/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: © 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * System Includes: **/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "svc_gender.h" #include "svc_reminder.h" #include "dlg_anniversarylist.h" #include "m_message.h" #define IsLeap(wYear) (!(((wYear) % 4 != 0) || (((wYear) % 100 == 0) && ((wYear) % 400 != 0)))) class CAnnivList; static CAnnivList *gpDlg = nullptr; /*********************************************************************************************************** * class CAnnivList ***********************************************************************************************************/ class CAnnivList { HWND _hDlg; HWND _hList; SIZE _sizeMin; RECT _rcWin; SHORT _sortOrder; int _sortHeader; int _curSel; int _numRows; BYTE _bRemindEnable; HANDLE _mHookExit; bool _wmINIT; typedef int (CALLBACK* CMPPROC)(LPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM); enum EColumn { COLUMN_ETA = 0, COLUMN_CONTACT, COLUMN_PROTO, COLUMN_AGE, COLUMN_DESC, COLUMN_DATE, }; enum EFilter { FILTER_ALL = 0, FILTER_BIRTHDAY, FILTER_ANNIV, FILTER_DISABLED_REMINDER }; struct CFilter { WORD wDaysBefore; BYTE bFilterIndex; LPSTR pszProto; LPTSTR pszAnniv; CFilter() { wDaysBefore = (WORD)-1; bFilterIndex = 0; pszProto = nullptr; pszAnniv = nullptr; } } _filter; struct CItemData { MCONTACT _hContact; MAnnivDate *_pDate; WORD _wDaysBefore; BYTE _wReminderState; CItemData(MCONTACT hContact, MAnnivDate &date) { _hContact = hContact; _wReminderState = date.RemindOption(); _wDaysBefore = date.RemindOffset(); _pDate = new MAnnivDate(date); } ~CItemData() { if (_pDate) { // save changes if (_wReminderState != _pDate->RemindOption() || _wDaysBefore != _pDate->RemindOffset()) { _pDate->RemindOffset(_wDaysBefore); _pDate->RemindOption(_wReminderState); _pDate->DBWriteReminderOpts(_hContact); } delete _pDate; _pDate = nullptr; } } }; // This class handles the movement of child controls on size change. class CAnchor { public: enum EAnchor { ANCHOR_LEFT = 1, ANCHOR_RIGHT = 2, ANCHOR_TOP = 4, ANCHOR_BOTTOM = 8, ANCHOR_ALL = ANCHOR_LEFT | ANCHOR_RIGHT | ANCHOR_TOP | ANCHOR_BOTTOM }; private: WINDOWPOS *_wndPos; HDWP _hdWnds; RECT _rcParent; void _ScreenToClient(HWND hWnd, LPRECT rc) { POINT pt = { rc->left, rc->top }; ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt); rc->right += pt.x - rc->left; rc->bottom += pt.y - rc->top; rc->left = pt.x; rc->top = pt.y; } void _MoveWindow(HWND hWnd, int anchors) { if (!(_wndPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)) { RECT rcc = _CalcPos(hWnd, anchors); MoveWindow(hWnd, rcc.left, rcc.top, rcc.right - rcc.left, rcc.bottom - rcc.top, FALSE); } } RECT _CalcPos(HWND hWnd, int anchors) { RECT rcc; GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rcc); _ScreenToClient(_wndPos->hwnd, &rcc); if (!(_wndPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)) { // calculate difference between new and old size const int cx = _wndPos->cx - _rcParent.right + _rcParent.left; const int cy = _wndPos->cy - _rcParent.bottom + _rcParent.top; if (cx != 0 || cy != 0) { // move client rect points to the desired new position if (!(anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT) || (anchors & ANCHOR_RIGHT)) rcc.right += cx; if (!(anchors & ANCHOR_TOP) || (anchors & ANCHOR_BOTTOM)) rcc.bottom += cy; if ((anchors & ANCHOR_RIGHT) && (!(anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT))) rcc.left += cx; if ((anchors & ANCHOR_BOTTOM) && (!