/* UserinfoEx plugin for Miranda IM Copyright: � 2006-2010 DeathAxe, Yasnovidyashii, Merlin, K. Romanov, Kreol This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =============================================================================== File name : $HeadURL: https://userinfoex.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/svc_reminder.cpp $ Revision : $Revision: 187 $ Last change on : $Date: 2010-09-08 16:05:54 +0400 (Ср, 08 сен 2010) $ Last change by : $Author: ing.u.horn $ =============================================================================== */ /** * System Includes: **/ #include "commonheaders.h" #include "m_skin.h" #include "m_clui.h" #include "svc_Gender.h" #include "svc_Reminder.h" #include "dlg_anniversarylist.h" /** * The CEvent structure describes the next anniversary to remind of. **/ struct CEvent { enum EType { NONE, BIRTHDAY, ANNIVERSARY }; EType _eType; WORD _wDaysLeft; CEvent(); CEvent(EType eType, WORD wDaysLeft); BOOLEAN operator << (const CEvent& e); }; typedef struct _REMINDEROPTIONS { WORD wDaysEarlier; BYTE bPopups; BYTE bCListExtraIcon; BYTE bFlashCList; BYTE bCheckVisibleOnly; BYTE RemindState; CEvent evt; } REMINDEROPTIONS, *LPREMINDEROPTIONS; static HANDLE ExtraIcon = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static HANDLE ghCListIA = NULL; static HANDLE ghCListIR = NULL; static HANDLE ghSettingsChanged = NULL; static UINT_PTR ghRemindTimer = 0; static UINT_PTR ghRemindDateChangeTimer = 0; HANDLE ghCListAnnivIcons[11]; HANDLE ghCListBirthdayIcons[11]; static REMINDEROPTIONS gRemindOpts; static VOID UpdateTimer(BOOLEAN bStartup); /*********************************************************************************************************** * struct CEvent ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * This is the default constructor. * * @param none * * @return nothing **/ CEvent::CEvent() { _wDaysLeft = 0xFFFF; _eType = NONE; } /** * This is the default constructor. * * @param eType - initial type * @param wDaysLeft - initial days to event * * @return nothing **/ CEvent::CEvent(EType eType, WORD wDaysLeft) { _wDaysLeft = wDaysLeft; _eType = eType; } /** * This operator dups the attributes of the given CEvent object if * the event comes up earlier then the one of the object. * * @param evt - the reference to the event object whose attributes to assign. * * @retval TRUE - The values of @e evt have been assigned. * @retval FALSE - The values are not assigned. **/ BOOLEAN CEvent::operator << (const CEvent& evt) { if (_wDaysLeft > evt._wDaysLeft) { _wDaysLeft = evt._wDaysLeft; _eType = evt._eType; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * notification functions ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * This function returns the icon for the given anniversary, * which is the given number of days in advance. * * @param evt - structure specifying the next anniversary * * @return The function returns icolib's icon if found or NULL otherwise. **/ static HICON GetAnnivIcon(const CEvent &evt) { HICON hIcon = NULL; CHAR szIcon[MAXSETTING]; switch (evt._eType) { case CEvent::BIRTHDAY: { if (evt._wDaysLeft > 9) { hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_RMD_DTBX); } else { mir_snprintf(szIcon, SIZEOF(szIcon), MODNAME"_rmd_dtb%u", evt._wDaysLeft); hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(szIcon); } } break; case CEvent::ANNIVERSARY: { if (evt._wDaysLeft > 9) { hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_RMD_DTAX); } else { mir_snprintf(szIcon, SIZEOF(szIcon), MODNAME"_rmd_dta%u", evt._wDaysLeft); hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(szIcon); } } } return hIcon; } /** * This function adds the icon for the given anniversary, which is the given number of days * in advance to the contact list's imagelist. * * @param evt - structure specifying the next anniversary * * @return The function returns the clist's extra icon handle if found and successfully added. **/ static HANDLE AddCListExtraIcon(const CEvent &evt) { HANDLE hClistIcon; HICON hIco = GetAnnivIcon(evt); if (hIco) { hClistIcon = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_ADD_ICON, (WPARAM)hIco, 0); if (hClistIcon == (HANDLE)CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND) { hClistIcon = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } CallService(MS_SKIN2_RELEASEICON,(WPARAM)hIco,0); } else { hClistIcon = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return hClistIcon; } /** * This function returns the clist extra icon handle for the given anniversary. * * @param evt - structure specifying the next anniversary * * @return The function returns the clist extra icon handle for the given anniversary. **/ static HANDLE GetCListExtraIcon(const CEvent &evt) { if (gRemindOpts.bCListExtraIcon) { WORD wIndex = evt._wDaysLeft; switch (evt._eType) { case CEvent::BIRTHDAY: { if (wIndex >= SIZEOF(ghCListBirthdayIcons)) { wIndex = SIZEOF(ghCListBirthdayIcons) - 1; } // add the icon to clists imagelist if required if (ghCListBirthdayIcons[wIndex] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ghCListBirthdayIcons[wIndex] = AddCListExtraIcon(evt); } } return ghCListBirthdayIcons[wIndex]; case CEvent::ANNIVERSARY: { if (wIndex >= SIZEOF(ghCListAnnivIcons)) { wIndex = SIZEOF(ghCListAnnivIcons) - 1; } // add the icon to clists imagelist if required if (ghCListAnnivIcons[wIndex] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ghCListAnnivIcons[wIndex] = AddCListExtraIcon(evt); } } return ghCListAnnivIcons[wIndex]; } } return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } /** * Displays an clist extra icon according to the kind of anniversary * and the days in advance. * * @param evt - structure specifying the next anniversary * * @return nothing **/ static VOID NotifyWithExtraIcon(HANDLE hContact, const CEvent &evt) { if (myGlobals.HaveCListExtraIcons && gRemindOpts.bCListExtraIcon) { if (!myGlobals.ExtraIconsServiceExist) { IconExtraColumn iec; iec.cbSize = sizeof(IconExtraColumn); iec.ColumnType = gRemindOpts.bCListExtraIcon; iec.hImage = GetCListExtraIcon(evt); CallService(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_SET_ICON, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)&iec); } else { CHAR szIcon[MAXSETTING]; EXTRAICON ico; ico.cbSize=sizeof(ico); ico.hContact=hContact; ico.hExtraIcon=ExtraIcon; switch (evt._eType) { case CEvent::BIRTHDAY: { if (evt._wDaysLeft > 9) { ico.icoName=ICO_RMD_DTAX; } else { mir_snprintf(szIcon, SIZEOF(szIcon), MODNAME"_rmd_dtb%u", evt._wDaysLeft); ico.icoName=szIcon; } break; } case CEvent::ANNIVERSARY: { if (evt._wDaysLeft > 9) { ico.icoName=ICO_RMD_DTAX; } else { mir_snprintf(szIcon, SIZEOF(szIcon), MODNAME"_rmd_dta%u", evt._wDaysLeft); ico.icoName=szIcon; } break; } default: ico.icoName=(char *)0; } CallService(MS_EXTRAICON_SET_ICON, (WPARAM)&ico, 0); } } } /** * Message procedure for popup messages * * @param hWnd - handle to the popupwindow * @param uMsg - message to handle * @param wParam - message specific parameter * @param lParam - message specific parameter * * @return message specific **/ static INT_PTR CALLBACK PopupWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_COMMAND: { if (HIWORD(wParam) == STN_CLICKED) { PUDeletePopUp(hWnd); return TRUE; } break; } case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { PUDeletePopUp(hWnd); return TRUE; } } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } /** * Displays a popup * * @param hContact - contact to display popup for * @param eventType - indicates which popup settings to apply * @param DaysToAnniv - days left until anniversary occures * @param pszDesc - this is the headline * @param szMsg - message to display * * @return return value of