/* Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org) Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "stdafx.h" struct ALIASREGISTER { wchar_t *szAlias; unsigned int argc; wchar_t **argv; wchar_t *szTranslation; }; static LIST<ALIASREGISTER> arAliases(5); static mir_cs csAliasRegister; static ALIASREGISTER* searchAliasRegister(wchar_t *szAlias) { if (szAlias == nullptr || *szAlias == 0) return nullptr; mir_cslock lck(csAliasRegister); for (auto &it : arAliases) if (!mir_wstrcmp(it->szAlias, szAlias)) return it; return nullptr; } static wchar_t* replaceArguments(wchar_t *res, wchar_t *tArg, wchar_t *rArg) { if (mir_wstrlen(tArg) == 0) return res; unsigned int cur = 0, ecur = 0; while (*(res + cur) != 0) { if ((*(res + cur) == '(') || (*(res + cur) == ',')) { ecur = ++cur; while ((*(res + ecur) != ')') && (*(res + ecur) != ',')) ecur++; if (((signed int)mir_wstrlen(tArg) == (ecur - cur)) && (!wcsncmp(tArg, res + cur, mir_wstrlen(tArg)))) { if (mir_wstrlen(rArg) > mir_wstrlen(tArg)) { res = (wchar_t*)mir_realloc(res, (mir_wstrlen(res) + (mir_wstrlen(rArg) - mir_wstrlen(tArg)) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (res == nullptr) return nullptr; } memmove(res + ecur + (mir_wstrlen(rArg) - mir_wstrlen(tArg)), res + ecur, (mir_wstrlen(res + ecur) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcsncpy(res + cur, rArg, mir_wstrlen(rArg)); } } cur++; } return res; } static wchar_t* parseTranslateAlias(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { ALIASREGISTER *areg = searchAliasRegister(ai->argv.w[0]); if (areg == nullptr || areg->argc != ai->argc - 1) return nullptr; wchar_t *res = mir_wstrdup(areg->szTranslation); for (unsigned i = 0; i < areg->argc; i++) { res = replaceArguments(res, areg->argv[i], ai->argv.w[i + 1]); if (res == nullptr) return nullptr; } return res; } static int addToAliasRegister(wchar_t *szAlias, unsigned int argc, wchar_t **argv, wchar_t *szTranslation) { if (szAlias == nullptr || szTranslation == nullptr || mir_wstrlen(szAlias) == 0) return -1; mir_cslock lck(csAliasRegister); for (auto &p : arAliases) { if (mir_wstrcmp(p->szAlias, szAlias)) continue; mir_free(p->szTranslation); p->szTranslation = mir_wstrdup(szTranslation); for (unsigned j = 0; j < p->argc; j++) mir_free(p->argv[j]); p->argc = argc; p->argv = (wchar_t**)mir_realloc(p->argv, argc * sizeof(wchar_t*)); if (p->argv == nullptr) return -1; for (unsigned j = 0; j < argc; j++) { if (argv[j] != nullptr) p->argv[j] = mir_wstrdup(argv[j]); else p->argv[j] = nullptr; } return 0; } wchar_t **pargv = (wchar_t**)mir_alloc(argc * sizeof(wchar_t*)); if (pargv == nullptr) return -1; ALIASREGISTER *p = new ALIASREGISTER; p->szAlias = mir_wstrdup(szAlias); p->szTranslation = mir_wstrdup(szTranslation); p->argc = argc; p->argv = pargv; for (unsigned j = 0; j < p->argc; j++) { if (argv[j] != nullptr) p->argv[j] = mir_wstrdup(argv[j]); else p->argv[j] = nullptr; } arAliases.insert(p); return 0; } static wchar_t* parseAddAlias(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { if (ai->argc != 3) return nullptr; char *szHelp, *szArgsA; wchar_t *cur = ai->argv.w[1]; while (isValidTokenChar(*cur)) cur++; ptrW alias(mir_wstrndup(ai->argv.w[1], cur - ai->argv.w[1])); TArgList argv; getArguments(cur, argv); deRegisterToken(alias); addToAliasRegister(alias, argv.getCount(), argv.getArray(), ai->argv.w[2]); wchar_t *szArgs = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < argv.getCount(); i++) { if (i == 0) szArgs = (wchar_t*)mir_calloc((mir_wstrlen(argv[i]) + 2) * sizeof(wchar_t)); else szArgs = (wchar_t*)mir_realloc(szArgs, (mir_wstrlen(szArgs) + mir_wstrlen(argv[i]) + 2) * sizeof(wchar_t)); mir_wstrcat(szArgs, argv[i]); if (i != argv.getCount() - 1) mir_wstrcat(szArgs, L","); } int res; if (szArgs != nullptr && argv.getCount() > 0) { szArgsA = mir_u2a(szArgs); size_t size = 32 + mir_strlen(szArgsA); szHelp = (char *)mir_alloc(size); memset(szHelp, '\0', 32 + mir_strlen(szArgsA)); mir_snprintf(szHelp, size, LPGEN("Alias") "\t(%s)\t" LPGEN("user defined"), szArgsA); res = registerIntToken(alias, parseTranslateAlias, TRF_FUNCTION | TRF_UNPARSEDARGS, szHelp); mir_free(szArgsA); } else { szHelp = (char*)mir_alloc(32); memset(szHelp, '\0', 32); mir_snprintf(szHelp, 32, LPGEN("Alias") "\t\t" LPGEN("user defined")); res = registerIntToken(alias, parseTranslateAlias, TRF_FIELD | TRF_UNPARSEDARGS, szHelp); } mir_free(szArgs); mir_free(szHelp); argv.destroy(); return (res == 0) ? mir_wstrdup(L"") : nullptr; } void registerAliasTokens() { registerIntToken(ADDALIAS, parseAddAlias, TRF_FUNCTION | TRF_UNPARSEDARGS, LPGEN("Variables") "\t(x,y)\t" LPGEN("stores y as alias named x"));//TRF_UNPARSEDARGS); } void unregisterAliasTokens() { for (auto &p : arAliases) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < p->argc; j++) mir_free(p->argv[j]); mir_free(p->argv); mir_free(p->szAlias); mir_free(p->szTranslation); delete p; } }