{Text Chunk processing: frame text output} const colors:array [0..15] of dword = ( $00FFFFFF,$00000000,$007F0000,$00009300, $000000FF,$0000007F,$009C009C,$00007FFC, $0000FFFF,$0000FC00,$00939300,$00FFFF00, $00FC0000,$00FF00FF,$007F7F7F,$00D2D2D2 ); const // chunk type CT_TEXT = $01; CT_TAB = $09; CT_SPACE = $20; CT_NEWLINE = $0D; const // macro codes ctOpenBold = $0001; ctCloseBold = $0002; ctOpenItalic = $0004; ctCloseItalic = $0008; ctOpenUnderline = $0010; ctCloseUnderline = $0020; ctOpenTextColor = $0040; ctCloseTextColor = $0080; ctOpenBkColor = $0100; ctCloseBkColor = $0200; ctRGB = $1000; // special code for RGB color values ctFontChanging = ctOpenBold or ctCloseBold or ctOpenItalic or ctCloseItalic or ctOpenUnderline or ctCloseUnderline; procedure ProcessMacro(dc:hdc;Chunk:pChunk); var lf:TLOGFONT; i:integer; begin if dc=0 then exit; if Chunk._Type=CT_NEWLINE then exit; case Chunk^._type shr 16 of ctCloseTextColor: begin SetTextColor(dc,Chunk^.add); end; ctCloseBkColor: begin SetBkColor(dc,Chunk^.add); SetBkMode (dc,TRANSPARENT); end; ctOpenTextColor: begin case Chunk^.val of 0: i:=Chunk^.add; //back 1..16: i:=colors[Chunk^.val-1]; else i:=Chunk^.dir; // text end; SetTextColor(dc,i); end; ctOpenBkColor: begin SetBkMode(dc,OPAQUE); case Chunk^.val of 0: i:=Chunk^.add; // back 1..16: i:=colors[Chunk^.val-1]; else i:=Chunk^.dir; // text end; SetBkColor(dc,i); end; ctOpenTextColor or ctRGB: begin SetTextColor(dc,Chunk^.val); end; ctOpenBkColor or ctRGB: begin SetBkMode(dc,OPAQUE); SetBkColor(dc,Chunk^.val); end; else begin GetObject(GetCurrentObject(dc,OBJ_FONT),SizeOf(lf),@lf); case Chunk^._type shr 16 of ctOpenBold : lf.lfWeight :=FW_BOLD; ctCloseBold : lf.lfWeight :=FW_NORMAL; ctOpenItalic : lf.lfItalic :=1; ctCloseItalic : lf.lfItalic :=0; ctOpenUnderline : lf.lfUnderline:=1; ctCloseUnderline: lf.lfUnderline:=0; end; DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc,CreateFontIndirect(lf))); end; end; end; function Macro(var src:PWideChar;var Chunk:pChunk;TextColor,BkColor:TCOLORREF):boolean; const NumMacro = 10; macros:array [0..NumMacro-1] of record txt:PWideChar; len:integer; code:integer; end = ( (txt:'{b}' ; len:3; code:ctOpenBold ), (txt:'{/b}' ; len:4; code:ctCloseBold ), (txt:'{i}' ; len:3; code:ctOpenItalic ), (txt:'{/i}' ; len:4; code:ctCloseItalic ), (txt:'{u}' ; len:3; code:ctOpenUnderline ), (txt:'{/u}' ; len:4; code:ctCloseUnderline), (txt:'{/cf}'; len:5; code:ctCloseTextColor), (txt:'{/bg}'; len:5; code:ctCloseBkColor ), (txt:'{cf' ; len:3; code:ctOpenTextColor ), (txt:'{bg' ; len:3; code:ctOpenBkColor )); var pc,pc1:PWideChar; typ,i,lval,ldir,ladd:integer; c:WideChar; begin result:=false; if src^<>'{' then exit; pc:=src; lval:=0; ldir:=ppLeft; ladd:=0; typ :=0; for i:=0 to NumMacro-1 do begin if StrCmpW(pc,macros[i].txt,macros[i].len)=0 then begin typ:=macros[i].code; case typ of