the popup service **/ static INT NotifyWithPopup(HANDLE hContact, CEvent::EType eventType, INT DaysToAnniv, LPCTSTR pszDesc, LPCTSTR pszMsg) { if (gRemindOpts.bPopups) { POPUPDATAT_V2 ppd; ZeroMemory(&ppd, sizeof(POPUPDATAT_V2)); ppd.PluginWindowProc = (WNDPROC)PopupWindowProc; ppd.iSeconds = (INT)DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_POPUP_DELAY, 0); if (hContact) { ppd.lchContact = hContact; mir_sntprintf(ppd.lptzContactName, SIZEOF(ppd.lptzContactName), _T("%s - %s"), TranslateTS(pszDesc), DB::Contact::DisplayName(hContact)); } else { mir_tcsncpy(ppd.lptzContactName, TranslateT("Reminder"), SIZEOF(ppd.lptzContactName)); } mir_tcsncpy(ppd.lptzText, pszMsg, MAX_SECONDLINE); ppd.lchIcon = GetAnnivIcon(CEvent(eventType, DaysToAnniv)); switch (eventType) { case CEvent::BIRTHDAY: switch (DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_POPUP_BIRTHDAY_COLORTYPE, POPUP_COLOR_CUSTOM)) { case POPUP_COLOR_WINDOWS: ppd.colorBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE); ppd.colorText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); break; case POPUP_COLOR_CUSTOM: ppd.colorBack = DB::Setting::GetDWord(SET_POPUP_BIRTHDAY_COLOR_BACK, RGB(192,180,30)); ppd.colorText = DB::Setting::GetDWord(SET_POPUP_BIRTHDAY_COLOR_TEXT, 0); break; } break; case CEvent::ANNIVERSARY: switch (DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_POPUP_ANNIVERSARY_COLORTYPE, POPUP_COLOR_CUSTOM)) { case POPUP_COLOR_WINDOWS: ppd.colorBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE); ppd.colorText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); break; case POPUP_COLOR_CUSTOM: ppd.colorBack = DB::Setting::GetDWord(SET_POPUP_ANNIVERSARY_COLOR_BACK, RGB(90, 190, 130)); ppd.colorText = DB::Setting::GetDWord(SET_POPUP_ANNIVERSARY_COLOR_TEXT, 0); break; } } return PUAddPopUpT(&ppd); } return 1; } /** * Flash contact list's contact icon. * * @param hContact - contact whose icon to flash * @param evt - structure specifying the next anniversary * * @return nothing **/ static VOID NotifyFlashCListIcon(HANDLE hContact, const CEvent &evt) { if (gRemindOpts.bFlashCList && evt._wDaysLeft == 0) { CLISTEVENT cle ={0}; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH]; cle.cbSize = sizeof(CLISTEVENT); cle.hContact = hContact; cle.flags = CLEF_URGENT|CLEF_TCHAR; cle.hDbEvent = NULL; switch (evt._eType) { case CEvent::BIRTHDAY: { mir_sntprintf(szMsg, SIZEOF(szMsg), TranslateT("%s has %s today."), DB::Contact::DisplayName(hContact), TranslateT("Birthday")); cle.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_COMMON_BIRTHDAY); } break; case CEvent::ANNIVERSARY: { mir_sntprintf(szMsg, SIZEOF(szMsg), TranslateT("%s has %s today."), DB::Contact::DisplayName(hContact), TranslateT("an anniversary")); cle.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_COMMON_ANNIVERSARY); } break; default: szMsg[0] = NULL; } cle.ptszTooltip = szMsg; // pszService = NULL get error (crash), // pszService = "dummy" get 'service not fount' and continue; cle.pszService = "dummy"; cle.lParam = NULL; CallService(MS_CLIST_ADDEVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&cle); } } /** * Play a sound for the nearest upcomming anniversary * * @param evt - structure specifying the next anniversary * * @retval 0 if sound was played * @retval 1 otherwise **/ static BYTE NotifyWithSound(const CEvent &evt) { if (evt._wDaysLeft <= min(DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_SOUNDOFFSET, DEFVAL_REMIND_SOUNDOFFSET), gRemindOpts.wDaysEarlier)) { switch (evt._eType) { case CEvent::BIRTHDAY: SkinPlaySound(evt._wDaysLeft == 0 ? SOUND_BIRTHDAY_TODAY : SOUND_BIRTHDAY_SOON); return 0; case CEvent::ANNIVERSARY: SkinPlaySound(SOUND_ANNIVERSARY); return 0; } } return 1; } /*********************************************************************************************************** * "check for