{} unit strans; interface uses windows{$IFDEF Miranda}, m_api, mirutils{$ENDIF}; // <align>|[<key>]<type> [(<type alias>)] [<alias>] [arr.len] [value]| const char_separator = '|'; char_hex = '$'; char_return = '*'; char_script = '%'; char_size = '@'; {$IFDEF Miranda} char_mmi = '&'; {$ENDIF} const SST_BYTE = 0; SST_WORD = 1; SST_DWORD = 2; SST_QWORD = 3; SST_NATIVE = 4; SST_BARR = 5; SST_WARR = 6; SST_BPTR = 7; SST_WPTR = 8; SST_LAST = 9; SST_PARAM = 10; SST_UNKNOWN = -1; const SF_RETURN = $00000001; SF_SCRIPT = $00000002; SF_MMI = $00000004; SF_SIZE = $00000008; SF_LAST = $00000080; type TStructType = record typ :integer; short:PAnsiChar; full :PAnsiChar; end; const MaxStructTypes = 11; const StructElems: array [0..MaxStructTypes-1] of TStructType = ( (typ:SST_BYTE ; short:'byte' ; full:'Byte'), (typ:SST_WORD ; short:'word' ; full:'Word'), (typ:SST_DWORD ; short:'dword' ; full:'DWord'), (typ:SST_QWORD ; short:'qword' ; full:'QWord'), (typ:SST_NATIVE; short:'native'; full:'NativeInt'), (typ:SST_BARR ; short:'b.arr' ; full:'Byte Array'), (typ:SST_WARR ; short:'w.arr' ; full:'Word Array'), (typ:SST_BPTR ; short:'b.ptr' ; full:'Pointer to bytes'), (typ:SST_WPTR ; short:'w.ptr' ; full:'Pointer to words'), {$IFDEF Miranda} (typ:SST_LAST ; short:'last' ; full:'Last result'), (typ:SST_PARAM ; short:'param' ; full:'Parameter') {$ELSE} (typ:SST_LAST ; short:'last' ; full:'Parameter 1'), (typ:SST_PARAM ; short:'param' ; full:'Parameter 2') {$ENDIF} ); type tOneElement = record etype :integer; flags :integer; // SF_MMI,SF_SCRIPT,SF_RETURN len :integer; // value length (for arrays and pointers) align :integer; alias :array [0..63] of AnsiChar; talias:array [0..63] of AnsiChar; // type alias svalue:array [0..31] of AnsiChar; // numeric value text case boolean of false: (value:int64); true : (text :pointer); end; //----- Editor connect ----- function GetOneElement(txt:PAnsiChar;var res:tOneElement; SizeOnly:boolean;num:integer=0):integer; procedure FreeElement(var element:tOneElement); //----- Execute ----- function MakeStructure(txt:PAnsiChar;aparam,alast:LPARAM; isNumber:boolean=true):pointer; function GetStructureResult(var struct):PWideChar; procedure FreeStructure(var struct); implementation uses common; type puint64 = ^uint64; pint_ptr = ^int_ptr; puint_ptr = ^uint_ptr; TWPARAM = WPARAM; TLPARAM = LPARAM; type pShortTemplate = ^tShortTemplate; tShortTemplate = packed record etype :byte; flags :byte; offset:word; end; type // int_ptr = to use aligned structure data at start PStructResult = ^TStructResult; TStructResult = record typ :int_ptr; len :int_ptr; offset:int_ptr; end; // adjust offset to field function AdjustSize(var summ:int_ptr;eleadjust:integer;adjust:integer):integer; var rest,lmod:integer; begin // packed, byte or array of byte if adjust=0 then adjust:=SizeOf(pointer); if (adjust=1) or (eleadjust=1) then else begin case adjust of 2: begin lmod:=2; end; 4: begin if eleadjust>2 then lmod:=4 else lmod:=2; end; 8: begin if eleadjust>4 then lmod:=8 else if eleadjust>2 then lmod:=4 else lmod:=2; end; else lmod:=2; end; rest:=summ mod lmod; if rest>0 then begin summ:=summ+(lmod-rest); end; end; result:=summ; end; procedure SkipSpace(var txt:PAnsiChar); {$IFDEF FPC}inline;{$ENDIF} begin while (txt^ in [' ',#9]) do inc(txt); end; function GetOneElement(txt:PAnsiChar;var res:tOneElement; SizeOnly:boolean;num:integer=0):integer; var