/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: © 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" /** * name: BoldGroupTitlesEnumChildren() * desc: set font of groupboxes to bold * * return: 0 **/ BOOL CALLBACK BoldGroupTitlesEnumChildren(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam) { wchar_t szClass[64]; GetClassName(hWnd, szClass, 64); if (!mir_wstrcmp(szClass, L"Button") && (GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & 0x0F) == BS_GROUPBOX) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETFONT, lParam, NULL); return TRUE; } /** * name: CPsTreeItem * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: default constructor * param: pPsh - propertysheet's init structure * odp - optiondialogpage structure with the info about the item to add * return: nothing **/ CPsTreeItem::CPsTreeItem() { } /** * name: ~CPsTreeItem * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: default destructor * param: none * return: nothing **/ CPsTreeItem::~CPsTreeItem() { if (_hWnd) DestroyWindow(_hWnd); if (_pszName) mir_free(_pszName); if (_ptszLabel) mir_free(_ptszLabel); if (_pszProto) mir_free((LPVOID)_pszProto); } /** * name: PropertyKey * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: merge the treeitem's unique name with a prefix to form a setting string * param: pszProperty - the prefix to add * return: pointer to the setting string **/ LPCSTR CPsTreeItem::PropertyKey(LPCSTR pszProperty) { static CHAR pszSetting[MAXSETTING]; mir_snprintf(pszSetting, "{%s\\%s}_%s", _pszPrefix, _pszName, pszProperty); return pszSetting; } /** * name: GlobalName * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: return item name without prepended protocol name * param: nothing * return: item name without protocol name **/ LPCSTR CPsTreeItem::GlobalName() { LPSTR pgn = nullptr; if (_dwFlags & PSPF_PROTOPREPENDED) { pgn = mir_strchr(_pszName, '\\'); if (pgn && pgn[1]) pgn++; } return (!pgn || !*pgn) ?_pszName : pgn; } /** * name: GlobalPropertyKey * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: merge the treeitem's unique name with a prefix to form a setting string * param: pszProperty - the prefix to add * return: pointer to the setting string **/ LPCSTR CPsTreeItem::GlobalPropertyKey(LPCSTR pszProperty) { static CHAR pszSetting[MAXSETTING]; mir_snprintf(pszSetting, "{Global\\%s}_%s", GlobalName(), pszProperty); return pszSetting; } /** * name: IconKey * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: merge the treeitem's unique name with a prefix to form a setting string * param: pszProperty - the prefix to add * return: pointer to the setting string **/ LPCSTR CPsTreeItem::IconKey() { LPCSTR pszIconName = GlobalName(); if (pszIconName) { static CHAR pszSetting[MAXSETTING]; mir_snprintf(pszSetting, MODULENAME"_{%s}", pszIconName); return pszSetting; } return nullptr; } /** * name: ParentItemName() * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: returns the unique name for the parent item * param: nothing * return: length of group name **/ LPSTR CPsTreeItem::ParentItemName() { // try to read the parent item from the database DBVARIANT dbv; if (!DB::Setting::GetAString(0, MODULENAME, PropertyKey(SET_ITEM_GROUP), &dbv)) return dbv.pszVal; const CHAR* p = mir_strrchr(_pszName, '\\'); if (p) { int cchGroup = p - _pszName + 1; return mir_strncpy((LPSTR)mir_alloc(cchGroup), _pszName, cchGroup); } return nullptr; } /** * name: SetName * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: set the unique name for this item from a given title as it comes with OPTIONDIALOGPAGE * param: ptszTitle - the title which is the base for the unique name * bIsUnicode - if TRUE the title is unicode * return: 0 on success, 1 to 4 indicating the failed operation **/ int CPsTreeItem::Name(const wchar_t *ptszTitle, bool bIsUnicode) { // convert title to utf8 _pszName = (bIsUnicode) ? mir_utf8encodeW((LPWSTR)ptszTitle) : mir_utf8encode((LPSTR)ptszTitle); if (_pszName) { // convert disallowed characters for (uint32_t i = 0; _pszName[i] != 0; i++) { switch (_pszName[i]) { case '{': _pszName[i] = '('; break; case '}': _pszName[i] = ')'; break; } } } return _pszName == nullptr; } /** * name: HasName * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: returns true, if current item has the name provided by the parameter * params: pszName - the name to match the item with * return: nothing **/ uint8_t CPsTreeItem::HasName(const LPCSTR pszName) const { return !mir_strcmpi(_pszName, pszName); }; /** * name: Rename * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: Rename label for the treeitem * params: pszLabel - the desired new label * return: nothing **/ void CPsTreeItem::Rename(const LPTSTR pszLabel) { if (pszLabel && *pszLabel) { LPTSTR pszDup = mir_wstrdup(pszLabel); if (pszDup) { if (_ptszLabel) mir_free(_ptszLabel); _ptszLabel = pszDup; // convert disallowed characters while(*pszDup) { switch(*pszDup) { case '{': *pszDup = '('; break; case '}': *pszDup = ')'; break; } pszDup++; } AddFlags(PSTVF_LABEL_CHANGED); } } } /** * name: ItemLabel * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: returns the label for a given item. The returned value must be freed after use! * param: pszName - uniquely identifiing string for a propertypage encoded with utf8 (e.g.: {group\item}) * return: Label in a newly allocated piece of memory **/ int CPsTreeItem::ItemLabel(bool bReadDBValue) { // try to get custom label from database DBVARIANT dbv; if (!bReadDBValue || DB::Setting::GetWString(0, MODULENAME, GlobalPropertyKey(SET_ITEM_LABEL), &dbv) || (_ptszLabel = dbv.pwszVal) == nullptr) { // extract the name char *pszName = mir_strrchr(_pszName, '\\'); if (pszName && pszName[1]) pszName++; else pszName = _pszName; ptrW ptszLabel(mir_utf8decodeW(pszName)); if (ptszLabel) replaceStrW(_ptszLabel, TranslateW(ptszLabel)); } // return nonezero if label is invalid return _ptszLabel == nullptr; } /** * name: ProtoIcon * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: check if current tree item name is a protocol name and return its icon if so * params: none * return: nothing **/ HICON CPsTreeItem::ProtoIcon() { if (!_pszName) return nullptr; for (auto &pa : Accounts()) { if (!mir_wstrncmpi(pa->tszAccountName, _A2T(_pszName), mir_wstrlen(pa->tszAccountName))) { CHAR szIconID[MAX_PATH]; mir_snprintf(szIconID, "core_status_%s1", pa->szModuleName); HICON hIco = IcoLib_GetIcon(szIconID); if (!hIco) hIco = (HICON)CallProtoService(pa->szModuleName, PS_LOADICON, PLI_PROTOCOL, NULL); return hIco; } } return nullptr; } /** * name: Icon * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: load the icon, add to icolib if required and add to imagelist of treeview * params: hIml - treeview's imagelist to add the icon to * odp - pointer to USERINFOPAGE providing the information about the icon to load * hDefaultIcon - default icon to use * return: nothing **/ int CPsTreeItem::Icon(HIMAGELIST hIml, USERINFOPAGE *uip, bool bInitIconsOnly) { // check parameter if (!