/* Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org) Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #pragma once #define _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../helpers/gen_helpers.h" #include "../../libs/pcre16/src/pcre.h" #include "resource.h" #include "version.h" #include "contact.h" #include "enumprocs.h" #include "parse_alias.h" #include "parse_external.h" #include "parse_inet.h" #include "parse_logic.h" #include "parse_math.h" #include "parse_metacontacts.h" #include "parse_miranda.h" #include "parse_regexp.h" #include "parse_str.h" #include "parse_system.h" #include "parse_variables.h" #define MODULENAME "Variables" struct CMPlugin : public PLUGIN { CMPlugin(); int Load() override; int Unload() override; }; #define SETTING_STARTUPTEXT "StartupText" #define SETTING_STRIPCRLF "StripCRLF" #define SETTING_STRIPWS "StripWS" #define SETTING_STRIPALL "StripAll" #define SETTING_PARSEATSTARTUP "ParseAtStartup" #define SETTING_SPLITTERPOS "SplitterPos" #define SETTING_SUBJECT "LastSubject" #define FIELD_CHAR '%' #define FUNC_CHAR '?' #define FUNC_ONCE_CHAR '!' #define DONTPARSE_CHAR '`' #define TRYPARSE_CHAR_OPEN '[' #define TRYPARSE_CHAR_CLOSE ']' #define COMMENT_STRING "#" // special tokens #define SUBJECT L"subject" #define MIR_EXTRATEXT L"extratext" #define VAR_HELP_TEXT LPGENW("--- Special characters ---\r\n\r\n\ The following characters have a special meaning in a formatting string:\r\n\r\n\ ?()\r\n\ This will parse the function given the arguments, the result will be parsed again. Example: Today is ?cdate(yyyy/MM/dd).\r\n\r\n\ !()\r\n\ This will parse the function given the arguments, the result will not be parsed again. Example: Message waiting: !message(,first,rcvd,unread).\r\n\r\n\ %%\r\n\ This will parse the given field. Example: I installed Miranda at: %mirandapath%.\r\n\r\n\ ``\r\n\ This will not parse the given string, any function, field or special character in the string will shown in the result without being translated. Example: Use `%mirandapath%` to show the installation path.\r\n\r\n\ #\r\n\ This will add a comment in the formatting string. Everything from the # character to the end of the line will be removed. Example: %dbprofile% #this is a useless comment.\r\n\r\n\r\n\ --- Contacts ---\r\n\r\n\ Whenever a functions requires a contact as an argument, you can specify it in two ways:\r\n\r\n\ (1) Using a unique ID (UIN for ICQ, email for MSN) or, a protocol ID followed by a unique ID in the form , for example or .\r\n\r\n\ (2) Using the contact function:\r\n\ ?contact(x,y)\r\n\ A contact will be searched which will have value x for its property y, y can be one of the following:\r\n\ first, last, nick, email, ID or display\r\n\r\n\ For example: ?contact(miranda@hotmail.com,email) or ?contact(Miranda,nick). \ The contact function will return either a unique contact according to the arguments or nothing if none or multiple contacts exists with the given property.") // options #define IDT_PARSE 1 #define DM_SPLITTERMOVED (WM_USER+15) // Messages you can send to the help window: #define VARM_PARSE (WM_APP+11) // wParam=lParam=0 #define VARM_SETINPUTTEXT (WM_APP+12) #define VARM_GETINPUTTEXT (WM_APP+13) #define VARM_GETINPUTTEXTLENGTH (WM_APP+14) #define VARM_SETSUBJECT (WM_APP+15) #define VARM_GETSUBJECT (WM_APP+16) // wParam=MCONTACT hContact #define VARM_SETEXTRATEXT (WM_APP+17) #define VARM_GETEXTRATEXT (WM_APP+18) #define VARM_GETEXTRATEXTLENGTH (WM_APP+19) #define VARM_GETDIALOG (WM_APP+20) // if a different struct internally is used, we can use TOKENREGISTEREX #define TOKENREGISTEREX TOKENREGISTER struct ParseOptions { BOOL bStripEOL; BOOL bStripWS; BOOL bStripAll; }; extern ParseOptions gParseOpts; // variables.c //int isValidTokenChar(char c); wchar_t *formatString(FORMATINFO *fi); int setParseOptions(struct ParseOptions *po); int LoadVarModule(); int UnloadVarModule(); // tokenregister.c int registerIntToken(wchar_t *szToken, wchar_t *(*parseFunction)(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai), int extraFlags, char* szHelpText); INT_PTR registerToken(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int deRegisterToken(wchar_t *var); TOKENREGISTEREX *searchRegister(wchar_t *var, int type); wchar_t *parseFromRegister(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai); TOKENREGISTEREX *getTokenRegister(int i); int getTokenRegisterCount(); int initTokenRegister(); int deinitTokenRegister(); // contact.c BYTE getContactInfoType(wchar_t* type); wchar_t* getContactInfoT(BYTE type, MCONTACT hContact); MCONTACT getContactFromString(const wchar_t *tszContact, DWORD dwFlags, int nMatch = 0); int initContactModule(); int deinitContactModule(); // alias void registerAliasTokens(); void unregisterAliasTokens(); // system void registerSystemTokens(); // external void registerExternalTokens(); // miranda void registerMirandaTokens(); // str void registerStrTokens(); // variables void registerVariablesTokens(); void unregisterVariablesTokens(); // logic void registerLogicTokens(); // math void registerMathTokens(); // metacontacts void registerMetaContactsTokens(); // options int OptionsInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM); // reg exp void registerRegExpTokens(); // inet void registerInetTokens(); // help INT_PTR showHelpService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR showHelpExService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR getSkinItemService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int iconsChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int ttoi(wchar_t *string); wchar_t *itot(int num);