/* Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org) Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "variables.h" typedef struct { TOKENREGISTEREX tr; DWORD nameHash; } TokenRegisterEntry; struct { TokenRegisterEntry** items; int count, limit, increment; FSortFunc sortFunc; } static tokens; static CRITICAL_SECTION csRegister; unsigned long int hashlittle(void *key, size_t length, unsigned long int initval); static DWORD NameHashFunction(TCHAR *tszStr) { return (DWORD)hashlittle(tszStr, _tcslen(tszStr)*sizeof(TCHAR), 0); } static TokenRegisterEntry* FindTokenRegisterByName(TCHAR *name) { int idx; TokenRegisterEntry temp; temp.nameHash = NameHashFunction( name ); if (List_GetIndex(( SortedList* )&tokens, &temp, &idx )) return tokens.items[ idx ]; return NULL; } int registerIntToken(TCHAR *szToken, TCHAR *(*parseFunction)(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai), int extraFlags, char* szHelpText) { TOKENREGISTEREX tr = { 0 }; tr.cbSize = sizeof(tr); tr.flags = TRF_FREEMEM|TRF_TCHAR|TRF_PARSEFUNC|extraFlags; //tr.memType = TR_MEM_VARIABLES; tr.memType = TR_MEM_MIRANDA; tr.szHelpText = szHelpText; tr.tszTokenString = szToken; tr.parseFunctionT = parseFunction; return registerToken(0, (LPARAM)&tr); } int deRegisterToken(TCHAR *token) { TokenRegisterEntry *tre; if (token == NULL) return -1; EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister); tre = FindTokenRegisterByName( token ); if (tre == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister); return -1; } List_RemovePtr(( SortedList* )&tokens, tre ); LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister); if (!( tre->tr.flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC ) && tre->tr.szService != NULL) mir_free( tre->tr.szService ); if (tre->tr.tszTokenString != NULL) mir_free( tre->tr.tszTokenString ); if (tre->tr.szHelpText != NULL) mir_free( tre->tr.szHelpText ); if ((tre->tr.flags & TRF_CLEANUP ) && !( tre->tr.flags & TRF_CLEANUPFUNC ) && tre->tr.szCleanupService != NULL) mir_free( tre->tr.szCleanupService ); mir_free( tre ); return 0; } INT_PTR registerToken(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD hash; int idx; TokenRegisterEntry *tre; TOKENREGISTEREX *newVr = ( TOKENREGISTEREX* )lParam; if (newVr == NULL || newVr->szTokenString == NULL || newVr->cbSize <= 0 ) return -1; if (newVr->flags & TRF_TCHAR ) { deRegisterToken( newVr->tszTokenString ); hash = NameHashFunction( newVr->tszTokenString ); } else { WCHAR *wtoken; wtoken = mir_a2t( newVr->szTokenString ); deRegisterToken( wtoken ); hash = NameHashFunction( wtoken ); mir_free( wtoken ); } tre = ( TokenRegisterEntry* )mir_alloc( sizeof( TokenRegisterEntry )); if (tre == NULL) return -1; memcpy( &tre->tr, newVr, newVr->cbSize ); tre->nameHash = hash; if (!_tcscmp( newVr->tszTokenString, _T("alias"))) log_debugA("alias"); if (!( newVr->flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC ) && newVr->szService != NULL) tre->tr.szService = mir_strdup( newVr->szService ); if (newVr->flags & TRF_TCHAR ) tre->tr.tszTokenString = mir_tstrdup( newVr->tszTokenString ); else tre->tr.tszTokenString = mir_a2t( newVr->szTokenString ); if (newVr->szHelpText != NULL) tre->tr.szHelpText = mir_strdup( newVr->szHelpText ); if (( newVr->flags & TRF_CLEANUP ) && !( newVr->flags & TRF_CLEANUPFUNC ) && newVr->szCleanupService != NULL) tre->tr.szCleanupService = mir_strdup( newVr->szCleanupService ); EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister); List_GetIndex(( SortedList* )&tokens, tre, &idx ); List_Insert(( SortedList* )&tokens, tre, idx ); LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister); return 0; } TOKENREGISTEREX *searchRegister(TCHAR *tvar, int type) { TokenRegisterEntry *tre; TOKENREGISTEREX *retVr; if (tvar == NULL) return 0; EnterCriticalSection( &csRegister ); tre = FindTokenRegisterByName( tvar ); if (tre == NULL || ( type != 0 && (tre->tr.flags & ( TRF_FIELD | TRF_FUNCTION )) != 0 && !