/* Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org) Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "variables.h" // this is for get and put(s) static CRITICAL_SECTION csVarRegister; static VARIABLEREGISTER *vr = NULL; static int vrCount = 0; static int addToVariablesRegister(TCHAR *szName, TCHAR *szText) { int i; if ((szName == NULL) || (szText == NULL) || (_tcslen(szName) <= 0)) { return -1; } EnterCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); for (i=0;i<vrCount;i++) { if ((!_tcscmp(vr[i].szName, szName))) { // && (vr[i].dwOwnerThread == GetCurrentThreadId())) { mir_free(vr[i].szText); vr[i].szText = mir_tstrdup(szText); LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); return 0; } } vr = ( VARIABLEREGISTER* )mir_realloc(vr, (vrCount+1)*sizeof(VARIABLEREGISTER)); if (vr == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); return -1; } vr[vrCount].szName = mir_tstrdup(szName); vr[vrCount].szText = mir_tstrdup(szText); vr[vrCount].dwOwnerThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); vrCount += 1; LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); return 0; } static TCHAR *searchVariableRegister(TCHAR *szName) { TCHAR *res; int i; res = NULL; if ((szName == NULL) || (_tcslen(szName) <= 0)) { return NULL; } EnterCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); for (i=0;i<vrCount;i++) { if ((!_tcscmp(vr[i].szName, szName))) { // && (vr[i].dwOwnerThread == GetCurrentThreadId())) { res = mir_tstrdup(vr[i].szText); LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); return res; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); return NULL; } int clearVariableRegister() { int i, count; count = 0; EnterCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); for (i=0;i<vrCount;i++) { if (vr[i].dwOwnerThread == GetCurrentThreadId()) { mir_free(vr[i].szName); mir_free(vr[i].szText); if (vrCount > 1) { memcpy(&vr[i], &vr[vrCount-1], sizeof(VARIABLEREGISTER)); vr = ( VARIABLEREGISTER* )mir_realloc(vr, (vrCount-1)*sizeof(VARIABLEREGISTER)); if (vr == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); return -1; } vrCount -= 1; } else { mir_free(vr); vr = NULL; vrCount = 0; } count += 1; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); return count; } static TCHAR *parsePut(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { FORMATINFO fi; if (ai->argc != 3) { return NULL; } // ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE; if (addToVariablesRegister(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[2])) { return NULL; } memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi)); fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[2]; fi.flags |= FIF_TCHAR; return formatString(&fi); } static TCHAR *parsePuts(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { if (ai->argc != 3) { return NULL; } // ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE; if (addToVariablesRegister(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[2])) { return NULL; } return mir_tstrdup(_T("")); } static TCHAR *parseGet(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { TCHAR *szText; if (ai->argc != 2) { return NULL; } // ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE; szText = searchVariableRegister(ai->targv[1]); if (szText == NULL) { return NULL; } return szText; } int registerVariablesTokens() { registerIntToken(_T(GET), parseGet, TRF_FUNCTION, LPGEN("Variables")"\t(x)\t"LPGEN("variable set by put(s) with name x")); registerIntToken(_T(PUT), parsePut, TRF_FUNCTION, LPGEN("Variables")"\t(x,y)\t"LPGEN("x, and stores y as variable named x"));//TRF_UNPARSEDARGS); registerIntToken(_T(PUTS), parsePuts, TRF_FUNCTION, LPGEN("Variables")"\t(x,y)\t"LPGEN("only stores y as variables x"));//TRF_UNPARSEDARGS); InitializeCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); return 0; } void unregisterVariablesTokens() { DeleteCriticalSection(&csVarRegister); }