/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: � 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #define PSM_ENABLE_TABITEM (WM_USER+106) /** * This function enables a dialog item * * @param hWnd - the dialog's window handle * @param idCtrl - the dialog item's identifier * @param bEnabled - TRUE if the item should be enabled, FALSE if disabled * * @retval TRUE on success * @retval FALSE on failure **/ static uint8_t EnableDlgItem(HWND hDlg, const int idCtrl, uint8_t bEnabled) { return EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, idCtrl), bEnabled); } /** * This function enables a list of dialog items. * * @param hWnd - the dialog's window handle * @param idCtrl - the array of dialog items' identifiers * @param countCtrl - the number of items in the array of dialog items * @param bEnabled - TRUE if the item should be enabled, FALSE if disabled * * @return bEnabled **/ static uint8_t EnableControls(HWND hDlg, const int *idCtrl, int countCtrl, uint8_t bEnabled) { while (countCtrl-- > 0) EnableDlgItem(hDlg, idCtrl[countCtrl], bEnabled); return bEnabled; } /** * This function checks an dialog button according to the value, read from the database * * @param hWnd - the dialog's window handle * @param idCtrl - the dialog item's identifier * @param pszSetting - the setting from the database to use * @param bDefault - the default value to use, if no database setting exists * * @return This function returns the value from database or the default value. **/ static uint8_t DBGetCheckBtn(HWND hDlg, const int idCtrl, LPCSTR pszSetting, uint8_t bDefault) { uint8_t val = (g_plugin.getByte(pszSetting, bDefault) & 1) == 1; CheckDlgButton(hDlg, idCtrl, val ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); return val; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common options dialog struct { LPCSTR pszKey; int idCheckbox; int idNONE; int idALL; int idEXIMPORT; } static ctrl_Menu[] = { { SET_MI_MAIN, CHECK_OPT_MI_MAIN, RADIO_OPT_MI_MAIN_NONE, RADIO_OPT_MI_MAIN_ALL, RADIO_OPT_MI_MAIN_EXIMPORT }, { SET_MI_CONTACT, CHECK_OPT_MI_CONTACT, RADIO_OPT_MI_CONTACT_NONE, RADIO_OPT_MI_CONTACT_ALL, RADIO_OPT_MI_CONTACT_EXIMPORT }, { SET_MI_GROUP, CHECK_OPT_MI_GROUP, RADIO_OPT_MI_GROUP_NONE, RADIO_OPT_MI_GROUP_ALL, RADIO_OPT_MI_GROUP_EXIMPORT }, { SET_MI_SUBGROUP, CHECK_OPT_MI_SUBGROUP, RADIO_OPT_MI_SUBGROUP_NONE, RADIO_OPT_MI_SUBGROUP_ALL, RADIO_OPT_MI_SUBGROUP_EXIMPORT }, { SET_MI_ACCOUNT, CHECK_OPT_MI_ACCOUNT, RADIO_OPT_MI_ACCOUNT_NONE, RADIO_OPT_MI_ACCOUNT_ALL, RADIO_OPT_MI_ACCOUNT_EXIMPORT }, }; class CCommonOptsDlg : public CDlgBase { CCtrlCheck chk1, chk2, chk3, chk4, chk5, chkFlagUnknown, chkStatusIcon; public: CCommonOptsDlg() : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPT_COMMON), chk1(this, CHECK_OPT_MI_MAIN), chk2(this, CHECK_OPT_MI_CONTACT), chk3(this, CHECK_OPT_MI_GROUP), chk4(this, CHECK_OPT_MI_SUBGROUP), chk5(this, CHECK_OPT_MI_ACCOUNT), chkStatusIcon(this, CHECK_OPT_FLAGSMSGSTATUS), chkFlagUnknown(this, CHECK_OPT_FLAGSUNKNOWN) { CreateLink(chkStatusIcon, g_plugin.bShowStatusIconFlag); CreateLink(chkFlagUnknown, g_plugin.bUseUnknownFlag); chk1.OnChange = chk2.OnChange = chk3.OnChange = chk4.OnChange = chk5.OnChange = Callback(this, &CCommonOptsDlg::onChange_Root); } bool OnInitDialog() override { // menu item settings for (auto &it : ctrl_Menu) { int flag = g_plugin.getByte(it.pszKey, 2); // check button and enable / disable control DBGetCheckBtn(m_hwnd, it.idCheckbox, it.pszKey, 0); // set radio button state int id = it.idNONE; //default if ((flag & 4) == 4) id = it.idALL; else if ((flag & 8) == 8) id = it.idEXIMPORT; CheckRadioButton(m_hwnd, it.idNONE, it.idEXIMPORT, id); } return true; } bool OnApply() override { // menu item settings for (auto &it : ctrl_Menu) { int flag = IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, it.idCheckbox); flag |= IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, it.idNONE) ? 