/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: � 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =============================================================================== File name : $HeadURL: https://userinfoex.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ex_import/svc_ExImport.cpp $ Revision : $Revision: 210 $ Last change on : $Date: 2010-10-02 22:27:36 +0400 (Сб, 02 окт 2010) $ Last change by : $Author: ing.u.horn $ =============================================================================== */ #include "commonheaders.h" #include "classExImContactBase.h" #include "dlg_ExImModules.h" #include "dlg_ExImOpenSaveFile.h" #include "svc_ExImport.h" #include "svc_ExImINI.h" #include "svc_ExImVCF.h" #include "svc_ExImXML.h" #include <m_clui.h> #include <m_clc.h> /*********************************************************************************************************** * internal functions ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * name: DisplayNameToFileName * desc: convert contact's display name to valid filename * param: hContact - handle of contact to create the filename for * pszFileName - buffer, retrieving the converted filename * cchFileName - number of maximum characters the filename can be * return: nothing **/ static VOID DisplayNameToFileName(lpExImParam ExImContact, LPSTR pszFileName, WORD cchFileName) { LPCSTR disp = 0; LPSTR temp = 0; cchFileName--; ZeroMemory(pszFileName, cchFileName); switch (ExImContact->Typ) { case EXIM_ALL: case EXIM_GROUP: mir_strncpy(pszFileName, Translate("all Contacts"), cchFileName); return; case EXIM_CONTACT: if (ExImContact->hContact == NULL) { mir_strncpy(pszFileName, Translate("Owner"), cchFileName); return; } else { disp = (LPCSTR)CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME, (WPARAM)ExImContact->hContact, NULL); } break; case EXIM_SUBGROUP: temp = mir_t2a(ExImContact->ptszName); disp = temp; break; case EXIM_ACCOUNT: PROTOACCOUNT* acc = ProtoGetAccount(ExImContact->pszName); temp = mir_t2a(acc->tszAccountName); disp = temp; break; } // replace unwanted characters while (*disp != 0 && cchFileName > 1) { switch (*disp) { case '?': case '*': case ':': case '\\': case '|': case '/': case '<': case '>': case '"': *(pszFileName++) = '_'; break; default: *(pszFileName++) = *disp; break; } disp++; cchFileName--; } mir_free(temp); } LPCSTR FilterString(lpExImParam ExImContact) { LPCSTR pszFilter = 0; switch (ExImContact->Typ) { case EXIM_SUBGROUP: case EXIM_ACCOUNT: pszFilter = ("XMLCard 1.0 (*.xml)\0*.xml\0"); break; case EXIM_ALL: case EXIM_GROUP: pszFilter = ("XMLCard 1.0 (*.xml)\0*.xml\0DBEditor++ File (*.ini)\0*.ini\0"); break; case EXIM_CONTACT: pszFilter = ("XMLCard 1.0 (*.xml)\0*.xml\0DBEditor++ File (*.ini)\0*.ini\0Standard vCard 2.1 (*.vcf)\0*.vcf\0"); break; } return pszFilter; } /** * name: SvcExImport_Export * desc: service function to export contact information * param: wParam - handle to contact or NULL * lParam - parent window * return: 0 always **/ INT_PTR SvcExImport_Export(lpExImParam ExImContact, HWND hwndParent) { CHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; // create the filename to suggest the user for the to export contact DisplayNameToFileName(ExImContact, szFileName, SIZEOF(szFileName)); INT nIndex = DlgExIm_SaveFileName(hwndParent, Translate("Select a destination file..."), FilterString(ExImContact), szFileName); switch (nIndex) { case 1: // .xml { CFileXml xmlFile; return xmlFile.Export(ExImContact, szFileName); } case 2: // .ini { return SvcExImINI_Export(ExImContact, szFileName); } case 3: // .vcf { CVCardFileVCF vcfFile; SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); if (vcfFile.Open(ExImContact->hContact, szFileName, "wt")) { vcfFile.Export(FALSE); vcfFile.Close(); } SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); return 0; } } return 1; } /** * name: SvcExImport_Import * desc: service function to export contact information * param: wParam - handle to contact or NULL * lParam - parent window * return: 0 always **/ INT_PTR SvcExImport_Import(lpExImParam ExImContact, HWND hwndParent) { CHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; // create the filename to suggest the user for the to export contact DisplayNameToFileName(ExImContact, szFileName, SIZEOF(szFileName)); INT nIndex = DlgExIm_OpenFileName(hwndParent, Translate("Import User Details from VCard"), FilterString(ExImContact), szFileName); // Stop during develop if (ExImContact->Typ == EXIM_ACCOUNT || ExImContact->Typ == EXIM_GROUP) return 1; switch (nIndex) { case 1: { CFileXml xmlFile; CallService(MS_CLIST_SETHIDEOFFLINE, -1, 0); //workarround to refresh the clist.... xmlFile.Import(ExImContact->hContact, szFileName); CallService(MS_CLIST_SETHIDEOFFLINE, -1, 0); //...after import. //pcli->pfnClcBroadcast(CLM_AUTOREBUILD, 0, 0); //does not work return 0; } // .ini case 2: return SvcExImINI_Import(ExImContact->hContact, szFileName); // .vcf case 3: { CVCardFileVCF vcfFile; if (vcfFile.Open(ExImContact->hContact, szFileName, "rt")) { SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); vcfFile.Import(); vcfFile.Close(); SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); } return 0; } } return 1; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * service functions ***********************************************************************************************************/ /********************************* * Ex/import All (MainMenu) *********************************/ INT_PTR svcExIm_MainExport_Service(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ExImParam ExIm; ZeroMemory(&ExIm, sizeof(ExIm)); ExIm.