/* Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org) Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "variables.h" #include "parse_external.h" #include "ac/ac.h" static int (WINAPI *acEval)(const char *, char *) = NULL; static int (WINAPI *acFormat)(const char *, char *) = NULL; static int (WINAPI *acInitClient)(const char *, int, int, int, int) = NULL; static void (WINAPI *acUninit)() = NULL; static unsigned int lastAMIPFailure = -1; static TCHAR *getFullWinampTitleText() { TCHAR *szTitle, *szWinText; HWND hwndWinamp; hwndWinamp = FindWindow(_T("STUDIO"), NULL); if (hwndWinamp == NULL) hwndWinamp = FindWindow(_T("Winamp v1.x"),NULL); if (hwndWinamp == NULL) return NULL; szWinText = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((GetWindowTextLength(hwndWinamp) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (szWinText == NULL) return NULL; if (GetWindowText(hwndWinamp, szWinText, GetWindowTextLength(hwndWinamp)+1) == 0) { mir_free(szWinText); return NULL; } szTitle = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((2*_tcslen(szWinText)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (szTitle == NULL) { mir_free(szWinText); return NULL; } _tcscpy(szTitle, szWinText); _tcscpy(szTitle+_tcslen(szTitle), szWinText); mir_free(szWinText); return szTitle; } static TCHAR *parseWinampSong(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { TCHAR *szTitle, *scur, *cur, *res; if (ai->argc != 1) { return NULL; } res = NULL; szTitle = getFullWinampTitleText(); if (szTitle == NULL) { return NULL; } scur = _tcschr(szTitle, _T('.')); cur = _tcsstr(scur, _T(" - Winamp")); if ((scur == NULL) || (cur == NULL) || (scur >= cur) || (scur > (szTitle + _tcslen(szTitle) - 2)) || (cur > (szTitle + _tcslen(szTitle)))) { mir_free(szTitle); return NULL; } scur++; scur++; *cur = '\0'; res = mir_tstrdup(scur); mir_free(szTitle); ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE; return res; } static TCHAR *parseWinampState(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { TCHAR *szTitle, *scur, *cur, *res; if (ai->argc != 1) { return NULL; } res = NULL; szTitle = getFullWinampTitleText(); if (szTitle == NULL) { return NULL; } scur = _tcschr(szTitle, _T('.')); cur = _tcsstr(scur, _T(" - Winamp")); if ((scur == NULL) || (cur == NULL)) { mir_free(szTitle); return mir_tstrdup(TranslateT("Stopped")); } if ((!_tcsncmp(cur+10, _T("[Stopped]"), 9))) { mir_free(szTitle); return mir_tstrdup(TranslateT("Stopped")); } if ((!_tcsncmp(cur+10, _T("[Paused]"), 8))) { mir_free(szTitle); return mir_tstrdup(TranslateT("Paused")); } mir_free(szTitle); return mir_tstrdup(_T("Playing")); } static unsigned int checkAMIP() { if (lastAMIPFailure == 0) { log_debugA("AMIP initialized"); return 0; } if (GetTickCount() - lastAMIPFailure < AMIP_TIMEOUT) { log_debugA("AMIP not initialized, not attempting"); return -1; } if (acInitClient("", 60333, 1000, 5, 1)) { lastAMIPFailure = 0; log_debugA("AMIP now initialized"); return 0; // success } log_debugA("AMIP failed to initialized"); if (lastAMIPFailure == 0) { /* if this is the first failure after a succesful init, call uninit for a cleanup (maybe it'll help for the next try ;)) */ acUninit(); } lastAMIPFailure = GetTickCount(); return -1; } static TCHAR *parseAMIPEval(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { TCHAR *tszRes; char *cmd; char szRes[AC_BUFFER_SIZE]; tszRes = NULL; if (ai->argc != 2) { return NULL; } cmd = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]); if (checkAMIP() != 0) { log_debugA("checkAMIP failed"); return NULL; } ZeroMemory(&szRes, sizeof(szRes)); if (AC_ERR_NOERROR == acEval(cmd, szRes)) { tszRes = mir_a2t(szRes); } else { lastAMIPFailure = GetTickCount(); } mir_free(cmd); return tszRes; } static TCHAR *parseAMIPFormat(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { TCHAR *tszRes; char *cmd; char szRes[AC_BUFFER_SIZE]; tszRes = NULL; if (ai->argc != 2) { return NULL; } cmd = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]); if (checkAMIP() != 0) { return NULL; } if (AC_ERR_NOERROR == acFormat(cmd, szRes)) { tszRes = mir_a2t(szRes); } else { lastAMIPFailure = GetTickCount(); } mir_free(cmd); return tszRes; } static int initAMIP() { HMODULE hModule; hModule = LoadLibraryA("ac.dll"); if (hModule == NULL) { char path[MAX_PATH]; char *cur; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, sizeof(path)); cur = strrchr(path, '\\'); if (cur != NULL) strcpy(cur+1, "ac.dll"); else strcpy(cur, "ac.dll"); hModule = LoadLibraryA(path); } if (hModule == NULL) { return -1; } acInitClient = (int (__stdcall *)(const char *,int ,int ,int ,int ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "ac_init_client"); acEval = (int (__stdcall *)(const char *,char *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "ac_eval"); acFormat = (int (__stdcall *)(const char *,char *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "ac_format"); acUninit = (void (__stdcall *)())GetProcAddress(hModule, "ac_uninit"); return 0; } int registerExternalTokens() { registerIntToken(_T(WINAMPSONG), parseWinampSong, TRF_FIELD, "External Applications\tretrieves song name of the song currently playing in Winamp"); registerIntToken(_T(WINAMPSTATE), parseWinampState, TRF_FIELD, "External Applications\tretrieves current Winamp state (Playing/Paused/Stopped)"); if (!initAMIP()) { registerIntToken(_T(AMIPEVAL), parseAMIPEval, TRF_FUNCTION, "External Applications\t(x)\tretrieves info from AMIP (x is var_<variable> with any AMIP variable)"); registerIntToken(_T(AMIPFORMAT), parseAMIPFormat, TRF_FUNCTION|TRF_UNPARSEDARGS, "External Applications\t(x)\tretrieves info from AMIP (x is AMIP format string)"); } else { log_infoA("Variables: ac.dll for AMIP not found"); } return 0; } int deInitExternal() { if (acUninit != NULL) { acUninit(); } return 0; }