anniversary" functions ***********************************************************************************************************/ static LPCTSTR ContactGender(HANDLE hContact) { switch (GenderOf(hContact)) { case 'M': return TranslateT("He"); case 'F': return TranslateT("She"); } return TranslateT("He/She"); } static BOOLEAN CheckAnniversaries(HANDLE hContact, MTime &Now, CEvent &evt, BOOLEAN bNotify) { INT numAnniversaries = 0; INT Diff; MAnnivDate mta; INT i; TCHAR szAnniv[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strMsg[MAX_SECONDLINE]; BOOLEAN bOverflow = FALSE; WORD wDaysEarlier; if ((gRemindOpts.RemindState == REMIND_ANNIV) || (gRemindOpts.RemindState == REMIND_ALL)) { for (i = 0; i < ANID_LAST && !mta.DBGetAnniversaryDate(hContact, i); i++) { mta.DBGetReminderOpts(hContact); if (mta.RemindOption() != BST_UNCHECKED) { wDaysEarlier = (mta.RemindOption() == BST_CHECKED) ? mta.RemindOffset() : -1; if (wDaysEarlier == (WORD)-1) { wDaysEarlier = gRemindOpts.wDaysEarlier; } Diff = mta.CompareDays(Now); if ((Diff >= 0) && (Diff <= wDaysEarlier)) { if (evt._wDaysLeft > Diff) { evt._wDaysLeft = Diff; evt._eType = CEvent::ANNIVERSARY; } numAnniversaries++; // create displayed text for popup if (bNotify && !bOverflow) { // first anniversary found if (numAnniversaries == 1) { mir_sntprintf(szAnniv, MAX_PATH, TranslateT("%s has the following anniversaries:\0"), ContactGender(hContact)); mir_tcsncpy(strMsg, szAnniv, mir_tcslen(szAnniv)); } switch (Diff) { case 0: { mir_sntprintf(szAnniv, MAX_PATH, TranslateT("%d. %s today\0"), mta.Age(), mta.Description()); } break; case 1: { mir_sntprintf(szAnniv, MAX_PATH, TranslateT("%d. %s tomorrow\0"), mta.Age() + 1, mta.Description()); } break; default: { mir_sntprintf(szAnniv, MAX_PATH, TranslateT("%d. %s in %d days\0"), mta.Age() + 1, mta.Description(), Diff); } } if (mir_tcslen(szAnniv) >= MAX_SECONDLINE - mir_tcslen(strMsg)) { if (strMsg) mir_tcsncat(strMsg, _T("\n...\0"), SIZEOF(strMsg)); else mir_tcsncpy(strMsg, _T("\n...\0"), mir_tcslen(_T("\n...\0"))); bOverflow = TRUE; } else { if (strMsg) mir_tcsncat(strMsg, _T("\n- \0"), SIZEOF(strMsg)); else mir_tcsncpy(strMsg, _T("\n- \0"), mir_tcslen(_T("\n- \0"))); mir_tcsncat(strMsg, szAnniv, SIZEOF(strMsg)); } } } } } } // show one popup for all anniversaries if (numAnniversaries != 0 && bNotify) { NotifyWithPopup(hContact, CEvent::ANNIVERSARY, Diff, LPGENT("Anniversaries"), strMsg); } return numAnniversaries != 0; } /** * This function checks, whether a contact has a birthday and it is within the period of time to remind of or not. * * @param hContact - the contact to check * @param Now - current time * @param evt - the reference to a structure, which retrieves the resulting DTB * @param bNotify - if TRUE, a popup will be displayed for a contact having birthday within the next few days. * @param LastAnswer - this parameter is used for the automatic backup function * * @retval TRUE - contact has a birthday to remind of * @retval FALSE - contact has no birthday or it is not within the desired period of time. **/ static BOOLEAN CheckBirthday(HANDLE hContact, MTime &Now, CEvent &evt, BOOLEAN bNotify, PWORD LastAnwer) { BOOLEAN result = FALSE; if (gRemindOpts.RemindState == REMIND_BIRTH || gRemindOpts.RemindState == REMIND_ALL) { MAnnivDate mtb; if (!mtb.DBGetBirthDate(hContact)) { INT Diff; WORD wDaysEarlier; mtb.DBGetReminderOpts(hContact); // make backup of each protocol based birthday if (DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_SECUREBIRTHDAY, TRUE)) { mtb.BackupBirthday(hContact, NULL, 0, LastAnwer); } if (mtb.RemindOption() != BST_UNCHECKED) { wDaysEarlier = (mtb.RemindOption() == BST_CHECKED) ? mtb.RemindOffset() : -1; if (wDaysEarlier == (WORD)-1) { wDaysEarlier = gRemindOpts.wDaysEarlier; } Diff = mtb.CompareDays(Now); if ((Diff >= 0) && (Diff <= wDaysEarlier)) { if (evt._wDaysLeft > Diff) { evt._wDaysLeft = Diff; evt._eType = CEvent::BIRTHDAY; } if (bNotify) { TCHAR szMsg[MAXDATASIZE]; WORD cchMsg = 0; switch (Diff) { case 0: { cchMsg = mir_sntprintf(szMsg, SIZEOF(szMsg), TranslateT("%s has birthday today."), DB::Contact::DisplayName(hContact)); } break; case 1: { cchMsg = mir_sntprintf(szMsg, SIZEOF(szMsg), TranslateT("%s has birthday tomorrow."), DB::Contact::DisplayName(hContact)); } break; default: { cchMsg = mir_sntprintf(szMsg, SIZEOF(szMsg), TranslateT("%s has birthday in %d days."), DB::Contact::DisplayName(hContact), Diff); } } mir_sntprintf(szMsg + cchMsg, SIZEOF(szMsg) - cchMsg, TranslateT("\n%s becomes %d years old."), ContactGender(hContact), mtb.Age(&Now) + (Diff > 0)); NotifyWithPopup(hContact, CEvent::BIRTHDAY, Diff, mtb.Description(), szMsg); } result = TRUE; } } } } return result; } /** * This function checks one contact. It is mainly used for clist extra icon rebuild notification handler. * * @param hContact - the contact to check * @param Now - current time * @param evt - the reference to a structure, which retrieves the resulting DTB * @param bNotify - if TRUE, a popup will be displayed for a contact having birthday within the next few days. * @param LastAnswer - this parameter is used for the automatic backup function * * @return nothing **/ static VOID CheckContact(HANDLE hContact, MTime &Now, CEvent &evt, BOOLEAN bNotify, PWORD LastAnwer = 0) { // ignore meta subcontacts here as their birthday information are collected explicitly if (hContact && (!gRemindOpts.bCheckVisibleOnly || !DB::Setting::GetByte(hContact, MOD_CLIST, "Hidden", FALSE)) && (!DB::MetaContact::IsSub(hContact))) { CEvent ca; if (CheckBirthday(hContact, Now, ca, bNotify, LastAnwer) || CheckAnniversaries(hContact, Now, ca, bNotify)) { evt << ca; if (bNotify) { NotifyFlashCListIcon(hContact, ca); } } NotifyWithExtraIcon(hContact, ca); } } /** * This function checks all contacts. * * @param notify - notification type * * @return nothing **/ VOID SvcReminderCheckAll(const ENotify notify) { if (gRemindOpts.RemindState != REMIND_OFF) { HANDLE hContact; CEvent evt; MTime now; WORD a1 = 0; now.GetLocalTime(); //walk through all the contacts stored in the DB for (hContact = DB::Contact::FindFirst(); hContact != NULL; hContact = DB::Contact::FindNext(hContact)) { CheckContact(hContact, now, evt, notify != NOTIFY_CLIST, &a1); } if (notify != NOTIFY_CLIST) { // play sound for the next anniversary NotifyWithSound(evt); // popup anniversary list if (DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_ANNIVLIST_POPUP, FALSE)) { DlgAnniversaryListShow(0, 0); } if (evt._wDaysLeft > gRemindOpts.wDaysEarlier && notify == NOTIFY_NOANNIV) { NotifyWithPopup(NULL, CEvent::NONE, 0, NULL, TranslateT("No anniversaries to remind of")); } } UpdateTimer(FALSE); } } /*********************************************************************************************************** * Event Handler functions ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * This is the notification handler to tell reminder to reload required icons. * The reminder only loads icons to clist, which are really required at the moment. * This should help to save a bit memory. * * @param: wParam - not used * @param: lParam - not used * * @return This function must return 0 in order to continue in the notification chain. **/ static INT OnCListRebuildIcons(WPARAM, LPARAM) { UINT i; for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(ghCListAnnivIcons); i++) { ghCListAnnivIcons[i] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(ghCListBirthdayIcons); i++) { ghCListBirthdayIcons[i] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return 0; } /** * This function is the notification handler for clist extra icons to be applied for a contact. * * @param hContact - handle to the contact whose extra icon is to apply * @param lParam - not used * * @return This function must return 0 in order to continue in the notification chain. **/ INT OnCListApplyIcon(HANDLE hContact, LPARAM) { if (gRemindOpts.RemindState != REMIND_OFF) { CEvent evt; MTime now; now.GetLocalTime(); CheckContact(hContact, now, evt, FALSE); } return 0; } /** * This is a notification handler for changed contact settings. * If any anniversary setting has changed for a meta sub contact, * the parental meta contact is rescanned. * * @param hContact - handle of the contect the notification was fired for * @param pdbcws - pointer to a DBCONTACTWRITESETTING structure * * @return This function must return 0 in order to continue in the notification chain. **/ static INT OnContactSettingChanged(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTWRITESETTING* pdbcws) { if (hContact && // valid contact not owner! ghCListIA && // extraicons active pdbcws && pdbcws->szSetting && // setting structure valid (pdbcws->value.type < DBVT_DWORD) && // anniversary datatype (gRemindOpts.RemindState != REMIND_OFF) && // reminder active (!strncmp(pdbcws->szSetting, "Birth", 5) || !strncmp(pdbcws->szSetting, "Anniv", 5) || !strncmp(pdbcws->szSetting, "DOB", 3))) { HANDLE hMeta = DB::MetaContact::GetMeta(hContact); WORD LastAnswer = IDNONE; CEvent evt; MTime now; // check metacontact instead of subcontact if (hMeta) { hContact = hMeta; } now.GetLocalTime(); if (!strcmp(pdbcws->szModule, SvcReminderGetMyBirthdayModule())) { CheckContact(hContact, now, evt, FALSE, &LastAnswer); } else { CheckContact(hContact, now, evt, FALSE, 0); } } return 0; } #define TBB_IDBTN "CheckAnniv" #define TBB_ICONAME TOOLBARBUTTON_ICONIDPREFIX TBB_IDBTN TOOLBARBUTTON_ICONIDPRIMARYSUFFIX /** * This function is called by the ME_TTB_MODULELOADED event. * It adds a set of buttons to the TopToolbar plugin. * * @param none * * @return nothing **/ int hTTButton = -1; VOID SvcReminderOnTopToolBarLoaded() { HICON hIcon = IcoLib_RegisterIcon(TBB_ICONAME, "Check anniversaries", SECT_TOOLBAR, IDI_BIRTHDAY, 0); if (hIcon) { /* for later merge ICONINFO ii; TTBButton ttb; GetIconInfo(hIcon, &ii); */ TTBButtonV2 ttb; ZeroMemory(&ttb, sizeof(TTBButtonV2)); ttb.cbSize = sizeof(TTBButtonV2); ttb.dwFlags = TTBBF_VISIBLE | TTBBF_SHOWTOOLTIP; ttb.pszServiceDown = MS_USERINFO_REMINDER_CHECK; ttb.name = Translate("Check anniversaries"); ttb.hIconUp = ttb.hIconDn = hIcon; ttb.tooltipUp = ttb.tooltipDn = Translate("Check anniversaries"); hTTButton = CallService(MS_TTB_ADDBUTTON, (WPARAM) &ttb, 0); if (hTTButton) CallService(MS_TTB_SETBUTTONOPTIONS, MAKEWPARAM(TTBO_TIPNAME, hTTButton), (LPARAM)(Translate("Check anniversaries"))); } } /** * This function is called by the ME_TB_MODULELOADED event. * It adds a set of buttons to the Toolbar of the Modern Contact List. * * @param none * * @return nothing **/ VOID SvcReminderOnToolBarLoaded() { TBButton tbb; ZeroMemory(&tbb, sizeof(tbb)); tbb.cbSize = sizeof(tbb); tbb.defPos = 2000; tbb.tbbFlags = TBBF_VISIBLE | TBBF_SHOWTOOLTIP; tbb.pszButtonName = tbb.pszButtonID = TBB_IDBTN; tbb.pszServiceName = MS_USERINFO_REMINDER_CHECK; tbb.pszTooltipDn = tbb.pszTooltipUp = LPGEN("Check anniversaries"); tbb.hPrimaryIconHandle = tbb.hSecondaryIconHandle = IcoLib_RegisterIconHandle(TBB_ICONAME, tbb.pszButtonName, SECT_TOOLBAR, IDI_BIRTHDAY, 0); CallService(MS_TB_ADDBUTTON, 0, (LPARAM) &tbb); } /*********************************************************************************************************** * services ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * This is the service function for MS_USERINFO_REMINDER_CHECK. * * @param: wParam - not used * @param: lParam - not used * * @return 0 **/ static INT_PTR CheckService(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (gRemindOpts.RemindState != REMIND_OFF) { SvcReminderCheckAll(NOTIFY_NOANNIV); } return 0; } /** * This is the