{$INCLUDE compilers.inc} {$IFDEF Miranda} {.$DEFINE Use_MMI} {$ENDIF} unit common; interface uses windows {$IFDEF Miranda} ,m_api {$ENDIF} ; Const {- Character sets -} sBinNum = ['0'..'1']; sOctNum = ['0'..'7']; sNum = ['0'..'9']; sHexNum = ['0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f']; sWord = ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z','_',#128..#255]; sIdFirst = ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','_']; sLatWord = ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z','_']; sWordOnly = ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']; sSpace = [#9,' ']; sEmpty = [#9,#10,#13,' ']; const HexDigitChrLo: array [0..15] of AnsiChar = ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7', '8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'); HexDigitChr : array [0..15] of AnsiChar = ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7', '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'); var IsW2K, IsVista, IsAnsi:boolean; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:integer ):integer; overload; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; overload; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:pWideChar):pWideChar; overload; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:Extended ):Extended; overload; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:tDateTime):tDateTime; overload; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:pointer ):pointer; overload; function IIF(cond:bool;const ret1,ret2:string):string; overload; {$IFNDEF DELPHI_7_UP} function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:variant ):variant; overload; {$ENDIF} function Min(a,b:integer):integer; function Max(a,b:integer):integer; function GetImageType (buf:pByte;mime:PAnsiChar=nil):dword; function GetImageTypeW(buf:pByte;mime:PWideChar=nil):int64; //----- Clipboard ----- procedure CopyToClipboard(txt:pointer; Ansi:bool); function PasteFromClipboard(Ansi:boolean;cp:dword=CP_ACP):pointer; //----- Memory ----- function mGetMem (var dst;size:integer):pointer; procedure mFreeMem(var ptr); function mReallocMem(var dst; size:integer):pointer; procedure FillWord(var buf;count:cardinal;value:word); register; function CompareMem(P1, P2: pointer; Length: integer): Boolean; procedure ShowDump(ptr:pbyte;len:integer); function BSwap(value:dword):dword; function Hash(s:pointer; len:integer{const Seed: longword=$9747b28c}): LongWord; type tSortProc = function (First,Second:integer):integer; {0=equ; 1=1st>2nd; -1=1st<2nd } procedure ShellSort(size:integer;Compare,Swap:tSortProc); //----- String processing ----- function FormatStrW (fmt:pWideChar; const arr:array of pWideChar):pWideChar; function FormatSimpleW(fmt:pWideChar; const arr:array of const):pWideChar; const SIGN_UNICODE = $FEFF; SIGN_REVERSEBOM = $FFFE; SIGN_UTF8 = $BFBBEF; const CP_ACP = 0; CP_UTF8 = 65001; CP_UNICODE = 1200; CP_REVERSEBOM = 65534; // trying to recognize text encoding. Returns CP_ function GetTextFormat(Buffer:pByte;sz:cardinal):integer; //----- Encoding conversion ----- function WideToCombo(src:PWideChar;var dst;cp:integer=CP_ACP):integer; function ChangeUnicode(str:PWideChar):PWideChar; function UTF8Len(src:PAnsiChar):integer; function WideToAnsi(src:PWideChar;var dst:PAnsiChar;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PAnsiChar; function AnsiToWide(src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PWideChar;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PWideChar; function AnsiToUTF8(src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PAnsiChar;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PAnsiChar; function UTF8ToAnsi(src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PAnsiChar;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PAnsiChar; function UTF8ToWide(src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PWideChar;len:cardinal=cardinal(-1)):PWideChar; function WideToUTF8(src:PWideChar;var dst:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function CharWideToUTF8(src:WideChar;var dst:pAnsiChar):integer; function CharUTF8ToWide(src:pAnsiChar;pin:pinteger=nil):WideChar; function CharUTF8Len(src:pAnsiChar):integer; function FastWideToAnsiBuf(src:PWideChar;dst:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=cardinal(-1)):PAnsiChar; function FastAnsiToWideBuf(src:PAnsiChar;dst:PWideChar;len:cardinal=cardinal(-1)):PWideChar; function FastWideToAnsi (src:PWideChar;var dst:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function FastAnsiToWide (src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PWideChar):PWideChar; // encode/decode text (URL coding) function Encode(dst,src:pAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function Decode(dst,src:pAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; // '\n'(#13#10) and '\t' (#9) (un)escaping function UnEscape(buf:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function Escape (buf:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; procedure UpperCase(src:pWideChar); procedure LowerCase(src:pWideChar); //----- base strings functions ----- function StrDup (var dst:PAnsiChar;src:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=0):PAnsiChar; function StrDupW(var dst:PWideChar;src:PWideChar;len:cardinal=0):PWideChar; function StrDelete (aStr:PAnsiChar;pos,len:cardinal):PAnsiChar; function StrDeleteW(aStr:PWideChar;pos,len:cardinal):PWideChar; function StrInsert (substr,src:PAnsiChar;pos:cardinal):PAnsiChar; function StrInsertW(substr,src:PWideChar;pos:cardinal):PWideChar; function StrReplace (src,SubStr,NewStr:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function StrReplaceW(src,SubStr,NewStr:pWideChar):PWideChar; function CharReplace (dst:pAnsiChar;old,new:AnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function CharReplaceW(dst:pWideChar;old,new:WideChar):PWideChar; function StrCmp (a,b:PAnsiChar;n:integer=0):integer; function StrCmpW(a,b:PWideChar;n:integer=0):integer; function StrEnd (const a:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function StrEndW(const a:PWideChar):PWideChar; function StrScan (src:PAnsiChar;c:AnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function StrScanW(src:PWideChar;c:WideChar):PWideChar; function StrRScan (src:PAnsiChar;c:AnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function StrRScanW(src:PWideChar;c:WideChar):PWideChar; function StrLen (Str: PAnsiChar): Cardinal; function StrLenW(Str: PWideChar): Cardinal; function StrCat (Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; function StrCatW(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; function StrCatE (Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; function StrCatEW(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; function StrCopyE (dst:PAnsiChar;src:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=0):PAnsiChar; function StrCopyEW(dst:PWideChar;src:PWideChar;len:cardinal=0):PWideChar; function StrCopy (dst:PAnsiChar;src:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=0):PAnsiChar; function StrCopyW(dst:PWideChar;src:PWideChar;len:cardinal=0):PWideChar; function StrPos (const aStr, aSubStr: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; function StrPosW(const aStr, aSubStr: PWideChar): PWideChar; function StrIndex (const aStr, aSubStr: PAnsiChar):integer; function StrIndexW(const aStr, aSubStr: PWideChar):integer; function GetPairChar(ch:AnsiChar):AnsiChar; overload; function GetPairChar(ch:WideChar):WideChar; overload; //----- String/number conversion ----- function IntToHex(dst:pWideChar;Value:int64;Digits:integer=0):pWideChar; overload; function IntToHex(dst:PAnsiChar;Value:int64;Digits:integer=0):PAnsiChar; overload; function IntToStr(dst:pWideChar;Value:int64;Digits:integer=0):pWideChar; overload; function IntToStr(dst:PAnsiChar;Value:int64;Digits:integer=0):PAnsiChar; overload; function StrToInt(src:pWideChar):int64; overload; function StrToInt(src:PAnsiChar):int64; overload; function HexToInt(src:pWideChar;len:cardinal=$FFFF):int64; overload; function HexToInt(src:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=$FFFF):int64; overload; function NumToInt(src:pWideChar):int64; overload; function NumToInt(src:pAnsiChar):int64; overload; //----- Date and Time ----- const SecondsPerDay = 24*60*60; // Days between 1/1/0001 and 12/31/1899 DateDelta = 693594; // Days between TDateTime basis (12/31/1899) and Unix time_t basis (1/1/1970) UnixDateDelta = 25569; // Days between Unix time_t basis (1/1/1970) and Windows timestamp (1/1/1601) WinDateDelta = 134774; // function IsLeapYear(Year:word):Boolean; function EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Sec: cardinal):TDateTime; function EncodeDate(Year, Month , Day: cardinal):TDateTime; function Timestamp(Year,Month,Day:cardinal;Hour:cardinal=0;Minute:cardinal=0;Sec:cardinal=0):dword; function GetCurrentTime:dword; procedure UnixTimeToFileTime(ts:int_ptr; var pft:TFILETIME); function FileTimeToUnixTime(const pft: TFILETIME):int_ptr; function TimeStampToLocalTimeStamp(ts:int_ptr):int_ptr; function TimestampToDateTime(ts:int_ptr):TDateTime; function TimeToInt(stime:PAnsiChar):integer; overload; function TimeToInt(stime:PWideChar):integer; overload; function IntToTime(dst:pWideChar;time:integer):pWideChar; overload; function IntToTime(dst:PAnsiChar;time:integer):PAnsiChar; overload; { filesize to string conversion value - filelength divider - 1=byte; 1024=kbyte; 1024*1024 - Mbyte prec - numbers after point (1-3) post - 0=none 1=(small)' bytes','kb','mb' 2=(mix) ' Bytes','Kb','Mb' 3=(caps) '' ,'KB','MB' postfix calculated from 'divider' value } function IntToK(dst:pWideChar;value,divider,prec,post:integer):pWideChar; // filename work function ChangeExt (src,ext:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; function ChangeExtW(src,ext:PWideChar):PWideChar; function Extract (s:PAnsiChar;name:Boolean=true):PAnsiChar; function ExtractW(s:pWideChar;name:Boolean=true):pWideChar; function GetExt(fname,dst:pWideChar;maxlen:dword=100):pWideChar; overload; function GetExt(fname,dst:PAnsiChar;maxlen:dword=100):PAnsiChar; overload; function isPathAbsolute(path:pWideChar):boolean; overload; function isPathAbsolute(path:PAnsiChar):boolean; overload; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- implementation const IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ASCII16 = $1; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_ASCII16 = $10; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_STATISTICS = $2; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_STATISTICS = $20; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_CONTROLS = $4; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_CONTROLS = $40; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_SIGNATURE = $8; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_SIGNATURE = $80; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ILLEGAL_CHARS = $100; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ODD_LENGTH = $200; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_DBCS_LEADBYTE = $400; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_NULL_BYTES = $1000; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_UNICODE_MASK = $F; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_MASK = $F0; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_NOT_UNICODE_MASK = $F00; IS_TEXT_UNICODE_NOT_ASCII_MASK = $F000; function IsTextUTF8(Buffer:pbyte;Length:integer):boolean; var Ascii:boolean; Octets:cardinal; c:byte; begin Ascii:=true; Octets:=0; if Length=0 then Length:=-1; repeat if (Length=0) or (Buffer^=0) then break; dec(Length); c:=Buffer^; if (c and $80)<>0 then Ascii:=false; if Octets<>0 then begin if (c and $C0)<>$80 then begin result:=false; exit; end; dec(Octets); end else begin if (c and $80)<>0 then begin while (c and $80)<>0 do begin c:=c shl 1; inc(Octets); end; dec(Octets); if Octets=0 then begin result:=false; exit; end; end end; inc(Buffer); until false; result:= not ((Octets>0) or Ascii); end; function GetTextFormat(Buffer:pByte;sz:cardinal):integer; var test:integer; begin result:=-1; if sz>=2 then begin if pword (Buffer)^ =SIGN_UNICODE then result := CP_UNICODE else if pword (Buffer)^ =SIGN_REVERSEBOM then result := CP_REVERSEBOM else if (sz>=4) and ((pdword(Buffer)^ and $00FFFFFF)=SIGN_UTF8) then result := CP_UTF8; end; if result<0 then begin test:= IS_TEXT_UNICODE_STATISTICS or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_STATISTICS or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_CONTROLS or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_CONTROLS or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ILLEGAL_CHARS or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ODD_LENGTH or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_NULL_BYTES; if not odd(sz) and IsTextUnicode(Buffer,sz,@test) then begin if (test and (IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ODD_LENGTH or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ILLEGAL_CHARS))=0 then begin if (test and (IS_TEXT_UNICODE_NULL_BYTES or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_CONTROLS or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_CONTROLS))<>0 then begin if (test and (IS_TEXT_UNICODE_CONTROLS