pc,pc1:PAnsiChar; i,llen:integer; begin FillChar(res,SizeOf(res),0); if num>0 then // Skip needed element amount begin end; SkipSpace(txt); // process flags while not (txt^ in sWordOnly) do begin case txt^ of char_return: res.flags:=res.flags or SF_RETURN; char_size : res.flags:=res.flags or SF_SIZE; {$IFDEF Miranda} char_script: res.flags:=res.flags or SF_SCRIPT; char_mmi : res.flags:=res.flags or SF_MMI; {$ENDIF} end; inc(txt); end; SkipSpace(txt); // element type pc:=txt; llen:=0; repeat inc(pc); inc(llen); until pc^ IN [#0,#9,' ',char_separator]; // recogninze data type i:=0; while i<MaxStructTypes do begin if StrCmp(txt,StructElems[i].short,llen)=0 then //!! break; inc(i); end; if i>=MaxStructTypes then begin result :=SST_UNKNOWN; res.etype:=SST_UNKNOWN; exit; end; result:=StructElems[i].typ; res.etype:=result; if (not SizeOnly) or (result in [SST_WARR,SST_BARR,SST_WPTR,SST_BPTR]) then begin // type alias, inside parentheses SkipSpace(pc); if not (pc^ in [#0,char_separator]) then begin if (pc^='(') and ((pc+1)^ in sIdFirst) then begin inc(pc); // skip space and parenthesis pc1:=@res.talias; repeat pc1^:=pc^; inc(pc1); inc(pc); until (pc^=')'){ or (pc^=' ')} or (pc^=char_separator); if pc^=')' then inc(pc); end; end; // alias, starting from letter // start: points to separator or space SkipSpace(pc); if not (pc^ in [#0,char_separator]) then begin if pc^ in sIdFirst then begin // inc(pc); // skip space pc1:=@res.alias; repeat pc1^:=pc^; inc(pc1); inc(pc); until (pc^=' ') or (pc^=char_separator); end; end; // next - values // if has empty simple value, then points to next element but text-to-number will return 0 anyway // if pc^=' ' then inc(pc); // points to value or nothing if no args SkipSpace(pc); case result of SST_LAST,SST_PARAM: ; SST_BYTE,SST_WORD,SST_DWORD,SST_QWORD,SST_NATIVE: begin begin if (res.flags and SF_SCRIPT)=0 then begin pc1:=@res.svalue; if pc^=char_hex then begin inc(pc); while pc^ in sHexNum do begin pc1^:=pc^; inc(pc1); inc(pc); end; res.value:=HexToInt(res.svalue) end else begin while pc^ in sNum do begin pc1^:=pc^; inc(pc1); inc(pc); end; res.value:=StrToInt(res.svalue); end; end else begin txt:=pc; //!! while not (pc^ in [#0,char_separator]) do inc(pc); if txt<>pc then StrDup(PAnsiChar(res.text),txt,pc-txt) else res.text:=nil; end; end; end; SST_BARR,SST_WARR,SST_BPTR,SST_WPTR: begin // if pc^ in sNum then res.len:=StrToInt(pc); if not SizeOnly then begin while pc^ in sNum do inc(pc); // skip space // if pc^=' ' then inc(pc); SkipSpace(pc); //!! if not (pc^ in [#0,char_separator]) then begin txt:=pc; while not (pc^ in [#0,char_separator]) do inc(pc); if txt<>pc then StrDup(PAnsiChar(res.text),txt,pc-txt) else res.text:=nil; end; end; end; end; end; case result of SST_LAST, SST_PARAM : begin res.len:=SizeOf(LPARAM); res.align:=SizeOf(LPARAM); end; SST_BYTE : begin res.len:=1; res.align:=1; end; SST_WORD : begin res.len:=2; res.align:=2; end; SST_DWORD : begin res.len:=4; res.align:=4; end; SST_QWORD : begin res.len:=8; res.align:=8; end; SST_NATIVE: begin res.len:=SizeOf(LPARAM); res.align:=SizeOf(LPARAM); end; // SizeOf(NativeInt) SST_BARR : res.align:=1; SST_WARR : res.align:=2; SST_BPTR : res.align:=SizeOf(pointer); SST_WPTR : res.align:=SizeOf(pointer); end; end; // within translation need to check array size limit // "limit" = array size, elements, not bytes! procedure