(anchors & ANCHOR_TOP))) rcc.top += cy; } } return rcc; } public: CAnchor(WINDOWPOS *wndPos, SIZE minSize) { GetWindowRect(wndPos->hwnd, &_rcParent); if (wndPos->cx < minSize.cx) wndPos->cx = minSize.cx; if (wndPos->cy < minSize.cy) wndPos->cy = minSize.cy; _wndPos = wndPos; _hdWnds = BeginDeferWindowPos(2); } ~CAnchor() { EndDeferWindowPos(_hdWnds); } void MoveCtrl(WORD idCtrl, int anchors) { if (!(_wndPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)) { HWND hCtrl = GetDlgItem(_wndPos->hwnd, idCtrl); if (nullptr != hCtrl) { /* Wine fix. */ RECT rcc = _CalcPos(hCtrl, anchors); _hdWnds = DeferWindowPos( _hdWnds, //HDWP hWinPosInfo hCtrl, //HWND hWnd HWND_NOTOPMOST, //hWndInsertAfter rcc.left, //int x rcc.top, //int y rcc.right - rcc.left, rcc.bottom - rcc.top, SWP_NOZORDER //UINT uFlags ); } } } }; /** * This compare function is used by ListView_SortItemsEx to sort the listview. * * @param iItem1 - index of the first item * @param iItem2 - index of the second item * @param pDlg - pointer to the class' object * * @return This function returns a number indicating comparison result. **/ static int CALLBACK cmpProc(int iItem1, int iItem2, CAnnivList *pDlg) { int result; if (pDlg) { wchar_t szText1[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t szText2[MAX_PATH]; szText1[0] = szText2[0] = 0; switch (pDlg->_sortHeader) { case COLUMN_CONTACT: case COLUMN_PROTO: case COLUMN_DESC: ListView_GetItemText(pDlg->_hList, iItem1, pDlg->_sortHeader, szText1, _countof(szText1)); ListView_GetItemText(pDlg->_hList, iItem2, pDlg->_sortHeader, szText2, _countof(szText2)); result = pDlg->_sortOrder * mir_wstrcmp(szText1, szText2); break; case COLUMN_AGE: case COLUMN_ETA: ListView_GetItemText(pDlg->_hList, iItem1, pDlg->_sortHeader, szText1, _countof(szText1)); ListView_GetItemText(pDlg->_hList, iItem2, pDlg->_sortHeader, szText2, _countof(szText2)); result = pDlg->_sortOrder * (_wtoi(szText1) - _wtoi(szText2)); break; case COLUMN_DATE: { CItemData *id1 = pDlg->ItemData(iItem1), *id2 = pDlg->ItemData(iItem2); if (PtrIsValid(id1) && PtrIsValid(id2)) { result = pDlg->_sortOrder * id1->_pDate->Compare(*id2->_pDate); break; } } default: result = 0; } } else result = 0; return result; } /** * This static method is the window procedure for the dialog. * * @param hDlg - handle of the dialog window * @param uMsg - message to handle * @param wParam - message dependend parameter * @param lParam - message dependend parameter * * @return depends on message **/ static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CAnnivList *pDlg = (CAnnivList *)GetUserData(hDlg); switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { HWND hCtrl; HICON hIcon; RECT rc; // link the class to the window handle pDlg = (CAnnivList *)lParam; if (!pDlg) break; SetUserData(hDlg, lParam); pDlg->_hDlg = hDlg; // init pointer listview control pDlg->_hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, EDIT_ANNIVERSARY_DATE); if (!pDlg->_hList) break; // set icons hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_DLG_ANNIVERSARY); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_HEADERBAR, WM_SETICON, 0, (LPARAM)hIcon); SendMessage(hDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)hIcon); // insert columns into the listboxes ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(pDlg->_hList, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); // add columns if (pDlg->AddColumn(CAnnivList::COLUMN_ETA, LPGENW("ETA"), 40) || pDlg->AddColumn(CAnnivList::COLUMN_CONTACT, LPGENW("Contact"), 160) || pDlg->AddColumn(CAnnivList::COLUMN_PROTO, LPGENW("Proto"), 50) || pDlg->AddColumn(CAnnivList::COLUMN_AGE, LPGENW("Age/Nr."), 40) || pDlg->AddColumn(CAnnivList::COLUMN_DESC, LPGENW("Anniversary"), 