or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_STATISTICS))<>0 then result:=CP_UNICODE else if (test and (IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_CONTROLS or IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_STATISTICS))<>0 then result:=CP_REVERSEBOM; end end end else if IsTextUTF8(Buffer,sz) then result:=CP_UTF8 else result:=CP_ACP; end; end; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:integer):integer; overload;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if cond then result:=ret1 else result:=ret2; end; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; overload;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if cond then result:=ret1 else result:=ret2; end; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:pWideChar):pWideChar; overload;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if cond then result:=ret1 else result:=ret2; end; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:Extended):Extended; overload;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if cond then result:=ret1 else result:=ret2; end; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:tDateTime):tDateTime; overload;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if cond then result:=ret1 else result:=ret2; end; function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:pointer):pointer; overload;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if cond then result:=ret1 else result:=ret2; end; function IIF(cond:bool;const ret1,ret2:string):string; overload;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if cond then result:=ret1 else result:=ret2; end; {$IFNDEF DELPHI_7_UP} function IIF(cond:bool;ret1,ret2:variant):variant; overload;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if cond then result:=ret1 else result:=ret2; end; {$ENDIF} function Min(a,b:integer):integer;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if a>b then result:=b else result:=a; end; function Max(a,b:integer):integer;{$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF} begin if a<b then result:=b else result:=a; end; const mimecnt = 5; mimes:array [0..mimecnt-1] of record mime:PAnsiChar; ext:array [0..3] of AnsiChar end = ( (mime:'image/gif' ; ext:'GIF'), (mime:'image/jpg' ; ext:'JPG'), (mime:'image/jpeg'; ext:'JPG'), (mime:'image/png' ; ext:'PNG'), (mime:'image/bmp' ; ext:'BMP') ); function GetImageType(buf:pByte;mime:PAnsiChar=nil):dword; var i:integer; begin result:=0; if (mime<>nil) and (mime^<>#0) then begin for i:=0 to mimecnt-1 do begin if {lstrcmpia}StrCmp(mime,mimes[i].mime)=0 then begin result:=dword(mimes[i].ext); exit; end; end; end else if buf<>nil then begin if (pdword(buf)^ and $F0FFFFFF)=$E0FFD8FF then result:=$0047504A // 'JPG' else if pdword(buf)^=$38464947 then result:=$00464947 // 'GIF' else if pdword(buf)^=$474E5089 then result:=$00474E50 // 'PNG' else if pword (buf)^=$4D42 then result:=$00504D42 // 'BMP' end; end; function GetImageTypeW(buf:pByte;mime:PWideChar=nil):int64; var i:integer; lmime:array [0..63] of AnsiChar; begin result:=0; if (mime<>nil) and (mime^<>#0) then begin FastWideToAnsiBuf(mime,lmime); for i:=0 to mimecnt-1 do begin if {lstrcmpia}StrCmp(lmime,mimes[i].mime)=0 then begin // result:=dword(mimes[i].ext); FastAnsiToWideBuf(mimes[i].ext,PWideChar(@result)); exit; end; end; end else if buf<>nil then begin if (pdword(buf)^ and $F0FFFFFF)=$E0FFD8FF then result:=$000000470050004A // 'JPG' else if pdword(buf)^=$38464947 then result:=$0000004600490047 // 'GIF' else if pdword(buf)^=$474E5089 then result:=$00000047004E0050 // 'PNG' else if pword (buf)^=$4D42 then result:=$00000050004D0042 // 'BMP' end; end; //----- Clipboard ----- procedure CopyToClipboard(txt:pointer; Ansi:bool); var s:pointer; fh:THANDLE; begin if pointer(txt)=nil then exit; if Ansi then begin if PAnsiChar(txt)^=#0 then exit end else if PWideChar(txt)^=#0 then exit; if OpenClipboard(0) then begin if Ansi then begin fh:=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE+GMEM_DDESHARE,(StrLen(PAnsiChar(txt))+1)); s:=GlobalLock(fh); StrCopy(s,PAnsiChar(txt)); end else begin fh:=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE+GMEM_DDESHARE, (StrLenW(PWideChar(txt))+1)*SizeOf(WideChar)); s:=GlobalLock(fh); StrCopyW(s,PWideChar(txt)); end; GlobalUnlock(fh); EmptyClipboard; if Ansi then SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT,fh) else SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT,fh); CloseClipboard; end; end; function PasteFromClipboard(Ansi:boolean;cp:dword=CP_ACP):pointer; var p:pWideChar; fh:THANDLE; begin result:=nil; if OpenClipboard(0) then begin if not Ansi then begin fh:=GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if fh<>0 then begin p:=GlobalLock(fh); StrDupW(pWideChar(result),p); end else begin fh:=GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if fh<>0 then begin p:=GlobalLock(fh); AnsiToWide(PAnsiChar(p),pWideChar(result),cp); end; end; end else begin fh:=GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if fh<>0 then begin p:=GlobalLock(fh); StrDup(PAnsiChar(result),PAnsiChar(p)); end; end; if fh<>0 then GlobalUnlock(fh); CloseClipboard; end end; procedure CheckSystem; var ovi:TOSVersionInfo; begin ovi.dwOSVersionInfoSize:=SizeOf(TOSVersionInfo); GetVersionEx(ovi); //VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT for 2KXP with ovi do begin IsAnsi :=dwPlatformId=VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS; IsW2K :=(dwMajorVersion=5) and (dwMinorVersion=0); IsVista:=(dwMajorVersion=6) and (dwMinorVersion=0); end; end; // --------- string conversion ---------- function WideToCombo(src:PWideChar;var dst;cp:integer=CP_ACP):integer; var pc:PAnsiChar; i,j:Cardinal; begin WideToAnsi(src,pc,cp); j:=StrLen(pc)+1; i:=j+(StrLenW(src)+1)*SizeOf(WideChar); mGetMem(PAnsiChar(dst),i); StrCopy(PAnsiChar(dst),pc); mFreeMem(pc); StrCopyW(pWideChar(PAnsiChar(dst)+j),src); result:=i; end; function ChangeUnicode(str:PWideChar):PWideChar; var i,len:integer; begin result:=str; if (str=nil) or (str^=#0) then exit; if (word(str^)=$FFFE) or (word(str^)=$FEFF) then begin len:=StrLenW(str); if word(str^)=$FFFE then begin i:=len-1; while i>0 do // str^<>#0 begin pword(str)^:=swap(pword(str)^); inc(str); dec(i); end; end; move((result+1)^,result^,len*SizeOf(WideChar)); end; end; function WideToAnsi(src:PWideChar;var dst:PAnsiChar; cp:dword=CP_ACP):PAnsiChar; var len,l:integer; begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then begin mGetMem(result,SizeOf(AnsiChar)); result^:=#0; end else begin l:=StrLenW(src); len:=WideCharToMultiByte(cp,0,src,l,NIL,0,NIL,NIL)+1; mGetMem(result,len); FillChar(result^,len,0); WideCharToMultiByte(cp,0,src,l,result,len,NIL,NIL); end; dst:=result; end; function