TranslateBlob(dst:PByte;const element:tOneElement); var datatype:integer; clen,len:integer; src:PAnsiChar; srcw:PWideChar absolute src; buf:array [0..9] of AnsiChar; bufw:array [0..4] of WideChar absolute buf; begin if element.text=nil then exit; if element.etype in [SST_WARR,SST_WPTR] then begin if (element.flags and SF_SCRIPT)<>0 then datatype:=2 // Wide to Wide (if script done) else datatype:=1; // UTF to Wide end else // Ansi to Ansi datatype:=0; pint64(@buf)^:=0; src:=element.text; case datatype of 0: begin // Ansi source for ansi len:=StrLen(src); if (element.len<>0) and (element.len<len) then len:=element.len; if StrScan(src,char_hex)=nil then begin move(src^,dst^,len); end else begin while (src^<>#0) and (len>0) do begin if (src^=char_hex) and ((src+1)^ in sHexNum) and ((src+2)^ in sHexNum) then begin buf[0]:=(src+1)^; buf[1]:=(src+2)^; inc(src,2+1); dst^:=HexToInt(buf); end else begin dst^:=ord(src^); inc(src); end; inc(dst); dec(len); end; end; end; 1: begin // UTF8 source for unicode // char_hex not found in UTF8 as Ansi - no reason to check as UTF8 // right, if char_hex is in ASCI7 only { if StrScan(src,char_hex)=nil then begin // convert UTF8 to Wide without zero end else } begin len:=element.len; while (src^<>#0) and (len>0) do begin if (src^=char_hex) and ((src+1)^ in sHexNum) and ((src+2)^ in sHexNum) then begin buf[0]:=(src+1)^; buf[1]:=(src+2)^; if ((src+3)^ in sHexNum) and ((src+4)^ in sHexNum) then begin buf[2]:=(src+3)^; buf[3]:=(src+4)^; pWord(dst)^:=HexToInt(buf); inc(src,4+1); inc(dst,2); end else begin buf[2]:=#0; dst^:=HexToInt(buf); inc(dst); inc(src,2+1); end; end else begin PWideChar(dst)^:=CharUTF8ToWide(src,@clen); inc(src,clen{CharUTF8Len(src)}); inc(dst,2); dec(len); end; end; end; end; {$IFDEF Miranda} 2: begin // Unicode source for unicode len:=StrLenW(srcw); if (element.len<>0) and (element.len<len) then len:=element.len; if StrScanW(srcw,char_hex)=nil then begin move(srcw^,dst^,len*SizeOf(WideChar)); end else begin while (srcw^<>#0) and (len>0) do begin if (srcw^=char_hex) and (ord(srcw[1])<255) and (AnsiChar(srcw[1]) in sHexNum) and (ord(srcw[2])<255) and (AnsiChar(srcw[2]) in sHexNum) then begin bufw[0]:=srcw[1]; bufw[1]:=srcw[2]; if (ord(srcw[3])<255) and (AnsiChar(srcw[3]) in sHexNum) and (ord(srcw[4])<255) and (AnsiChar(srcw[4]) in sHexNum) then begin bufw[2]:=srcw[3]; bufw[3]:=srcw[4]; pWord(dst)^:=HexToInt(bufw); inc(src,4); end else begin bufw[2]:=#0; dst^:=HexToInt(bufw); dec(dst); inc(srcw,2); end; end else PWideChar(dst)^:=srcw^; inc(srcw); inc(dst,2); dec(len); end; end; end; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure FreeElement(var element:tOneElement); begin case element.etype of SST_PARAM,SST_LAST: begin end; SST_BYTE,SST_WORD,SST_DWORD, SST_QWORD,SST_NATIVE: begin if (element.flags and SF_SCRIPT)<>0 then mFreeMem(element.text); end; SST_BARR,SST_WARR, SST_BPTR,SST_WPTR: begin mFreeMem(element.text); end; end; end; function MakeStructure(txt:PAnsiChar;aparam,alast:LPARAM; isNumber:boolean=true):pointer; var summ:int_ptr; lsrc:PAnsiChar; res:PByte; ppc,p,pc:PAnsiChar; {$IFDEF Miranda} buf:array [0..31] of WideChar; pLast: PWideChar; valuein,value:PWideChar; {$ENDIF} amount,align:integer; lmod,code,alen,ofs:integer; element:tOneElement; tmpl:pShortTemplate; addsize:integer; begin result:=nil; if (txt=nil) or (txt^=#0) then exit; pc:=txt; ppc:=pc; summ:=0; if