/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __MIR_BUFFER_H__ # define __MIR_BUFFER_H__ #include <windows.h> #include <m_variables.h> template<class T> static inline size_t __blen(const T *str) { return 0; } template<> static inline size_t __blen<char>(const char *str) { return strlen(str); } template<> static inline size_t __blen<wchar_t>(const wchar_t *str) { return mir_wstrlen(str); } template<class T> static inline T * __bTranslate(const T *str) { return 0; } template<> static inline char * __bTranslate<char>(const char *str) { return Translate(str); } template<> static inline wchar_t * __bTranslate<wchar_t>(const wchar_t *str) { return TranslateW(str); } template<class O, class D> static void __bcopy(D *dest, const O *orig, size_t len) { } template<> static void __bcopy(char *dest, const char *orig, size_t len) { strncpy(dest, orig, len); } template<> static void __bcopy(WCHAR *dest, const WCHAR *orig, size_t len) { wcsncpy(dest, orig, len); } template<> static void __bcopy(WCHAR *dest, const char *orig, size_t len) { MultiByteToWideChar(CallService("LangPack/GetCodePage", 0, 0), 0, orig, (int)len, dest, (int)len); } template<> static void __bcopy(char *dest, const WCHAR *orig, size_t len) { WideCharToMultiByte(CallService("LangPack/GetCodePage", 0, 0), 0, orig, (int)len, dest, (int)len, NULL, NULL); } template<class T> class Buffer { public: size_t len; T *str; Buffer() : str(NULL), size(0), len(0) { alloc(1); pack(); } Buffer(T in) : str(NULL), size(0), len(0) { if (in == NULL) { alloc(1); pack(); } else { str = in; size = len = __blen(str); } } ~Buffer() { free(); } void pack() { if (str != NULL) memset(&str[len], 0, sizeof(str[len])); } void alloc(size_t total) { if (total > size) { size = total + 256 - total % 256; if (str == NULL) str = (T *) mir_alloc(size * sizeof(T)); else str = (T *) mir_realloc(str, size * sizeof(T)); } } void free() { if (str != NULL) { mir_free(str); str = NULL; len = size = 0; } } void clear() { len = 0; pack(); } void append(T app) { alloc(len + 1 + 1); str[len] = app; len++; pack(); } void appendn(size_t n, T app) { alloc(len + n + 1); for (; n > 0; n--) { str[len] = app; len++; } pack(); } void append(const char *app, size_t appLen = -1) { if (app == NULL) return; if (appLen == -1) appLen = __blen(app); size_t total = len + appLen + 1; alloc(total); __bcopy(&str[len], app, appLen); len += appLen; pack(); } void append(const WCHAR *app, size_t appLen = -1) { if (app == NULL) return; if (appLen == -1) appLen = __blen(app); size_t total = len + appLen + 1; alloc(total); __bcopy(&str[len], app, appLen); len += appLen; pack(); } void append(const Buffer<char> &app) { if (app.str == NULL) return; size_t appLen = app.len; size_t total = len + appLen + 1; alloc(total); __bcopy(&str[len], app.str, appLen); len += appLen; pack(); } void append(const Buffer<WCHAR> &app) { size_t appLen = app.len; size_t total = len + appLen + 1; alloc(total); __bcopy(&str[len], app.str , appLen); len += appLen; pack(); } void appendPrintf(const T *app, ...) { size_t total = len + 512; alloc(total); va_list arg; va_start(arg, app); total = __bvsnprintf<T>(&str[len], size - len - 1, app, arg); //!!!!!!!!!!!! if (total < 0) total = size - len - 1; len += total; pack(); } void insert(size_t pos, T *app, size_t appLen = -1) { if (pos > len) pos = len; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (appLen == -1) appLen = __blen(app); alloc(len + appLen + 1); if (pos < len) memmove(&str[pos + appLen], &str[pos], (len - pos) * sizeof(T)); memmove(&str[pos], app, appLen * sizeof(T)); len += appLen; pack(); } void replace(size_t start, size_t end, T *app, size_t appLen = -1) { if (start > len) start = len; if (start < 0) start = 0; if (end > len) end = len; if (end < start) end = start; if (appLen == -1) appLen = __blen(app); size_t oldLen = end - start; if (oldLen < appLen) alloc(len + appLen - oldLen + 1); if (end < len && oldLen != appLen) memmove(&str[start + appLen], &str[end], (len - end) * sizeof(T)); memmove(&str[start], app, appLen * sizeof(T)); len += appLen - oldLen; pack(); } void replaceAll(T find, T replace) { for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) if (str[len] == find) str[len] = replace; pack(); } void translate() { if (str == NULL || len == 0) return; str[len] = 0; T *tmp = __bTranslate(str); len = __blen(tmp); alloc(len + 1); memmove(str, tmp, len * sizeof(T)); pack(); } void reverse() { for(size_t i = 0; i < len/2; i++) { T tmp = str[i]; str[i] = str[len-i-1]; str[len-i-1] = tmp; } } T *appender(size_t appLen) { alloc(len + appLen + 1); T *ret = &str[len]; len += appLen; return ret; } T *lock(size_t maxSize) { alloc(len + maxSize + 1); return &str[len]; } void release() { len += max(__blen(&str[len]), size - len - 1); } T *detach() { T *ret = str; str = NULL; len = 0; return ret; } void trimRight() { if (str == NULL) return; int e; for(e = len-1; e >= 0 && (str[e] == (T)' ' || str[e] == (T)'\t' || str[e] == (T)'\r' || str[e] == (T)'\n'); e--) ; len = e+1; pack(); } void trimLeft() { if (str == NULL) return; int s; for(s = 0; str[s] == (T)' ' || str[s] == (T)'\t' || str[s] == (T)'\r' || str[s] == (T)'\n'; s++) ; if (s > 0) { memmove(str, &str[s], (len - s) * sizeof(T)); len -= s; } pack(); } void trim() { trimRight(); trimLeft(); } Buffer<T>& operator+=(const char *txt) { append(txt); return *this; } Buffer<T>& operator+=(const WCHAR *txt) { append(txt); return *this; } Buffer<T>& operator+=(const Buffer<T> &txt) { append(txt); return *this; } Buffer<T>& operator=(const char *txt) { clear(); append(txt); return *this; } Buffer<T>& operator=(const WCHAR *txt) { clear(); append(txt); return *this; } Buffer<T>& operator=(const Buffer<T> &txt) { clear(); append(txt); return *this; } private: size_t size; }; static void ReplaceVars(Buffer<TCHAR> *buffer, MCONTACT hContact, TCHAR **variables, int numVariables) { if (buffer->len < 3) return; if (numVariables < 0) return; for(size_t i = buffer->len - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (buffer->str[i] == _T('%')) { // Find previous size_t j; for(j = i - 1; j > 0 && ((buffer->str[j] >= _T('a') && buffer->str[j] <= _T('z')) || (buffer->str[j] >= _T('A') && buffer->str[j] <= _T('Z')) || buffer->str[j] == _T('-') || buffer->str[j] == _T('_')); j--) ; if (buffer->str[j] == _T('%')) { size_t foundLen = i - j + 1; if (foundLen == 9 && _tcsncmp(&buffer->str[j], _T("%contact%"), 9) == 0) { buffer->replace(j, i + 1, (TCHAR *) CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME, hContact, GCDNF_TCHAR)); } else if (foundLen == 6 && _tcsncmp(&buffer->str[j], _T("%date%"), 6) == 0) { TCHAR tmp[128]; DBTIMETOSTRINGT tst = {0}; tst.szFormat = _T("d s"); tst.szDest = tmp; tst.cbDest = 128; CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRINGT, (WPARAM) time(NULL), (LPARAM) &tst); buffer->replace(j, i + 1, tmp); } else { for(int k = 0; k < numVariables; k += 2) { size_t len = mir_tstrlen(variables[k]); if (foundLen == len + 2 && _tcsncmp(&buffer->str[j]+1, variables[k], len) == 0) { buffer->replace(j, i + 1, variables[k + 1]); break; } } } } i = j; if (i == 0) break; } else if (buffer->str[i] == _T('\\') && i+1 <= buffer->len-1 && buffer->str[i+1] == _T('n')) { buffer->str[i] = _T('\r'); buffer->str[i+1] = _T('\n'); } } } static void ReplaceTemplate(Buffer<TCHAR> *out, MCONTACT hContact, TCHAR *templ, TCHAR **vars, int numVars) { if (ServiceExists(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING)) { TCHAR *tmp = variables_parse_ex(templ, NULL, hContact, vars, numVars); if (tmp != NULL) { out->append(tmp); mir_free(tmp); out->pack(); return; } } out->append(templ); ReplaceVars(out, hContact, vars, numVars); out->pack(); } #endif // __MIR_BUFFER_H__