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ExIm.Typ = EXIM_ALL; return SvcExImport_Export(&ExIm, (HWND)lParam); } INT_PTR svcExIm_MainImport_Service(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ExImParam ExIm; ZeroMemory(&ExIm, sizeof(ExIm)); ExIm.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ExIm.Typ = EXIM_ALL; return SvcExImport_Import(&ExIm, (HWND)lParam); } /********************************* * Ex/import Contact (ContactMenu) *********************************/ INT_PTR svcExIm_ContactExport_Service(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ExImParam ExIm; ZeroMemory(&ExIm, sizeof(ExIm)); ExIm.hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; ExIm.Typ = EXIM_CONTACT; return SvcExImport_Export(&ExIm, (HWND)lParam); } INT_PTR svcExIm_ContactImport_Service(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ExImParam ExIm; ZeroMemory(&ExIm, sizeof(ExIm)); ExIm.hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; ExIm.Typ = EXIM_CONTACT; return SvcExImport_Import(&ExIm, (HWND)lParam); } /********************************* *Ex/import (Sub)Group (GroupMenu) *********************************/ /** * This service is call by (Sub)Group MenuItem Export and MenuItem Import * * @param wParam - gmp.wParam = 0 ->Import * @param wParam - gmp.wParam != 0 ->Export * @param lParam - gmp.lParam not used * * @return always 0 **/ INT_PTR svcExIm_Group_Service(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ExImParam ExIm; INT_PTR hItem = 0, hRoot = 0, hParent = 0; TCHAR tszGroup[120], tszItem[120]; ZeroMemory(&tszGroup, sizeof(tszGroup)); ZeroMemory(&tszItem, sizeof(tszItem)); ZeroMemory(&ExIm, sizeof(ExIm)); LPTSTR ptszGroup = tszGroup; LPTSTR ptszItem = tszItem; HWND hClist = (HWND)CallService(MS_CLUI_GETHWNDTREE,0,0); // get clist selection hItem = SendMessage(hClist,CLM_GETSELECTION,0,0); hRoot = SendMessage(hClist,CLM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM)CLGN_ROOT, (LPARAM)hItem); while (hItem) { if (SendMessage(hClist,CLM_GETITEMTYPE, (WPARAM)hItem, 0) == CLCIT_GROUP) { SendMessage(hClist,CLM_GETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)hItem, (LPARAM)ptszItem); LPTSTR temp = mir_tstrdup(ptszGroup); mir_sntprintf(tszGroup, SIZEOF(tszGroup),_T("%s%s%s"), ptszItem, _tcslen(temp)? _T("\\"):_T(""), temp); mir_free (temp); } hParent = SendMessage(hClist,CLM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM)CLGN_PARENT, (LPARAM)hItem); hItem = (hParent != hRoot) ? hParent : 0; } ExIm.ptszName = ptszGroup; ExIm.Typ = EXIM_SUBGROUP; if (wParam) { //Export "/ExportGroup" SvcExImport_Export(&ExIm, hClist); } else { //Import "/ImportGroup" SvcExImport_Import(&ExIm, hClist); } return 0; }; /********************************* *Ex/Import Account (AccountMenu) *********************************/ typedef struct // neeed for MO_MENUITEMGETOWNERDATA // taken from core clistmenus.ccp { char *proto; //This is unique protoname int protoindex; int status; BOOL custom; char *svc; HANDLE hMenuItem; } StatusMenuExecParam,*lpStatusMenuExecParam; /** * This service is call by Account MenuItem Export and MenuItem Import * * @param wParam - not used * @param lParam - MenuItem from MS_CLIST_ADDSTATUSMENUITEM * * @return always 0 **/ INT_PTR svcExIm_Account_Service(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ExImParam ExIm; ZeroMemory(&ExIm, sizeof(ExIm)); HWND hClist = (HWND)CallService(MS_CLUI_GETHWNDTREE,0,0); lpStatusMenuExecParam smep = (lpStatusMenuExecParam) CallService(MO_MENUITEMGETOWNERDATA, (WPARAM) lParam, NULL); ExIm.pszName = mir_strdup(smep->proto); ExIm.Typ = EXIM_ACCOUNT; if (strstr( smep->svc, "/ExportAccount" )) { //Export "/ExportAccount" SvcExImport_Export(&ExIm, hClist); } else { //Import "/ImportAccount" SvcExImport_Import(&ExIm, hClist); } mir_free(ExIm.pszName); return 0; }; /** * name: SvcExImport_LoadModule() * desc: initializes the Ex/Import Services * * return: 0 or 1 **/ VOID SvcExImport_LoadModule() { myCreateServiceFunction(MS_USERINFO_VCARD_EXPORTALL, svcExIm_MainExport_Service); myCreateServiceFunction(MS_USERINFO_VCARD_IMPORTALL, svcExIm_MainImport_Service); myCreateServiceFunction(MS_USERINFO_VCARD_EXPORT, svcExIm_ContactExport_Service); myCreateServiceFunction(MS_USERINFO_VCARD_IMPORT, svcExIm_ContactImport_Service); return; }