_pszName || !uip) return 1; // load the icon if no icolib is installed or creating the required settingname failed LPCSTR pszIconName = IconKey(); // use icolib to handle icons HICON hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(pszIconName); if (!hIcon) { bool bNeedFree = false; ptrW pwszSection(mir_a2u(SECT_TREE)); SKINICONDESC sid = {}; sid.flags = SIDF_ALL_UNICODE; sid.pszName = (LPSTR)pszIconName; sid.description.w = _ptszLabel; sid.section.w = pwszSection; // the item to insert brings along an icon? if (uip->flags & ODPF_ICON) { // is it uinfoex item? if (uip->pPlugin == &g_plugin) { // the pszGroup holds the iconfile for items added by uinfoex sid.defaultFile.w = uip->szGroup.w; // icon library exists? if (sid.defaultFile.w) sid.iDefaultIndex = uip->dwInitParam; // no valid icon library else { bNeedFree = true; sid.hDefaultIcon = ImageList_GetIcon(hIml, 0, ILD_NORMAL); sid.iDefaultIndex = -1; } } // default icon is delivered by the page to add else { sid.hDefaultIcon = ImageList_GetIcon(hIml, 0, ILD_NORMAL), bNeedFree = true; sid.iDefaultIndex = -1; } } // no icon to add, use default else { sid.iDefaultIndex = -1; sid.hDefaultIcon = ProtoIcon(); if (!sid.hDefaultIcon) sid.hDefaultIcon = ImageList_GetIcon(hIml, 0, ILD_NORMAL), bNeedFree = true; } // add file to icolib g_plugin.addIcon(&sid); if (!bInitIconsOnly) hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(pszIconName); if (bNeedFree) DestroyIcon(sid.hDefaultIcon); } if (!bInitIconsOnly && hIml) { // set custom icon to image list if (hIcon) return ((_iImage = ImageList_AddIcon(hIml, hIcon)) == -1); _iImage = 0; } else _iImage = -1; return 0; } /** * name: OnAddPage * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: inits the treeitem's attributes * params: pPsh - pointer to the property page's header structure * odp - USERINFOPAGE structure with the information about the page to add * return: 0 on success, 1 on failure **/ int CPsTreeItem::Create(CPsHdr *pPsh, USERINFOPAGE *uip) { // check parameter if (!pPsh || !uip || !PtrIsValid(uip->pPlugin)) return 1; // instance value _hInst = uip->pPlugin->getInst(); _dwFlags = uip->flags; _initParam = uip->dwInitParam; // init page owning contact _hContact = pPsh->_hContact; _pszProto = mir_strdup(pPsh->_pszProto); // global settings prefix for current contact (is dialog owning contact's protocol by default) _pszPrefix = (pPsh->_pszPrefix) ? pPsh->_pszPrefix : "Owner"; CMStringW wszTitle; if (_dwFlags & ODPF_USERINFOTAB) { wszTitle.Append(uip->szGroup.w); wszTitle.AppendChar('\\'); } wszTitle.Append(uip->szTitle.w); if (pPsh->_dwFlags & PSF_PROTOPAGESONLY) wszTitle.AppendFormat(L" %d", pPsh->_nSubContact + 1); // set the unique utf8 encoded name for the item if (int err = Name(wszTitle, (_dwFlags & ODPF_UNICODE) == ODPF_UNICODE)) { MsgErr(nullptr, LPGENW("Creating unique name for a page failed with %d and error code %d"), err, GetLastError()); return 1; } // read label from database or create it if (int err = ItemLabel(TRUE)) { MsgErr(nullptr, LPGENW("Creating the label for a page failed with %d and error code %d"), err, GetLastError()); return 1; } // load icon for the item Icon(pPsh->_hImages, uip, (pPsh->_dwFlags & PSTVF_INITICONS) == PSTVF_INITICONS); // the rest is not needed if only icons are loaded if (pPsh->_dwFlags & PSTVF_INITICONS) return 0; // load custom order if (!(pPsh->_dwFlags & PSTVF_SORTTREE)) { _iPosition = g_plugin.getByte(PropertyKey(SET_ITEM_POS), uip->position); if ((_iPosition < 0) || (_iPosition > 0x800000A)) _iPosition = 0; } // read visibility state _bState = g_plugin.getByte(PropertyKey(SET_ITEM_STATE), DBTVIS_EXPANDED); // fetch dialog _pDialog = uip->pDialog; return 0; } /** * name: DBSaveItemState * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: saves the current treeitem to database * param: pszGroup - name of the parent item * iItemPosition - iterated index to remember the order of the tree * iState - expanded|collapsed|invisible * dwFlags - tells what