pc^ in sNum then begin align:=ord(pc^)-ord('0');//StrToInt(pc); lsrc:=StrScan(pc,char_separator)+1; // not just +2 for future features end else begin align:=0; lsrc:=pc; end; code:=SST_UNKNOWN; alen:=0; ofs :=0; amount:=0; // size calculation while lsrc^<>#0 do begin p:=StrScan(lsrc,char_separator); // if p<>nil then p^:=#0; GetOneElement(lsrc,element,true); AdjustSize(summ,element.align,align); if ((element.flags and SF_RETURN)<>0) and (code=SST_UNKNOWN) then begin code:=element.etype; alen:=element.len; ofs :=summ; end; if (element.etype=SST_BPTR) or (element.etype=SST_WPTR) then inc(summ,SizeOf(pointer)) else inc(summ,element.len); inc(amount); if p=nil then break; lsrc:=p+1; end; // memory allocation with result record and template addsize:=SizeOF(TStructResult)+SizeOF(tShortTemplate)*amount+SizeOf(dword); lmod:=addsize mod SizeOf(pointer); if lmod<>0 then inc(addsize,SizeOf(pointer)-lmod); inc(summ,addsize); mGetMem (tmpl,summ); FillChar(tmpl^,summ,0); res:=PByte(PAnsiChar(tmpl)+addsize-SizeOf(TStructResult)-SizeOf(dword)); pdword(res)^:=amount; inc(res,SizeOf(dword)); with PStructResult(res)^ do begin typ :=code; len :=alen; offset:=ofs; end; inc(res,SizeOf(TStructResult)); result:=res; pc:=ppc; // translation if pc^ in sNum then // pc:=pc+2; pc:=StrScan(pc,char_separator)+1; while pc^<>#0 do begin p:=StrScan(pc,char_separator); GetOneElement(pc,element,false); if (element.flags and SF_SIZE)<>0 then begin element.value:=summ-addsize; end; if (element.flags and SF_SCRIPT)<>0 then begin {$IFDEF Miranda} if isNumber then pLast:=IntToStr(buf,alast) else pLast:=PWideChar(alast); // BPTR,BARR - Ansi // WPTR,WARR - Unicode // BYTE,WORD,DWORD,QWORD,NATIVE - ??? // in value must be converted to unicode/ansi but not UTF8 UTF8ToWide(element.text,valuein); value:=ParseVarString(valuein,aparam,pLast); mFreeMem(valuein); case element.etype of // Numbers - just get number values SST_BYTE, SST_WORD, SST_DWORD, SST_QWORD, SST_NATIVE: begin { StrCopy(element.svalue,value,31); element.value:=StrToInt(element.svalue); } element.value:=StrToInt(value); mFreeMem(value); end; // Byte strings - replace Ansi value SST_BARR, SST_BPTR: begin mFreeMem(element.text); WideToAnsi(value,PAnsiChar(element.text),MirandaCP); mFreeMem(value); end; // Wide strings - replace UTF8 by Wide SST_WARR, SST_WPTR: begin // really, need to translate Wide to UTF8 again? mFreeMem(element.text); element.text:=value; end; end; {$ENDIF} end; AdjustSize(int_ptr(res),element.align,align); tmpl^.etype :=element.etype; tmpl^.flags :=element.flags; tmpl^.offset:=uint_ptr(res)-uint_ptr(result); case element.etype of SST_LAST: begin pint_ptr(res)^:=alast; end; SST_PARAM: begin pint_ptr(res)^:=aparam; end; SST_BYTE: begin PByte(res)^:=element.value; end; SST_WORD: begin pWord(res)^:=element.value; end; SST_DWORD: begin pDWord(res)^:=element.value; end; SST_QWORD: begin pint64(res)^:=element.value; end; SST_NATIVE: begin pint_ptr(res)^:=element.value; end; SST_BARR: begin TranslateBlob(PByte(res),element); end; SST_WARR: begin TranslateBlob(PByte(res),element); end; SST_BPTR: begin if element.len=0 then element.len:=StrLen(element.text); if element.len=0 then pint_ptr(res)^:=0 else begin inc(element.len); // with Zero at the end {$IFDEF Miranda} if (element.flags and SF_MMI)<>0 then lsrc:=mir_alloc(element.len*SizeOf(AnsiChar)) else {$ENDIF} mGetMem (lsrc ,element.len*SizeOf(AnsiChar)); FillChar(lsrc^,element.len*SizeOf(AnsiChar),0); TranslateBlob(PByte(lsrc),element); pint_ptr(res)^:=uint_ptr(lsrc); end; end; SST_WPTR: begin if element.len=0 then begin {$IFDEF Miranda} if (element.flags and SF_SCRIPT)<>0 then element.len:=StrLenW(element.text) else {$ENDIF} element.len:=UTF8Len(element.text); end; if element.len=0 then pint_ptr(res)^:=0 else begin inc(element.len); // with Zero at the end {$IFDEF Miranda} if (element.flags and SF_MMI)<>0 then lsrc:=mir_alloc(element.len*SizeOf(WideChar)) else {$ENDIF} mGetMem (lsrc ,element.len*SizeOf(WideChar)); FillChar(lsrc^,element.len*SizeOf(WideChar),0); //!!!!! variables script gives unicode, need to recognize it TranslateBlob(PByte(lsrc),element); pint_ptr(res)^:=uint_ptr(lsrc); end; end; end; if (element.etype=SST_BPTR) or (element.etype=SST_WPTR) then inc(int_ptr(res),SizeOf(pointer)) else inc(int_ptr(res),element.len); FreeElement(element); if p=nil then break; pc:=p+1; inc(tmpl); end; tmpl^.flags:=tmpl^.flags or SF_LAST; end; function GetResultPrivate(var struct;atype:pinteger=nil;alen:pinteger=nil):uint_ptr; var loffset,ltype:integer; begin with PStructResult(PAnsiChar(struct)-SizeOF(TStructResult))^ do begin ltype :=typ ; loffset:=offset; if atype<>nil then atype^:=typ; if alen <>nil then alen ^:=len; end; case ltype of SST_LAST : result:=0; SST_PARAM: result:=0; SST_BYTE : result:=PByte (PAnsiChar(struct)+loffset)^; SST_WORD : result:=pWord (PAnsiChar(struct)+loffset)^; SST_DWORD : result:=pDword (PAnsiChar(struct)+loffset)^; SST_QWORD : result:=puint64 (PAnsiChar(struct)+loffset)^; SST_NATIVE: result:=puint_ptr(PAnsiChar(struct)+loffset)^; SST_BARR: result:=uint_ptr(PAnsiChar(struct)+loffset); //?? SST_WARR: result:=uint_ptr(PAnsiChar(struct)+loffset); //?? SST_BPTR: result:=puint_ptr(PAnsiChar(struct)+loffset)^; //?? SST_WPTR: result:=puint_ptr(PAnsiChar(struct)+loffset)^; //?? else result:=0; end; end; function GetStructureResult(var struct):PWideChar; var buf:array [0..31] of WideChar; pc:pAnsiChar; data:uint_ptr; code:integer; len:integer; begin data:=GetResultPrivate(struct,@code,@len); case code of SST_BYTE,SST_WORD,SST_DWORD, SST_QWORD,SST_NATIVE: begin StrDupW(result,IntToStr(buf,data)); end; SST_BARR: begin StrDup(pc,pAnsiChar(data),len); AnsiToWide(pc,result{$IFDEF Miranda},MirandaCP{$ENDIF}); mFreeMem(pc); end; SST_WARR: begin StrDupW(result,pWideChar(data),len); end; SST_BPTR: begin AnsiToWide(pAnsiChar(data),result{$IFDEF Miranda},MirandaCP{$ENDIF}); end; SST_WPTR: begin StrDupW(result,pWideChar(data)); end; else result:=nil; end; { FreeStructure(struct); //?? uint_ptr(struct):=0; } end; procedure FreeStructure(var struct); var value:PAnsiChar; tmpl:pShortTemplate; num,lmod:integer; tmp:pointer; begin tmp:=pointer(PAnsiChar(struct)-SizeOF(TStructResult)-SizeOf(dword)); num:=pdword(tmp)^; tmpl:=pointer(PAnsiChar(tmp)-num*SizeOf(tShortTemplate)); lmod:=uint_ptr(tmpl) mod SizeOf(pointer); // align to pointer size border if lmod<>0 then tmpl:=pointer(PAnsiChar(tmpl)-(SizeOf(pointer)-lmod)); tmp:=tmpl; repeat case tmpl^.etype of SST_BPTR,SST_WPTR: begin //?? value:=PAnsiChar(pint_ptr(PAnsiChar(struct)+tmpl^.offset)^); {$IFDEF Miranda} if (tmpl^.flags and SF_MMI)<>0 then mir_free(value) else {$ENDIF} mFreeMem(value); end; end; inc(tmpl); until (tmpl^.flags and SF_LAST)<>0; mFreeMem(tmp); end; end.