2 : 0; flag |= IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, it.idALL) ? 4 : 0; flag |= IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, it.idEXIMPORT) ? 8 : 0; g_plugin.setByte(it.pszKey, (uint8_t)flag); } RebuildMenu(); // extra icon settings bool FlagsClistChange = false, FlagsMsgWndChange = false; if (chkFlagUnknown.IsChanged()) { FlagsClistChange = true; FlagsMsgWndChange = true; } if (chkStatusIcon.IsChanged()) FlagsMsgWndChange = true; if (FlagsClistChange) ExtraIcon_SetAll(); if (FlagsMsgWndChange) UpdateStatusIcons(); return true; } void onChange_Root(CCtrlCheck *pCheck) { for (auto &it : ctrl_Menu) { if (it.idCheckbox == pCheck->GetCtrlId()) { const int idMenuItems[] = { it.idCheckbox + 1, it.idNONE, it.idALL, it.idEXIMPORT }; EnableControls(m_hwnd, idMenuItems, _countof(idMenuItems), pCheck->IsChecked()); break; } } } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Advanced options dialog class CAdvancedOptsDlg : public CDlgBase { CCtrlCheck chkVersion, chkMetaScan, chkButtonIcons, chkEmail; CCtrlButton btnReset; public: CAdvancedOptsDlg() : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPT_ADVANCED), btnReset(this, BTN_OPT_RESET), chkEmail(this, CHECK_OPT_SREMAIL_ENABLED), chkVersion(this, CHECK_OPT_ICOVERSION), chkMetaScan(this, CHECK_OPT_METASCAN), chkButtonIcons(this, CHECK_OPT_BUTTONICONS) { CreateLink(chkEmail, g_plugin.bEmailService); CreateLink(chkVersion, g_plugin.bCheckVersion); CreateLink(chkMetaScan, g_plugin.bMetaScan); CreateLink(chkButtonIcons, g_plugin.bButtonIcons); btnReset.OnClick = Callback(this, &CAdvancedOptsDlg::onClick_Reset); } void onClick_Reset(CCtrlButton *) { if (IDYES != MsgBox(m_hwnd, MB_ICON_WARNING | MB_YESNO, LPGENW("Question"), LPGENW("Reset factory defaults"), LPGENW("This will delete all settings, you've made!\nAll TreeView settings, window positions and any other settings!\n\nAre you sure to proceed?"))) return; DB::CEnumList Settings; // delete all skin icons if (!Settings.EnumSettings(NULL, "SkinIcons")) for (auto &s : Settings) if (mir_strncmpi(s, "UserInfoEx", 10) == 0) db_unset(0, "SkinIcons", s); // delete global settings db_delete_module(NULL, USERINFO"Ex"); db_delete_module(NULL, USERINFO"ExW"); // delete old contactsettings for (auto &hContact : Contacts()) { db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, "PListColWidth0"); db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, "PListColWidth1"); db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, "PListColWidth2"); db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, "EMListColWidth0"); db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, "EMListColWidth1"); db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, "BirthRemind"); db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, "RemindBirthday"); db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, "RemindDaysErlier"); db_unset(hContact, USERINFO, "vCardPath"); db_delete_module(hContact, USERINFO"Ex"); db_delete_module(hContact, USERINFO"ExW"); } SendMessage(m_hwndParent, PSM_FORCECHANGED, NULL, NULL); MsgBox(m_hwnd, MB_ICON_INFO, LPGENW("Ready"), LPGENW("Everything is done!"), LPGENW("All settings are reset to default values now!")); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Details options dialog class CDetailsOptsDlg : public CDlgBase { CCtrlCheck chkClr, chkGroups, chkSortTree, chkAero, chkReadonly, chkChange; CCtrlColor clrNormal, clrCustom, clrBoth, clrChanged, clrMeta; public: CDetailsOptsDlg() : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPT_DETAILSDLG), chkClr(this, CHECK_OPT_CLR), chkAero(this, CHECK_OPT_AEROADAPTION), chkGroups(this, CHECK_OPT_GROUPS), chkChange(this, CHECK_OPT_CHANGEMYDETAILS), chkReadonly(this, CHECK_OPT_READONLY), chkSortTree(this, CHECK_OPT_SORTTREE), clrBoth(this, CLR_BOTH), clrMeta(this, CLR_META), clrNormal(this, CLR_NORMAL), clrCustom(this, CLR_USER), clrChanged(this, CLR_CHANGED) { CreateLink(chkClr, g_plugin.bShowColours); CreateLink(chkAero, g_plugin.bAero); CreateLink(chkGroups, g_plugin.bTreeGroups); CreateLink(chkChange, g_plugin.bChangeDetails); CreateLink(chkReadonly, g_plugin.bReadOnly); CreateLink(chkSortTree, g_plugin.bSortTree); CreateLink(clrBoth, g_plugin.clrBoth); CreateLink(clrMeta, g_plugin.clrMeta); CreateLink(clrNormal, g_plugin.clrNormal); CreateLink(clrCustom, g_plugin.clrCustom); CreateLink(clrChanged, g_plugin.clrChanged); chkClr.OnChange = Callback(this, &CDetailsOptsDlg::onChange_Clr); } bool OnInitDialog() override { chkChange.Enable(myGlobals.CanChangeDetails); return true; } void onChange_Clr(CCtrlCheck *pCheck) { const int idCtrl[] = { CLR_NORMAL, CLR_USER, CLR_BOTH, CLR_CHANGED, CLR_META, TXT_OPT_CLR_NORMAL, TXT_OPT_CLR_USER, TXT_OPT_CLR_BOTH, TXT_OPT_CLR_CHANGED, TXT_OPT_CLR_META }; EnableControls(m_hwnd, idCtrl, _countof(idCtrl), pCheck->IsChecked()); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reminder options dialog class CReminderOptsDlg : public CDlgBase { CCtrlSpin spin1, spin2, spinOffset; CCtrlCheck chkVisible, chkFlash, chkStartup, chkMenu; CCtrlCombo cmbEnabled; public: CReminderOptsDlg() : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPT_REMINDER), cmbEnabled(this, EDIT_REMIND_ENABLED), chkMenu(this, CHECK_REMIND_MI), chkFlash(this, CHECK_REMIND_FLASHICON), chkStartup(this, CHECK_REMIND_STARTUP), chkVisible(this, CHECK_REMIND_VISIBLEONLY), spin1(this, SPIN_REMIND, 50), spin2(this, SPIN_REMIND2, 8760, 1), spinOffset(this, SPIN_REMIND_SOUNDOFFSET, 50) { CreateLink(chkMenu, g_plugin.bRemindMenuEnabled); CreateLink(chkFlash, g_plugin.bRemindFlashIcon); CreateLink(chkStartup, g_plugin.bRemindStartupCheck); CreateLink(chkVisible, g_plugin.bRemindCheckVisible); CreateLink(spin1, g_plugin.wRemindOffset); CreateLink(spin2, g_plugin.wRemindNotifyInterval); CreateLink(spinOffset, g_plugin.wRemindSoundOffset); cmbEnabled.OnSelChanged = Callback(this, &CReminderOptsDlg::onChange_Enabled); } bool OnInitDialog() override { SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, ICO_BIRTHDAY, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_ANNIVERSARY, true)); // set colours cmbEnabled.AddString(TranslateT("Reminder disabled")); cmbEnabled.AddString(TranslateT("Birthdays only")); cmbEnabled.AddString(TranslateT("Anniversaries only")); cmbEnabled.AddString(TranslateT("Everything")); // set reminder options cmbEnabled.SetCurSel(g_plugin.iRemindState); MTime mtLast; wchar_t szTime[MAX_PATH]; mtLast.DBGetStamp(0, MODULENAME, SET_REMIND_LASTCHECK); mtLast.UTCToLocal(); mtLast.TimeFormat(szTime, _countof(szTime)); SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, TXT_REMIND_LASTCHECK, szTime); return true; } bool OnApply() override { // update current reminder state uint8_t bNewVal = (uint8_t)cmbEnabled.GetCurSel(); if (g_plugin.iRemindState != bNewVal) { g_plugin.iRemindState = bNewVal; if (bNewVal == REMIND_OFF) SvcReminderEnable(false); else { // update all contact list extra icons SvcReminderEnable(true); // reinit reminder options from db SvcReminderCheckAll(NOTIFY_CLIST); // notify } } RebuildMain(); return true; } void onChange_Enabled(CCtrlCombo *pCombo) { const int idCtrl[] = { CHECK_REMIND_MI, EDIT_REMIND, EDIT_REMIND2, SPIN_REMIND, SPIN_REMIND2, TXT_REMIND, TXT_REMIND2, TXT_REMIND3, TXT_REMIND4, TXT_REMIND6, TXT_REMIND8, TXT_REMIND9, TXT_REMIND_LASTCHECK, CHECK_REMIND_FLASHICON, CHECK_REMIND_VISIBLEONLY, CHECK_REMIND_STARTUP, EDIT_REMIND_SOUNDOFFSET, SPIN_REMIND_SOUNDOFFSET }; EnableControls(m_hwnd, idCtrl, _countof(idCtrl), pCombo->GetCurSel() > 0); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Popup options dialog class CPopupOptsDlg : public CDlgBase { CCtrlCheck chkEnabled, chkMsgbox, chkDefClr, chkWinClr, chkADefClr, chkAWinClr, chkProgress; CCtrlCheck chkDefault, chkCustom, chkPermanent; CCtrlColor clrAback, clrAtext, clrBback, clrBtext; CCtrlButton btnPreview; public: CPopupOptsDlg() : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPT_POPUP), btnPreview(this, BTN_PREVIEW), chkDefClr(this, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_DEFCLR), chkWinClr(this, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_WINCLR), chkADefClr(this, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_ADEFCLR), chkAWinClr(this, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_AWINCLR), chkEnabled(this, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_ENABLED), chkMsgbox(this, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_MSGBOX), chkProgress(this, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_PROGRESS), chkCustom(this, RADIO_OPT_POPUP_CUSTOM), chkDefault(this, RADIO_OPT_POPUP_DEFAULT), chkPermanent(this, RADIO_OPT_POPUP_PERMANENT), clrAback(this, CLR_ABACK), clrAtext(this, CLR_ATEXT), clrBback(this, CLR_BBACK), clrBtext(this, CLR_BTEXT) { CreateLink(chkMsgbox, g_plugin.bPopupMsgbox); CreateLink(chkEnabled, g_plugin.bPopupEnabled); CreateLink(chkProgress, g_plugin.bPopupProgress); CreateLink(clrAback, g_plugin.clrAback); CreateLink(clrAtext, g_plugin.clrAtext); CreateLink(clrBback, g_plugin.clrBback); CreateLink(clrBtext, g_plugin.clrBtext); btnPreview.OnClick = Callback(this, &CPopupOptsDlg::onClick_Preview); chkEnabled.OnChange = Callback(this, &CPopupOptsDlg::onChange_Enabled); chkDefClr.OnChange = chkWinClr.OnChange = Callback(this, &CPopupOptsDlg::onChange_Clr); chkADefClr.OnChange = chkAWinClr.OnChange = Callback(this, &CPopupOptsDlg::onChange_AnnivClr); chkDefault.OnChange = chkCustom.OnChange = chkPermanent.OnChange = Callback(this, &CPopupOptsDlg::onChange_Delay); } bool OnInitDialog() override { // disable if popup plugin dos not sopport buttons inside popop if (!(db_get_dw(0, "Popup", "Actions", 0) & 1)) chkMsgbox.Disable(); // set colortype checkboxes and color controls switch (g_plugin.iBirthClrType) { case POPUP_COLOR_DEFAULT: chkDefClr.SetState(true); break; case POPUP_COLOR_WINDOWS: chkWinClr.SetState(true); } switch (g_plugin.iAnnivClrType) { case POPUP_COLOR_DEFAULT: chkADefClr.SetState(true); break; case POPUP_COLOR_WINDOWS: chkAWinClr.SetState(true); } // set delay values uint8_t bDelay = g_plugin.iPopupDelay; switch (bDelay) { case 0: chkDefault.SetState(true); break; case 255: chkPermanent.SetState(true); break; default: chkCustom.SetState(true); SetDlgItemInt(m_hwnd, EDIT_DELAY, bDelay, FALSE); } return true; } bool OnApply() override { // save popup style for birthdays g_plugin.iBirthClrType = chkDefClr.IsChecked() ? POPUP_COLOR_DEFAULT : (chkWinClr.IsChecked() ? POPUP_COLOR_WINDOWS : POPUP_COLOR_CUSTOM); // save popup style for anniversaries g_plugin.iAnnivClrType = chkADefClr.IsChecked() ? POPUP_COLOR_DEFAULT : (chkAWinClr.IsChecked() ? POPUP_COLOR_WINDOWS : POPUP_COLOR_CUSTOM); // save delay if (chkPermanent.IsChecked()) g_plugin.iPopupDelay = 255; else if (chkCustom.IsChecked()) { wchar_t szDelay[4]; GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, EDIT_DELAY, szDelay, _countof(szDelay)); g_plugin.iPopupDelay = (uint8_t)wcstol(szDelay, nullptr, 10); } else g_plugin.iPopupDelay.Delete(); return true; } void onClick_Preview(CCtrlButton*) { POPUPDATAW ppd = {}; ppd.iSeconds = g_plugin.iPopupDelay; mir_wstrncpy(ppd.lpwzText, TranslateT("This