to save * return: handle to new (moved) treeitem if successful or NULL otherwise **/ uint16_t CPsTreeItem::DBSaveItemState(LPCSTR pszGroup, int iItemPosition, UINT iState, uint32_t dwFlags) { uint16_t numErrors = 0; // save group if ((dwFlags & PSTVF_GROUPS) && (dwFlags & PSTVF_POS_CHANGED)) numErrors += db_set_utf(0, MODULENAME, PropertyKey(SET_ITEM_GROUP), (LPSTR)pszGroup); // save label if ((dwFlags & PSTVF_LABEL_CHANGED) && (_dwFlags & PSTVF_LABEL_CHANGED)) g_plugin.setWString(GlobalPropertyKey(SET_ITEM_LABEL), Label()); // save position if ((dwFlags & PSTVF_POS_CHANGED) && !(dwFlags & PSTVF_SORTTREE)) g_plugin.setByte(PropertyKey(SET_ITEM_POS), iItemPosition); // save state if (dwFlags & PSTVF_STATE_CHANGED) g_plugin.setByte(PropertyKey(SET_ITEM_STATE), _hItem ? ((iState & TVIS_EXPANDED) ? DBTVIS_EXPANDED : DBTVIS_NORMAL) : DBTVIS_INVISIBLE); RemoveFlags(PSTVF_STATE_CHANGED|PSTVF_LABEL_CHANGED|PSTVF_POS_CHANGED); return numErrors; } /** * name: CreateWnd * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: create the dialog for the propertysheet page * params: pPs - propertysheet's datastructure * hDlg - windowhandle of the propertysheet * return: windowhandle of the dialog if successful **/ HWND CPsTreeItem::CreateWnd(LPPS pPs) { if (pPs && !_hWnd && _pDialog) { _pDialog->SetParent(pPs->hDlg); _pDialog->SetContact(_hContact); _pDialog->Create(); _hWnd = _pDialog->GetHwnd(); if (_hWnd != nullptr) { // force child window (mainly for AIM property page) SetWindowLongPtr(_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, (GetWindowLongPtr(_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & ~(WS_POPUP|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_THICKFRAME)) | WS_CHILD); SetWindowLongPtr(_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & ~(WS_EX_APPWINDOW|WS_EX_STATICEDGE|WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)); // move dialog into the display area SetWindowPos(_hWnd, HWND_TOP, pPs->rcDisplay.left, pPs->rcDisplay.top, pPs->rcDisplay.right - pPs->rcDisplay.left, pPs->rcDisplay.bottom - pPs->rcDisplay.top, FALSE); // set bold titles if (_dwFlags & ODPF_BOLDGROUPS) EnumChildWindows(_hWnd, BoldGroupTitlesEnumChildren, (LPARAM)pPs->hBoldFont); // some initial notifications OnInfoChanged(); OnPageIconsChanged(); return _hWnd; } } return nullptr; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * public event handlers ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * name: OnInfoChanged * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: Notifies the propertypage of changed contact information * params: none * return: nothing **/ void CPsTreeItem::OnInfoChanged() { if (_hWnd) _pDialog->OnRefresh(); } /** * name: OnPageIconsChanged * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: Notifies the propertypage of changed icons in icolib * params: none * return: nothing **/ void CPsTreeItem::OnPageIconsChanged() { if (_hWnd && _hInst == g_plugin.getInst()) { auto *pDlg = (PSPBaseDlg *)_pDialog; pDlg->OnIconsChanged(); } } /** * name: OnIconsChanged * class: CPsTreeItem * desc: Handles reloading icons if changed by icolib * params: none * return: nothing **/ void CPsTreeItem::OnIconsChanged(CPsTree *pTree) { HICON hIcon; RECT rc; // update tree item icons if (pTree->ImageList() && (hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(IconKey())) != nullptr) { _iImage = (_iImage > 0) ? ImageList_ReplaceIcon(pTree->ImageList(), _iImage, hIcon) : ImageList_AddIcon(pTree->ImageList(), hIcon); if (_hItem && TreeView_GetItemRect(pTree->Window(), _hItem, &rc, 0)) InvalidateRect(pTree->Window(), &rc, TRUE); } // update pages icons OnPageIconsChanged(); }