/* Version information plugin for Miranda IM Copyright � 2002-2006 Luca Santarelli, Cristian Libotean This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "CVersionInfo.h" //#include "AggressiveOptimize.h" #include "common.h" //using namespace std; BOOL (WINAPI *MyGetDiskFreeSpaceEx)(LPCTSTR, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER); BOOL (WINAPI *MyIsWow64Process)(HANDLE, PBOOL); void (WINAPI *MyGetSystemInfo)(LPSYSTEM_INFO); BOOL (WINAPI *MyGlobalMemoryStatusEx)(LPMEMORYSTATUSEX lpBuffer) = NULL; LANGID (WINAPI *MyGetUserDefaultUILanguage)() = NULL; LANGID (WINAPI *MyGetSystemDefaultUILanguage)() = NULL; static int ValidExtension(char *fileName, char *extension) { char *dot = strrchr(fileName, '.'); if ((dot != NULL) && (lstrcmpiA(dot + 1, extension) == 0)) { if (dot[strlen(extension) + 1] == 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } /* int EnumSettings(const char *setting, LPARAM lParam) { char *name = (char *) lParam; char *tmp = _strdup(setting); _strlwr(tmp); int res = 0; if (strcmp(tmp, name) == 0) { strcpy((char *) lParam, setting); res = 1; } free(tmp); return res; } int IsPluginDisabled(char *fileName) { char *name = _strdup(fileName); _strlwr(name); DBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS dbEnum = {0}; dbEnum.pfnEnumProc = EnumSettings; dbEnum.lParam = (LPARAM) name; dbEnum.szModule = "PluginDisable"; int res = -1; CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ENUMSETTINGS, NULL, (LPARAM) &dbEnum); DBVARIANT dbv = {0}; dbv.type = DBVT_BYTE; int exists = !(DBGetContactSetting(NULL, "PluginDisable", name, &dbv)); if (exists) { res = dbv.bVal; } free(name); return res; } */ void FillLocalTime(std::string &output, FILETIME *fileTime) { TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzInfo = {0}; FILETIME local = {0}; SYSTEMTIME sysTime; char date[1024]; char time[256]; FileTimeToLocalFileTime(fileTime, &local); FileTimeToSystemTime(&local, &sysTime); GetDateFormat(EnglishLocale, 0, &sysTime, "dd' 'MMM' 'yyyy", date, sizeof(date)); GetTimeFormat(NULL, TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, &sysTime, "HH':'mm':'ss", time, sizeof(time)); //americans love 24hour format ;) output = std::string(date) + " at " + std::string(time); int res = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzInfo); char tzName[32] = {0}; char tzOffset[64] = {0}; int offset = 0; switch (res) { case TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT: { offset = -(tzInfo.Bias + tzInfo.DaylightBias); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, tzInfo.DaylightName, -1, tzName, sizeof(tzName), NULL, NULL); break; } case TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD: { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, tzInfo.StandardName, -1, tzName, sizeof(tzName), NULL, NULL); offset = -(tzInfo.Bias + tzInfo.StandardBias); break; } case TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN: { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, tzInfo.StandardName, -1, tzName, sizeof(tzName), NULL, NULL); offset = -tzInfo.Bias; break; } } sprintf(tzOffset, "UTC %+02d:%02d", offset / 60, offset % 60); output += " (" /*+ std::string(tzName) + ", " */ + std::string(tzOffset) + ")"; } CVersionInfo::CVersionInfo() { luiFreeDiskSpace = 0; bDEPEnabled = 0; }; CVersionInfo::~CVersionInfo() { listInactivePlugins.clear(); listActivePlugins.clear(); listUnloadablePlugins.clear(); lpzMirandaVersion.~basic_string(); lpzNightly.~basic_string(); lpzUnicodeBuild.~basic_string(); lpzBuildTime.~basic_string(); lpzOSVersion.~basic_string(); lpzMirandaPath.~basic_string(); lpzCPUName.~basic_string(); lpzCPUIdentifier.~basic_string(); }; void CVersionInfo::Initialize() { #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) PUShowMessage("Before GetMirandaVersion().", SM_NOTIFY); #endif GetMirandaVersion(); #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) PUShowMessage("Before GetProfileSettings().", SM_NOTIFY); #endif GetProfileSettings(); #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) PUShowMessage("Before GetLangpackInfo().", SM_NOTIFY); #endif GetOSLanguages(); GetLangpackInfo(); #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) PUShowMessage("Before GetPluginLists().", SM_NOTIFY); #endif GetPluginLists(); #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) PUShowMessage("Before GetOSVersion().", SM_NOTIFY); #endif GetOSVersion(); #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) PUShowMessage("Before GetHWSettings().", SM_NOTIFY); #endif GetHWSettings(); #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) PUShowMessage("Done with GetHWSettings().", SM_NOTIFY); #endif } bool CVersionInfo::GetMirandaVersion() { const BYTE str_size = 64; char str[str_size]; //Miranda version CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSIONTEXT, (WPARAM)str_size, (LPARAM)(char*)str); this->lpzMirandaVersion = std::string(str); //Is it a nightly? if (lpzMirandaVersion.find("alpha",0) != std::string::npos) lpzNightly = "Yes"; else lpzNightly = "No"; if (lpzMirandaVersion.find("Unicode", 0) != std::string::npos) { lpzUnicodeBuild = "Yes"; } else{ lpzUnicodeBuild = "No"; } char time[128], date[128]; GetModuleTimeStamp(date, time); lpzBuildTime = std::string(time) + " on " + std::string(date); return TRUE; } bool CVersionInfo::GetOSVersion() { //Operating system informations OSVERSIONINFO osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(osvi)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); GetVersionEx(&osvi); //Now fill the private members. char aux[256]; wsprintf(aux, "%d.