/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: � 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "commonheaders.h" #define HM_PROTOACK (WM_USER+100) typedef INT_PTR (*PUpdCallback) (HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, PVOID UserData); /*********************************************************************************************************** * class CUpdProgress ***********************************************************************************************************/ class CUpdProgress { protected: BYTE _bBBCode; // TRUE if text renderer can handle BBCodes BYTE _bIsCanceled; // is set to TRUE uppon click on the CANCEL button PUpdCallback _pFnCallBack; // a pointer to a callback function, which can be used // to catch several messages by the caller. PVOID _pData; // application defined data HWND _hWnd; // window handle of the progress dialog/popup /** * This is the default window procedure, which is called for both progress dialog and popup. * It handles some common messages and calls the user defined callback function if defined. * * @param pProgress - This is the pointer to the object of CUpdProgress. * @param hWnd - HWND window handle of the progress dialog * @param uMsg - message sent to the dialog * @param wParam - message specific parameter * @param lParam - message specific parameter * * @return This method returns 0. **/ static INT_PTR CALLBACK DefWndProc(CUpdProgress *pProgress, HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { __try { if (PtrIsValid(pProgress)) { switch (uMsg) { case UM_POPUPACTION: case WM_COMMAND: { if (wParam == MAKEWORD(IDSKIP, BN_CLICKED)) { pProgress->Destroy(); } else if (wParam == MAKEWORD(IDCANCEL, BN_CLICKED)) { pProgress->_bIsCanceled = TRUE; } } } if (PtrIsValid(pProgress->_pFnCallBack)) { pProgress->_pFnCallBack(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam, pProgress->_pData); } } } __except(GetExceptionCode()==EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { // code to handle exception puts("Exception Occurred"); } return 0; } public: virtual HWND Create (LPCTSTR szTitle, PUpdCallback pFnCallBack) = 0; virtual void Destroy (void) {}; virtual void SetTitle (LPCTSTR szText) = 0; virtual void SetText (LPCTSTR szText) = 0; BYTE IsVisible() const { return _hWnd != NULL; } /** * * **/ BYTE IsCanceled() const { return _bIsCanceled; } /** * * **/ void SetTitleParam(LPCTSTR szText, ...) { if (szText) { TCHAR buf[MAXDATASIZE]; va_list vl; va_start(vl, szText); if (mir_vsntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), szText, vl) != -1) { SetTitle(buf); } va_end(vl); } } /** * This method is used to set the popups or dialogs message text. * It takes text with parameters as sprintf does. If bbcodes are * disabled this method automatically deletes them from the text. * * @param szText - the text to display. Can contain formats like * sprintf does. * @param ... - a list of parameters, which depends on the * format of szText. * * @return nothing **/ void SetTextParam(LPCTSTR szText, ...) { if (szText) { INT_PTR cch = mir_tcslen(szText); LPTSTR fmt = (LPTSTR) mir_alloc((cch + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (fmt) { TCHAR buf[MAXDATASIZE]; va_list vl; _tcscpy(fmt, szText); // delete bbcodes if (!