/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: � 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * System Includes: **/ #include "commonheaders.h" /** * name: MAnnivDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: default constructor * param: none * return: nothing **/ MAnnivDate::MAnnivDate() { Clear(); } /** * name: MAnnivDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: constructor, which duplicates an existing anniversary date * param: mda - anniversary date to copy * return: nothing **/ MAnnivDate::MAnnivDate(MAnnivDate &mda) { SetDate(mda); } /** * name: Clear * class: MAnnivDate * desc: set all attributes to default value * param: none * return: nothing **/ VOID MAnnivDate::Clear() { ZeroDate(); _wID = ANID_NONE; _strDesc.clear(); _strModule.clear(); _wFlags = MADF_NONE; _bRemind = BST_INDETERMINATE; _wDaysEarlier = (WORD)-1; } /** * name: Set * class: MAnnivDate * desc: set new date * param: none * return: nothing **/ VOID MAnnivDate::SetDate(SYSTEMTIME &st) { ZeroDate(); Year(st.wYear); Month(st.wMonth); Day(st.wDay); } /** * name: Set * class: MAnnivDate * desc: duplicates the given anniversary date class * param: none * return: nothing **/ VOID MAnnivDate::SetDate(MAnnivDate &mda) { SetDate(mda.SystemTime()); _wID = mda.Id(); _strDesc = mda.Description(); _strModule = mda.Module(); _wFlags = mda.Flags(); _bRemind = mda.RemindOption(); _wDaysEarlier = mda.RemindOffset(); } /** * name: IsValid * class: MAnnivDate * desc: compare the current date with the given one in st * param: st - SYSTEMTIME to compare with * return: number of days the st differs from the class value **/ __inline BOOLEAN MAnnivDate::IsValid() const { return ( Year() > 1600 && Month() > 0 && Month() < 13 && Day() > 0 && Day() <= DaysInMonth(Month()) ); } /** * name: CompareDays * class: MAnnivDate * desc: compare the current date with the given one in st * param: mt - MTime to compare with * return: number of days the mt differs from the class value **/ INT MAnnivDate::CompareDays(MTime mt) const { mt.Year(Year()); return DayOfYear() - mt.DayOfYear(); } /** * name: Compare * class: MAnnivDate * desc: compare the current date with the given one in st * param: st - SYSTEMTIME to compare with * return: number of days the st differs from the class value **/ BOOLEAN MAnnivDate::IsEqual(const SYSTEMTIME &st) const { return ( Day() == st.wDay && Month() == st.wMonth && Year() == st.wYear ); } /** * name: DateStamp * class: MAnnivDate * desc: return the current date encoded as an DWORD * param: nothing * return: DWORD encoded date **/ DWORD MAnnivDate::DateStamp() const { DWORD dwStamp; if (!IsValid()) return 0; dwStamp = (Day() << 24) & 0xFF000000; dwStamp |= (Month() << 16) & 0x00FF0000; dwStamp |= Year() & 0x0000FFFF; return dwStamp; } /** * name: DateStamp * class: MAnnivDate * desc: set the date according to a datestamp * param: dwStamp - the dword encoded date * return: nothing **/ VOID MAnnivDate::DateStamp(const DWORD dwStamp) { Day((const WORD)((dwStamp & 0xFF000000) >> 24)); Month((const WORD)((dwStamp & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)); Year((const WORD)(dwStamp & 0x0000FFFF)); } /** * name: Age * class: MAnnivDate * desc: calculates the age according to the date of the class and current date * param: pNow - optional pointer to a MTime class to specify a certain time to use for age calculation * return: number of years the anniversary differs from now **/ INT MAnnivDate::Age(MTime *pNow) { INT age = 0; MTime now; if (!IsValid()) return -1; if (pNow) now = *pNow; else now.GetLocalTime(); age = now.Year() - Year(); if (age > 1 && CompareDays(now) > 0) age--; return age; } /** * name: Zodiac * class: MAnnivDate * desc: returns the zodiac icon and text for the date * param: none * return: structure, holding zodiac information **/ MZodiac MAnnivDate::Zodiac() { static const