/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: � 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" /** * This functions fills a combobox given by @hCtrl with * all items of the global timezone manager * * @param hDlg - HWND of the owning propertysheet page * @param idCtrl - the ID of the control to associate with this class's instance * @param pszSetting - the database setting to be handled by this class * * @return CTzCombo* **/ CBaseCtrl* CTzCombo::CreateObj(HWND hDlg, WORD idCtrl, LPCSTR pszSetting) { HWND hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, idCtrl); CTzCombo *ctrl = new CTzCombo(hDlg, idCtrl, pszSetting); if (ctrl) { //set the adress of our timezone handle as itemdata //caller can obtain the handle htz to extract all relevant information ctrl->_curSel = 0; TimeZone_PrepareList(NULL, NULL, hCtrl, TZF_PLF_CB); } return (ctrl); } /** * * **/ CTzCombo::CTzCombo() : CBaseCtrl() { _curSel = CB_ERR; } /** * * **/ CTzCombo::CTzCombo(HWND hDlg, WORD idCtrl, LPCSTR pszSetting) : CBaseCtrl(hDlg, idCtrl, pszSetting) { _curSel = CB_ERR; } /** * This method does a binary search in the sorted * ComboBox for the item index. (new core tz interface) * * @param pTimeZone - LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION to find. * * @retval CB_ERR - item not found * @retval 0...n - index of the combobox item **/ int CTzCombo::Find(LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION pTimeZone) const { int nItemIndex; int nItemCount = ComboBox_GetCount(_hwnd); for (nItemIndex = 0; nItemIndex < nItemCount; nItemIndex++) { if (pTimeZone == TimeZone_GetInfo((HANDLE)ComboBox_GetItemData(_hwnd, nItemIndex))) return nItemIndex; } return CB_ERR; } /** * This functions removes the user data from a combobox. * * @param hCtrl - HWND of the combobox * * @return nothing **/ void CTzCombo::Release() { delete this; } /** * This functions selects the combobox item which matches the contact's timezone. * * @param hCtrl - HWND of the combobox * @param hContact - HANDLE of the contact whose timezone to select * @param pszProto - the contact's protocol (not used by new core tz interface) * * @return _Flags.B.hasChanged member **/ BOOL CTzCombo::OnInfoChanged(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR) { if (!_Flags.B.hasChanged) { LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION pTimeZone; pTimeZone = getTziByContact(hContact); ComboBox_SetCurSel(_hwnd, Find(pTimeZone)); _curSel = ComboBox_GetCurSel(_hwnd); SendMessage(GetParent(_hwnd), WM_TIMER, 0, 0); } return _Flags.B.hasChanged; } /** * This method writes the combobox's item as the contact's timezone. * * @param hContact - HANDLE of the contact whose timezone to select * @param pszProto - the contact's protocol (not used by new core tz interface) * * @return nothing **/ void CTzCombo::OnApply(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR pszProto) { if (_Flags.B.hasChanged) { const char* pszModule = hContact ? USERINFO : pszProto; if (_Flags.B.hasCustom || !hContact) { //use new core tz interface TimeZone_StoreListResult(hContact, NULL, _hwnd, TZF_PLF_CB); if (!hContact) { _Flags.B.hasCustom = false; _Flags.B.hasProto = true; } _Flags.B.hasChanged = false; } if (_Flags.B.hasChanged) { db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_TIMEZONENAME); db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_TIMEZONEINDEX); db_unset(hContact, pszModule, SET_CONTACT_TIMEZONE); _Flags.B.hasChanged = false; OnInfoChanged(hContact, pszProto); } InvalidateRect(_hwnd, NULL, TRUE); } } /** * The user changed combobox selection, so mark it changed. * * @return nothing **/ void CTzCombo::OnChangedByUser(WORD wChangedMsg) { if (wChangedMsg == CBN_SELCHANGE) { int c = ComboBox_GetCurSel(_hwnd); if (_curSel != c) { if (!_Flags.B.hasChanged) { _Flags.B.hasChanged = _Flags.B.hasCustom = true; SendMessage(GetParent(GetParent(_hwnd)), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); } _curSel = c; SendMessage(GetParent(_hwnd), WM_TIMER, 0, 0); } } } /** * This method fills @szTime with the current time * according to the combobox's selected timezone. * * @param szTime - string to fill with the current time * @param cchTime - number of characters the string can take * * @return nothing **/ void CTzCombo::GetTime(LPTSTR szTime, int cchTime) { TimeZone_PrintDateTime((HANDLE)ComboBox_GetItemData(_hwnd, _curSel), L"t", szTime, cchTime, 0); }