ctOpenBkColor, ctOpenTextColor: begin inc(pc,macros[i].len); if (pc^='#') or ((pc^>='0') and (pc^<='9')) then begin pc1:=pc; if pc^='#' then repeat inc(pc1); c:=pc1^; until ((c<'0') or (c>'9')) and ((c<'A') or (c>'F')) and ((c<'a') or (c>'f')) else repeat inc(pc1); until (pc1^<'0') or (pc1^>'9'); if pc1^='}' then begin result:=true; ldir:=TextColor; ladd:=BkColor; if (pc^='#') then // RGB begin typ:=typ or ctRGB; lval:=HexToInt(pc+1); end else begin lval:=StrToInt(pc) mod 18; end; src:=pc1+1; end; end; end; ctCloseTextColor: begin ladd:=TextColor; inc(src,macros[i].len); result:=true; end; ctCloseBkColor: begin ladd:=BkColor; inc(src,macros[i].len); result:=true; end; else inc(src,macros[i].len); result:=true; end; (* if (typ=ctOpenBkColor) or (typ=ctOpenTextColor) then // processing color codes begin inc(pc,macros[i].len); if (pc^='#') or ((pc^>='0') and (pc^<='9')) then begin pc1:=pc; if pc^='#' then repeat inc(pc1); c:=pc1^; until ((c<'0') or (c>'9')) and ((c<'A') or (c>'F')) and ((c<'a') or (c>'f')) else repeat inc(pc1); until (pc1^<'0') or (pc1^>'9'); if pc1^='}' then begin result:=true; if (pc^='#') then // RGB begin typ:=typ or ctRGB; lval:=HexToInt(pc+1); end else begin lval:=StrToInt(pc) mod 18; end; src:=pc1+1; end; end; end else begin inc(src,macros[i].len); result:=true; end; *) break; end; end; if result then begin with Chunk^ do begin _type:=typ shl 16; val :=lval; dir :=ldir; add :=ladd; end; inc(Chunk); end; end; function CreateTextChunk(var Chunk:pChunk;src:PWideChar):PWideChar; var i:integer; begin result:=src; while ((result^>='A') and (result^<='Z')) or ((result^>='a') and (result^<='z')) or ((result^>='0') and (result^<='9')) or (ORD(result^)>127) do inc(result); i:=result-src; if i>0 then // if no text (but what is this then?) begin with Chunk^ do begin _type:=CT_TEXT; dir :=ppLeft; txt :=src; val :=i; end; inc(Chunk); end; end; function CreateSignChunk(var Chunk:pChunk;src:PWideChar):PWideChar; begin with Chunk^ do begin _type:=ord(src^); add :=0; dir :=ppLeft; val :=1; end; result:=src; inc(result); inc(Chunk); end; procedure MeasureChunk(dc:HDC;Chunk:pChunk;var sz:TSIZE;block:Boolean); var p:PWideChar; begin if ((Chunk^._type shr 16)=0) and (Chunk^._type<>CT_NEWLINE) then begin if Chunk^._type=CT_TEXT then p:=Chunk^.txt else begin p:=PWideChar(@Chunk^._type); end; GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc,p,Chunk^.val,sz); end else begin if block and ((Chunk._type and ctFontChanging)<>0) then ProcessMacro(dc,Chunk); sz.cx:=0; sz.cy:=0; end; end; procedure MeasureLine(dc:HDC;Chunk:pChunk;var sz:TSIZE;limit:integer=4096); var csz:TSIZE; // fnt1:HFONT; lf:TLOGFONT; txtcolor,bkcolor:COLORREF; bkmode:integer; begin sz.cx:=0; sz.cy:=0; { fnt1:=SelectObject(dc,CreateFontIndirect(FrameLF)); DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc,fnt1)); } txtcolor:=GetTextColor(dc); bkcolor :=GetBkColor(dc); bkmode :=GetBkMode(dc); GetObject(GetCurrentObject(dc,OBJ_FONT),SizeOf(lf),@lf); while (Chunk^._type<>0) and (Chunk^._type<>CT_NEWLINE) do begin MeasureChunk(dc,Chunk,csz,true); if (sz.cx+csz.cx)<limit then begin inc(sz.cx,csz.cx); if sz.cy<csz.cy then sz.cy:=csz.cy; end //!! else if limit<>4096 then break; inc(Chunk); end; DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc,CreateFontIndirect(lf))); SetTextColor(dc,txtcolor); SetBkColor (dc,bkcolor); SetBkMode (dc,bkmode); end; procedure DrawChunk(dc:HDC;Chunk:pChunk;rc:TRECT); var p:PWideChar; begin if (Chunk^._type shr 16)=0 then begin if Chunk^._type=CT_TEXT then p:=Chunk^.txt else p:=PWideChar(@Chunk^._type); DrawTextW(dc,p,Chunk^.val,rc, DT_LEFT or DT_TOP or DT_SINGLELINE or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_EXPANDTABS) end else ProcessMacro(dc,Chunk); //!! textcolor, bkcolor end; procedure DrawLine(dc:HDC;var Chunk:pChunk;rc:TRECT); var sz:TSIZE; begin while (Chunk^._type<>0) and (Chunk^._type<>CT_NEWLINE) do begin MeasureChunk(dc,Chunk,sz,false); if (rc.left<rc.right) and ((rc.left+sz.cx)>0) then DrawChunk(dc,Chunk,rc) else if (Chunk^._type shr 16)<>0 then ProcessMacro(dc,Chunk); //!! textcolor, bkcolor inc(rc.left,sz.cx); inc(Chunk); end; end; procedure tTextBlock.DrawLines(dc:HDC;Chunk:pChunk;rc:TRECT;justpaint:boolean); var sz:TSIZE; rc1:TRECT; w:integer; rgn:HRGN; ch:pChunk; D:pTextData; begin D:=pTextData(CustomData); // InflateRect(rc,-10,-3); rgn:=CreateRectRgnIndirect(rc); CopyRect(rc1,rc); SelectClipRgn(dc,rgn); w:=rc.Right-rc.left; while Chunk^._type<>0 do begin MeasureLine(dc,Chunk,sz); if sz.cx>0 then begin rc1.left:=rc.left; if sz.cx<w then begin //!! rc1.top:=rc.top; if (D.TextEffect and effCenter)<>0 then inc(rc1.left,(w-sz.cx) div 2); DrawLine(dc,Chunk,rc1) end else begin rc1.top:=rc.top; if Lo(D.TextEffect)=effRoll then begin // direction!! // sz - linesize ; w - frame width, chunk^add = chunk size inc(sz.cx,D.RollGap); rc1.left:=rc.left-Chunk^.add; if (sz.cx-Chunk^.add)<w then begin ch:=Chunk; DrawLine(dc,ch,rc1); rc1.left:=rc1.left+sz.cx; end; if not justpaint then begin inc(Chunk^.add,D.RollStep); if Chunk^.add>=sz.cx then Chunk^.add:=0; end; { inc(sz.cx,RollGap); rc1.left:=rc.left-Chunk^.add; if (sz.cx-Chunk^.add)<w then begin ch:=Chunk; DrawLine(dc,ch,rc1); rc1.left:=rc1.left+sz.cx; end; if not justpaint then begin inc(Chunk^.add,RollStep); if Chunk^.add>=sz.cx then Chunk^.add:=0; end; } end else begin if not justpaint then begin if Chunk^.dir=ppLeft then begin inc(Chunk^.add,D.RollStep); if (sz.cx-Chunk^.add)<(w-D.RollGap) then begin Chunk^.dir:=ppRight; end; end else begin dec(Chunk^.add,D.RollStep); if Chunk^.add<=-D.RollGap then begin Chunk^.dir:=ppLeft; end; end; end; rc1.left:=rc.left-Chunk^.add; end; DrawLine(dc,Chunk,rc1) // with offset end; end else