_bBBCode) { LPTSTR s, e; for (s = fmt, e = fmt + cch; s[0] != 0; s++) { if (s[0] == '[') { // leading bbcode tag (e.g.: [b], [u], [i]) if ((s[1] == 'b' || s[1] == 'u' || s[1] == 'i') && s[2] == ']') { memmove(s, s + 3, (e - s - 2) * sizeof(TCHAR)); e -= 3; } // ending bbcode tag (e.g.: [/b], [/u], [/i]) else if (s[1] == '/' && (s[2] == 'b' || s[2] == 'u' || s[2] == 'i') && s[3] == ']') { memmove(s, s + 4, (e - s - 3) * sizeof(TCHAR)); e -= 4; } } } } va_start(vl, szText); if (mir_vsntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), fmt, vl) != -1) { SetText(buf); } va_end(vl); mir_free(fmt); } } } /** * * **/ CUpdProgress() { _hWnd = NULL; _pFnCallBack = NULL; _pData = NULL; _bIsCanceled = FALSE; _bBBCode = FALSE; } /** * * **/ CUpdProgress(PVOID data) { _hWnd = NULL; _pFnCallBack = NULL; _pData = data; _bIsCanceled = FALSE; _bBBCode = FALSE; } ~CUpdProgress() { } }; /*********************************************************************************************************** * class CDlgUpdProgress ***********************************************************************************************************/ class CDlgUpdProgress : public CUpdProgress { /** * * **/ static INT_PTR CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { const ICONCTRL idIcon[] = { { ICO_BTN_UPDATE, WM_SETICON, NULL }, { ICO_BTN_DOWNARROW, BM_SETIMAGE, IDSKIP }, { ICO_BTN_CANCEL, BM_SETIMAGE, IDCANCEL } }; IcoLib_SetCtrlIcons(hWnd, idIcon, DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_ICONS_BUTTONS, 1) ? 2 : 1); SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDCANCEL, BUTTONTRANSLATE, NULL, NULL); SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDSKIP, BUTTONTRANSLATE, NULL, NULL); SetUserData(hWnd, lParam); TranslateDialogDefault(hWnd); } return TRUE; case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: { switch (GetWindowLongPtr((HWND)lParam, GWLP_ID)) { case STATIC_WHITERECT: case IDC_INFO: { SetTextColor((HDC)wParam, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); return GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); } } } return FALSE; } return CUpdProgress::DefWndProc((CUpdProgress *) GetUserData(hWnd), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } public: /** * * **/ CDlgUpdProgress(PVOID data) : CUpdProgress(data) { } /** * * **/ virtual HWND Create(LPCTSTR szTitle, PUpdCallback pFnCallBack) { _pFnCallBack = pFnCallBack; _hWnd = CreateDialogParam(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_REFRESHDETAILS), 0, CDlgUpdProgress::WndProc, (LPARAM) this); if (_hWnd) { SetTitle(szTitle); ShowWindow(_hWnd, SW_SHOW); } return _hWnd; } /** * * **/ virtual void Destroy() { if (_hWnd) { SetUserData(_hWnd, NULL); EndDialog(_hWnd, IDOK); _hWnd = NULL; } } /** * * **/ virtual void SetTitle(LPCTSTR szText) { SetWindowText(_hWnd, szText); } /** * * **/ virtual void SetText(LPCTSTR szText) { SetDlgItemText(_hWnd, IDC_INFO, szText); } }; /*********************************************************************************************************** * class CPopupUpdProgress ***********************************************************************************************************/ class CPopupUpdProgress : public CUpdProgress { LPCTSTR _szText; POPUPACTION _popupButtons[2]; /** * * **/ void UpdateText() { if (_szText) { INT_PTR cb = mir_tcslen(_szText) + 8; LPTSTR pb = (LPTSTR) mir_alloc(cb * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pb) { mir_tcscpy(pb, _szText); SendMessage(_hWnd, UM_CHANGEPOPUP, CPT_TITLET, (LPARAM) pb); } } } /** * This static member is the window procedure, which is used to modify the behaviour of * a popup dialog, so that it can act as a replacement for the progress dialog. * The major task of this method is to filter out some messages, who would lead to a crash, * if passed to the default windows procedure. * **/ static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Filter out messages, which must not be passed to default windows procedure or even // to the callback function! switch (uMsg) { case UM_INITPOPUP: case UM_CHANGEPOPUP: case UM_FREEPLUGINDATA: break; default: CUpdProgress::DefWndProc((CUpdProgress *) PUGetPluginData(hWnd), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } public: /** * * **/ CPopupUpdProgress(PVOID data) : CUpdProgress(data) { _szText = NULL; _bBBCode = DB::Setting::GetByte("PopUp", "UseMText", FALSE); _popupButtons[0].cbSize = sizeof(POPUPACTION); _popupButtons[0].flags = PAF_ENABLED; _popupButtons[0].lchIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_BTN_DOWNARROW); _popupButtons[0].wParam = MAKEWORD(IDSKIP, BN_CLICKED); _popupButtons[0].lParam = NULL; strcpy(_popupButtons[0].lpzTitle, MODNAME"/Hide"); // cancel button _popupButtons[1].cbSize = sizeof(POPUPACTION); _popupButtons[1].flags = PAF_ENABLED; _popupButtons[1].lchIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_BTN_CANCEL); _popupButtons[1].wParam = MAKEWORD(IDCANCEL, BN_CLICKED); _popupButtons[1].lParam = NULL; strcpy(_popupButtons[1].lpzTitle, MODNAME"/Cancel"); } /** * * **/ virtual HWND Create(LPCTSTR szTitle, PUpdCallback pFnCallBack) { POPUPDATAT_V2 pd = { 0 }; pd.cbSize = sizeof(pd); pd.lchIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_BTN_UPDATE); pd.iSeconds = -1; pd.PluginData = this; pd.PluginWindowProc = CPopupUpdProgress::WndProc; pd.actionCount = SIZEOF(_popupButtons); pd.lpActions = _popupButtons; // dummy text _szText = mir_tcsdup(szTitle); mir_tcscpy(pd.lptzContactName, _szText); _tcscpy(pd.lptzText, _T(" ")); _pFnCallBack = pFnCallBack; _hWnd = (HWND) CallService(MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPT, (WPARAM) &pd, APF_RETURN_HWND|APF_NEWDATA); return _hWnd; } /** * * **/ virtual void Destroy() { if (_hWnd) { PUDeletePopUp(_hWnd); _hWnd = NULL; } MIR_FREE(_szText); } /** * * **/ virtual void SetTitle(LPCTSTR szText) { MIR_FREE(_szText); _szText = mir_tcsdup(szText); UpdateText(); } /** * * **/ virtual void SetText(LPCTSTR szText) { SendMessage(_hWnd, UM_CHANGEPOPUP, CPT_TEXTT, (LPARAM) mir_tcsdup(szText)); } }; /*********************************************************************************************************** * class CContactUpdater ***********************************************************************************************************/ class CContactUpdater : public CContactQueue { CUpdProgress* _pProgress; // pointer to the progress dialog/popup HANDLE _hProtoAckEvent; // handle to protocol ack notification HANDLE _hContact; // current contact being refreshed PBYTE _hContactAcks; // array of acknoledgements for the current contact to wait for INT_PTR _nContactAcks; // number of acknoledgements for the current contact to wait for MIRANDA_CPP_PLUGIN_API(CContactUpdater); /** * This is a callback dialog procedure, which is assigned the update progress dialog to * gain control over certain messages. * * @param hWnd - HWND window handle of the progress dialog * @param uMsg - message sent to the dialog * @param wParam - message specific parameter * @param lParam - message specific parameter * @param u - This is a parameter assigned by the CUpdProgress' constructur. * In this case it is a pointer to this class's object. * * @return This method returns 0. **/ static int DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, CContactUpdater* u) { switch (uMsg) { /** * User has clicked on the skip or cancel button. **/ case UM_POPUPACTION: case WM_COMMAND: { if (PtrIsValid(u)) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: { if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { u->Cancel(); } } } } } } return 0; } /** * This method handles ack broadcasts from the protocols to determine, * whether a contact's information set's update is complete to continue * with the next faster. By default the queue is configured to wait * about 15s between contacts. If the protocol sends a complete ack, * the time is shortend to 4s. * * @param wParam - not used * @param ack - pointer to an ACKDATA structure containing all * data for the acknoledgement. * * @return nothing **/ int __cdecl OnProtoAck(WPARAM wParam, ACKDATA *ack) { if (ack && ack->cbSize == sizeof(ACKDATA) && ack->hContact == _hContact && ack->type == ACKTYPE_GETINFO) { if (ack->hProcess || ack->lParam) { if (!