AnsiToWide(src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PWideChar; cp:dword=CP_ACP):PWideChar; var len,l:integer; begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then begin mGetMem(result,SizeOf(WideChar)); result^:=#0; end else begin l:=StrLen(src); len:=MultiByteToWideChar(cp,0,src,l,NIL,0)+1; mGetMem(result,len*SizeOf(WideChar)); FillChar(result^,len*SizeOf(WideChar),0); MultiByteToWideChar(cp,0,src,l,result,len); end; dst:=result; end; function AnsiToUTF8(src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PAnsiChar;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PAnsiChar; var tmp:PWideChar; begin AnsiToWide(src,tmp,cp); result:=WideToUTF8(tmp,dst); mFreeMem(tmp); end; function UTF8Len(src:PAnsiChar):integer; // w/o zero begin result:=0; if src<>nil then begin if (pdword(src)^ and $00FFFFFF)=SIGN_UTF8 then inc(src,3); while src^<>#0 do begin if (ord(src^) and $80)=0 then else if (ord(src^) and $E0)=$E0 then inc(src,2) else inc(src); inc(result); inc(src); end; end; end; function CalcUTF8Len(src:pWideChar):integer; begin result:=0; if src<>nil then begin while src^<>#0 do begin if src^<#$0080 then else if src^<#$0800 then inc(result) else inc(result,2); inc(src); inc(result); end; end; end; function CharWideToUTF8(src:WideChar;var dst:pAnsiChar):integer; begin if src<#$0080 then begin dst^:=AnsiChar(src); result:=1; end else if src<#$0800 then begin dst^:=AnsiChar($C0 or (ord(src) shr 6)); inc(dst); dst^:=AnsiChar($80 or (ord(src) and $3F)); result:=2; end else begin dst^:=AnsiChar($E0 or (ord(src) shr 12)); inc(dst); dst^:=AnsiChar($80 or ((ord(src) shr 6) and $3F)); inc(dst); dst^:=AnsiChar($80 or (ord(src) and $3F)); result:=3; end; inc(dst); dst^:=#0; end; function CharUTF8ToWide(src:pAnsiChar;pin:pinteger=nil):WideChar; var cnt:integer; w:word; begin if ord(src^)<$80 then begin w:=ord(src^); cnt:=1; end else if (ord(src^) and $E0)=$E0 then begin w:=(ord(src^) and $1F) shl 12; inc(src); w:=w or (((ord(src^))and $3F) shl 6); inc(src); w:=w or (ord(src^) and $3F); cnt:=3; end else begin w:=(ord(src^) and $3F) shl 6; inc(src); w:=w or (ord(src^) and $3F); cnt:=2; end; if pin<>nil then pin^:=cnt; result:=WideChar(w); end; function CharUTF8Len(src:pAnsiChar):integer; begin {!!} if (ord(src^) and $80)=0 then result:=1 else if (ord(src^) and $E0)=$E0 then result:=3 else result:=2; {} end; function UTF8ToWide(src:PAnsiChar; var dst:PWideChar; len:cardinal=cardinal(-1)):PWideChar; var w:word; p:PWideChar; begin mGetMem(dst,(UTF8Len(src)+1)*SizeOf(WideChar)); p:=dst; if src<>nil then begin if (pdword(src)^ and $00FFFFFF)=SIGN_UTF8 then inc(src,3); while (src^<>#0) and (len>0) do begin if ord(src^)<$80 then w:=ord(src^) else if (ord(src^) and $E0)=$E0 then begin w:=(ord(src^) and $1F) shl 12; inc(src); dec(len); w:=w or (((ord(src^))and $3F) shl 6); inc(src); dec(len); w:=w or (ord(src^) and $3F); end else begin w:=(ord(src^) and $3F) shl 6; inc(src); dec(len); w:=w or (ord(src^) and $3F); end; p^:=WideChar(w); inc(p); inc(src); dec(len); end; end; p^:=#0; result:=dst; end; function UTF8ToAnsi(src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PAnsiChar;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PAnsiChar; var tmp:pWideChar; begin UTF8ToWide(src,tmp); result:=WideToAnsi(tmp,dst,cp); mFreeMem(tmp); end; function WidetoUTF8(src:PWideChar; var dst:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; var p:PAnsiChar; begin mGetMem(dst,CalcUTF8Len(src)+1); p:=dst; if src<>nil then begin while src^<>#0 do begin if src^<#$0080 then p^:=AnsiChar(src^) else if src^<#$0800 then begin p^:=AnsiChar($C0 or (ord(src^) shr 6)); inc(p); p^:=AnsiChar($80 or (ord(src^) and $3F)); end else begin p^:=AnsiChar($E0 or (ord(src^) shr 12)); inc(p); p^:=AnsiChar($80 or ((ord(src^) shr 6) and $3F)); inc(p); p^:=AnsiChar($80 or (ord(src^) and $3F)); end; inc(p); inc(src); end; end; p^:=#0; result:=dst; end; //----- Memory ----- procedure FillWord(var buf;count:cardinal;value:word); register; {$IFNDEF WIN64}assembler; { PUSH EDI MOV EDI, ECX // Move Value To Write MOV ECX, EDX // Move Number to ECX for countdown MOV EDX, EAX // Move over buffer MOV EAX, EDI // Value to Write needs to be here MOV EDI, EDX // Pointer to Buffer[0] REP STOSW POP EDI } asm push edi mov edi,buf // destination mov ax,value // value mov ecx,count // count rep stosw pop edi { push edi mov edi,eax // destination mov ax,cx // value mov ecx,edx // count rep stosw pop edi } end; {$ELSE} var ptr:pword; i:integer; begin ptr:=pword(@buf); for i:=0 to count-1 do begin ptr^:=value; inc(ptr); end; end; {$ENDIF} // from SysUtils { Delphi 7.0 function CompareMem(P1, P2: pointer; Length: integer): Boolean; assembler; asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV ESI,P1 MOV EDI,P2 MOV EDX,ECX XOR EAX,EAX AND EDX,3 SAR ECX,2 JS @@1 // Negative Length implies identity. REPE CMPSD JNE @@2 MOV ECX,EDX REPE CMPSB JNE @@2 @@1: INC EAX @@2: POP EDI POP ESI end; } {$IFNDEF WIN64} // Delphi 2009 realization function CompareMem(P1, P2: pointer; Length: integer): Boolean; assembler; asm add eax, ecx add edx, ecx xor ecx, -1 add eax, -8 add edx, -8 add ecx, 9 push ebx jg @Dword mov ebx, [eax+ecx] cmp ebx, [edx+ecx] jne @Ret0 lea ebx, [eax+ecx] add ecx, 4 and ebx, 3 sub ecx, ebx jg @Dword @DwordLoop: mov ebx, [eax+ecx] cmp ebx, [edx+ecx] jne @Ret0 mov ebx, [eax+ecx+4] cmp ebx, [edx+ecx+4] jne @Ret0 add ecx, 8 jg @Dword mov ebx, [eax+ecx] cmp ebx, [edx+ecx] jne @Ret0 mov ebx, [eax+ecx+4] cmp ebx, [edx+ecx+4] jne @Ret0 add ecx, 8 jle @DwordLoop @Dword: cmp ecx, 4 jg @Word mov ebx, [eax+ecx] cmp ebx, [edx+ecx] jne @Ret0 add ecx, 4 @Word: cmp ecx, 6 jg @Byte movzx ebx, word ptr [eax+ecx] cmp bx, [edx+ecx] jne @Ret0 add ecx, 2 @Byte: cmp ecx, 7 jg @Ret1 movzx ebx, byte ptr [eax+7] cmp bl, [edx+7] jne @Ret0 @Ret1: mov eax, 1 pop ebx ret @Ret0: xor eax, eax pop ebx end; {$ELSE} function CompareMem(P1, P2: pointer; Length: integer): Boolean; var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to Length-1 do begin if pByte(p1)^<>pbyte(p2)^ then begin result:=false; exit; end; inc(pbyte(p1)); inc(pbyte(p2)); end; result:=true; end; {$ENDIF} function mGetMem(var dst;size:integer):pointer; begin {$IFDEF Use_MMI} pointer(dst):=mir_alloc(size) {$ELSE} GetMem(pointer(dst),size); {$ENDIF} result:=pointer(dst); end; procedure mFreeMem(var ptr); begin if pointer(ptr)<>nil then begin {$IFDEF UseMMI} mir_free(pointer(ptr)) {$ELSE} FreeMem(pointer(ptr)); {$ENDIF} pointer(ptr):=nil; end; end; function mReallocMem(var dst; size:integer):pointer; begin {$IFDEF