DrawChunk(dc,Chunk,rc1); inc(rc.top,sz.cy); if rc.top>rc.bottom then break; if Chunk^._type<>0 then inc(Chunk); end; SelectClipRgn(dc,0); DeleteObject(rgn); end; procedure tTextBlock.DrawChunks(dc:HDC;Chunk:pChunk;rc:TRECT;justpaint:boolean); var sz:TSIZE; rc1:TRECT; h:integer; w:integer; D:pTextData; begin D:=pTextData(CustomData); SetBkMode(dc,Windows.TRANSPARENT); case Lo(D.TextEffect) of effRoll,effPong: begin DrawLines(dc,Chunk,rc,justpaint); end; else CopyRect(rc1,rc); w:=rc.right-rc.left; h:=0; //!! if (D.TextEffect and effCenter)<>0 then begin MeasureLine(dc,Chunk,sz,w); inc(rc1.left,(w-sz.cx) div 2); end; while Chunk^._type<>0 do begin MeasureChunk(dc,Chunk,sz,false); if sz.cx>0 then begin rc1.right:=rc1.left+sz.cx; if rc1.right>rc.right then //!!! begin case Lo(D.TextEffect) of effCut: begin if rc1.left<rc.right then begin rc1.right:=rc.right; DrawChunk(dc,Chunk,rc1); end; inc(Chunk); inc(rc1.left,sz.cx); continue; end; effWrap: begin if sz.cx>=w then begin while (Chunk<>nil) and (Chunk^._type<>CT_NEWLINE) do begin if (Chunk^._type shr 16)<>0 then ProcessMacro(dc,Chunk); //!! textcolor, bkcolor inc(Chunk); end; if Chunk=nil then exit; end; inc(rc1.top,h); rc1.left:=rc.left; //!! if (D.TextEffect and effCenter)<>0 then begin MeasureLine(dc,Chunk,sz,w); inc(rc1.left,(w-sz.cx) div 2); continue; end; end; end; end; rc1.bottom:=rc1.top+sz.cy; if rc1.bottom>rc.bottom then begin break; end; DrawChunk(dc,Chunk,rc1); inc(rc1.left,sz.cx); if h<sz.cy then h:=sz.cy; end else begin if Chunk^._type=CT_NEWLINE then begin inc(rc1.top,h); rc1.left:=rc.left; //!! if (D.TextEffect and effCenter)<>0 then begin inc(Chunk); MeasureLine(dc,Chunk,sz,w); // if sz.cx<w then inc(rc1.left,(w-sz.cx) div 2); continue; end; end else ProcessMacro(dc,Chunk); //!! textcolor, bkcolor // DrawChunk(dc,Chunk,rc1); end; inc(Chunk); end; end; end; function tTextBlock.Split(src:PWideChar):pChunkArray; var Chunk:pChunk; i:integer; begin result:=nil; if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then exit; i:=(StrLenW(src)+1)*SizeOf(tChunk); // last = 0 (powered finalization) GetMem(result,i); FillChar(result^,i,0); Chunk:=@result[0]; while src^<>#0 do begin // signes while not (((src^>='A') and (src^<='Z')) or ((src^>='a') and (src^<='z')) or ((src^>='0') and (src^<='9'))) do begin if (ORD(src^)>127) or (src^='{') then break; if src^<>#10 then src:=CreateSignChunk(Chunk,src) else inc(src); if src^=#0 then exit; end; // [b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][cf][/cf][bg][/bg] if Macro(src,Chunk,pTextData(CustomData).TextColor,pTextData(CustomData).BkColor) then begin end // "{" sign else if src^='{' then // if not macro begin src:=CreateSignChunk(Chunk,src); end // Unicode/text else begin src:=CreateTextChunk(Chunk,src); end; end; end; procedure DeleteChunks(var Chunk:pChunkArray); begin if Chunk<>nil then FreeMem(Chunk); Chunk:=nil; end;