%d.%d %s", osvi.dwMajorVersion, osvi.dwMinorVersion, LOWORD(osvi.dwBuildNumber), osvi.szCSDVersion); lpzOSVersion = std::string(aux); //OSName //Let's read the registry. HKEY hKey; char szKey[MAX_PATH], szValue[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyn(szKey, "Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", MAX_PATH); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD type, size, result; lstrcpyn(szValue, "Identifier", MAX_PATH); result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szValue, 0, &type, NULL, &size); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { char *aux = (char *) malloc(size); result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szValue, 0, &type, (LPBYTE) aux, &size); lpzCPUIdentifier = std::string(aux); free(aux); } else{ NotifyError(GetLastError(), "RegQueryValueEx()", __LINE__); lpzCPUIdentifier = "<Error in RegQueryValueEx()>"; } lstrcpyn(szValue, "ProcessorNameString", MAX_PATH); result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szValue, 0, &type, NULL, &size); //get the size if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // MessageBox(0, "ProcessorNameString available in the registry", "Info", 0); char *aux = (char *) malloc(size); result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szValue, 0, &type, (LPBYTE) aux, &size); lpzCPUName = std::string(aux); free(aux); } else{ //else try to use cpuid instruction to get the proc name char szName[49] = "<cpuid extension N/A>"; #if (!defined(WIN64) && !defined(_WIN64)) __asm { push eax //save the registers push ebx push ecx push edx xor eax, eax //get simple name cpuid mov DWORD PTR szName[0], ebx mov DWORD PTR szName[4], edx mov DWORD PTR szName[8], ecx mov DWORD PTR szName[12], 0 mov eax, 0x80000000 //try to get pretty name cpuid cmp eax, 0x80000004 jb end //if we don't have the extension end the check mov DWORD PTR szName[0], 0 //make the string null mov eax, 0x80000002 //first part of the string cpuid mov DWORD PTR szName[0], eax mov DWORD PTR szName[4], ebx mov DWORD PTR szName[8], ecx mov DWORD PTR szName[12], edx mov eax, 0x80000003 //second part of the string cpuid mov DWORD PTR szName[16], eax mov DWORD PTR szName[20], ebx mov DWORD PTR szName[24], ecx mov DWORD PTR szName[28], edx mov eax, 0x80000004 //third part of the string cpuid mov DWORD PTR szName[32], eax mov DWORD PTR szName[36], ebx mov DWORD PTR szName[40], ecx mov DWORD PTR szName[44], edx end: pop edx //load them back pop ecx pop ebx pop eax } szName[sizeof(szName) - 1] = '\0'; #endif if (strlen(szName) == 0) { lpzCPUName = "<name N/A>"; } else{ lpzCPUName = std::string(szName); } } } bDEPEnabled = IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_NX_ENABLED); /* if (!bDEPEnabled) { int x = 0; __asm { push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax, 0x80000001 cpuid mov eax, 1 shl eax, 20 xor edx, eax cmp edx, 0 je end_DEP mov x, 1 end_DEP: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax } bDEPEnabled = x; } */ switch (osvi.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: lstrcpyn(szKey, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", MAX_PATH); lstrcpyn(szValue, "Version", MAX_PATH); break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: lstrcpyn(szKey, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", MAX_PATH); lstrcpyn(szValue, "ProductName", MAX_PATH); break; } RegCloseKey(hKey); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,szKey,0,KEY_QUERY_VALUE,&hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD type, size, result; //Get the size of the value we'll read. result = RegQueryValueEx((HKEY)hKey,szValue,(LPDWORD)NULL, (LPDWORD)&type,(LPBYTE)NULL, (LPDWORD)&size); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Read it. char *aux = (char*)malloc(size); result = RegQueryValueEx((HKEY)hKey,szValue,(LPDWORD)NULL, (LPDWORD)&type,(LPBYTE)aux,(LPDWORD)&size); lpzOSName = std::string(aux); free(aux); } else { NotifyError(GetLastError(), "RegQueryValueEx()", __LINE__); lpzOSName = "<Error in RegQueryValueEx()>"; } } else { NotifyError(GetLastError(), "RegOpenKeyEx()", __LINE__); lpzOSName = "<Error in RegOpenKeyEx()>"; } //Now we can improve it if we can. switch (LOWORD(osvi.dwBuildNumber)) { case 950: lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows 95"; break; case 1111: lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2"; break; case 1998: lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows 98"; break; case 2222: lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows 98 SE"; break; case 3000: lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows ME"; break; //Even if this is wrong, we have already read it in the registry. case 1381: lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows NT"; break; //What about service packs? case 2195: lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows 2000"; break; //What about service packs? case 2600: lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows XP"; break; case 3790: { if (GetSystemMetrics(89)) { //R2 ? lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows 2003 R2"; } else{ lpzOSName = "Microsoft Windows 2003"; } break; //added windows 2003 info } } return TRUE; } bool CVersionInfo::GetHWSettings() { //Free space on Miranda Partition. char szMirandaPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; { char *str2; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL),szMirandaPath,sizeof(szMirandaPath)); str2=strrchr(szMirandaPath,'\\'); if(str2!