_hContactAcks) { _nContactAcks = (INT_PTR)ack->hProcess; _hContactAcks = (PBYTE)mir_calloc(sizeof(BYTE) * (INT_PTR)ack->hProcess); } if (ack->result == ACKRESULT_SUCCESS || ack->result == ACKRESULT_FAILED) { _hContactAcks[ack->lParam] = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < _nContactAcks; i++) { if (_hContactAcks[i] == 0) { return 0; } } } // don't wait the full time, but continue immitiatly ContinueWithNext(); } return 0; } /** * This method is called just before the worker thread is going to suspend, * if the queue is empty. * * @param none * * @return nothing **/ virtual void OnEmpty() { // This was the last contact, so destroy the progress window. if (_hProtoAckEvent) { UnhookEvent(_hProtoAckEvent); _hProtoAckEvent = NULL; } // free up last ackresult array MIR_FREE(_hContactAcks); _nContactAcks = 0; _hContact = NULL; // close progress bar if (_pProgress) { _pProgress->Destroy(); delete _pProgress; _pProgress = NULL; } // reset menu if (hMenuItemRefresh) { CLISTMENUITEM clmi = { sizeof(clmi) }; clmi.flags = CMIM_NAME|CMIM_ICON; clmi.pszName = LPGEN("Refresh Contact Details"); clmi.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_BTN_UPDATE); Menu_ModifyItem(hMenuItemRefresh, &clmi); } } /** * This virtual method is called by the derived CContactQueue class, * if an action is requested for a queue item. * * @param hContact - the handle of the contact an action is requested for * @param param - not used here * * @return nothing **/ virtual void Callback(HANDLE hContact, PVOID param) { LPSTR pszProto = DB::Contact::Proto(hContact); if (pszProto && pszProto[0]) { MIR_FREE(_hContactAcks); _nContactAcks = 0; _hContact = hContact; if (!_hProtoAckEvent) { _hProtoAckEvent = (HANDLE) ThisHookEvent(ME_PROTO_ACK, (EVENTHOOK) &CContactUpdater::OnProtoAck); } if (_pProgress) { _pProgress->SetTextParam(TranslateT("[b]%s (%S)...[/b]\n%d Contacts remaning"), DB::Contact::DisplayName(_hContact), pszProto, Size()); } if (IsProtoOnline(pszProto)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3 && CallContactService(hContact, PSS_GETINFO, 0, 0); i++) { Sleep(3000); } } } } public: /** * This is the default constructor * **/ CContactUpdater() : CContactQueue() { _hContactAcks = NULL; _nContactAcks = 0; _hContact = NULL; _pProgress = NULL; _hProtoAckEvent = NULL; } /** * * **/ ~CContactUpdater() { RemoveAll(); OnEmpty(); } /** * * **/ BOOL QueueAddRefreshContact(HANDLE hContact, int iWait) { LPSTR pszProto = DB::Contact::Proto(hContact); if ((mir_strcmp(pszProto, "Weather")!=0) && (mir_strcmp(pszProto, "MetaContacts")!=0) && IsProtoOnline(pszProto)) { return Add(iWait, hContact); } return 0; } /** * * **/ void RefreshAll() { HANDLE hContact; int iWait; for (hContact = DB::Contact::FindFirst(), iWait = 100; hContact != NULL; hContact = DB::Contact::FindNext(hContact)) { if (QueueAddRefreshContact(hContact, iWait)) { iWait += 5000; } } if (Size() && !_pProgress) { if (ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_CHANGETEXTT) && DB::Setting::GetByte("PopupProgress", FALSE)) { _pProgress = new CPopupUpdProgress(this); } else { _pProgress = new CDlgUpdProgress(this); } _pProgress->Create(TranslateT("Refresh Contact Details"), (PUpdCallback) CContactUpdater::DlgProc); _pProgress->SetText(TranslateT("Preparing...")); } // if there are contacts in the queue, change the main menu item to indicate it is meant for canceling. if (hMenuItemRefresh && Size() > 0) { CLISTMENUITEM clmi = { sizeof(clmi) }; clmi.flags = CMIM_NAME|CMIM_ICON; clmi.pszName = LPGEN("Abort Refreshing Contact Details"); clmi.