Use_MMI} pointer(dst):=mir_realloc(pointer(dst),size) {$ELSE} ReallocMem(pointer(dst),size); {$ENDIF} result:=pointer(dst); end; procedure ShowDump(ptr:pbyte;len:integer); var buf: array of Ansichar; i:integer; p:pAnsiChar; p1:pByte; cnt:integer; begin SetLength(buf,len*4+1); p:=@buf[0]; p1:=ptr; cnt:=0; for i:=0 to len-1 do begin IntToHex(p,p1^,2); inc(p,2); inc(p1); inc(cnt); if cnt=4 then begin cnt:=0; p^:='.'; inc(p); end; end; p^:=#0; messageboxa(0,@buf[0],'',0); end; // Murmur 2.0 function Hash(s:pointer; len:integer{const Seed: longword=$9747b28c}): longword; var lhash: longword; k: longword; tmp,data: pByte; const // 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline. // They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well. m = $5bd1e995; r = 24; begin //The default seed, $9747b28c, is from the original C library // Initialize the hash to a 'random' value lhash := {seed xor }len; // Mix 4 bytes at a time into the hash data := s; while(len >= 4) do begin k := PLongWord(data)^; k := k*m; k := k xor (k shr r); k := k*m; lhash := lhash*m; lhash := lhash xor k; inc(data,4); dec(len,4); end; // Handle the last few bytes of the input array if len = 3 then begin tmp:=data; inc(tmp,2); lhash := lhash xor (longword(tmp^) shl 16); end; if len >= 2 then begin tmp:=data; inc(tmp); lhash := lhash xor (longword(tmp^) shl 8); end; if len >= 1 then begin lhash := lhash xor (longword(data^)); lhash := lhash * m; end; // Do a few final mixes of the hash to ensure the last few // bytes are well-incorporated. lhash := lhash xor (lhash shr 13); lhash := lhash * m; lhash := lhash xor (lhash shr 15); Result := lhash; end; function BSwap(value:dword):dword; {$IFNDEF WIN64} begin asm mov eax,value bswap eax mov result,eax end; {$ELSE} begin result:=((value and $000000FF) shl 24) + ((value and $0000FF00) shl 8) + ((value and $00FF0000) shr 8) + ((value and $FF000000) shr 24); {$ENDIF} end; procedure ShellSort(size:integer;Compare,Swap:tSortProc); var i,j,gap:longint; begin gap:=size shr 1; while gap>0 do begin for i:=gap to size-1 do begin j:=i-gap; while (j>=0) and (Compare(j,UInt(j+gap))>0) do begin Swap(j,UInt(j+gap)); dec(j,gap); end; end; gap:=gap shr 1; end; end; function Encode(dst,src:pAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; begin while src^<>#0 do begin if not (src^ in [' ','%','+','&','?',#128..#255]) then dst^:=src^ else begin dst^:='%'; inc(dst); dst^:=HexDigitChr[ord(src^) shr 4]; inc(dst); dst^:=HexDigitChr[ord(src^) and $0F]; end; inc(src); inc(dst); end; dst^:=#0; result:=dst; end; function Decode(dst,src:pAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; begin while (src^<>#0) and (src^<>'&') do begin if (src^='%') and ((src+1)^ in sHexNum) and ((src+2)^ in sHexNum) then begin inc(src); dst^:=AnsiChar(HexToInt(src,2)); inc(src); end else dst^:=src^; inc(dst); inc(src); end; dst^:=#0; result:=dst; end; function UnEscape(buf:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; begin if (buf<>nil) and (buf^<>#0) then begin StrReplace(buf,PAnsiChar(#$7F'n'),PAnsiChar(#$0D#$0A)); StrReplace(buf,PAnsiChar(#$7F't'),PAnsiChar(#$09)); end; result:=buf; end; function Escape(buf:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; var i:integer; begin i:=StrLen(buf); if i<>0 then begin Move(buf^,(buf+1)^,i+1); buf^:=#39; (buf+i+1)^:=#39; (buf+i+2)^:=#0; StrReplace(buf,#$0D#$0A,#$7F'n'); StrReplace(buf,#$09,#$7F't'); end; result:=buf; end; procedure UpperCase(src:pWideChar); var c:WideChar; begin if src<>nil then begin while src^<>#0 do begin c:=src^; if (c>='a') and (c<='z') then src^:=WideChar(ord(c)-$20); inc(src); end; end; end; procedure LowerCase(src:pWideChar); var c:WideChar; begin if src<>nil then begin while src^<>#0 do begin c:=src^; if (c>='A') and (c<='Z') then src^:=WideChar(ord(c)+$20); inc(src); end; end; end; const Posts:array [0..8] of PWideChar = (' bytes',' Bytes','','kb','Kb','KB','mb','Mb','MB'); function IntToK(dst:pWidechar;value,divider,prec,post:integer):pWidechar; var tmp:integer; p:pWideChar; ls:array [0..4] of WideChar; begin result:=dst; IntToStr(dst,value div divider); if divider=1 then prec:=0; while dst^<>#0 do inc(dst); if prec<>0 then begin if prec=1 then prec:=10 else if prec=2 then prec:=100 else {if prec=3 then} prec:=1000; tmp:=round(frac(value*1.0/divider)*prec); dst^:='.'; inc(dst); IntToStr(ls,tmp); p:=ls; while p^<>#0 do begin dst^:=p^; inc(dst); inc(p); end; dst^:=#0; end; if post<>0 then begin if divider=1 then StrCatW(dst,Posts[post-1]) else begin if divider=1024 then tmp:=1 else {if divider=1024*1024 then} tmp:=2; p:=Posts[tmp*3+post-1]; dst^:=p[0]; inc(dst); dst^:=p[1]; inc(dst); dst^:=#0; end; end; end; //----- String processing ----- function FormatStrW(fmt:pWideChar; const arr:array of pWideChar):pWideChar; var i,len:integer; pc:pWideChar; number:integer; begin result:=nil; if (fmt=nil) or (fmt^=#0) then exit; // calculate length len:=StrLenW(fmt); // -2*Length(arr) for i:=0 to HIGH(arr) do inc(len,StrLenW(arr[i])); // format mGetMem(result,(len+1)*SizeOf(WideChar)); pc:=result; number:=0; while fmt^<>#0 do begin if (fmt^='%') and ((fmt+1)^='s') then begin if number<=HIGH(arr) then begin pc:=StrCopyEW(pc,arr[number]); inc(number); end; inc(fmt,2); end else begin pc^:=fmt^; inc(pc); inc(fmt); end; end; pc^:=#0; end; function FormatSimpleW(fmt:pWideChar; const arr:array of const):pWideChar; var i,len:integer; pc:pWideChar; number:integer; begin result:=nil; if (fmt=nil) or (fmt^=#0) then exit; // calculate length len:=StrLenW(fmt); // -2*Length(arr) for i:=0 to HIGH(arr) do begin case arr[i].VType of vtInteger : inc(len,10); // max len of VInteger text vtPWideChar: inc(len,StrLenW(arr[i].VPWideChar)); end; end; // format mGetMem(result,(len+1)*SizeOf(WideChar)); pc:=result; number:=0; while fmt^<>#0 do begin if (fmt^='%') then begin case (fmt+1)^ of 's': begin if number<=HIGH(arr) then begin pc:=StrCopyEW(pc,arr[number].VPWideChar); inc(number); end; inc(fmt,2); end; 'd': begin if number<=HIGH(arr) then begin pc:=StrEndW(IntToStr(pc,arr[number].VInteger)); inc(number); end; inc(fmt,2); end; '%': begin pc^:='%'; inc(pc); inc(fmt,2); end; else pc^:=fmt^; inc(pc); inc(fmt); end; end; end; pc^:=#0; end; // ----- base string functions ----- function StrDup(var dst:PAnsiChar;src:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=0):PAnsiChar; var l:cardinal; p:pAnsiChar; begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then dst:=nil else begin if len=0 then len:=high(cardinal); p:=src; l:=len; while (p^<>#0) and (l>0) do begin inc(p); dec(l); end; l:=p-src; mGetMem(dst,l+1); move(src^, dst^,l); dst[l]:=#0; end; result:=dst; end; function StrDupW(var dst:PWideChar;src:PWideChar;len:cardinal=0):PWideChar; var