/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: � 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =============================================================================== File name : $HeadURL: https://userinfoex.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/init.cpp $ Revision : $Revision: 210 $ Last change on : $Date: 2010-10-02 22:27:36 +0400 (Сб, 02 окт 2010) $ Last change by : $Author: ing.u.horn $ =============================================================================== */ #include "commonheaders.h" #include "res/version.h" #include "m_updater.h" #include "mir_menuitems.h" #include "ctrl_base.h" #include "ctrl_button.h" #include "ctrl_contact.h" #include "dlg_propsheet.h" #include "dlg_anniversarylist.h" #include "psp_options.h" #include "ex_import/svc_ExImport.h" //#include "ex_import/svc_ExImVCF.h" #include "svc_avatar.h" #include "svc_contactinfo.h" #include "svc_email.h" #include "svc_gender.h" #include "svc_homepage.h" #include "svc_phone.h" #include "svc_refreshci.h" #include "svc_reminder.h" #include "svc_timezone.h" #include "svc_timezone_old.h" #include "flags/svc_flags.h" static PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo = { sizeof(PLUGININFOEX), __PLUGIN_DISPLAY_NAME, __VERSION_DWORD, __DESC, __AUTHOR, __AUTHOREMAIL, __COPYRIGHT, __AUTHORWEB, UNICODE_AWARE, DEFMOD_UIUSERINFO, MIID_UIUSERINFOEX }; static HANDLE ghModulesLoadedHook = NULL; static HANDLE ghTopToolBarLoaded = NULL; static HANDLE ghModernToolBarLoaded = NULL; static HANDLE ghShutdownHook = NULL; static HANDLE ghPrebuildStatusMenu = NULL; int hLangpack; /* ============================================================================================ event hooks ============================================================================================ */ /** * This function is called by the ME_TTB_MODULELOADED event. * It adds a set of buttons to the TopToolbar plugin. * * @param wParam - not used * @param lParam - not used * * @return always 0 **/ static INT OnTopToolBarLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { UnhookEvent(ghTopToolBarLoaded); DlgAnniversaryListOnTopToolBarLoaded(); SvcReminderOnTopToolBarLoaded(); return 0; } /** * This function is called by the ME_TB_MODULELOADED event. * It adds a set of buttons to the Toolbar of the Modern Contact List. * * @param wParam - not used * @param lParam - not used * * @return always 0 **/ static INT OnModernToolBarLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { UnhookEvent(ghModernToolBarLoaded); DlgAnniversaryListOnToolBarLoaded(); SvcReminderOnToolBarLoaded(); return 0; } /** * This function is called by Miranda just after loading all system modules. * * @param wParam - not used * @param lParam - not used * * @return always 0 **/ static INT OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW; int tmpFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG); tmpFlag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF; _CrtSetDbgFlag(tmpFlag); // _CrtSetBreakAlloc(4852); #endif INT_PTR ptr; UnhookEvent(ghModulesLoadedHook); myGlobals.HaveCListExtraIcons = ServiceExists(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_SET_ICON); myGlobals.ExtraIconsServiceExist = ServiceExists(MS_EXTRAICON_REGISTER); myGlobals.PopUpActionsExist = ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_REGISTERACTIONS); myGlobals.MsgAddIconExist = ServiceExists(MS_MSG_ADDICON); // init meta contacts ptr = CallService(MS_MC_GETPROTOCOLNAME, 0, 0); myGlobals.szMetaProto = (ptr != CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND) ? (LPCSTR)ptr : NULL; // options OptionsLoadModule(); // create services to receive string lists of languages and timezones SvcConstantsLoadModule(); // load module to remind user about birthday and a anniversary SvcReminderOnModulesLoaded(); // load extended intagration services SvcEMailOnModulesLoaded(); SvcHomepageLoadModule(); SvcPhoneLoadModule(); SvcGenderLoadModule(); SvcFlagsOnModulesLoaded(); #ifdef _DEBUG // new feature, not in release jet NServices::NAvatar::OnModulesLoaded(); #endif // build contact's menuitems RebuildMenu(); ghPrebuildStatusMenu = HookEvent( ME_CLIST_PREBUILDSTATUSMENU, (MIRANDAHOOK)RebuildAccount); // finally register for updater if (ServiceExists(MS_UPDATE_REGISTER)) { Update update = {0}; CHAR szVersion[16]; update.cbSize = sizeof(Update); update.szComponentName = pluginInfo.shortName; update.pbVersion = (BYTE *)CreateVersionString(pluginInfo.version, szVersion); update.cpbVersion = (INT)strlen((LPSTR)update.pbVersion); update.szUpdateURL = UPDATER_AUTOREGISTER; update.szBetaVersionURL = "http://userinfoex.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/changelog.txt"; // bytes occuring in VersionURL before the version, used to locate the version information within the URL data // e.g. change '[ (in work)]' to 'UserinfoEx:' for beta versions bump update.pbBetaVersionPrefix = (BYTE *)"UserinfoEx: "; update.cpbBetaVersionPrefix = (INT)strlen((LPSTR)update.pbBetaVersionPrefix); #ifdef _WIN64 #ifdef _UNICODE update.szBetaUpdateURL = "http://userinfoex.googlecode.com/files/uinfoex64.zip"; #endif #else #ifdef _UNICODE update.szBetaUpdateURL = "http://userinfoex.googlecode.com/files/uinfoexW.zip"; #else update.szBetaUpdateURL = "http://userinfoex.googlecode.com/files/uinfoex.zip"; #endif #endif // url for displaying changelog for beta versions update.szBetaChangelogURL = "http://userinfoex.