/* Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org) Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "variables.h" #include "parse_regexp.h" #include <pcre.h> static void (*pcreFree)(void *); static pcre_extra *(*pcreStudy)(const pcre *, int, const char **); static pcre *(*pcreCompile)(const char *, int, const char **, int *, const unsigned char *); static int (*pcreExec)(const pcre *, const pcre_extra *, const char *, int, int, int, int *, int); static void *(*pcreMalloc)(size_t); static void (*pcreFreeSubstring)(const char *); static int (*pcreGetSubstring)(const char *, int *, int, int, const char **); /* pattern, subject */ static TCHAR *parseRegExpCheck(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { const char *err; int erroffset, nmat; pcre_extra *extra; pcre *ppat; char szVal[34], *arg1, *arg2; int offsets[99]; TCHAR *res; if (ai->argc != 3) { return NULL; } ai->flags = AIF_FALSE; #ifdef UNICODE arg1 = u2a(ai->targv[1]); arg2 = u2a(ai->targv[2]); #else arg1 = _strdup(ai->argv[1]); arg2 = _strdup(ai->argv[2]); #endif ppat = pcreCompile(arg1, 0, &err, &erroffset, NULL); if (ppat == NULL) { free(arg1); free(arg2); return NULL; } extra = pcreStudy(ppat, 0, &err); nmat = pcreExec(ppat, extra, arg2, strlen(arg2), 0, 0, offsets, 99); free(arg1); free(arg2); if (nmat > 0) { ai->flags &= ~AIF_FALSE; _ltoa(nmat, szVal, 10); #ifdef UNICODE res = a2u(szVal); #else res = _strdup(szVal); #endif return res; } return _tcsdup(_T("0")); } /* pattern, subject, substring no (== PCRE string no (starting at 0)) */ static TCHAR *parseRegExpSubstr(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { const char *err, *substring; char *res, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3; int erroffset, nmat, number; pcre_extra *extra; pcre *ppat; int offsets[99]; TCHAR *tres; if (ai->argc != 4) { return NULL; } #ifdef UNICODE arg1 = u2a(ai->targv[1]); arg2 = u2a(ai->targv[2]); arg3 = u2a(ai->targv[3]); #else arg1 = _strdup(ai->argv[1]); arg2 = _strdup(ai->argv[2]); arg3 = _strdup(ai->argv[3]); #endif number = atoi(arg3); if (number < 0) { free(arg1); free(arg2); free(arg3); return NULL; } ai->flags = AIF_FALSE; ppat = pcreCompile(arg1, 0, &err, &erroffset, NULL); if (ppat == NULL) { free(arg1); free(arg2); free(arg3); return NULL; } extra = pcreStudy(ppat, 0, &err); nmat = pcreExec(ppat, extra, arg2, strlen(arg2), 0, 0, offsets, 99); if (nmat >= 0) { ai->flags &= ~AIF_FALSE; } if (pcreGetSubstring(arg2, offsets, nmat, number, &substring) < 0) { ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE; } else { res = _strdup(substring); pcreFreeSubstring(substring); #ifdef UNICODE tres = a2u(res); #else tres = _strdup(res); #endif free(res); free(arg1); free(arg2); free(arg3); return tres; } free(arg1); free(arg2); free(arg3); return _tcsdup(_T("")); } int initPcre() { HMODULE hModule; hModule = LoadLibraryA("pcre.dll"); if (hModule == NULL) { char path[MAX_PATH]; char *cur; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, sizeof(path)); cur = strrchr(path, '\\'); if (cur != NULL) strcpy(cur+1, "pcre.dll"); else strcpy(path, "pcre.dll"); hModule = LoadLibraryA(path); if (hModule == NULL) { if (cur != NULL) strcpy(cur+1, "pcre3.dll"); else strcpy(path, "pcre3.dll"); hModule = LoadLibraryA(path); } } if (hModule == NULL) { return -1; } pcreMalloc = (void *(__cdecl *)(size_t))GetProcAddress(hModule, "pcre_malloc"); pcreFree = (void (__cdecl *)(void *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "pcre_free"); pcreStudy = (struct pcre_extra *(__cdecl *)(const struct real_pcre *,int ,const char ** ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "pcre_study"); pcreCompile = (struct real_pcre *(__cdecl *)(const char *,int ,const char ** ,int *,const unsigned char *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "pcre_compile"); pcreExec = (int (__cdecl *)(const struct real_pcre *,const struct pcre_extra *,const char *,int ,int ,int ,int *,int ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "pcre_exec"); pcreFreeSubstring = (void (__cdecl *)(const char *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "pcre_free_substring"); pcreGetSubstring = (int (__cdecl *)(const char *,int *,int ,int ,const char ** ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "pcre_get_substring"); return 0; } int registerRegExpTokens() { if (initPcre() != 0) { log_infoA("Variables: pcre.dll for PCRE not found"); return -1; } #ifdef UNICODE registerIntToken(_T(REGEXPCHECK), parseRegExpCheck, TRF_FUNCTION, "Regular Expressions\t(x,y)\t(ANSI input only) the number of substring matches found in y with pattern x"); registerIntToken(_T(REGEXPSUBSTR), parseRegExpSubstr, TRF_FUNCTION, "Regular Expressions\t(x,y,z)\t(ANSI input only) substring match number z found in subject y with pattern x"); #else registerIntToken(_T(REGEXPCHECK), parseRegExpCheck, TRF_FUNCTION, "Regular Expressions\t(x,y)\tthe number of substring matches found in y with pattern x"); registerIntToken(_T(REGEXPSUBSTR), parseRegExpSubstr, TRF_FUNCTION, "Regular Expressions\t(x,y,z)\tsubstring match number z found in subject y with pattern x"); #endif return 0; }