l:cardinal; p:pWideChar; begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then dst:=nil else begin if len=0 then len:=high(cardinal); p:=src; l:=len; while (p^<>#0) and (l>0) do begin inc(p); dec(l); end; l:=p-src; mGetMem(dst,(l+1)*SizeOf(WideChar)); move(src^, dst^,l*SizeOf(WideChar)); dst[l]:=#0; end; result:=dst; end; function StrCopyE(dst:PAnsiChar;src:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=0):PAnsiChar; var l:cardinal; p:pAnsiChar; begin if dst<>nil then begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then dst^:=#0 else begin if len=0 then len:=high(cardinal); p:=src; l:=len; while (p^<>#0) and (l>0) do begin inc(p); dec(l); end; l:=p-src; move(src^, dst^,l); inc(dst,l); dst^:=#0; end; end; result:=dst; end; function StrCopyEW(dst:PWideChar;src:PWideChar;len:cardinal=0):PWideChar; var l:cardinal; p:pWideChar; begin if dst<>nil then begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then dst^:=#0 else begin if len=0 then len:=high(cardinal); p:=src; l:=len; while (p^<>#0) and (l>0) do begin inc(p); dec(l); end; l:=p-src; move(src^, dst^,l*SizeOf(WideChar)); inc(dst,l); dst^:=#0; end; end; result:=dst; end; function StrCopy(dst:PAnsiChar;src:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=0):PAnsiChar; var l:cardinal; p:pAnsiChar; begin if dst<>nil then begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then dst^:=#0 else begin if len=0 then len:=high(cardinal); p:=src; l:=len; while (p^<>#0) and (l>0) do begin inc(p); dec(l); end; l:=p-src; move(src^, dst^,l); dst[l]:=#0; end; end; result:=dst; end; function StrCopyW(dst:PWideChar;src:PWideChar;len:cardinal=0):PWideChar; var l:cardinal; p:pWideChar; begin if dst<>nil then begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then dst^:=#0 else begin if len=0 then len:=high(cardinal); p:=src; l:=len; while (p^<>#0) and (l>0) do begin inc(p); dec(l); end; l:=p-src; move(src^, dst^,l*SizeOf(WideChar)); dst[l]:=#0; end; end; result:=dst; end; function StrDelete(aStr:PAnsiChar;pos,len:cardinal):PAnsiChar; var i:cardinal; begin if len>0 then begin i:=StrLen(aStr); if pos<i then begin if (pos+len)>i then len:=i-pos; StrCopy(aStr+pos,aStr+pos+len); end; end; result:=aStr; end; function StrDeleteW(aStr:PWideChar;pos,len:cardinal):PWideChar; var i:cardinal; begin if len>0 then begin i:=StrLenW(aStr); if pos<i then begin if (pos+len)>i then len:=i-pos; StrCopyW(aStr+pos,aStr+pos+len); end; end; result:=aStr; end; function StrInsert(substr,src:PAnsiChar;pos:cardinal):PAnsiChar; var i:cardinal; p:PAnsiChar; begin i:=StrLen(substr); if i<>0 then begin p:=src+pos; move(p^,(p+i)^,StrLen(src)-pos+1); move(substr^,p^,i); end; result:=src; end; function StrInsertW(substr,src:PWideChar;pos:cardinal):PWideChar; var i:cardinal; p:PWideChar; begin i:=StrLenW(substr); if i<>0 then begin p:=src+pos; move(p^,(p+i)^,(StrLenW(src)-pos+1)*SizeOf(PWideChar)); move(substr^,p^,i*SizeOf(WideChar)); end; result:=src; end; function StrReplace(src,SubStr,NewStr:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; var i,j,l:integer; k:integer; p:PAnsiChar; begin result:=src; p:=StrPos(src,SubStr); if p=nil then exit; i:=StrLen(SubStr); j:=StrLen(NewStr); l:=i-j; repeat if j=0 then StrCopy(p,p+i) else begin k:=StrLen(p)+1; if l>0 then move((p+l)^,p^,k-l) else if l<>0 then move(p^,(p-l)^,k); move(NewStr^,p^,j); {new characters} inc(p,j); end; p:=StrPos(p,SubStr); if p=nil then break; until false; end; function StrReplaceW(src,SubStr,NewStr:pWideChar):PWideChar; var i,j,l:integer; k:integer; p:PWideChar; begin result:=src; p:=StrPosW(src,SubStr); if p=nil then exit; i:=StrLenW(SubStr); j:=StrLenW(NewStr); l:=i-j; repeat if j=0 then StrCopyW(p,p+i) else begin k:=(StrLenW(p)+1)*SizeOf(WideChar); if l>0 then move((p+l)^,p^,k-l*SizeOf(WideChar)) else if l<>0 then move(p^,(p-l)^,k); move(NewStr^,p^,j*SizeOf(WideChar)); {new characters} inc(p,j); end; p:=StrPosW(p,SubStr); if p=nil then break; until false; end; function CharReplace(dst:pAnsiChar;old,new:AnsiChar):PAnsiChar; begin result:=dst; if dst<>nil then begin while dst^<>#0 do begin if dst^=old then dst^:=new; inc(dst); end; end; end; function CharReplaceW(dst:pWideChar;old,new:WideChar):PWideChar; begin result:=dst; if dst<>nil then begin while dst^<>#0 do begin if dst^=old then dst^:=new; inc(dst); end; end; end; function StrCmp(a,b:PAnsiChar;n:integer=0):integer; // CompareString begin result:=0; if (a=nil) and (b=nil) then exit; if (a=nil) or (b=nil) then begin result:=-1; exit; end; repeat result:=ord(a^)-ord(b^); if (result<>0) or (a^=#0) then break; inc(a); inc(b); dec(n); until n=0; end; function StrCmpW(a,b:PWideChar;n:integer=0):integer; begin result:=0; if (a=nil) and (b=nil) then exit; if (a=nil) or (b=nil) then begin result:=-1; exit; end; repeat result:=ord(a^)-ord(b^); if (result<>0) or (a^=#0) then break; inc(a); inc(b); dec(n); until n=0; end; function StrEnd(const a:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; begin result:=a; if result<>nil then while result^<>#0 do inc(result); end; function StrEndW(const a:PWideChar):PWideChar; begin result:=a; if result<>nil then while result^<>#0 do inc(result); end; function StrScan(src:PAnsiChar;c:AnsiChar):PAnsiChar; begin if src<>nil then begin while (src^<>#0) and (src^<>c) do inc(src); if src^<>#0 then begin result:=src; exit; end; end; result:=nil; end; function StrRScan(src:PAnsiChar;c:AnsiChar):PAnsiChar; begin if src<>nil then begin result:=StrEnd(src); while (result>=src) and (result^<>c) do dec(result); if result<src then result:=nil; end else result:=nil; end; function StrScanW(src:PWideChar;c:WideChar):PWideChar; begin if src<>nil then begin while (src^<>#0) and (src^<>c) do inc(src); if src^<>#0 then begin result:=src; exit; end; end; result:=nil; end; function StrRScanW(src:PWideChar;c:WideChar):PWideChar; begin if src<>nil then begin result:=StrEndW(src); while (result>=src) and (result^<>c) do dec(result); if result<src then result:=nil; end else result:=nil; end; function StrLen(Str: PAnsiChar): Cardinal; var P : PAnsiChar; begin P := Str; if P<>nil then while (P^ <> #0) do Inc(P); Result := (P - Str); end; function StrLenW(Str: PWideChar): Cardinal; var P : PWideChar; begin P := Str; if P<>nil then while (P^ <> #0) do Inc(P); Result := (P - Str); end; function StrCat(Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; begin if Dest<>nil then StrCopy(StrEnd(Dest), Source); Result := Dest; end; function StrCatW(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; begin if Dest<>nil then StrCopyW(StrEndW(Dest), Source); Result := Dest; end; function StrCatE(Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; begin