UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM

© 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


 * old CTRL stuff (is to replace in the future

// control flags
#define CTRLF_CHANGED    1
#define CTRLF_HASPROTO   2
#define CTRLF_HASMETA    8
#define CTRLF_FIRST     16 // first free flag for derived controls

// control types
#define CTRL_ERROR         0
#define CTRL_EDIT          1
#define CTRL_DATEPICKER    3
#define CTRL_LIST_ITEM     7

typedef struct TCtrlInfo {
	uint8_t	nType;
	uint16_t	wFlags;

// for compatibility with old styled controls
void             Ctrl_InitTextColours();
INT_PTR CALLBACK Ctrl_SetTextColour(HDC hdc, uint16_t wFlags);

 * CBaseCtrl declaration

union CCtrlFlags 
	uint16_t W;
	struct CBits 
		bool	hasChanged : 1;
		bool	hasProto : 1;
		bool	hasCustom : 1;
		bool	hasMeta : 1;
	} B;

 * CBaseCtrl is an abstract baseic class, which provides a common
 * interface for all kinds of controls. It has the task to ease
 * up programming and avoid memory leaks.
class CBaseCtrl
	uint32_t			_cbSize;

	friend class CCtrlList;

	CCtrlFlags		_Flags; 
	HWND			_hwnd;
	uint16_t			_idCtrl;
	LPCSTR			_pszModule;
	LPCSTR			_pszSetting;
	LPTSTR			_pszValue;

	 * Private constructure is to force the class used as base class only.
	 * @param	 none
	 * @return	nothing
	CBaseCtrl(HWND hDlg, uint16_t idCtrl, LPCSTR pszSetting);
	CBaseCtrl(HWND hDlg, uint16_t idCtrl, LPCSTR pszModule, LPCSTR pszSetting);

	 * Private constructure is to force the class used as base class only.
	 * @param	 none
	 * @return	nothing


	static __forceinline CBaseCtrl* GetObj(HWND hCtrl) 
		{ return (CBaseCtrl*) GetUserData(hCtrl); }

	static __forceinline CBaseCtrl* GetObj(HWND hDlg, uint16_t idCtrl)
		{ return GetObj(GetDlgItem(hDlg, idCtrl)); }
	__forceinline CCtrlFlags Flags() const { return _Flags; }

	 * This is a pure virtual method, which is the common interface 
	 * for deleting an instance of this class.
	 * @param	 none
	 * @return	nothing
	virtual void Release() { }

	 * This is a pure virtual method, which is the common interface 
	 * to handle database changes. It reads the new values from
	 * database and refreshes the content of the associated control.
	 * @param	 hContact	- the handle of the contact
	 * @param	 pszProto	 - the contact's protocol module
	 * @retval	TRUE	- the content was updated
	 * @retval	FALSE - content not updated
	virtual BOOL OnInfoChanged(MCONTACT, LPCSTR) { return 0; }

	 * This is a pure virtual method, which is the common interface 
	 * for applying changed content of a control to database.
	 * @param	 hContact	- the handle of the contact
	 * @param	 pszProto	 - the contact's protocol module
	 * @return	nothing
	virtual void OnApply(MCONTACT, LPCSTR) { }

	 * This is a pure virtual method, which is called to set the 
	 * changed bit. This is to indicate a setting has changed and
	 * therefore enable the apply button of the details dialog.
	 * @param	 none
	 * @return	nothing
	virtual void OnChangedByUser(uint16_t) { }

	virtual void OnReset() { }

	INT_PTR OnSetTextColour(HDC);

 * CCtrlList declaration

 * The CCtrlList class is a sorted list of all dialog controls, such as edit, combo, etc. 
 * with a common data structure and interface, described by the abstract class CBaseCtrl.
 * The CCtrlList class sends notification messages to all its or to all relevant members.
 * This reduces the risk of forgetting some message handling.
class CCtrlList : public LIST<CBaseCtrl>
	HWND	_hOwnerDlg;

	static int sortFunc(const CBaseCtrl *tz1, const CBaseCtrl *tz2);

	CCtrlList(HWND hOwnerDlg);

	static CCtrlList* CreateObj(HWND hOwnerDlg);

	static __forceinline CCtrlList* GetObj(HWND hDlg) 
		{ return (CCtrlList*)GetUserData(hDlg); }

	void		Release();
	void		OnReset();
	BOOL		OnInfoChanged(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR pszProto);
	void		OnApply(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR pszProto);
	void		OnChangedByUser(uint16_t idCtrl, uint16_t wChangedMsg);
	INT_PTR OnSetTextColour(HWND hCtrl, HDC hdc);

#endif /* _UI_CTRL_BASE_INCLUDE_ */