100) || pDlg->AddColumn(CAnnivList::COLUMN_DATE, LPGENW("Date"), 80)) break; TranslateDialogDefault(hDlg); // save minimal size GetWindowRect(hDlg, &rc); pDlg->_sizeMin.cx = rc.right - rc.left; pDlg->_sizeMin.cy = rc.bottom - rc.top; // restore position and size Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hDlg, NULL, MODULENAME, "AnnivDlg_"); //save win pos GetWindowRect(hDlg, &pDlg->_rcWin); // add filter strings if (hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, COMBO_VIEW)) { ComboBox_AddString(hCtrl, TranslateT("All contacts")); ComboBox_AddString(hCtrl, TranslateT("Birthdays only")); ComboBox_AddString(hCtrl, TranslateT("Anniversaries only")); ComboBox_AddString(hCtrl, TranslateT("Disabled reminder")); ComboBox_SetCurSel(hCtrl, pDlg->_filter.bFilterIndex); } // init reminder groups pDlg->_bRemindEnable = g_plugin.getByte(SET_REMIND_ENABLED, DEFVAL_REMIND_ENABLED) != REMIND_OFF; if (hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, CHECK_REMIND)) { Button_SetCheck(hCtrl, pDlg->_bRemindEnable ? BST_INDETERMINATE : BST_UNCHECKED); EnableWindow(hCtrl, pDlg->_bRemindEnable); } CheckDlgButton(hDlg, CHECK_POPUP, g_plugin.getByte(SET_ANNIVLIST_POPUP, FALSE) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); // set number of days to show contact in advance SetDlgItemInt(hDlg, EDIT_DAYS, pDlg->_filter.wDaysBefore, FALSE); if (hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, CHECK_DAYS)) { Button_SetCheck(hCtrl, g_plugin.getByte(SET_ANNIVLIST_FILTER_DAYSENABLED, FALSE)); DlgProc(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(CHECK_DAYS, BN_CLICKED), (LPARAM)hCtrl); } pDlg->_wmINIT = false; } return TRUE; // set propertysheet page's background white in aero mode case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: case WM_CTLCOLORDLG: if (IsAeroMode()) return (INT_PTR)GetStockBrush(WHITE_BRUSH); break; case WM_NOTIFY: switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom) { case EDIT_ANNIVERSARY_DATE: switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { // handle changed selection case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { CItemData *pid; HWND hCheck; pDlg->_curSel = ((LPNMLISTVIEW)lParam)->iItem; pid = pDlg->ItemData(pDlg->_curSel); if (pid && pDlg->_bRemindEnable && (hCheck = GetDlgItem(hDlg, CHECK_REMIND))) { SetDlgItemInt(hDlg, EDIT_REMIND, pid->_wDaysBefore, FALSE); Button_SetCheck(hCheck, pid->_wReminderState); DlgProc(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(CHECK_REMIND, BN_CLICKED), (LPARAM)hCheck); } } break; // resort the list case LVN_COLUMNCLICK: { LPNMLISTVIEW pnmv = (LPNMLISTVIEW)lParam; if (pDlg->_sortHeader == pnmv->iSubItem) pDlg->_sortOrder *= -1; else { pDlg->_sortOrder = 1; pDlg->_sortHeader = pnmv->iSubItem; } ListView_SortItemsEx(pDlg->_hList, (CMPPROC)cmpProc, pDlg); } break; // show contact menu case NM_RCLICK: { CItemData *pid = pDlg->ItemData(pDlg->_curSel); if (pid) { HMENU hPopup = Menu_BuildContactMenu(pid->_hContact); if (hPopup) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); TrackPopupMenu(hPopup, TPM_TOPALIGN | TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, hDlg, nullptr); DestroyMenu(hPopup); } } } break; // handle double click on contact: show message dialog case NM_DBLCLK: { CItemData *pid = pDlg->ItemData(((LPNMITEMACTIVATE)lParam)->iItem); if (pid) CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE,(WPARAM)pid->_hContact, NULL); } } } break; case WM_COMMAND: if (PtrIsValid(pDlg)) { CItemData* pid = pDlg->ItemData(pDlg->_curSel); // process contact menu command if (pid && Clist_MenuProcessCommand(LOWORD(wParam), MPCF_CONTACTMENU, pid->_hContact)) break; switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { // enable/disable reminder checkbox is clicked case CHECK_REMIND: if (pDlg->_bRemindEnable && HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { BYTE checkState = Button_GetCheck((HWND)lParam); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, EDIT_REMIND), checkState == BST_CHECKED); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, SPIN_REMIND), checkState == BST_CHECKED); if (pid && pid->_wReminderState != checkState) pid->_wReminderState = checkState; } break; // number of days to remind in advance is edited case EDIT_REMIND: if (pid && pDlg->_bRemindEnable && HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { WORD wDaysBefore = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam), nullptr, FALSE); if (pid->_wReminderState == BST_CHECKED && pid->_wDaysBefore != wDaysBefore) { pid->_wDaysBefore = wDaysBefore; } } break; // the filter to display only contacts which have an anniversary in a certain // period of time is enabled/disabled case CHECK_DAYS: if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { BYTE isChecked = Button_GetCheck((HWND)lParam); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, EDIT_DAYS), isChecked); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, TXT_DAYS), isChecked); pDlg->_filter.wDaysBefore = isChecked ? GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, EDIT_DAYS, nullptr, FALSE) : (WORD)-1; pDlg->RebuildList(); } break; // the number of days a contact must have an anniversary in advance to be displayed is edited case EDIT_DAYS: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { WORD wNewDays = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam), nullptr, FALSE); if (wNewDays != pDlg->_filter.wDaysBefore) { pDlg->_filter.wDaysBefore = wNewDays; pDlg->RebuildList(); } } break; // the filter selection of the filter combobox has changed case COMBO_VIEW: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { pDlg->_filter.bFilterIndex = ComboBox_GetCurSel((HWND)lParam); pDlg->RebuildList(); } } } break; case WM_DRAWITEM: return Menu_DrawItem(lParam); case WM_MEASUREITEM: return Menu_MeasureItem(lParam); case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: if (PtrIsValid(pDlg)) { WINDOWPOS *wndPos = (WINDOWPOS *)lParam; if (!pDlg->_wmINIT && (wndPos->cx != 0 || wndPos->cy != 0)) { //win pos change if ((wndPos->cx == pDlg->_rcWin.right - pDlg->_rcWin.left) && (wndPos->cy == pDlg->_rcWin.bottom - pDlg->_rcWin.top)) //win pos change (store new pos) GetWindowRect(hDlg, &pDlg->_rcWin); //win size change else { // l change if ((wndPos->cx < pDlg->_sizeMin.cx) && (wndPos->x > pDlg->_rcWin.left)) { wndPos->x = wndPos->x + wndPos->cx - pDlg->_sizeMin.cx; wndPos->cx = pDlg->_sizeMin.cx; } // r change else if (wndPos->cx < pDlg->_sizeMin.cx) wndPos->cx = pDlg->_sizeMin.cx; // t change if ((wndPos->cy < pDlg->_sizeMin.cy) && (wndPos->y > pDlg->_rcWin.top)) { wndPos->y = wndPos->y + wndPos->cy - pDlg->_sizeMin.cy; wndPos->cy = pDlg->_sizeMin.cy; } // b change else if (wndPos->cy < pDlg->_sizeMin.cy) wndPos->cy = pDlg->_sizeMin.cy; pDlg->_rcWin.left = wndPos->x; pDlg->_rcWin.right = wndPos->x + wndPos->cx; pDlg->_rcWin.top = wndPos->y; pDlg->_rcWin.bottom = wndPos->y + wndPos->cy; } } CAnchor anchor(wndPos, pDlg->_sizeMin); int anchorPos = CAnchor::ANCHOR_LEFT | CAnchor::ANCHOR_RIGHT | CAnchor::ANCHOR_TOP; anchor.MoveCtrl(IDC_HEADERBAR, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(GROUP_STATS, anchorPos); // birthday