service function for MS_USERINFO_REMINDER_AGGRASIVEBACKUP. * * @param hContact - handle to single contact or NULL to backup all * @param lParam - if 1, the messagebox will not be displayed * * return: 0 **/ static INT_PTR BackupBirthdayService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; MAnnivDate mdb; if (hContact) { if (!mdb.DBGetBirthDate(hContact)) { mdb.BackupBirthday(hContact, NULL, TRUE); } } else { WORD a1 = 0; //walk through all the contacts stored in the DB for (hContact = DB::Contact::FindFirst(); hContact != NULL; hContact = DB::Contact::FindNext(hContact)) { if (!DB::MetaContact::IsSub(hContact) && !mdb.DBGetBirthDate(hContact)) { mdb.BackupBirthday(hContact, NULL, TRUE, &a1); } } } if (lParam != TRUE) { MSGBOX mBox; mBox.cbSize = sizeof(MSGBOX); mBox.hParent = NULL; mBox.hiLogo = IcoLib_GetIcon(ICO_COMMON_BIRTHDAY); mBox.uType = MB_ICON_INFO; mBox.ptszTitle = TranslateT("Update custom birthday"); mBox.ptszMsg = TranslateT("Backing up and syncing all birthdays complete!"); MsgBoxService(NULL, (LPARAM)&mBox); } return 0; } /** * This function returns a constant pointer to the module the date should be saved to * * @param none * * @return module to write birthday information to, MOD_MBIRTHDAY by default **/ LPCSTR SvcReminderGetMyBirthdayModule() { return ((DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_BIRTHMODULE, DEFVAL_REMIND_BIRTHMODULE) == 1) ? USERINFO : MOD_MBIRTHDAY); } /*********************************************************************************************************** * timer stuff ***********************************************************************************************************/ /** * Timer procedure, called if date changed. This updates clist icons. * * @param hwnd - not used * @param uMsg - not used * @param idEvent - not used * @param dwTime - not used * @return nothing **/ static VOID CALLBACK TimerProc_DateChanged(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD) { static MTime last; MTime now; now.GetLocalTime(); if (now.Day() > last.Day() || now.Month() > last.Month() || now.Year() > last.Year()) { SvcReminderCheckAll(NOTIFY_CLIST); last = now; } } /** * Timer procedure, called again and again if the notification interval ellapsed * * @param hwnd - not used * @param uMsg - not used * @param idEvent - not used * @param dwTime - not used * * @return nothing **/ static VOID CALLBACK TimerProc_Check(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD) { SvcReminderCheckAll(NOTIFY_POPUP); } /** * Load timers or update them. * * @param bStartup - is only TRUE if module is loaded to indicate startup process * * @return nothing **/ static VOID UpdateTimer(BOOLEAN bStartup) { LONG wNotifyInterval = 60 * 60 * (LONG)DB::Setting::GetWord(MODNAME, SET_REMIND_NOTIFYINTERVAL, DEFVAL_REMIND_NOTIFYINTERVAL); MTime now, last; now.GetTimeUTC(); if (bStartup) { last.DBGetStamp(NULL, MODNAME, SET_REMIND_LASTCHECK); // if last check occured at least one day before just do it on startup again if (now.Year() > last.Year() || now.Month() > last.Month() || now.Day() > last.Day() || DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_CHECKON_STARTUP, FALSE)) wNotifyInterval = 5; else wNotifyInterval -= now.Compare(last); ghRemindDateChangeTimer = SetTimer(0, 0, 1000 * 60 * 5, (TIMERPROC)TimerProc_DateChanged); } else { now.DBWriteStamp(NULL, MODNAME, SET_REMIND_LASTCHECK); } // wait at least 5 seconds before checking at startup, to give miranda a better chance to load faster KillTimer(0, ghRemindTimer); ghRemindTimer = SetTimer(0, 0, 1000 * wNotifyInterval, TimerProc_Check); } /*********************************************************************************************************** * module loading & unloading ***********************************************************************************************************/ VOID SvcReminderEnable(BOOLEAN