*.tsf"), &ffd); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FILE *fp = _tfopen(ffd.cFileName, _T("r")); if (fp) { myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); while (!feof(fp)) { if (buff[0] == '[') { if (!mir_tstrcmp(_T("[about]"), buff)) { ParseAboutPart(fp, buff, szSkinName); continue; } else if (!mir_tstrcmp(_T("[other]"), buff)) { ParseOtherPart(fp, buff); continue; } else if (!bOnlyPreview) { if (!mir_tstrcmp(_T("[background]"), buff)) { ParseImagePart(fp, buff, SKIN_ITEM_BG); continue; } else if (!mir_tstrcmp(_T("[sidebar]"), buff)) { ParseImagePart(fp, buff, SKIN_ITEM_SIDEBAR); continue; } else if (!bStartup && opt.bLoadFonts && !mir_tstrcmp(_T("[fonts]"), buff)) { ParseFontPart(fp, buff); continue; } else if (!bStartup && opt.bLoadProportions && !mir_tstrcmp(_T("[appearance]"), buff)) { ParseAppearancePart(fp, buff); continue; } } } myfgets(buff, 1024, fp); } fclose(fp); } } else { opt.skinMode = SM_COLORFILL; } FindClose(hFind); SetCurrentDirectory(szDirSave); }