if Dest<>nil then result:=StrCopyE(StrEnd(Dest), Source) else result:=nil; end; function StrCatEW(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; begin if Dest<>nil then result:=StrCopyEW(StrEndW(Dest), Source) else result:=nil; end; function StrPos(const aStr, aSubStr: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; var Str, SubStr: PAnsiChar; Ch: AnsiChar; begin if (aStr = nil) or (aStr^ = #0) or (aSubStr = nil) or (aSubStr^ = #0) then begin Result := nil; Exit; end; Result := aStr; Ch := aSubStr^; repeat if Result^ = Ch then begin Str := Result; SubStr := aSubStr; repeat Inc(Str); Inc(SubStr); if SubStr^ = #0 then exit; if Str^ = #0 then begin Result := nil; exit; end; if Str^ <> SubStr^ then break; until (FALSE); end; Inc(Result); until (Result^ = #0); Result := nil; end; function StrIndex(const aStr, aSubStr: PAnsiChar):integer; var p:pAnsiChar; begin p:=StrPos(aStr,aSubStr); if p=nil then result:=0 else result:=p-aStr+1; end; function StrPosW(const aStr, aSubStr: PWideChar): PWideChar; var Str, SubStr: PWideChar; Ch: WideChar; begin if (aStr = nil) or (aStr^ = #0) or (aSubStr = nil) or (aSubStr^ = #0) then begin Result := nil; Exit; end; Result := aStr; Ch := aSubStr^; repeat if Result^ = Ch then begin Str := Result; SubStr := aSubStr; repeat Inc(Str); Inc(SubStr); if SubStr^ = #0 then exit; if Str^ = #0 then begin Result := nil; exit; end; if Str^ <> SubStr^ then break; until (FALSE); end; Inc(Result); until (Result^ = #0); Result := nil; end; function StrIndexW(const aStr, aSubStr: PWideChar):integer; var p:pWideChar; begin p:=StrPosW(aStr,aSubStr); if p=nil then result:=0 else result:=(p-aStr)+1; //!!!! end; //----- filename work ----- function ChangeExt(src,ext:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; var i,j:integer; begin i:=StrLen(src); j:=i; while (i>0) and (src[i]<>'\') and (src[i]<>':') and (src[i]<>'.') do dec(i); if src[i]<>'.' then begin i:=j; src[i]:='.'; end; if ext=nil then ext:=''; StrCopy(src+i+1,ext); result:=src; end; function ChangeExtW(src,ext:PWideChar):PWideChar; var i,j:integer; begin i:=StrLenW(src); j:=i; while (i>0) and (src[i]<>'\') and (src[i]<>':') and (src[i]<>'.') do dec(i); if src[i]<>'.' then begin i:=j; src[i]:='.'; end; if ext=nil then ext:=''; StrCopyW(src+i+1,ext); result:=src; end; function Extract(s:PAnsiChar;name:Boolean=true):PAnsiChar; var i:integer; begin i:=StrLen(s)-1; // j:=i; while (i>=0) and ((s[i]<>'\') and (s[i]<>'/')) do dec(i); if name then begin StrDup(result,s+i+1); // mGetMem(result,(j-i+1)); // StrCopy(result,s+i+1); end else begin StrDup(result,s,i+1); end; end; function ExtractW(s:pWideChar;name:Boolean=true):pWideChar; var i:integer; begin i:=StrLenW(s)-1; // j:=i; while (i>=0) and ((s[i]<>'\') and (s[i]<>'/')) do dec(i); if name then begin StrDupW(result,s+i+1); // mGetMem(result,(j-i+1)*SizeOf(WideChar)); // StrCopyW(result,s+i+1); end else begin StrDupW(result,s,i+1); end; end; function GetExt(fname,dst:pWideChar;maxlen:dword=100):pWideChar; var ppc,pc:PWideChar; begin result:=dst; dst^:=#0; if (fname<>nil) and (fname^<>#0) then begin pc:=StrEndW(fname)-1; while (pc>fname) and ((pc^='"') or (pc^=' ')) do dec(pc); ppc:=pc+1; while (pc>fname) and (pc^<>'.') do begin if maxlen=0 then exit; if not (AnsiChar(pc^) in ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z']) then exit; dec(maxlen); dec(pc); //empty name not allowed! end; if pc>fname then begin repeat inc(pc); if pc=ppc then begin dst^:=#0; break; end; if (pc^>='a') and (pc^<='z') then dst^:=WideChar(ord(pc^)-$20) else dst^:=pc^; inc(dst); until false; end; end; end; function GetExt(fname,dst:PAnsiChar;maxlen:dword=100):PAnsiChar; var ppc,pc:PAnsiChar; begin result:=dst; dst^:=#0; if (fname<>nil) and (fname^<>#0) then begin pc:=StrEnd(fname)-1; while (pc>fname) and ((pc^='"') or (pc^=' ')) do dec(pc); ppc:=pc+1; while (pc>fname) and (pc^<>'.') do begin if maxlen=0 then exit; if not (AnsiChar(pc^) in ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z']) then exit; dec(maxlen); dec(pc); //empty name not allowed! end; if pc>fname then begin repeat inc(pc); if pc=ppc then begin dst^:=#0; break; end; if (pc^>='a') and (pc^<='z') then dst^:=AnsiChar(ord(pc^)-$20) else dst^:=pc^; inc(dst); until false; end; end; end; function isPathAbsolute(path:pWideChar):boolean; begin result:=((path[1]=':') and (path[2]='\')) or ((path[0]='\') {and (path[1]='\')}) or (StrPosW(path,'://')<>nil); end; function isPathAbsolute(path:pAnsiChar):boolean; begin result:=((path[1]=':') and (path[2]='\')) or ((path[0]='\') {and (path[1]='\')}) or (StrPos(path,'://')<>nil); end; //----- Date and Time ----- type PDayTable = ^TDayTable; TDayTable = array [0..11] of cardinal; const MonthDays: array [Boolean] of TDayTable = ((31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31), (31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)); function IsLeapYear(Year:word):Boolean; begin Result:=(Year mod 4=0) and ((Year mod 100<>0) or (Year mod 400=0)); end; function EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Sec: cardinal): TDateTime; begin result := (Hour*3600 + Minute*60 + Sec) / 86400; end; function EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day: cardinal):TDateTime; var DayTable: PDayTable; begin DayTable := @MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Year)]; dec(Month); while Month>0 do begin dec(Month); inc(Day,DayTable^[Month]); end; dec(Year); result := Year * 365 + Year div 4 - Year div 100 + Year div 400 + Day - DateDelta; end; function Timestamp(Year,Month,Day:cardinal;Hour:cardinal=0;Minute:cardinal=0;Sec:cardinal=0):dword; var t:tDateTime; begin t := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); if t >= 0 then t := t + EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Sec) else t := t - EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Sec); result:=Round((t - UnixDateDelta) * SecondsPerDay); end; function GetCurrentTime:dword; var st:tSystemTime; begin GetSystemTime(st); result:=Timestamp(st.wYear,st.wMonth,st.wDay,st.wHour,st.wMinute,st.wSecond); end; procedure UnixTimeToFileTime(ts:int_ptr; var pft:TFILETIME); var ll:uint64; begin ll := (int64(WinDateDelta)*SecondsPerDay + ts) * 10000000; pft.dwLowDateTime := dword(ll); pft.dwHighDateTime := ll shr 32; end; function FileTimeToUnixTime(const pft: TFILETIME):int_ptr; var ll:uint64; begin ll := (uint64(pft.dwHighDateTime) shl 32) or pft.dwLowDateTime; ll := (ll div 10000000) - int64(WinDateDelta)*SecondsPerDay; result := int_ptr(ll); end; function TimeStampToLocalTimeStamp(ts:int_ptr):int_ptr; var ft,lft:TFileTime; begin