list anchor.MoveCtrl(EDIT_ANNIVERSARY_DATE, CAnchor::ANCHOR_ALL); anchorPos = CAnchor::ANCHOR_RIGHT | CAnchor::ANCHOR_BOTTOM; // filter group anchor.MoveCtrl(GROUP_FILTER, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(COMBO_VIEW, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(CHECK_DAYS, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(EDIT_DAYS, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(TXT_DAYS, anchorPos); // filter group anchor.MoveCtrl(GROUP_REMINDER, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(CHECK_REMIND, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(EDIT_REMIND, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(SPIN_REMIND, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(TXT_REMIND6, anchorPos); anchor.MoveCtrl(CHECK_POPUP, anchorPos); } break; // This message is sent if eighter the user clicked on the close button or // Miranda fires the ME_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN event. case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hDlg); break; // If the anniversary list is destroyed somehow, the data class must be deleted, too. case WM_DESTROY: if (PtrIsValid(pDlg)) { SetUserData(hDlg, NULL); delete pDlg; } break; } return FALSE; } /** * This method adds a column to the listview. * * @param iSubItem - desired column index * @param pszText - the header text * @param defaultWidth - the default witdth * * @retval 0 if successful * @retval 1 if failed **/ BYTE AddColumn(int iSubItem, LPCTSTR pszText, int defaultWidth) { LVCOLUMN lvc; CHAR pszSetting[MAXSETTING]; mir_snprintf(pszSetting, "AnnivDlg_Col%d", iSubItem); lvc.cx = g_plugin.getWord(pszSetting, defaultWidth); lvc.mask = LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT; lvc.iSubItem = iSubItem; lvc.pszText = TranslateW(pszText); return ListView_InsertColumn(_hList, lvc.iSubItem++, &lvc) == -1; } /** * This method sets the subitem text for the current contact * * @param iItem - index of the current row * @param iSubItem - column to set text for * @param pszText - text to insert * * @retval TRUE if successful * @retval FALSE if failed **/ BYTE AddSubItem(int iItem, int iSubItem, LPTSTR pszText) { LVITEM lvi; if (iSubItem > 0) { lvi.iItem = iItem; lvi.iSubItem = iSubItem; lvi.pszText = pszText; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; return ListView_SetItem(_hList, &lvi); } return FALSE; } /** * This method adds a row to the listview. * * @param pszText - text to insert * @param lParam - pointer to the rows data * * @retval TRUE if successful * @retval FALSE if failed **/ BYTE AddItem(LPTSTR pszText, LPARAM lParam) { LVITEM lvi; if (!pszText) { return FALSE; } lvi.iItem = 0; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.pszText = pszText; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM; lvi.lParam = lParam; return ListView_InsertItem(_hList, &lvi); } /** * This method adds a row to the listview. * * @param hContact - contact to add the line for * @param pszProto - contact's protocol * @param ad - anniversary to add * @param mtNow - current time * @param wDaysBefore - number of days in advance to remind the user of the anniversary * * @retval TRUE if successful * @retval FALSE if failed **/ BYTE AddRow(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR pszProto, MAnnivDate &ad, MTime &mtNow, WORD wDaysBefore) { wchar_t szText[MAX_PATH]; int diff, iItem = -1; CItemData *pdata; // first column: ETA diff = ad.CompareDays(mtNow); if (diff < 0) diff += IsLeap(mtNow.Year() + 1) ? 