is the reminder message"), MAX_SECONDLINE); // Birthday mir_wstrncpy(ppd.lpwzContactName, TranslateT("Birthday"), _countof(ppd.lpwzContactName)); ppd.lchIcon = g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_RMD_DTB0); if (chkWinClr.IsChecked()) { ppd.colorBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE); ppd.colorText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); } else if (!chkDefClr.IsChecked()) { ppd.colorBack = clrBback.GetColor(); ppd.colorText = clrBtext.GetColor(); } PUAddPopupW(&ppd); // Anniversary mir_wstrncpy(ppd.lpwzContactName, TranslateT("Anniversary"), _countof(ppd.lpwzContactName)); ppd.lchIcon = g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_RMD_DTAX); if (chkAWinClr.IsChecked()) { ppd.colorBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE); ppd.colorText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); } else if (!chkDefClr.IsChecked()) { ppd.colorBack = clrAback.GetColor(); ppd.colorText = clrAtext.GetColor(); } PUAddPopupW(&ppd); } void onChange_Enabled(CCtrlCheck *pCheck) { const int idCtrl[] = { CHECK_OPT_POPUP_DEFCLR, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_WINCLR, CLR_BBACK, TXT_OPT_POPUP_CLR_BACK, CLR_BTEXT, TXT_OPT_POPUP_CLR_TEXT, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_ADEFCLR, CHECK_OPT_POPUP_AWINCLR, CLR_ABACK, TXT_OPT_POPUP_CLR_ABACK, CLR_ATEXT, TXT_OPT_POPUP_CLR_ATEXT, RADIO_OPT_POPUP_DEFAULT, RADIO_OPT_POPUP_CUSTOM, RADIO_OPT_POPUP_PERMANENT, EDIT_DELAY }; EnableControls(m_hwnd, idCtrl, _countof(idCtrl), pCheck->GetState()); } void onChange_Clr(CCtrlCheck *) { bool bDefClr = chkDefClr.IsChecked(); bool bWinClr = chkWinClr.IsChecked(); chkDefClr.Enable(!bWinClr); chkWinClr.Enable(!bDefClr); clrBback.Enable(!bDefClr && !bWinClr); clrBtext.Enable(!bDefClr && !bWinClr); EnableDlgItem(m_hwnd, TXT_OPT_POPUP_CLR_BACK, !(bDefClr || bWinClr)); EnableDlgItem(m_hwnd, TXT_OPT_POPUP_CLR_TEXT, !(bDefClr || bWinClr)); } void onChange_AnnivClr(CCtrlCheck *) { int bDefClr = chkADefClr.IsChecked(); int bWinClr = chkAWinClr.IsChecked(); chkADefClr.Enable(!bWinClr); chkAWinClr.Enable(!bDefClr); clrAback.Enable(!bDefClr && !bWinClr); clrAtext.Enable(!bDefClr && !bWinClr); EnableDlgItem(m_hwnd, TXT_OPT_POPUP_CLR_ABACK, !(bDefClr || bWinClr)); EnableDlgItem(m_hwnd, TXT_OPT_POPUP_CLR_ATEXT, !(bDefClr || bWinClr)); } void onChange_Delay(CCtrlCheck *) { EnableDlgItem(m_hwnd, EDIT_DELAY, chkCustom.IsChecked()); } }; /** * This hook handler function is called on opening the options dialog * to tell miranda, which pages userinfoex wants to add. * * @param wParam - options dialog's internal datastructure, * @param lParam - not used * * @retval MIR_OK **/ int OnInitOptions(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { DlgContactInfoInitTreeIcons(); OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE odp = {}; odp.position = 95400; odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS; odp.szTitle.a = MODULELONGNAME; odp.szGroup.a = LPGEN("Contacts"); // Common page odp.szTab.a = LPGEN("Common"); odp.pDialog = new CCommonOptsDlg(); g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); // Advanced page odp.szTab.a = LPGEN("Advanced"); odp.pDialog = new CAdvancedOptsDlg(); g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); // Details Dialog page odp.szTab.a = LPGEN("Details dialog"); odp.pDialog = new CDetailsOptsDlg(); g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); // Reminder page odp.szTab.a = LPGEN("Reminder"); odp.pDialog = new CReminderOptsDlg(); g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); // Popups page odp.szTitle.a = MODULELONGNAME; odp.szGroup.a = LPGEN("Popups"); odp.pDialog = new CPopupOptsDlg(); g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); return MIR_OK; }