struct TZodiac { const WORD startDays; const WORD endDays; LPCTSTR szZodiac; LPCSTR szZodiacIcon; } zodiac[] = { { 80, 110, LPGENT("Aries") , ICO_ZOD_ARIES }, // Widder { 111, 140, LPGENT("Taurus") , ICO_ZOD_TAURUS }, // Stier { 141, 172, LPGENT("Gemini") , ICO_ZOD_GEMINI }, // Zwillinge { 173, 203, LPGENT("Cancer") , ICO_ZOD_CANCER }, // Krebs { 204, 235, LPGENT("Leo") , ICO_ZOD_LEO }, // L�we { 236, 266, LPGENT("Virgo") , ICO_ZOD_VIRGO }, // Jungfrau { 267, 296, LPGENT("Libra") , ICO_ZOD_LIBRA }, // Waage { 297, 326, LPGENT("Scorpio") , ICO_ZOD_SCORPIO }, // Scorpion { 327, 355, LPGENT("Sagittarius") , ICO_ZOD_SAGITTARIUS }, // Sch�tze { 356, 364, LPGENT("Capricorn") , ICO_ZOD_CAPRICORN }, // Steinbock { 1, 19, LPGENT("Capricorn") , ICO_ZOD_CAPRICORN }, // Steinbock { 20, 49, LPGENT("Aquarius") , ICO_ZOD_AQUARIUS }, // Wassermann { 50, 79, LPGENT("Pisces") , ICO_ZOD_PISCES }, // Fische //{ 0, 0, LPGENT("Unknown") , ICO_ZOD_UNKNOWN }, // not found { 0, 0, NULL , "" } // end of array }; const WORD wDays = DayOfYear(); BYTE i; MZodiac mZodiac; for (i = 0; i < 13 && (wDays < zodiac[i].startDays || wDays > zodiac[i].endDays); i++); mZodiac.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(zodiac[i].szZodiacIcon); mZodiac.pszName = zodiac[i].szZodiac; return mZodiac; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * reading and writing options ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * name: DBGetReminderOpts * class: MAnnivDate * desc: read reminder options for previously read date from database * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBGetReminderOpts(HANDLE hContact) { if (!hContact || hContact == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 1; if (_wID == ANID_BIRTHDAY) { _bRemind = DB::Setting::GetByte(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_ENABLED, BST_INDETERMINATE); _wDaysEarlier = DB::Setting::GetWord(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_OFFSET, (WORD)-1); } else if (_wID <= ANID_LAST) { CHAR pszSetting[MAXSETTING]; // read reminder option mir_snprintf(pszSetting, MAXSETTING, "Anniv%dReminder", _wID); _bRemind = DB::Setting::GetByte(hContact, Module(), pszSetting, BST_INDETERMINATE); // read offset mir_snprintf(pszSetting, MAXSETTING, "Anniv%dOffset", _wID); _wDaysEarlier = DB::Setting::GetWord(hContact, Module(), pszSetting, (WORD)-1); } else { _bRemind = BST_INDETERMINATE; _wDaysEarlier = (WORD)-1; } return 0; } /** * name: DBWriteReminderOpts * class: MAnnivDate * desc: write reminder options for date to database * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBWriteReminderOpts(HANDLE hContact) { if (!hContact || hContact == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 1; if (_wID == ANID_BIRTHDAY) { if (_bRemind == BST_INDETERMINATE) DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_ENABLED); else DB::Setting::WriteByte(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_ENABLED, _bRemind); if (_wDaysEarlier == (WORD)-1) DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_OFFSET); else DB::Setting::WriteWord(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_OFFSET, _wDaysEarlier); } else if (_wID <= ANID_LAST) { CHAR pszSetting[MAXSETTING]; // read reminder option mir_snprintf(pszSetting, MAXSETTING, "Anniv%dReminder", _wID); if (_bRemind == BST_INDETERMINATE) DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, USERINFO, pszSetting); else DB::Setting::WriteByte(hContact, USERINFO, pszSetting, _bRemind); // read offset mir_snprintf(pszSetting, MAXSETTING, "Anniv%dOffset", _wID); if (_wDaysEarlier == (WORD)-1) DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, USERINFO, pszSetting); else DB::Setting::WriteWord(hContact, USERINFO, pszSetting, _wDaysEarlier); } return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * reading, writing and deleting general date ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * name: DBGetDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: read a certain date from database * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * pszModule - module holding the date * szDay - setting of the day to read * szMonth - setting of the month to read * szYear - setting of the year to read * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBGetDate(HANDLE hContact, LPCSTR pszModule, LPCSTR szDay, LPCSTR szMonth, LPCSTR szYear) { WORD wtmp; ZeroDate(); wtmp = DB::Setting::GetWord(hContact, pszModule, szYear, 0); if (wtmp < 1601) return 1; Year(wtmp); wtmp = DB::Setting::GetWord(hContact, pszModule, szMonth, 0); if (wtmp > 0 && wtmp < 13) { Month(wtmp); wtmp = DB::Setting::GetWord(hContact, pszModule, szDay, 0); if (wtmp > 0 && wtmp <= DaysInMonth(Month())) { Day(wtmp); // date was correctly read from db _strModule = pszModule; return 0; } } ZeroDate(); return 1; } /** * name: DBWriteDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: write a certain date from database * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * pszModule - module holding the date * szDay - setting of the day to read * szMonth - setting of the month to read * szYear - setting of the year to read * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBWriteDate(HANDLE hContact, LPCSTR pszModule, LPCSTR szDay, LPCSTR szMonth, LPCSTR szYear) { return ( DB::Setting::WriteByte(hContact, pszModule, szDay, (BYTE)Day()) || DB::Setting::WriteByte(hContact, pszModule, szMonth, (BYTE)Month()) || DB::Setting::WriteWord(hContact, pszModule, szYear, Year()) ); } /** * name: DBDeleteDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: delete a certain date from database * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * pszModule - module holding the date * szDay - setting of the day to read * szMonth - setting of the month to read * szYear - setting of the year to read * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBDeleteDate(HANDLE hContact, LPCSTR pszModule, LPCSTR szDay, LPCSTR szMonth, LPCSTR szYear) const { INT ret; ret = DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, pszModule, szDay); ret &= DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, pszModule, szMonth); ret &= DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, pszModule, szYear); return ret; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * reading, writing and deleting general datestamp ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * name: DBGetDateStamp * class: MAnnivDate * desc: Read a datestamp from database. A datestamp is an DWORD of the form <ddmmyyyy>. * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the datestamp from * pszModule - module to read the datestamp from * pszSetting - key used to identify the datestamp * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBGetDateStamp(HANDLE hContact, LPCSTR pszModule, LPCSTR pszSetting) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (DB::Setting::GetAsIs(hContact, pszModule, pszSetting, &dbv)) return 1; if (dbv.type != DBVT_DWORD) { DB::Variant::Free(&dbv); return 1; } DateStamp(dbv.dVal); return IsValid() == 0; } /** * name: DBWriteDateStamp * class: MAnnivDate * desc: Write a datestamp to database. A datestamp is an DWORD of the form <ddmmyyyy>. * param: hContact - handle to a contact to write the datestamp to * pszModule - module to write the datestamp to * pszSetting - key used to save the datestamp * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBWriteDateStamp(HANDLE hContact, LPCSTR pszModule, LPCSTR pszSetting) { DWORD dwStamp = DateStamp(); if (hContact == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || pszModule == 0 || *pszModule == 0 || pszSetting == 0 || *pszSetting == 0 || dwStamp == 0) { return 1; } return