366 : 365; // is filtered if (diff <= _filter.wDaysBefore) { // read reminder options for the contact ad.DBGetReminderOpts(hContact); if ((_filter.bFilterIndex != FILTER_DISABLED_REMINDER) || (ad.RemindOption() == BST_UNCHECKED)) { // set default offset if required if (ad.RemindOffset() == (WORD)-1) { ad.RemindOffset(wDaysBefore); // create data object pdata = new CItemData(hContact, ad); if (!pdata) return FALSE; // add item iItem = AddItem(_itow(diff, szText, 10), (LPARAM)pdata); if (iItem == -1) { delete pdata; return FALSE; } // second column: contact name AddSubItem(iItem, COLUMN_CONTACT, Clist_GetContactDisplayName(hContact)); // third column: protocol wchar_t *ptszProto = mir_a2u(pszProto); AddSubItem(iItem, COLUMN_PROTO, ptszProto); mir_free(ptszProto); // forth line: age if (ad.Age(&mtNow)) AddSubItem(iItem, COLUMN_AGE, _itow(ad.Age(&mtNow), szText, 10)); else AddSubItem(iItem, COLUMN_AGE, L"???"); // fifth line: anniversary AddSubItem(iItem, COLUMN_DESC, (LPTSTR)ad.Description()); // sixth line: date ad.DateFormatAlt(szText, _countof(szText)); AddSubItem(iItem, COLUMN_DATE, szText); _numRows++; } } } return TRUE; } // This method clears the list and adds contacts again, according to the current filter settings. void RebuildList() { LPSTR pszProto; MTime mtNow; MAnnivDate ad; int i = 0; DWORD age = 0; WORD wDaysBefore = g_plugin.getWord(SET_REMIND_OFFSET, DEFVAL_REMIND_OFFSET); WORD numMale = 0; WORD numFemale = 0; WORD numContacts = 0; WORD numBirthContacts = 0; ShowWindow(_hList, SW_HIDE); DeleteAllItems(); mtNow.GetLocalTime(); // insert the items into the list for (auto &hContact : Contacts()) { // ignore meta subcontacts here, as they are not interesting. if (!db_mc_isSub(hContact)) { // filter protocol pszProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); if (pszProto) { numContacts++; switch (GenderOf(hContact, pszProto)) { case 'M': numMale++; break; case 'F': numFemale++; } if (!ad.DBGetBirthDate(hContact, pszProto)) { age += ad.Age(&mtNow); numBirthContacts++; // add birthday if ((_filter.bFilterIndex != FILTER_ANNIV) && (!_filter.pszProto || !_strcmpi(pszProto, _filter.pszProto))) AddRow(hContact, pszProto, ad, mtNow, wDaysBefore); } // add anniversaries if (_filter.bFilterIndex != FILTER_BIRTHDAY && (!_filter.pszProto || !_strcmpi(pszProto, _filter.pszProto))) for (i = 0; !ad.DBGetAnniversaryDate(hContact, i); i++) if (!_filter.pszAnniv || !mir_wstrcmpi(_filter.pszAnniv, ad.Description())) AddRow(hContact, pszProto, ad, mtNow, wDaysBefore); } } } ListView_SortItemsEx(_hList, (CMPPROC)cmpProc, this); ShowWindow(_hList, SW_SHOW); // display statistics SetDlgItemInt(_hDlg, TXT_NUMBIRTH, numBirthContacts, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(_hDlg, TXT_NUMCONTACT, numContacts, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(_hDlg, TXT_FEMALE, numFemale, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(_hDlg, TXT_MALE, numMale, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(_hDlg, TXT_AGE, numBirthContacts > 0 ? (age - (age % numBirthContacts)) / numBirthContacts : 0, FALSE); } // This method deletes all items from the listview void DeleteAllItems() { CItemData *pid; for (int i = 0; i < _numRows; i++) { pid = ItemData(i); if (pid) delete pid; } ListView_DeleteAllItems(_hList); _numRows = 0; } /** * This method returns the data structure accociated with a list item. * * @param iItem - index of the desired item * * @return pointer to the data strucutre on success or NULL otherwise. **/ CItemData *ItemData(int iItem) { if (_hList && iItem >= 0 && iItem < _numRows) { LVITEM lvi; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = iItem; lvi.iSubItem = 0; if (ListView_GetItem(_hList, &lvi) && PtrIsValid(lvi.lParam)) return (CItemData *)lvi.lParam; } return nullptr; } // This method loads all filter settings from db void LoadFilter() { _filter.wDaysBefore = g_plugin.getWord(SET_ANNIVLIST_FILTER_DAYS, 9); _filter.bFilterIndex = g_plugin.getByte(SET_ANNIVLIST_FILTER_INDEX, 0); } // This method saves all filter settings to db void SaveFilter() { if (_hDlg) { g_plugin.setWord(SET_ANNIVLIST_FILTER_DAYS, (WORD)GetDlgItemInt(_hDlg, EDIT_DAYS, nullptr, FALSE)); g_plugin.setByte(SET_ANNIVLIST_FILTER_DAYSENABLED, (BYTE)Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(_hDlg, CHECK_DAYS))); g_plugin.setByte(SET_ANNIVLIST_FILTER_INDEX, (BYTE)ComboBox_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(_hDlg, EDIT_DAYS))); } } public: // This is the default constructor. CAnnivList() { _hList = nullptr; _sortHeader = 0; _sortOrder = 1; _curSel = -1; _numRows = 0; _wmINIT = true; _rcWin.left = _rcWin.right = _rcWin.top = _rcWin.bottom = 0; LoadFilter(); _hDlg = CreateDialogParam(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ANNIVERSARY_LIST), nullptr, DlgProc, (LPARAM)this); if (_hDlg) _mHookExit = HookEventMessage(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, _hDlg, WM_CLOSE); else { _mHookExit = nullptr; delete this; } } // This is the default destructor. ~CAnnivList() { // delete the shutdown hook if (_mHookExit) { UnhookEvent(_mHookExit); _mHookExit = nullptr; } // close window if required if (_hDlg) { // save list state if (_hList) { char pszSetting[MAXSETTING]; int c, cc = Header_GetItemCount(ListView_GetHeader(_hList)); for (c = 0; c < cc; c++) { mir_snprintf(pszSetting, "AnnivDlg_Col%d", c); g_plugin.setWord(pszSetting, (WORD)ListView_GetColumnWidth(_hList, c)); } DeleteAllItems(); } // remember popup setting g_plugin.setByte(SET_ANNIVLIST_POPUP, (BYTE)IsDlgButtonChecked(_hDlg, CHECK_POPUP)); // save window position, size and column widths Utils_SaveWindowPosition(_hDlg, NULL, MODULENAME, "AnnivDlg_"); SaveFilter(); // if the window did not yet retrieve a WM_DESTROY message, do it right now. if (PtrIsValid(GetUserData(_hDlg))) { SetUserData(_hDlg, NULL); DestroyWindow(_hDlg); } } gpDlg = nullptr; } /** * name: BringToFront * class: CAnnivList * desc: brings anniversary list to the top * param: none * return: nothing **/ void BringToFront() { ShowWindow(_hDlg, SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow(_hDlg); SetFocus(_hDlg); } }; // class CAnnivList /*********************************************************************************************************** * service handlers ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * This is the service function that is called list all anniversaries. * * @param wParam - not used * @param lParam - not used * * @return always 0 **/ INT_PTR DlgAnniversaryListShow(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (!gpDlg) { try { myGlobals.WantAeroAdaption = g_plugin.getByte(SET_PROPSHEET_AEROADAPTION, TRUE); gpDlg = new CAnnivList(); } catch(...) { delete gpDlg; gpDlg = nullptr; } } else gpDlg->BringToFront(); return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * loading and unloading module ***********************************************************************************************************/ void DlgAnniversaryListLoadModule() { CreateServiceFunction(MS_USERINFO_REMINDER_LIST, DlgAnniversaryListShow); HOTKEYDESC hk = {}; hk.pszName = "AnniversaryList"; hk.szSection.a = MODULENAME; hk.szDescription.a = LPGEN("Popup anniversary list"); hk.pszService = MS_USERINFO_REMINDER_LIST; g_plugin.addHotkey(&hk); }