    Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
    Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#ifndef PREFIX_ITH
#define PREFIX_ITH		""

// database helpers
static int __inline DBWriteIthSettingByte(DWORD i, MCONTACT hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting,BYTE val) {

	char dbSetting[128];

	mir_snprintf(dbSetting, _countof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
	return db_set_b(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);

static int __inline DBWriteIthSettingWord(DWORD i, MCONTACT hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting,WORD val) {

	char dbSetting[128];

	mir_snprintf(dbSetting, _countof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
	return db_set_w(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);

static int __inline DBWriteIthSettingDword(DWORD i, MCONTACT hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting,DWORD val) {

	char dbSetting[128];

	mir_snprintf(dbSetting, _countof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
	return db_set_dw(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);

static int __inline DBWriteIthSettingString(DWORD i, MCONTACT hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting,const char *val) {

	char dbSetting[128];

	mir_snprintf(dbSetting, _countof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
	return db_set_s(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);

static int __inline DBGetIthSettingByte(DWORD i, MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, int errorValue) {

	char dbSetting[128];

	mir_snprintf(dbSetting, _countof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
	return db_get_b(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);

static WORD __inline DBGetIthSettingWord(DWORD i, MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, int errorValue) {

	char dbSetting[128];

	mir_snprintf(dbSetting, _countof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
	return db_get_w(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);

static DWORD __inline DBGetIthSettingDword(DWORD i, MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, int errorValue) {

	char dbSetting[128];

	mir_snprintf(dbSetting, _countof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
	return db_get_dw(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);

static int __inline DBGetIthSetting(DWORD i, MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv) {

	char dbSetting[128];

	mir_snprintf(dbSetting, _countof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
	return db_get(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);

static int __inline DBDeleteIthSetting(DWORD i, MCONTACT hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting) {

	char dbSetting[128];

	mir_snprintf(dbSetting, _countof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
	return db_unset(hContact, szModule, dbSetting);

#define db_getb(a,b)		db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
#define db_getw(a,b)		db_get_w(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
#define db_getd(a,b)		db_get_dw(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
#define db_gets(a,b)		db_get(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
#define db_setb(a,b)		db_set_b(NULL, MODULENAME, a, (BYTE)(b))
#define db_sets(a,b)		db_set_s(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
#define db_setts(a,b)		db_set_ts(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
#define db_setw(a,b)		db_set_w(NULL, MODULENAME, a, (WORD)(b))
#define db_setd(a,b)		db_set_dw(NULL, MODULENAME, a, (DWORD)(b))
#define db_del(a)			db_unset(NULL, MODULENAME, a);

#define dbi_getb(a,b,c)		DBGetIthSettingByte(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
#define dbi_getw(a,b,c)		DBGetIthSettingWord(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
#define dbi_getd(a,b,c)		DBGetIthSettingDword(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
#define dbi_gets(a,b,c)		DBGetIthSetting(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
#define dbi_setb(a,b,c)		DBWriteIthSettingByte(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, (BYTE)(c))
#define dbi_sets(a,b,c)		DBWriteIthSettingString(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
#define dbi_setw(a,b,c)		DBWriteIthSettingWord(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, (WORD)(c))
#define dbi_setd(a,b,c)		DBWriteIthSettingDword(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, (DWORD)(c))
#define dbi_del(a,b)		DBDeleteIthSetting(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b);