/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: � 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =============================================================================== File name : $HeadURL: https://userinfoex.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ex_import/svc_ExImXML.cpp $ Revision : $Revision: 187 $ Last change on : $Date: 2010-09-08 16:05:54 +0400 (Ср, 08 сен 2010) $ Last change by : $Author: ing.u.horn $ =============================================================================== */ #include "..\commonheaders.h" #define XMLCARD_VERSION "1.1" /** * system & local includes: **/ #include "dlg_ExImModules.h" #include "classExImContactXML.h" #include "svc_ExImport.h" INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc_DataHistory(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { const ICONCTRL idIcon[] = { { ICO_DLG_EXPORT, WM_SETICON, NULL }, { ICO_DLG_EXPORT, STM_SETIMAGE, ICO_DLGLOGO }, { ICO_BTN_EXPORT, BM_SETIMAGE, IDOK }, { ICO_BTN_CANCEL, BM_SETIMAGE, IDCANCEL } }; const INT numIconsToSet = DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_ICONS_BUTTONS, 1) ? SIZEOF(idIcon) : 2; IcoLib_SetCtrlIcons(hDlg, idIcon, numIconsToSet); TranslateDialogDefault(hDlg); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDOK, BUTTONTRANSLATE, NULL, NULL); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDCANCEL, BUTTONTRANSLATE, NULL, NULL); break; } case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: switch (GetWindowLongPtr((HWND)lParam, GWLP_ID)) { case STATIC_WHITERECT: case ICO_DLGLOGO: case IDC_INFO: SetBkColor((HDC)wParam, RGB(255, 255, 255)); return (INT_PTR)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); } return FALSE; case WM_COMMAND: if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, 0); break; case IDOK: { WORD hiWord = 0; if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1)) hiWord |= EXPORT_DATA; if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CHECK2)) hiWord |= EXPORT_HISTORY; EndDialog(hDlg, (INT_PTR)MAKELONG(IDOK, hiWord)); break; } } } break; } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * exporting stuff ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * name: Export * desc: globally accessible function which does the whole export stuff. * params: hContact - handle to the contact who is to export * pszFileName - full qualified path to the xml file which is destination for the export process * return: 0 on success, 1 otherwise **/ INT CFileXml::Export(lpExImParam ExImContact, LPCSTR pszFileName) { FILE *xmlfile; DB::CEnumList Modules; LONG cbHeader; SYSTEMTIME now; DWORD result; HANDLE hContact; result = (DWORD)DialogBox(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_EXPORT_DATAHISTORY), NULL, DlgProc_DataHistory); if (LOWORD(result) != IDOK) { return 0; } _wExport = HIWORD(result); // show dialog to enable user to select modules for export if (!(_wExport & EXPORT_DATA) || !DlgExImModules_SelectModulesToExport(ExImContact, &Modules, NULL)) { xmlfile = fopen(pszFileName, "wt"); if (!xmlfile) { MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("Can't create xml file!\n%S"), pszFileName); return 1; } GetLocalTime(&now); // write xml header raw as it is without using the tinyxml api fprintf(xmlfile, "%c%c%c<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n" "<XMLCard ver=\""XMLCARD_VERSION"\" ref=\"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\">\n", 0xefU, 0xbbU, 0xbfU, now.wYear, now.wMonth, now.wDay, now.wHour, now.wMinute, now.wSecond ); // remember the header's size cbHeader = ftell(xmlfile); CExImContactXML vContact(this); // write data if ( ExImContact->Typ == EXIM_CONTACT) { // export single contact _hContactToWorkOn = ExImContact->hContact; if (vContact.fromDB(ExImContact->hContact)) { vContact.Export(xmlfile, &Modules); } } else { // other export mode _hContactToWorkOn = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #ifdef _DEBUG LARGE_INTEGER freq, t1, t2; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1); #endif // export owner contact if (ExImContact->Typ == EXIM_ALL && vContact.fromDB(NULL)) { vContact.Export(xmlfile, &Modules); } // loop for all