=NULL) *str2=0; } HMODULE hKernel32; hKernel32 = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"); if (hKernel32) { MyGetDiskFreeSpaceEx = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(LPCTSTR,PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER))GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA"); MyIsWow64Process = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (HANDLE, PBOOL)) GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "IsWow64Process"); MyGetSystemInfo = (void (WINAPI *) (LPSYSTEM_INFO)) GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetNativeSystemInfo"); MyGlobalMemoryStatusEx = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (LPMEMORYSTATUSEX)) GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GlobalMemoryStatusEx"); if (!MyGetSystemInfo) { MyGetSystemInfo = GetSystemInfo; } FreeLibrary(hKernel32); } if (MyGetDiskFreeSpaceEx) { ULARGE_INTEGER FreeBytes, a, b; MyGetDiskFreeSpaceEx(szMirandaPath, &FreeBytes, &a, &b); //Now we need to convert it. __int64 aux = FreeBytes.QuadPart; aux /= (1024*1024); luiFreeDiskSpace = (unsigned long int)aux; } else { luiFreeDiskSpace = 0; } char szInfo[1024]; GetWindowsShell(szInfo, sizeof(szInfo)); lpzShell = szInfo; GetInternetExplorerVersion(szInfo, sizeof(szInfo)); lpzIEVersion = szInfo; lpzAdministratorPrivileges = (IsCurrentUserLocalAdministrator()) ? "Yes" : "No"; bIsWOW64 = 0; if (MyIsWow64Process) { if (!MyIsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWOW64)) { bIsWOW64 = 0; } } SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo = {0}; GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo); luiProcessors = sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; //Installed RAM if (MyGlobalMemoryStatusEx) //windows 2000+ { MEMORYSTATUSEX ms = {0}; ms.dwLength = sizeof(ms); MyGlobalMemoryStatusEx(&ms); luiRAM = (unsigned int) ((ms.ullTotalPhys / (1024 * 1024)) + 1); } else{ MEMORYSTATUS ms = {0}; ZeroMemory(&ms, sizeof(ms)); ms.dwLength = sizeof(ms); GlobalMemoryStatus(&ms); luiRAM = (ms.dwTotalPhys/(1024*1024))+1; //Ugly hack!!!! } return TRUE; } bool CVersionInfo::GetProfileSettings() { char profileName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char profilePath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; ServiceExists(MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH_BASIC) ? CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH_BASIC, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM) profilePath) : CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM) profilePath); //get the profile path CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILENAME, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM) profileName); //get the profile name // strcat(profileName, ".dat"); //add the .dat extension to the profile name lpzProfilePath = std::string(profilePath); //save the profile path strcat(profilePath, "\\"); //add the last \\ to the path strcat(profilePath, profileName); //now profilePath is drive:\path\profilename.dat HANDLE fin = CreateFile(profilePath, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_READ_EA | STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (fin == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fin = CreateFile(profilePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } if (fin != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD size; FILETIME creation, modified, accessed; size = GetFileSize(fin, NULL); TCHAR number[1024]; char tmp[1024]; double fileSize = (double) size / 1024; sprintf(tmp, "%f", fileSize); GetNumberFormat(EnglishLocale, NULL, tmp, NULL, number, 1024); lpzProfileSize = std::string(number) + " KBytes"; GetFileTime(fin, &creation, &accessed, &modified); FillLocalTime(lpzProfileCreationDate, &creation); CloseHandle(fin); } else{ DWORD error = GetLastError(); char tmp[1024]; sprintf(tmp, "%d", error); lpzProfileCreationDate = "<error " + std::string(tmp) + " at FileOpen>" + std::string(profilePath); lpzProfileSize = "<error " + std::string(tmp) + " at FileOpen>" + std::string(profilePath); } return true; } static char szSystemLocales[4096] = {0}; static WORD systemLangID; #define US_LANG_ID 0x00000409 BOOL CALLBACK EnumSystemLocalesProc(char *szLocale) { DWORD locale = atoi(szLocale); char *name = GetLanguageName(locale); if (!strstr(szSystemLocales, name)) { strcat(szSystemLocales, name); strcat(szSystemLocales, ", "); } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK EnumResLangProc(HMODULE hModule, LPCTSTR lpszType, LPCTSTR lpszName, WORD wIDLanguage, LONG_PTR lParam) { if (!lpszName) return FALSE; if (wIDLanguage != US_LANG_ID) systemLangID = wIDLanguage; return TRUE; } bool CVersionInfo::GetOSLanguages() { lpzOSLanguages = "(UI | Locale (User/System)) : "; LANGID UILang; OSVERSIONINFO os = {0}; os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(os); GetVersionEx(&os); switch (os.dwMajorVersion) { case 4: //Win 95-Me, NT { if (os.