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_BTN_CANCEL); Menu_ModifyItem(hMenuItemRefresh, &clmi); } } /** * * **/ void Cancel() { RemoveAll(); ContinueWithNext(); } }; static CContactUpdater *ContactUpdater = NULL; /*********************************************************************************************************** * common helper functions ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * This function checks, whether at least one protocol is online! * * @param none * * @retval TRUE - At least one protocol is online. * @retval FALSE - All protocols are offline. **/ static BOOL IsMirandaOnline() { PROTOACCOUNT **pAcc; int i, nAccCount; BOOL bIsOnline = FALSE; if (MIRSUCCEEDED(ProtoEnumAccounts(&nAccCount, &pAcc))) { for (i = 0; (i < nAccCount) && !bIsOnline; i++) { bIsOnline |= (IsProtoAccountEnabled(pAcc[i]) && IsProtoOnline(pAcc[i]->szModuleName)); } } return bIsOnline; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * services ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * This is the service function being called by MS_USERINFO_REFRESH. * It adds each contact, whose protocol is online, to the queue of contacts to refresh. * The queue is running a separate thread, which is responsible for requesting the contact information * one after another with a certain time to wait in between. * * @param wParam - not used * @param lParam - not used * * @return This service function always returns 0. **/ static INT_PTR RefreshService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { try { if (IsMirandaOnline()) { if (!ContactUpdater) { ContactUpdater = new CContactUpdater(); } if (ContactUpdater->Size() == 0) { ContactUpdater->RefreshAll(); } else if (IDYES == MsgBox(NULL, MB_YESNO|MB_ICON_QUESTION, LPGENT("Refresh Contact Details"), NULL, LPGENT("Do you want to cancel the current refresh procedure?"))) { ContactUpdater->Cancel(); } } else { MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("Miranda must be online for refreshing contact information!")); } } catch(...) { MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("The function caused an exception!")); } return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * events ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * * **/ static int OnContactAdded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { try { DWORD dwStmp; dwStmp = DB::Setting::GetDWord((HANDLE)wParam, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_ADDEDTIME, 0); if (!dwStmp) { MTime mt; mt.GetLocalTime(); mt.DBWriteStamp((HANDLE)wParam, USERINFO, SET_CONTACT_ADDEDTIME); // create updater, if not yet exists if (!ContactUpdater) { ContactUpdater = new CContactUpdater(); } // add to the end of the queue ContactUpdater->AddIfDontHave( (ContactUpdater->Size() > 0) ? max(ContactUpdater->Get(ContactUpdater->Size() - 1)->check_time + 15000, 4000) : 4000, (HANDLE)wParam); } } catch(...) { MsgErr(NULL, LPGENT("The function caused an exception!")); } return 0; } /** * Miranda is going to shutdown soon, so any panding contact information refresh is to be terminated * and the queue object must be deleted. Further refresh requests will be ignored. * * @param wParam - not used * @param lParam - not used * * @return This function always returns 0. **/ static int OnPreShutdown(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if(ContactUpdater) { delete ContactUpdater; ContactUpdater = 0; } //MIR_DELETE(ContactUpdater); return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * initialization ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * This function initially loads the module uppon startup. **/ void SvcRefreshContactInfoLoadModule(void) { CreateServiceFunction(MS_USERINFO_REFRESH, RefreshService); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, OnPreShutdown); HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_ADDED, OnContactAdded); HOTKEYDESC hk = { 0 }; hk.cbSize = sizeof(HOTKEYDESC); hk.pszSection = MODNAME; hk.pszName = "RefreshContactDetails"; hk.pszDescription = LPGEN("Refresh Contact Details"); hk.pszService = MS_USERINFO_REFRESH; Hotkey_Register(&hk); }