other contact for (hContact = DB::Contact::FindFirst(); hContact != NULL; hContact = DB::Contact::FindNext(hContact)) { switch (ExImContact->Typ) { case EXIM_ALL: case EXIM_GROUP: // dont export meta subcontacts by default if (!DB::MetaContact::IsSub(hContact)) { if (vContact.fromDB(hContact)) { vContact.Export(xmlfile, &Modules); } } break; case EXIM_SUBGROUP: // dont export meta subcontacts by default and // export only contact with selectet group name if (!DB::MetaContact::IsSub(hContact) && mir_tcsncmp(ExImContact->ptszName, DB::Setting::GetTString(hContact, "CList", "Group"), mir_tcslen(ExImContact->ptszName))== 0) { if (vContact.fromDB(hContact)) { vContact.Export(xmlfile, &Modules); } } break; case EXIM_ACCOUNT: // export only contact with selectet account name if (!mir_strncmp(ExImContact->pszName, DB::Contact::Proto(hContact), mir_strlen(ExImContact->pszName))) { if (vContact.fromDB(hContact)) { vContact.Export(xmlfile, &Modules); } } break; } } // *end for #ifdef _DEBUG QueryPerformanceCounter(&t2); MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("Export took %f msec"), (long double)(t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart * 1000.); #endif }// *end other export mode // nothing exported? if (cbHeader == ftell(xmlfile)) { fclose(xmlfile); DeleteFileA(pszFileName); return 1; } fputs("</XMLCard>\n", xmlfile); fclose(xmlfile); } return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * importing stuff ***********************************************************************************************************/ CFileXml::CFileXml() { _numContactsTodo = 0; _numContactsDone = 0; _numSettingsTodo = 0; _numSettingsDone = 0; _numEventsTodo = 0; _numEventsDone = 0; _numEventsDuplicated = 0; } /** * name: ImportOwner * desc: Interpretes an xmlnode as owner contact, finds a corresponding contact in database * or adds a new one including all xml childnodes. * params: xContact - xmlnode representing the contact * stat - structure used to collect some statistics * return: ERROR_OK on success or one other element of ImportError to tell the type of failure **/ INT CFileXml::ImportOwner(TiXmlElement* xContact) { CExImContactXML vContact(this); if (vContact = xContact) { vContact.Import(); return ERROR_OK; } return ERROR_NOT_ADDED; } /** * name: ImportContacts * desc: Parse all child nodes of an given parent node and try to import all found contacts * params: xmlParent - xmlnode representing the parent of the list of contacts * hContact - handle to the contact, who is the owner of the setting to import * stat - structure used to collect some statistics * return: ERROR_OK if at least one contact was successfully imported **/ INT CFileXml::ImportContacts(TiXmlElement* xmlParent) { TiXmlElement *xContact; CExImContactXML vContact(this); INT result; LPTSTR pszNick; // import contacts for (xContact = xmlParent->FirstChildElement(); xContact != NULL; xContact = xContact->NextSiblingElement()) { if (!mir_stricmp(xContact->Value(), XKEY_CONTACT)) { // update progressbar and abort if user clicked cancel pszNick = mir_utf8decodeT(xContact->Attribute("nick")); // user clicked abort button if (_progress.UpdateContact(LPGENT("Contact: %s (%S)"), pszNick, xContact->Attribute("proto"))) { result = vContact.LoadXmlElemnt(xContact); switch (result) { case ERROR_OK: // init contact class and import if matches the user desires if (_hContactToWorkOn == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || vContact.handle() == _hContactToWorkOn) { result = vContact.Import(_hContactToWorkOn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); switch (result) { case ERROR_OK: _numContactsDone++; break; case ERROR_ABORTED: if (pszNick) mir_free(pszNick); return ERROR_ABORTED; #ifdef _DEBUG default: MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("Importing %s caused error %d"), pszNick, result); break; #endif } } break; case ERROR_ABORTED: if (pszNick) mir_free(pszNick); return ERROR_ABORTED; #ifdef _DEBUG default: MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("Loading contact %s from xml failed with error %d"), pszNick, result); break; #endif } } if (pszNick) mir_free(pszNick); } // import owner