UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM

� 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#pragma once

class MTime {
	bool _isLocal;


	// contruction
	MTime(SYSTEMTIME &st, bool bIsLocal);
	MTime(FILETIME &ft, bool bIsLocal);
	MTime(LARGE_INTEGER &li, bool bIsLocal);
	MTime(DWORD dwStamp);
	MTime(const MTime& mtime);

	// checks
	__inline bool IsLocal() const { return _isLocal; }
	BYTE	IsValid() const;
	BYTE	IsLeapYear() const;

	// compare by seconds
	LONG	Compare(SYSTEMTIME st) const;
	LONG	Compare(const FILETIME &ft) const;
	LONG	Compare(const MTime &mt) const;
	LONG	Compare(const DWORD dwTimeStamp) const;
	// get value from class
	LARGE_INTEGER	LargeInt() const;
	FILETIME    FileTime() const;
	DWORD       TimeStamp() const;
	SYSTEMTIME  SystemTime() const { return _SysTime; }
	WORD DaysInMonth(const WORD &wMonth) const;
	WORD DaysInYear(BYTE bIgnoreLeap = FALSE) const;
	WORD DayOfYear() const;
	WORD AdjustYear(const int nDiffDays);

	WORD TimeFormat(LPTSTR ptszTimeFormat, WORD cchTimeFormat);
	WORD DateFormat(LPTSTR ptszTimeFormat, WORD cchTimeFormat);
	WORD DateFormatAlt(LPTSTR ptszTimeFormat, WORD cchTimeFormat);
	WORD DateFormatLong(LPTSTR ptszTimeFormat, WORD cchTimeFormat);
	// return single attributes
	__inline WORD DayOfWeek()	const { return _SysTime.wDayOfWeek; }
	__inline WORD Day() const { return _SysTime.wDay; }
	__inline WORD Month() const { return _SysTime.wMonth; }
	__inline WORD Year() const { return _SysTime.wYear; }
	__inline WORD Hour() const { return _SysTime.wHour; }
	__inline WORD Minute() const { return _SysTime.wMinute; }
	__inline WORD Second() const { return _SysTime.wSecond; }

	// set single values
	__inline void Minute(const WORD wMinute) { if (wMinute <= 59) _SysTime.wMinute = wMinute; }
	__inline void Hour(const WORD wHour) { if (wHour <= 24) _SysTime.wHour = wHour; }
	__inline void Day(const WORD wDay) { if (wDay <= 31) _SysTime.wDay = wDay; }
	__inline void Month(const WORD wMonth) { if (wMonth <= 12) _SysTime.wMonth = wMonth; }
	__inline void Year(const WORD wYear) { _SysTime.wYear = wYear; }

	// set value to class
	void ZeroDate();
	void FromStampAsUTC(const DWORD dwTimeStamp);
	void FromStampAsLocal(const DWORD dwTimeStamp);
	void Set(const FILETIME &ftFileTime, bool bIsLocal);
	void Set(LARGE_INTEGER liFileTime, bool bIsLocal);
	void Set(const SYSTEMTIME &st, bool bIsLocal);
	void Set(const MTime &mt);

	// get current time
	void GetTimeUTC();
	void GetLocalTime();
	void GetLocalTime(MCONTACT hContact);

	// conversions
	void UTCToLocal();
	void UTCToTzSpecificLocal(int tzh);
	void UTCToTzSpecificLocal(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *tzi);
	void LocalToUTC();
	void TzSpecificLocalToUTC(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *tzi);

	// read and write from and to db
	int DBGetStamp(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR pszModule, LPCSTR pszSetting);
	int DBWriteStamp(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR pszModule, LPCSTR pszSetting);

	// operatoren
	void operator = (DWORD& dwTimeStamp)			{ FromStampAsUTC(dwTimeStamp); };
	void operator = (FILETIME &ftFileTime)			{ Set(ftFileTime, FALSE); };
	void operator = (LARGE_INTEGER &liFileTime)		{ Set(liFileTime, FALSE); };
	void operator = (SYSTEMTIME &st)				{ Set(st, FALSE); };
	void operator = (const MTime &mt)				{ Set(mt); };

 * prototypes
void		UserTime_LoadModule(void);