bEnable) { if (bEnable) // Reminder is on { if (myGlobals.ExtraIconsServiceExist && (ExtraIcon == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { EXTRAICON_INFO ico = {0}; ico.type = EXTRAICON_TYPE_ICOLIB; ico.cbSize=sizeof(ico); ico.name="Reminder"; ico.description="Reminder (uinfoex)"; ico.descIcon=ICO_COMMON_ANNIVERSARY; ExtraIcon=(HANDLE)CallService(MS_EXTRAICON_REGISTER, (WPARAM)&ico, 0); ZeroMemory(&ico,sizeof(ico)); } // init hooks if (!ghCListIR) { ghCListIR = HookEvent(ME_CLIST_EXTRA_LIST_REBUILD, (MIRANDAHOOK)OnCListRebuildIcons); } if (!ghCListIA) { ghCListIA = HookEvent(ME_CLIST_EXTRA_IMAGE_APPLY, (MIRANDAHOOK)OnCListApplyIcon); } if (!ghSettingsChanged && !myGlobals.UseDbxTree) { ghSettingsChanged = HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, (MIRANDAHOOK)OnContactSettingChanged); } // reinit reminder options gRemindOpts.RemindState = DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_ENABLED, DEFVAL_REMIND_ENABLED); gRemindOpts.wDaysEarlier = DB::Setting::GetWord(SET_REMIND_OFFSET, DEFVAL_REMIND_OFFSET); gRemindOpts.bCListExtraIcon = DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_EXTRAICON, 1); gRemindOpts.bCheckVisibleOnly = DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_CHECKVISIBLE, DEFVAL_REMIND_CHECKVISIBLE); gRemindOpts.bFlashCList = DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_FLASHICON, FALSE); gRemindOpts.bPopups = ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPT) && DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_POPUP_ENABLED, DEFVAL_POPUP_ENABLED); // init the timer UpdateTimer(TRUE); } else // Reminder is off { HANDLE hContact; for (hContact = DB::Contact::FindFirst(); hContact != NULL; hContact = DB::Contact::FindNext(hContact)) { NotifyWithExtraIcon(hContact, CEvent()); } gRemindOpts.RemindState = REMIND_OFF; SvcReminderUnloadModule(); } } /** * This function is called by Miranda just after loading all system modules. * * @param none * * @return nothing **/ VOID SvcReminderOnModulesLoaded(VOID) { // init clist extra icon structure OnCListRebuildIcons(0, 0); SvcReminderEnable(DB::Setting::GetByte(SET_REMIND_ENABLED, DEFVAL_REMIND_ENABLED) != REMIND_OFF); } /** * This function initially loads all required stuff for reminder. * * @param none * * @return nothing **/ VOID SvcReminderLoadModule(VOID) { // init sounds SKINSOUNDDESCEX ssd = { 0 }; ssd.cbSize = SKINSOUNDDESC_SIZE_V1; ssd.pszSection = LPGEN(MODNAME); ssd.pszName = SOUND_BIRTHDAY_TODAY; ssd.pszDescription = LPGEN("Birthday reminder"); ssd.pszDefaultFile = "Sounds\\BirthDay.wav"; CallService(MS_SKIN_ADDNEWSOUND, 0, (LPARAM)&ssd); ssd.pszName = SOUND_BIRTHDAY_SOON; ssd.pszDescription = LPGEN("Birthday reminder: it's coming"); ssd.pszDefaultFile = "Sounds\\BirthDayComing.wav"; CallService(MS_SKIN_ADDNEWSOUND, 0, (LPARAM)&ssd); ssd.pszName = SOUND_ANNIVERSARY; ssd.pszDescription = LPGEN("Anniversary Reminder"); ssd.pszDefaultFile = "Sounds\\Reminder.wav"; CallService(MS_SKIN_ADDNEWSOUND, 0, (LPARAM)&ssd); // create service functions myCreateServiceFunction(MS_USERINFO_REMINDER_CHECK, CheckService); myCreateServiceFunction(MS_USERINFO_REMINDER_AGGRASIVEBACKUP, BackupBirthdayService); HOTKEYDESC hk = { 0 }; hk.cbSize = sizeof(HOTKEYDESC); hk.pszSection = MODNAME; hk.pszName = "ReminderCheck"; hk.pszDescription = LPGEN("Check anniversaries"); hk.pszService = MS_USERINFO_REMINDER_CHECK; CallService(MS_HOTKEY_REGISTER, NULL, (LPARAM)&hk); } /** * This function unloads the reminder module. * * @param none * * @return nothing **/ VOID SvcReminderUnloadModule(VOID) { // kill timers KillTimer(0, ghRemindTimer); ghRemindTimer = 0; KillTimer(0, ghRemindDateChangeTimer); ghRemindDateChangeTimer = 0; // unhook event handlers UnhookEvent(ghCListIR); ghCListIR = 0; UnhookEvent(ghCListIA); ghCListIA = 0; UnhookEvent(ghSettingsChanged); ghSettingsChanged = 0; }