contact else if (_hContactToWorkOn == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !mir_stricmp(xContact->Value(), XKEY_OWNER) && (vContact = xContact)) { result = vContact.Import(); switch (result) { case ERROR_OK: _numContactsDone++; break; case ERROR_ABORTED: return ERROR_ABORTED; #ifdef _DEBUG default: MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("Importing Owner caused error %d"), result); #endif } } } return ERROR_OK; } /** * name: CountContacts * desc: Counts the number of contacts stored in the file * params: xContact - the contact, who is the owner of the keys to count * return: nothing **/ DWORD CFileXml::CountContacts(TiXmlElement* xmlParent) { DWORD dwCount = 0; TiXmlNode *xContact; try { // count contacts in file for progress bar for (xContact = xmlParent->FirstChild(); xContact != NULL; xContact = xContact->NextSibling()) { if (!mir_stricmp(xContact->Value(), XKEY_CONTACT) || !mir_stricmp(xContact->Value(), XKEY_OWNER)) { dwCount += CountContacts(xContact->ToElement()) + 1; } } } catch(...) { return 0; } return dwCount; } /** * name: Import * desc: Interpretes an xmlnode as owner contact, finds a corresponding contact in database * or adds a new one including all xml childnodes. * params: hContact - handle to the contact, who is the owner of the setting to import * pszFileName - full qualified path to the xml file which is to import * return: ERROR_OK on success or one other element of ImportError to tell the type of failure **/ INT CFileXml::Import(HANDLE hContact, LPCSTR pszFileName) { TiXmlDocument doc; TiXmlElement *xmlCard = NULL; try { _hContactToWorkOn = hContact; // load xml file if (!doc.LoadFile(pszFileName)) { MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("Parser is unable to load XMLCard \"%s\"\nError: %d\nDescription: %s"), pszFileName, doc.ErrorId(), doc.ErrorDesc()); return 1; } // is xmlfile a XMLCard ? if ((xmlCard = doc.FirstChildElement("XMLCard")) == NULL) { MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("The selected file is no valid XMLCard")); return 1; } // check version if (mir_strcmp(xmlCard->Attribute("ver"), XMLCARD_VERSION)) { MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("The version of the XMLCard is not supported by UserInfoEx")); return 1; } // is owner contact to import ? if (_hContactToWorkOn == NULL) { INT ret; // disable database safty mode to speed up the operation CallService(MS_DB_SETSAFETYMODE, 0, 0); // import owner contact ret = ImportOwner(xmlCard->FirstChildElement(XKEY_OWNER)); // as soon as possible enable safty mode again! CallService(MS_DB_SETSAFETYMODE, 1, 0); if (!ret) { MsgBox(NULL, MB_ICONINFORMATION, LPGENT("Complete"), LPGENT("Import complete"), LPGENT("Owner contact successfully imported.")); return 0; } else { MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("Selected XMLCard does not contain an owner contact!")); return 1; } } else { #ifdef _DEBUG LARGE_INTEGER freq, t1, t2; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1); #endif // count contacts in file for progress bar _numContactsTodo = CountContacts(xmlCard); if (_numContactsTodo > 0) { _progress.SetContactCount(_numContactsTodo); // disable database safty mode to speed up the operation CallService(MS_DB_SETSAFETYMODE, 0, 0); // import the contacts ImportContacts(xmlCard); // as soon as possible enable safty mode again! CallService(MS_DB_SETSAFETYMODE, 1, 0); } // finally hide the progress dialog _progress.Hide(); #ifdef _DEBUG QueryPerformanceCounter(&t2); MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("Import took %f msec"), (long double)(t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart * 1000.); #endif // show results MsgBox(NULL, MB_ICONINFORMATION, LPGENT("Import complete"), LPGENT("Some basic statistics"), LPGENT("added contacts: %u / %u\nadded settings: %u / %u\nadded events %u / %u\nduplicated events: %u"), _numContactsDone, _numContactsTodo, _numSettingsDone, _numSettingsTodo, _numEventsDone, _numEventsTodo, _numEventsDuplicated); } } catch(...) { MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("FATAL: An exception was thrown while importing contacts from xmlCard!")); return 1; } return 0; }