DB::Setting::WriteDWord(hContact, pszModule, pszSetting, dwStamp); } /*********************************************************************************************************** * reading, writing and deleting birthday ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * name: DBGetBirthDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: try to read birthday date from all known modules * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * pszProto - basic protocol module * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBGetBirthDate(HANDLE hContact, LPSTR pszProto) { Clear(); // try to get birthday from any custom module if ( !DBGetDate(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR) || !DBGetDate(hContact, MOD_MBIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR) || !DBGetDate(hContact, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR) || !DBGetDate(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_DOBD, SET_CONTACT_DOBM, SET_CONTACT_DOBY)) { SetFlags(MADF_HASCUSTOM); } // if pszProto is set to NULL, this will be scaned only incase the birthday date has not been found yet else if (pszProto || (pszProto = DB::Contact::Proto(hContact)) != NULL) { // try to get birthday from basic protocol if (!DBGetDate(hContact, pszProto, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR)) { SetFlags(MADF_HASPROTO); } // try to get birthday date from metacontact's subcontact else if (DB::Module::IsMetaAndScan(pszProto)) { const INT def = DB::MetaContact::SubDefNum(hContact); HANDLE hSubContact; // try to get setting from the default subcontact first if (def > -1 && def < INT_MAX) { hSubContact = DB::MetaContact::Sub(hContact, def); if (hSubContact != NULL && !DBGetBirthDate(hSubContact, NULL)) { RemoveFlags(MADF_HASCUSTOM); SetFlags(MADF_HASMETA); } } // scan all subcontacts for the setting if (_wFlags == 0) { const INT cnt = DB::MetaContact::SubCount(hContact); if (cnt < INT_MAX) { INT i; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (i != def) { hSubContact = DB::MetaContact::Sub(hContact, i); if (hSubContact != NULL && !DBGetBirthDate(hSubContact, NULL)) { RemoveFlags(MADF_HASCUSTOM); SetFlags(MADF_HASMETA); break; } } } } } } } if (_wFlags != 0) { _wID = ANID_BIRTHDAY; _strDesc = TranslateT("Birthday"); return 0; } return 1; } /** * name: DBMoveBirthDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: keep the database clean * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * bOld - byte RemindBirthModule src * bNew - byte RemindBirthModule dest * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ // INT MAnnivDate::DBMoveBirthDate(HANDLE hContact, BYTE bOld, BYTE bNew) { Clear(); switch(bOld) { case 0: //MOD_MBIRTHDAY if (!DBGetDate(hContact, MOD_MBIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR)) { if(DBWriteDate(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR)) return 1; DBDeleteDate(hContact, MOD_MBIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR); DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, MOD_MBIRTHDAY, "BirthMode"); } break; case 1: //USERINFO if (!DBGetDate(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR)) { if(DBWriteDate(hContact, MOD_MBIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR)) return 1; DB::Setting::WriteByte(hContact, MOD_MBIRTHDAY, "BirthMode", 2); DBDeleteDate(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR); } break; default: return 1; break; } return 0; } /** * name: DBWriteBirthDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: write birthday date to desired module * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * pszProto - basic protocol module * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBWriteBirthDate(HANDLE hContact) { INT rc = 0; LPCSTR pszModule = SvcReminderGetMyBirthdayModule(); rc = DBWriteDate(hContact, pszModule, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR); if (!rc) { if (!mir_strcmp(pszModule, MOD_MBIRTHDAY)) { DB::Setting::WriteByte(hContact, MOD_MBIRTHDAY, "BirthMode", 2); } if ( // only delete values from current contact's custom modules !