( tre->tr.flags & type ))) retVr = NULL; else retVr = &tre->tr; LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister); return retVr; } TCHAR *parseFromRegister(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { if (ai == NULL || ai->argc == 0 || ai->targv[0] == NULL) return NULL; INT_PTR callRes = 0; TCHAR *temp = NULL, *res = NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister); /* note the following limitation: you cannot add/remove tokens during a call from a different thread */ TOKENREGISTEREX *thisVr = searchRegister( ai->targv[0], 0 ); if (thisVr == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister); return NULL; } TOKENREGISTEREX trCopy = *thisVr; // ai contains WCHARs, convert to chars because the tr doesn't support WCHARs if (!( thisVr->flags & TRF_TCHAR )) { // unicode variables calls a non-unicode plugin unsigned int j; ARGUMENTSINFO cAi; memcpy(&cAi, ai, sizeof(ARGUMENTSINFO)); cAi.argv = ( char** )mir_alloc(ai->argc*sizeof(char *)); for ( j=0; j < ai->argc; j++ ) cAi.argv[j] = mir_t2a( ai->targv[j] ); if (thisVr->flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC ) callRes = (INT_PTR)thisVr->parseFunction( &cAi ); else if (thisVr->szService != NULL) callRes = CallService( thisVr->szService, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)&cAi ); for ( j=0; j < cAi.argc; j++ ) if (cAi.argv[j] != NULL) mir_free( cAi.argv[j] ); if ((char *)callRes != NULL) res = mir_a2t(( char* )callRes ); } else { // unicode variables calls unicode plugin if (thisVr->flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC ) callRes = (INT_PTR)thisVr->parseFunctionT( ai ); else if (thisVr->szService != NULL) callRes = CallService( thisVr->szService, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)ai ); if (( TCHAR* )callRes != NULL) res = mir_tstrdup(( TCHAR* )callRes ); } if (( void* )callRes != NULL) { if (trCopy.flags & TRF_CLEANUP ) { if (trCopy.flags & TRF_CLEANUPFUNC ) trCopy.cleanupFunctionT(( TCHAR* )callRes ); else if (trCopy.szCleanupService != NULL) CallService( trCopy.szCleanupService, 0, (LPARAM)callRes ); } if (trCopy.flags & TRF_FREEMEM ) { if (trCopy.memType == TR_MEM_MIRANDA ) mir_free(( void* )callRes ); // else if (trCopy.memType == TR_MEM_VARIABLES ) // mir_free((void *)callRes); } } LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister); return res; } TOKENREGISTEREX* getTokenRegister( int i ) { TOKENREGISTEREX *retVr; EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister); retVr = ( i >= tokens.count || i < 0 ) ? NULL : &tokens.items[i]->tr; LeaveCriticalSection( &csRegister ); // beware! a pointer is returned here, no copy return retVr; } int getTokenRegisterCount() { int retVal; EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister); retVal = tokens.count; LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister); return retVal; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int CompareTokens( const TokenRegisterEntry* p1, const TokenRegisterEntry* p2 ) { if (p1->nameHash == p2->nameHash ) return 0; return ( p1->nameHash < p2->nameHash ) ? -1 : 1; } int initTokenRegister() { InitializeCriticalSection(&csRegister); tokens.sortFunc = ( FSortFunc )CompareTokens; tokens.increment = 100; return 0; } int deinitTokenRegister() { int i; EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister); for ( i=0; i < tokens.count; i++ ) { TokenRegisterEntry *tre = tokens.items[ i ]; if (!( tre->tr.flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC ) && tre->tr.szService != NULL) mir_free( tre->tr.szService ); if (tre->tr.tszTokenString != NULL) mir_free( tre->tr.tszTokenString ); if (tre->tr.szHelpText != NULL) mir_free( tre->tr.szHelpText ); if (( tre->tr.flags & TRF_CLEANUP ) && !( tre->tr.flags & TRF_CLEANUPFUNC ) && tre->tr.szCleanupService != NULL) mir_free( tre->tr.szCleanupService ); mir_free( tre ); } List_Destroy(( SortedList* )&tokens ); LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister); DeleteCriticalSection(&csRegister); return 0; }