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) //Win NT { HMODULE hLib = LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll"); if (hLib) { EnumResourceLanguages(hLib, RT_VERSION, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), EnumResLangProc, NULL); FreeLibrary(hLib); if (systemLangID == US_LANG_ID) { UINT uiACP; uiACP = GetACP(); switch (uiACP) { case 874: // Thai code page activated, it's a Thai enabled system systemLangID = MAKELANGID(LANG_THAI, SUBLANG_DEFAULT); break; case 1255: // Hebrew code page activated, it's a Hebrew enabled system systemLangID = MAKELANGID(LANG_HEBREW, SUBLANG_DEFAULT); break; case 1256: // Arabic code page activated, it's a Arabic enabled system systemLangID = MAKELANGID(LANG_ARABIC, SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA); break; default: break; } } } } else{ //Win 95-Me HKEY hKey = NULL; char szLangID[128] = "0x"; DWORD size = sizeof(szLangID) - 2; char err[512]; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Control Panel\\Desktop\\ResourceLocale", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "", 0, NULL, (LPBYTE) &szLangID + 2, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { sscanf(szLangID, "%lx", &systemLangID); } else{ FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, GetLastError(), LANG_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, err, size, NULL); MessageBox(0, err, "Error at RegQueryValueEx()", MB_OK); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } else{ FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, GetLastError(), LANG_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, err, size, NULL); MessageBox(0, err, "Error at RegOpenKeyEx()", MB_OK); } } lpzOSLanguages += GetLanguageName(systemLangID); break; } case 5: //Win 2000, XP default: { HMODULE hKernel32 = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"); if (hKernel32) { MyGetUserDefaultUILanguage = (LANGID (WINAPI *)()) GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetUserDefaultUILanguage"); MyGetSystemDefaultUILanguage = (LANGID (WINAPI *)()) GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetSystemDefaultUILanguage"); FreeLibrary(hKernel32); } if ((MyGetUserDefaultUILanguage) && (MyGetSystemDefaultUILanguage)) { UILang = MyGetUserDefaultUILanguage(); lpzOSLanguages += GetLanguageName(UILang); lpzOSLanguages += "/"; UILang = MyGetSystemDefaultUILanguage(); lpzOSLanguages += GetLanguageName(UILang); } else{ lpzOSLanguages += "Missing functions in kernel32.dll (GetUserDefaultUILanguage, GetSystemDefaultUILanguage)"; } break; } } lpzOSLanguages += " | "; lpzOSLanguages += GetLanguageName(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT); lpzOSLanguages += "/"; lpzOSLanguages += GetLanguageName(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); if (DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, ModuleName, "ShowInstalledLanguages", 0)) { szSystemLocales[0] = '\0'; lpzOSLanguages += " ["; EnumSystemLocales(EnumSystemLocalesProc, LCID_INSTALLED); if (strlen(szSystemLocales) > 2) { szSystemLocales[strlen(szSystemLocales) - 2] = '\0'; } lpzOSLanguages += szSystemLocales; lpzOSLanguages += "]"; } return true; } int SaveInfo(const char *data, const char *lwrData, const char *search, char *dest, int size) { const char *pos = strstr(lwrData, search); int res = 1; if (pos == lwrData) { strncpy(dest, &data[strlen(search)], size); res = 0; } return res; } bool CVersionInfo::GetLangpackInfo() { char langpackPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char search[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char *p; lpzLangpackModifiedDate = ""; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), langpackPath, sizeof(langpackPath)); p = strrchr(langpackPath, '\\'); if (p) { WIN32_FIND_DATA data = {0}; HANDLE hLangpack; p[1] = '\0'; strcpy(search, langpackPath); strcat(search, "langpack_*.txt"); hLangpack = FindFirstFile(search, &data); if (hLangpack != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { char buffer[1024]; char temp[1024]; //FILETIME localWriteTime; //SYSTEMTIME sysTime; FillLocalTime(lpzLangpackModifiedDate, &data.ftLastWriteTime); char locale[128] = {0}; char language[128] = {0}; char version[128] = {0}; strcpy(version, "N/A"); char *p; strncpy(temp, data.cFileName, sizeof(temp)); p = strrchr(temp, '.'); p[0] = '\0'; strncpy(language, strchr(temp, '_') + 1, sizeof(language)); strcat(langpackPath, data.cFileName); FILE *fin = fopen(langpackPath, "rt"); if (fin) { size_t len; while (!feof(fin)) { fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fin); len = strlen(buffer); if (buffer[len - 1] == '\n') buffer[len - 1] = '\0'; strncpy(temp, buffer, sizeof(temp)); _strlwr(temp); if (SaveInfo(buffer, temp, "language: ", language, sizeof(language))) { if (SaveInfo(buffer, temp, "locale: ", locale, sizeof(locale))) { p = strstr(buffer, "; FLID: "); if (p) { int ok = 1; int i; for (i = 0; ((i < 3) && (ok)); i++) { p = strrchr(temp, '.'); if (p) { p[0] = '\0'; } else{ ok = 0; } } p = strrchr(temp, ' '); if ((ok) && (p)) { strncpy(version, &buffer[p - temp + 1], sizeof(version)); } else{ strncpy(version, "<unknown>", sizeof(version)); } } } } } lpzLangpackInfo = std::string(language) + " [" + std::string(locale) + "]"; if (strlen(version) > 0) { lpzLangpackInfo += " v. " + std::string(version); } fclose(fin); } else{ int err = GetLastError(); lpzLangpackInfo = "<error> Could not open file " + std::string(data.cFileName); } FindClose(hLangpack); } else{ lpzLangpackInfo = "No language pack installed"; } } return true; } std::string GetPluginTimestamp(FILETIME *fileTime) { SYSTEMTIME sysTime; FileTimeToSystemTime(fileTime, &sysTime); //convert the file tyme to system time //char time[256]; char date[256]; //lovely GetDateFormat(EnglishLocale, 0, &sysTime, "dd' 'MMM' 'yyyy", date, sizeof(date)); //GetTimeFormat(NULL, TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, &sysTime, "HH':'mm':'ss", time, sizeof(time)); //americans love 24hour format :) std::string timedate(date); return timedate; } bool CVersionInfo::GetPluginLists() { HANDLE hFind; char szMirandaPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }, szSearchPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; //For search purpose WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; char szMirandaPluginsPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }, szPluginPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; //For info reading purpose BYTE PluginIsEnabled = 0; HINSTANCE hInstPlugin = NULL; PLUGININFOEX *(*MirandaPluginInfo)(DWORD); //These two are used to get informations from the plugin. PLUGININFOEX *pluginInfo = NULL; //Read above. DWORD mirandaVersion = 0; BOOL asmCheckOK = FALSE; DWORD loadError; // SYSTEMTIME sysTime; //for timestamp mirandaVersion=(DWORD)CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSION,0,0); { char *str2; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL),szMirandaPath,sizeof(szMirandaPath)); str2=strrchr(szMirandaPath,'\\'); if(str2!=NULL) *str2=0; } lpzMirandaPath = std::string(szMirandaPath); //We got Miranda path, now we'll use it for two different purposes. //1) finding plugins. //2) Reading plugin infos lstrcpyn(szSearchPath,szMirandaPath, MAX_PATH); //We got the path, now we copy it into szSearchPath. We'll use szSearchPath as am auxiliary variable, while szMirandaPath will keep a "fixed" value. lstrcat(szSearchPath,"\\Plugins\\*.dll"); lstrcpyn(szMirandaPluginsPath, szMirandaPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szMirandaPluginsPath,"\\Plugins\\"); hFind=FindFirstFile(szSearchPath,&fd); LogToFile("Starting to load plugins"); if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (verbose) PUShowMessage(fd.cFileName, SM_NOTIFY); if (!ValidExtension(fd.cFileName, "dll")) { continue; //do not report plugins that do not have extension .dll } hInstPlugin = GetModuleHandle(fd.cFileName); //try to get the handle of the module if (hInstPlugin) //if we got it then the dll is loaded (enabled) { PluginIsEnabled = 1; LogToFile("Plugin '%s' is enabled and loaded", fd.cFileName); } else{ PluginIsEnabled = 0; LogToFile("Plugin '%s' is not loaded, going to load it", fd.cFileName); lstrcpyn(szPluginPath, szMirandaPluginsPath, MAX_PATH); // szPluginPath becomes "drive:\path\Miranda\Plugins\" lstrcat(szPluginPath, fd.cFileName); // szPluginPath becomes "drive:\path\Miranda\Plugins\popup.dll" hInstPlugin = LoadLibrary(szPluginPath); /* PluginIsEnabled = !( DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, "PluginDisable", fd.cFileName, FALSE) || DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, "PluginDisable", CharUpper(fd.cFileName), FALSE) || DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, "PluginDisable", CharLower(fd.cFileName), FALSE) }; //If the DB does not contain that value, the plugin is enabled => default: FALSE; action: !read */ //Let's read the informations. /* } if (PluginIsEnabled) { hInstPlugin = GetModuleHandle(fd.cFileName); } else{ lstrcpyn(szPluginPath, szMirandaPluginsPath, MAX_PATH); // szPluginPath becomes "drive:\path\Miranda\Plugins\" lstrcat(szPluginPath, fd.cFileName); // szPluginPath becomes "drive:\path\Miranda\Plugins\popup.dll" hInstPlugin = LoadLibrary(szPluginPath); } */ } if (!hInstPlugin) { //It wasn't loaded. loadError = GetLastError(); int bUnknownError = 1; //assume plugin didn't load because of unknown error //Some error messages. //get the dlls the plugin statically links to if (DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, ModuleName, "CheckForDependencies", TRUE)) { std::string linkedModules = ""; lstrcpyn(szPluginPath, szMirandaPluginsPath, MAX_PATH); // szPluginPath becomes "drive:\path\Miranda\Plugins\" lstrcat(szPluginPath, fd.cFileName); // szPluginPath becomes "drive:\path\Miranda\Plugins\popup.dll" if (GetLinkedModulesInfo(szPluginPath, linkedModules)) { LogToFile("Plugin %s has unresolved dependencies, adding to unloadable list", szPluginPath); std::string time = GetPluginTimestamp(&fd.ftLastWriteTime); CPlugin thePlugin = CPlugin(std::string(fd.cFileName), "<unknown>", UUID_NULL, "", 0, time, linkedModules); AddPlugin(thePlugin, listUnloadablePlugins); bUnknownError = 0; //we know why the plugin didn't load } } if (bUnknownError) //if cause is unknown then report it { LogToFile("Plugin %s doesn't load", szPluginPath); std::string time = GetPluginTimestamp(&fd.ftLastWriteTime); char buffer[4096]; char error[2048]; //DWORD_PTR arguments[2] = {loadError, 0}; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, NULL, loadError, 0, error, sizeof(error), NULL); sprintf(buffer, " Error %ld - %s", loadError, error); CPlugin thePlugin = CPlugin(std::string(fd.cFileName), "<unknown>", UUID_NULL, "", 0, time, buffer); AddPlugin(thePlugin, listUnloadablePlugins); } } else { //It was successfully loaded. LogToFile("Plugin '%s' was loaded successfully", fd.cFileName); MirandaPluginInfo = (PLUGININFOEX *(*)(DWORD))GetProcAddress(hInstPlugin, "MirandaPluginInfoEx"); if (!MirandaPluginInfo) { MirandaPluginInfo = (PLUGININFOEX *(*)(DWORD))GetProcAddress(hInstPlugin, "MirandaPluginInfo"); } if (!MirandaPluginInfo) { //There is no function: it's not a valid plugin. Let's move on to the next file. continue; } else { //It's a valid plugin, since we could find MirandaPluginInfo #if (!defined(WIN64) && !defined(_WIN64)) asmCheckOK = FALSE; __asm { push mirandaVersion push mirandaVersion call MirandaPluginInfo pop eax pop eax cmp eax, mirandaVersion jne a1 mov asmCheckOK, 0xffffffff // jmp a2 a1: // a2: } #else asmCheckOK = TRUE; #endif if (asmCheckOK) pluginInfo = CopyPluginInfo(MirandaPluginInfo(mirandaVersion)); else { ZeroMemory(&pluginInfo, sizeof(pluginInfo)); MessageBox(NULL, fd.cFileName, "Invalid plugin", MB_OK); } } } //Let's get the info. if (MirandaPluginInfo != NULL) {//a valid miranda plugin if (pluginInfo != NULL) { LogToFile("Plugin '%s' is a miranda plugin", fd.cFileName); //We have loaded the informations into pluginInfo. std::string timedate = GetPluginTimestamp(&fd.ftLastWriteTime); CPlugin thePlugin = CPlugin(std::string(fd.cFileName),std::string(pluginInfo->shortName), pluginInfo->uuid, std::string((pluginInfo->flags & 1) ? "Unicode aware" : ""), (DWORD) pluginInfo->version, timedate, ""); if (PluginIsEnabled) { AddPlugin(thePlugin, listActivePlugins); } else { if ((IsUUIDNull(pluginInfo->uuid)) && (mirandaVersion >= PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(0,8,0,9))) { thePlugin.SetErrorMessage(" Plugin does not have an UUID and will not work with Miranda 0.8.\r\n"); AddPlugin(thePlugin, listUnloadablePlugins); } else{ AddPlugin(thePlugin, listInactivePlugins); } FreeLibrary(hInstPlugin); //We don't need it anymore. } FreePluginInfo(pluginInfo); MirandaPluginInfo = NULL; #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) { char szMsg[4096] = { 0 }; wsprintf(szMsg, "Done with: %s", fd.cFileName); PUShowMessage(szMsg, SM_NOTIFY); } #endif } else{//pluginINFO == NULL LogToFile("Plugin '%s' refuses to load", fd.cFileName); pluginInfo = CopyPluginInfo(MirandaPluginInfo(PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(9, 9, 9, 9))); //let's see if the plugin likes this miranda version char *szShortName = "<unknown>"; std::string time = GetPluginTimestamp(&fd.ftLastWriteTime); //get the plugin timestamp; DWORD version = 0; if (pluginInfo) { szShortName = pluginInfo->shortName; version = pluginInfo->version; } CPlugin thePlugin = CPlugin(std::string(fd.cFileName), std::string(szShortName), (pluginInfo) ? (pluginInfo->uuid) : UUID_NULL, std::string(((pluginInfo) && (pluginInfo->flags & 1)) ? "Unicode aware" : ""), version, time, " Plugin refuses to load. Miranda version too old."); AddPlugin(thePlugin, listUnloadablePlugins); if (pluginInfo) { FreePluginInfo(pluginInfo); } } } } while (FindNextFile(hFind,&fd)); FindClose(hFind); } LogToFile("Done loading plugins"); return TRUE; } bool CVersionInfo::AddPlugin(CPlugin &aPlugin, std::list<CPlugin> &aList) { std::list<CPlugin>::iterator pos = aList.begin(); bool inserted = FALSE; if (aList.begin() == aList.end()) { //It's empty aList.push_back(aPlugin); return TRUE; } else { //It's not empty while (pos != aList.end()) { //It can be either < or >, not equal. if (aPlugin < (*pos)) { aList.insert(pos, aPlugin); return TRUE; } else { //It's greater: we need to insert it. pos++; } } } if (inserted == FALSE) { aList.push_back(aPlugin); return TRUE; } return TRUE; }; static char *GetStringFromRVA(DWORD RVA, const LOADED_IMAGE *image) { char *moduleName; moduleName = (char *) ImageRvaToVa(image->FileHeader, image->MappedAddress, RVA, NULL); return moduleName; } bool CVersionInfo::GetLinkedModulesInfo(char *moduleName, std::string &linkedModules) { LogToFile("Checking dll %s for unresolved dll dependencies ...", moduleName); LOADED_IMAGE image; ULONG importTableSize; IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *importData; //HMODULE dllModule; linkedModules = ""; bool result = false; // LogToFile(" Before LoadLibraryEx", moduleName); // dllModule = LoadLibraryEx(moduleName, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES); //dllModule = 0; //LogToFile(" Before MapAndLoad (dll handle %ld)", moduleName, dllModule); if (MapAndLoad(moduleName, NULL, &image, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE) { char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "%d", GetLastError()); LogToFile(" MapAndLoad failed with error %s", tmp); linkedModules = "<error " + std::string(tmp) + " at MapAndLoad()>\r\n"; // FreeLibrary(dllModule); return result; } LogToFile(" Before ImageDirectoryEntryToData (base address %ld)", image.MappedAddress); importData = (IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *) ImageDirectoryEntryToData(image.MappedAddress, FALSE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT, &importTableSize); if (!importData) { char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "%d", GetLastError()); LogToFile(" ImageDirectoryEntryToData failed with error %s", tmp); linkedModules = "<error " + std::string(tmp) + " at ImageDirectoryEntryToDataEx()>\r\n"; } else{ LogToFile(" Checking dll dependencies"); while (importData->Name) { char *moduleName; moduleName = GetStringFromRVA(importData->Name, &image); LogToFile(" Checking link to dll %s", moduleName); if (!DoesDllExist(moduleName)) { LogToFile(" Dll %s not found, adding to list", moduleName); linkedModules.append(" Plugin statically links to missing dll file: " + std::string(moduleName) + "\r\n"); result = true; } else{ LogToFile(" Dll %s found", moduleName); } LogToFile(" Moving to next import entry"); importData++; //go to next record } } LogToFile(" Done checking dependencies"); LogToFile(" Cleaning up; before {FreeLibrary()} and UnMapAndLoad"); // FreeLibrary(dllModule); UnMapAndLoad(&image); //unload the image return result; } std::string CVersionInfo::GetListAsString(std::list<CPlugin> &aList, DWORD flags, int beautify) { std::list<CPlugin>::iterator pos = aList.begin(); std::string out = ""; #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) PUShowMessage("CVersionInfo::GetListAsString, begin.", SM_NOTIFY); #endif char szHeader[32] = {0}; char szFooter[32] = {0}; if ((((flags & VISF_FORUMSTYLE) == VISF_FORUMSTYLE) || beautify) && (DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, ModuleName, "BoldVersionNumber", TRUE))) { GetStringFromDatabase("BoldBegin", "[b]", szHeader, sizeof(szHeader)); GetStringFromDatabase("BoldEnd", "[/b]", szFooter, sizeof(szFooter)); } while (pos != aList.end()) { out.append(std::string((*pos).getInformations(flags, szHeader, szFooter))); pos++; } #ifdef _DEBUG if (verbose) PUShowMessage("CVersionInfo::GetListAsString, end.", SM_NOTIFY); #endif return out; }; void CVersionInfo::BeautifyReport(int beautify, char *szBeautifyText, char *szNonBeautifyText, std::string &out) { if (beautify) { out.append(szBeautifyText); } else{ out.append(szNonBeautifyText); } } void CVersionInfo::AddInfoHeader(int suppressHeader, int forumStyle, int beautify, std::string &out) { if (forumStyle) //forum style { char szSize[256]; char szQuote[256]; GetStringFromDatabase("SizeBegin", "[size=1]", szSize, sizeof(szSize)); GetStringFromDatabase("QuoteBegin", "[quote]", szQuote, sizeof(szQuote)); out.append(szQuote); out.append(szSize); } else{ out = ""; } if (!suppressHeader) { out.append("Miranda IM - VersionInformation plugin by Hrk, modified by Eblis\r\n"); if (!forumStyle) { out.append("Miranda's homepage: http://www.miranda-im.org/\r\n"); //changed homepage out.append("Miranda tools: http://miranda-im.org/download/\r\n\r\n"); //was missing a / before download } } char buffer[1024]; //for beautification GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyHorizLine", "<hr />", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, "", out); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyBlockStart", "<blockquote>", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, "", out); if (!suppressHeader) { //Time of report: char lpzTime[12]; GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL,"HH':'mm':'ss",lpzTime, sizeof(lpzTime)); char lpzDate[32]; GetDateFormat(EnglishLocale, 0, NULL,"dd' 'MMMM' 'yyyy",lpzDate, sizeof(lpzDate)); out.append("Report generated at: " + std::string(lpzTime) + " on " + std::string(lpzDate) + "\r\n\r\n"); } //Operating system out.append("CPU: " + lpzCPUName + " [" + lpzCPUIdentifier + "]"); if (bDEPEnabled) { out.append(" [DEP enabled]"); } if (luiProcessors > 1) { char noProcs[128]; sprintf(noProcs, " [%d CPUs]", luiProcessors); out.append(noProcs); } out.append("\r\n"); //RAM char szRAM[64]; wsprintf(szRAM, "%d", luiRAM); out.append("Installed RAM: " + std::string(szRAM) + " MBytes\r\n"); //operating system out.append("Operating System: " + lpzOSName + " [version: " + lpzOSVersion + "]\r\n"); //shell, IE, administrator out.append("Shell: " + lpzShell + ", Internet Explorer " + lpzIEVersion + "\r\n"); out.append("Administrator privileges: " + lpzAdministratorPrivileges + "\r\n"); //languages out.append("OS Languages: " + lpzOSLanguages + "\r\n"); //FreeDiskSpace if (luiFreeDiskSpace) { char szDiskSpace[64]; wsprintf(szDiskSpace, "%d", luiFreeDiskSpace); out.append("Free disk space on Miranda partition: " + std::string(szDiskSpace) + " MBytes\r\n"); } //Miranda out.append("Miranda path: " + lpzMirandaPath + "\r\n"); out.append("Miranda IM version: " + lpzMirandaVersion); if (bIsWOW64) { out.append(" [running inside WOW64]"); } if (bServiceMode) { out.append(" [service mode]"); } out.append("\r\nBuild time: " + lpzBuildTime + "\r\n"); out.append("Profile path: " + lpzProfilePath + "\r\n"); //if (lpzProfileSize.find("error", 0) == std::string::npos) //only show the profile size of no error occured //{ out.append("Profile size: " + lpzProfileSize + "\r\n"); out.append("Profile creation date: " + lpzProfileCreationDate + "\r\n"); //} out.append("Language pack: " + lpzLangpackInfo); out.append((lpzLangpackModifiedDate.size() > 0) ? ", modified: " + lpzLangpackModifiedDate : ""); out.append("\r\n"); out.append("Nightly: " + lpzNightly + "\r\n"); out.append("Unicode core: " + lpzUnicodeBuild); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyBlockEnd", "</blockquote>", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, "\r\n", out); //out.append("\r\n"); } void CVersionInfo::AddInfoFooter(int suppressFooter, int forumStyle, int beautify, std::string &out) { //End of report char buffer[1024]; //for beautification purposes GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyHorizLine", "<hr />", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!suppressFooter) { BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, "\r\n", out); out.append("\r\nEnd of report.