(_wFlags & (MADF_HASPROTO|MADF_HASMETA)) && // check whether user wants this feature DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_SECUREBIRTHDAY, TRUE) && !myGlobals.UseDbxTree) { // keep the database clean if (mir_strcmp(pszModule, MOD_MBIRTHDAY)!= 0) { DBDeleteDate(hContact, MOD_MBIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR); DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, MOD_MBIRTHDAY, "BirthMode"); } else if (mir_strcmp(pszModule, USERINFO) !=0) { DBDeleteDate(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR); } DBDeleteDate(hContact, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR); DBDeleteDate(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_DOBD, SET_CONTACT_DOBM, SET_CONTACT_DOBY); } rc = DB::Setting::WriteWord(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_AGE, Age()); } return rc; } /** * name: DBDeleteBirthDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: delete birthday date from desired module * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * pszProto - basic protocol module * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBDeleteBirthDate(HANDLE hContact) { return DBDeleteDate(hContact, Module(), SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR); } /*********************************************************************************************************** * reading, writing and deleting anniversary ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * name: DBGetAnniversaryDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: try to read anniversary date from userinfo module * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * pszProto - basic protocol module * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBGetAnniversaryDate(HANDLE hContact, WORD iIndex) { CHAR szStamp[MAXSETTING]; DBVARIANT dbv; INT rc; Clear(); // read date and convert older versions mir_snprintf(szStamp, SIZEOF(szStamp), "Anniv%dDate", iIndex); rc = DBGetDateStamp(hContact, USERINFO, szStamp); if (!rc) { _strModule = USERINFO; _wFlags |= MADF_HASCUSTOM; _wID = iIndex; // read description mir_snprintf(szStamp, SIZEOF(szStamp), "Anniv%dDesc", iIndex); if (!DB::Setting::GetTString(hContact, USERINFO, szStamp, &dbv)) { _strDesc = dbv.ptszVal; DB::Variant::Free(&dbv); } } return rc; } /** * name: DBWriteAnniversaryDate * class: MAnnivDate * desc: write birthday date to desired module * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * pszProto - basic protocol module * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::DBWriteAnniversaryDate(HANDLE hContact, WORD wIndex) { INT ret = 0; // date can only be written to db as anniversary if it is not marked as birthday if (wIndex <= ANID_LAST && _wID != ANID_BIRTHDAY) { CHAR pszSetting[MAXSETTING]; _wID = wIndex; mir_snprintf(pszSetting, SIZEOF(pszSetting), "Anniv%dDate", wIndex); if (!DBWriteDateStamp(hContact, USERINFO, pszSetting)) { // write description mir_snprintf(pszSetting, SIZEOF(pszSetting), "Anniv%dDesc", wIndex); DB::Setting::WriteTString(hContact, USERINFO, pszSetting, (LPTSTR)Description()); return 0; } // delete date if written incompletely DB::Setting::Delete(hContact, USERINFO, pszSetting); } return 1; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * automatic backup service ***********************************************************************************************************/ static WORD AskUser(HANDLE hContact, MAnnivDate *pOldCustomDate, MAnnivDate *pNewProtoDate) { MSGBOX MB; TCHAR szMsg[MAXDATASIZE]; TCHAR szDate[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szoldDate[MAX_PATH]; pOldCustomDate->DateFormat(szoldDate, SIZEOF(szoldDate)); pNewProtoDate->DateFormat(szDate, SIZEOF(szDate)); mir_sntprintf(szMsg, SIZEOF(szMsg), TranslateT("%s provides a new birthday via protocol.