UnixTimeToFileTime(ts,ft); FileTimeToLocalFileTime(ft, lft); result:=FileTimeToUnixTime(lft); end; function TimestampToDateTime(ts:int_ptr):TDateTime; begin Result := UnixDateDelta + TimeStampToLocalTimeStamp(ts) / SecondsPerDay; end; function TimeToInt(stime:PAnsiChar):integer; var hour,minute,sec,len,i:integer; begin len:=StrLen(stime); i:=0; sec :=0; minute:=0; hour :=0; while i<len do begin if (stime[i]<'0') or (stime[i]>'9') then begin if minute>0 then hour:=minute; minute:=sec; sec:=0; end else sec:=sec*10+ord(stime[i])-ord('0'); inc(i); end; result:=hour*3600+minute*60+sec; end; function TimeToInt(stime:PWideChar):integer; var buf:array [0..63] of AnsiChar; begin result:=TimeToInt(FastWideToAnsiBuf(stime,buf)); end; function IntToTime(dst:PAnsiChar;time:integer):PAnsiChar; var day,hour,minute,sec:array [0..7] of AnsiChar; d,h:integer; begin result:=dst; h:=time div 3600; dec(time,h*3600); IntToStr(sec,(time mod 60),2); d:=h div 24; if d>0 then begin h:=h mod 24; IntToStr(day,d); dst^:=day[0]; inc(dst); if day[1]<>#0 then // now only 99 days max begin dst^:=day[1]; inc(dst); end; dst^:=' '; inc(dst); end; if h>0 then begin IntToStr(hour,h); IntToStr(minute,(time div 60),2); dst^:=hour[0]; inc(dst); if hour[1]<>#0 then begin dst^:=hour[1]; inc(dst); end; dst^:=':'; inc(dst); dst^:=minute[0]; inc(dst); dst^:=minute[1]; inc(dst); end else begin IntToStr(minute,time div 60); dst^:=minute[0]; inc(dst); if minute[1]<>#0 then begin dst^:=minute[1]; inc(dst); end; end; dst^:=':'; inc(dst); dst^:=sec[0]; inc(dst); dst^:=sec[1]; inc(dst); dst^:=#0; end; function IntToTime(dst:pWideChar;time:integer):pWideChar; var buf:array [0..63] of AnsiChar; begin result:=FastAnsiToWideBuf(IntToTime(buf,time),dst); end; //----- String/number conversion ----- function NumToInt(src:pWideChar):int64; begin result:=0; if src=nil then exit; if (src[0]='$') and (AnsiChar(src[1]) in sHexNum) then result:=HexToInt(src+1) else if (src[0]='0') and (src[1]='x') and (AnsiChar(src[2]) in sHexNum) then result:=HexToInt(src+2) else result:=StrToInt(src); end; function NumToInt(src:pAnsiChar):int64; begin result:=0; if src=nil then exit; if (src[0]='$') and (src[1] in sHexNum) then result:=HexToInt(src+1) else if (src[0]='0') and (src[1]='x') and (src[2] in sHexNum) then result:=HexToInt(src+2) else result:=StrToInt(src); end; function StrToInt(src:pWideChar):int64; var sign:boolean; begin result:=0; if src<>nil then begin sign:=src^='-'; if sign then inc(src); while src^<>#0 do begin if (src^>='0') and (src^<='9') then result:=result*10+ord(src^)-ord('0') else break; inc(src); end; if sign then result:=-result; end; end; function StrToInt(src:PAnsiChar):int64; var sign:boolean; begin result:=0; if src<>nil then begin sign:=src^='-'; if sign then inc(src); while src^<>#0 do begin if (src^>='0') and (src^<='9') then result:=result*10+ord(src^)-ord('0') else break; inc(src); end; if sign then result:=-result; end; end; function IntToStr(dst:PAnsiChar;Value:int64;Digits:integer=0):PAnsiChar; var i:dword; begin if Digits<=0 then begin if Value<0 then Digits:=1 else Digits:=0; i:=ABS(Value); repeat i:=i div 10; inc(Digits); until i=0; end; dst[Digits]:=#0; i:=ABS(Value); repeat dec(Digits); dst[Digits]:=AnsiChar(ord('0')+(i mod 10)); i:=i div 10; if (Value<0) and (Digits=1) then begin dst[0]:='-'; break; end; until Digits=0; result:=dst; end; function IntToStr(dst:pWideChar;Value:int64;Digits:integer=0):pWideChar; var i:dword; begin if Digits<=0 then begin if Value<0 then Digits:=1 else Digits:=0; i:=ABS(Value); repeat i:=i div 10; inc(Digits); until i=0; end; dst[Digits]:=#0; i:=ABS(Value); repeat dec(Digits); dst[Digits]:=WideChar(ord('0')+(i mod 10)); i:=i div 10; if (Value<0) and (Digits=1) then begin dst[0]:='-'; break; end; until Digits=0; result:=dst; end; function HexToInt(src:pWideChar;len:cardinal=$FFFF):int64; begin result:=0; while (src^<>#0) and (len>0) do begin if (src^>='0') and (src^<='9') then result:=result*16+ord(src^)-ord('0') else if ((src^>='A') and (src^<='F')) then result:=result*16+ord(src^)-ord('A')+10 else if ((src^>='a') and (src^<='f')) then result:=result*16+ord(src^)-ord('a')+10 else break; inc(src); dec(len); end; end; function HexToInt(src:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=$FFFF):int64; begin result:=0; while (src^<>#0) and (len>0) do begin if (src^>='0') and (src^<='9') then result:=result*16+ord(src^)-ord('0') else if ((src^>='A') and (src^<='F')) then result:=result*16+ord(src^)-ord('A')+10 else if ((src^>='a') and (src^<='f')) then result:=result*16+ord(src^)-ord('a')+10 else break; inc(src); dec(len); end; end; function IntToHex(dst:pWidechar;Value:int64;Digits:integer=0):pWideChar; var i:dword; begin if Digits<=0 then begin Digits:=0; i:=Value; repeat i:=i shr 4; inc(Digits); until i=0; end; dst[Digits]:=#0; repeat Dec(Digits); dst[Digits]:=WideChar(HexDigitChr[Value and $F]); Value:=Value shr 4; until Digits=0; result:=dst; end; function IntToHex(dst:PAnsiChar;Value:int64;Digits:integer=0):PAnsiChar; var i:dword; begin if Digits<=0 then begin Digits:=0; i:=Value; repeat i:=i shr 4; inc(Digits); until i=0; end; dst[Digits]:=#0; repeat Dec(Digits); dst[Digits]:=HexDigitChr[Value and $F]; Value:=Value shr 4; until Digits=0; result:=dst; end; function GetPairChar(ch:AnsiChar):AnsiChar; begin case ch of '[': result:=']'; '<': result:='>'; '(': result:=')'; '{': result:='}'; else // ' and " too result:=ch; end; end; function GetPairChar(ch:WideChar):WideChar; begin case ch of '[': result:=']'; '<': result:='>'; '(': result:=')'; '{': result:='}'; else // ' and " too result:=ch; end; end; function FastWideToAnsiBuf(src:PWideChar;dst:PAnsiChar;len:cardinal=cardinal(-1)):PAnsiChar; begin result:=dst; if src<>nil then begin repeat dst^:=AnsiChar(src^); if src^=#0 then break; dec(len); if len=0 then begin (dst+1)^:=#0; break; end; inc(src); inc(dst); until false; end else dst^:=#0; end; function FastWideToAnsi(src:PWideChar;var dst:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; begin if src=nil then dst:=nil else begin mGetMem(dst,StrLenW(src)+1); FastWideToAnsiBuf(src,dst); end; result:=dst; end; function FastAnsiToWideBuf(src:PAnsiChar;dst:PWideChar;len:cardinal=cardinal(-1)):PWideChar; begin result:=dst; if src<>nil then begin repeat dst^:=WideChar(src^); if src^=#0 then break; dec(len); if len=0 then begin (dst+1)^:=#0; break; end; inc(src); inc(dst); until false; end else dst^:=#0; end; function FastAnsiToWide(src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PWideChar):PWideChar; begin if src=nil then dst:=nil else begin mGetMem(dst,(StrLen(src)+1)*SizeOf(WideChar)); FastAnsiToWideBuf(src,dst); end; result:=dst; end; begin CheckSystem; end.