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/changelog.txt"; CallService(MS_UPDATE_REGISTER, 0, (WPARAM)&update); } // install known modules strings to database DB::Setting::WriteAString(NULL, "KnownModules", MODULELONGNAME, USERINFO","MODNAME","MOD_MBIRTHDAY","MODNAMEFLAGS); return 0; } static INT OnShutdown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { UnhookEvent(ghShutdownHook); services.destroy(); DlgContactInfoUnLoadModule(); SvcReminderUnloadModule(); // uninitialize classes CtrlContactUnLoadModule(); CtrlButtonUnloadModule(); SvcConstantsUnloadModule(); UnhookEvent(ghPrebuildStatusMenu); SvcEMailUnloadModule(); SvcFlagsUnloadModule(); SvcGenderUnloadModule(); SvcHomepageUnloadModule(); SvcPhoneUnloadModule(); mir_free(hMenuItemAccount); return 0; } static BOOL CoreCheck() { BOOL bOk = TRUE; CHAR szVer[260]; TCHAR tszExePath[1024]; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), tszExePath, SIZEOF(tszExePath)); CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSIONTEXT, SIZEOF(szVer), (LPARAM)szVer); strlwr(szVer); _tcslwr(tszExePath); #ifdef _UNICODE bOk *= (GetVersion() & 0x80000000) == 0; bOk *= strstr(szVer, "unicode") != 0; #else bOk *= strstr(szVer, "unicode") == 0; #endif bOk *= _tcsstr(_tcsrchr(tszExePath, '\\'), _T("miranda")) != 0; bOk *= !strstr(szVer, "coffee") && strncmp(szVer, "1.", 2) && !strstr(szVer, " 1."); bOk *= myGlobals.mirandaVersion < PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(1,0,0,0); return bOk; } /* ============================================================================================ plugin interface & DllEntrypoint ============================================================================================ */ /** * This function is called by Miranda to get some information about this plugin. * * @return pointer to pluginInfo struct **/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX *MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD mirandaVersion) { if (mirandaVersion < PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(0,8,0,45)) { return NULL; } myGlobals.mirandaVersion = mirandaVersion; return &pluginInfo; } /** * This function returns the provided interfaces. * * @return array of interfaces **/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const MUUID *MirandaPluginInterfaces() { static const MUUID interfaces[] = { MIID_UIUSERINFOEX, // this is just me MIID_UIUSERINFO, // replace the default userinfo module MIID_CONTACTINFO, // indicate, that MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO service is provided MIID_REMINDER, // indicate an Reminder of being provided MIID_SREMAIL, // Send/Receive E-Mail service is provided MIID_LAST }; return interfaces; } /** * This function is called by Miranda just to make it possible to unload some memory, ... * * @return 0 **/ extern "C" INT __declspec(dllexport) Unload(VOID) { return 0; } /** * This function is called by Miranda to initialize the plugin. * * @return 0 **/ extern "C" INT __declspec(dllexport) Load(PLUGINLINK *link) { INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX ccEx; pluginLink = link; mir_getLP(&pluginInfo); if (link && CoreCheck()) { // init common controls ccEx.dwSize = sizeof(ccEx); ccEx.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES|ICC_DATE_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&ccEx); ZeroMemory(&myGlobals, sizeof(MGLOBAL)); // init miranda's memory interface if (!mir_getMMI(&mmi) && !mir_getLI(&li) && !mir_getUTFI(&utfi) /*&& mir_getXI(&xi)*/) { // init clist interface pcli = (CLIST_INTERFACE*)CallService(MS_CLIST_RETRIEVE_INTERFACE, 0, (LPARAM)0); // init new miranda timezone interface mir_getTMI(&tmi); // init freeimage interface INT_PTR result = CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND; if(ServiceExists(MS_IMG_GETINTERFACE)) result = CallService(MS_IMG_GETINTERFACE, FI_IF_VERSION, (LPARAM)&FIP); if(FIP == NULL || result != S_OK) { MessageBoxEx(NULL, TranslateT("Fatal error, image services not found. Flags Module will be disabled."), _T("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_APPLMODAL, 0); return 1; } if (IsWinVerVistaPlus()) { HMODULE hDwmApi = LoadLibraryA("dwmapi.dll"); if (hDwmApi) { dwmIsCompositionEnabled = (pfnDwmIsCompositionEnabled)GetProcAddress(hDwmApi,"DwmIsCompositionEnabled"); } } // check for dbx_tree myGlobals.UseDbxTree = ServiceExists("DBT/Entity/GetRoot"); // load icon library IcoLib_LoadModule(); SvcFlagsLoadModule(); tmi.getTimeZoneTime ? SvcTimezoneLoadModule() : SvcTimezoneLoadModule_old(); SvcContactInfoLoadModule(); SvcEMailLoadModule(); SvcRefreshContactInfoLoadModule(); CtrlContactLoadModule(); // load my button class CtrlButtonLoadModule(); // initializes the Ex/Import Services SvcExImport_LoadModule(); // load the UserInfoPropertySheet module DlgContactInfoLoadModule(); // Anniversary stuff DlgAnniversaryListLoadModule(); SvcReminderLoadModule(); // Now the module is loaded! Start initializing certain things ghModulesLoadedHook = HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, OnModulesLoaded); ghTopToolBarLoaded = HookEvent(ME_TTB_MODULELOADED, OnTopToolBarLoaded); ghModernToolBarLoaded = HookEvent(ME_TB_MODULELOADED, OnModernToolBarLoaded); ghShutdownHook = HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN, OnShutdown); return 0; } } return 1; } /** * Windows needs it for loading. * * @return TRUE **/ BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: ghInst = hinst; break; } return TRUE; }