\nIt is %s. The old one was %s.\n\nDo you want to use this as the new birthday for this contact?"), DB::Contact::DisplayName(hContact), szDate, szoldDate ); MB.cbSize = sizeof(MSGBOX); MB.hParent = NULL; MB.hiLogo = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_DLG_ANNIVERSARY); MB.hiMsg = NULL; MB.uType = MB_YESALLNO|MB_ICON_QUESTION|MB_INFOBAR|MB_NOPOPUP; MB.ptszTitle = LPGENT("Update custom birthday"); MB.ptszInfoText = LPGENT("Keeps your custom birthday up to date."); MB.ptszMsg = szMsg; return MsgBoxService(NULL, (LPARAM)&MB); } /** * name: BackupBirthday * class: MAnnivDate * desc: tries to read birthday date from protocol and compares it with the classes date * param: hContact - handle to a contact to read the date from * pszProto - basic protocol module * return: 0 if backup was done, 1 otherwise **/ INT MAnnivDate::BackupBirthday(HANDLE hContact, LPSTR pszProto, const BOOLEAN bDontIgnoreAnything, PWORD lastAnswer) { if (hContact) { // This birthday is a protocol based or metasubcontact's anniversary and no custom information exist, // so directly back it up under all circumstances! if ((_wFlags & MADF_HASPROTO) || (_wFlags & MADF_HASMETA)) { DBWriteDateStamp(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_IGNORED); DBWriteBirthDate(hContact); } // A custom birthday was set by user before and is not to be ignored else if ((_wFlags & MADF_HASCUSTOM) && (bDontIgnoreAnything || !lastAnswer || (*lastAnswer != IDNONE))) { if (!pszProto) { pszProto = DB::Contact::Proto(hContact); } if (pszProto) { BOOLEAN bIsMeta = DB::Module::IsMeta(pszProto); BOOLEAN bIsMetaSub = !bIsMeta && DB::MetaContact::IsSub(hContact); BOOLEAN bWantBackup = FALSE; MAnnivDate mdbNewProto; MAnnivDate mdbIgnore; HANDLE hSubContact; const INT nSubContactCount = (bIsMeta) ? DB::MetaContact::SubCount(hContact) : 0; bWantBackup = !mdbNewProto.DBGetDate(hContact, pszProto, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR) && !IsEqual(mdbNewProto.SystemTime()) && (bDontIgnoreAnything || (DB::Setting::GetDWord(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_IGNORED, 0) != mdbNewProto.DateStamp())) && !bIsMetaSub; // allow backup only, if the custom setting differs from all meta subcontacts' protocol based settings, too. for (INT i = 0; (i < nSubContactCount) && bWantBackup && bIsMeta; i++) { hSubContact = DB::MetaContact::Sub(hContact, i); if (hSubContact && !mdbIgnore.DBGetDate(hSubContact, pszProto, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR)) { bWantBackup = bWantBackup && !IsEqual(mdbIgnore.SystemTime()) && (bDontIgnoreAnything || (DB::Setting::GetDWord(hSubContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_IGNORED, 0) != mdbIgnore.DateStamp())); } } if (bWantBackup) { if (!lastAnswer || *lastAnswer != IDALL) { WORD rc = AskUser(hContact, this, &mdbNewProto); if (lastAnswer) { *lastAnswer = rc; } if (IDYES != rc && IDALL != rc) { // special handling for metasubcontacts required?! mdbNewProto.DBWriteDateStamp(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_IGNORED); bWantBackup = FALSE; } } if (bWantBackup) { Set(mdbNewProto); DBWriteDateStamp(hContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_IGNORED); DBWriteBirthDate(hContact); // update metasubcontacts for (INT i = 0; i < nSubContactCount; i++) { hSubContact = DB::MetaContact::Sub(hContact, i); if (hSubContact != NULL) { if (!mdbIgnore.DBGetDate(hSubContact, DB::Contact::Proto(hSubContact), SET_CONTACT_BIRTHDAY, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHMONTH, SET_CONTACT_BIRTHYEAR)) { mdbIgnore.DBWriteDateStamp(hSubContact, USERINFO, SET_REMIND_BIRTHDAY_IGNORED); } DBWriteBirthDate(hSubContact); } } return 0; } } } } /* else if (mir_stricmp(Module(), SvcReminderGetMyBirthdayModule())) { DBWriteBirthDate(hContact); } */ } return 1; }