\r\n"); } if (!forumStyle) { if (!suppressFooter) { out.append(Translate("If you are going to use this report to submit a bug, remember to check the website for questions or help the developers may need.\r\nIf you don't check your bug report and give feedback, it will not be fixed!")); } } else{ char szSize[256]; char szQuote[256]; GetStringFromDatabase("SizeEnd", "[/size]", szSize, sizeof(szSize)); GetStringFromDatabase("QuoteEnd", "[/quote]", szQuote, sizeof(szQuote)); out.append(szSize); out.append(szQuote); } } static void AddSectionAndCount(std::list<CPlugin> list, char *listText, std::string &out) { char tmp[64]; sprintf(tmp, " (%u)", list.size()); out.append(listText); out.append(tmp); out.append(":"); } std::string CVersionInfo::GetInformationsAsString(int bDisableForumStyle) { //Begin of report std::string out; int forumStyle = (bDisableForumStyle) ? 0 : DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, ModuleName, "ForumStyle", TRUE); int showUUID = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, ModuleName, "ShowUUIDs", FALSE); int beautify = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, ModuleName, "Beautify", 0) & (!forumStyle); int suppressHeader = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, ModuleName, "SuppressHeader", TRUE); DWORD flags = (forumStyle) | (showUUID << 1); AddInfoHeader(suppressHeader, forumStyle, beautify, out); char normalPluginsStart[1024]; //for beautification purposes, for normal plugins text (start) char normalPluginsEnd[1024]; //for beautification purposes, for normal plugins text (end) char horizLine[1024]; //for beautification purposes char buffer[1024]; //for beautification purposes char headerHighlightStart[10] = ""; char headerHighlightEnd[10] = ""; if (forumStyle) { char start[128], end[128]; GetStringFromDatabase("BoldBegin", "[b]", start, sizeof(start)); GetStringFromDatabase("BoldEnd", "[/b]", end, sizeof(end)); strncpy(headerHighlightStart, start, sizeof(headerHighlightStart)); strncpy(headerHighlightEnd, end, sizeof(headerHighlightEnd)); } //Plugins: list of active (enabled) plugins. GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyHorizLine", "<hr />", horizLine, sizeof(horizLine)); BeautifyReport(beautify, horizLine, "\r\n", out); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyActiveHeaderBegin", "<b><font size=\"-1\" color=\"DarkGreen\">", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, headerHighlightStart, out); AddSectionAndCount(listActivePlugins, "Active Plugins", out); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyActiveHeaderEnd", "</font></b>", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, headerHighlightEnd, out); out.append("\r\n"); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyPluginsBegin", "<font size=\"-2\" color=\"black\">", normalPluginsStart, sizeof(normalPluginsStart)); BeautifyReport(beautify, normalPluginsStart, "", out); out.append(GetListAsString(listActivePlugins, flags, beautify)); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyPluginsEnd", "</font>", normalPluginsEnd, sizeof(normalPluginsEnd)); BeautifyReport(beautify, normalPluginsEnd, "", out); //Plugins: list of inactive (disabled) plugins. if ((!forumStyle) && ((DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, ModuleName, "ShowInactive", TRUE)) || (bServiceMode))) { BeautifyReport(beautify, horizLine, "\r\n", out); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyInactiveHeaderBegin", "<b><font size=\"-1\" color=\"DarkRed\">", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, headerHighlightStart, out); AddSectionAndCount(listInactivePlugins, "Inactive Plugins", out); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyInactiveHeaderEnd", "</font></b>", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, headerHighlightEnd, out); out.append("\r\n"); BeautifyReport(beautify, normalPluginsStart, "", out); out.append(GetListAsString(listInactivePlugins, flags, beautify)); BeautifyReport(beautify, normalPluginsEnd, "", out); } if (listUnloadablePlugins.size() > 0) { //out.append("\r\n"); BeautifyReport(beautify, horizLine, "\r\n", out); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyUnloadableHeaderBegin", "<b><font size=\"-1\"><font color=\"Red\">", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, headerHighlightStart, out); AddSectionAndCount(listUnloadablePlugins, "Unloadable Plugins", out); GetStringFromDatabase("BeautifyUnloadableHeaderEnd", "</font></b>", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); BeautifyReport(beautify, buffer, headerHighlightEnd, out); out.append("\r\n"); BeautifyReport(beautify, normalPluginsStart, "", out); out.append(GetListAsString(listUnloadablePlugins, flags, beautify)); BeautifyReport(beautify, normalPluginsEnd, "", out); } AddInfoFooter(suppressHeader, forumStyle, beautify, out); return out; } //========== Print functions ===== void CVersionInfo::PrintInformationsToFile(const char *info) { char buffer[MAX_PATH]; char outputFileName[MAX_PATH]; if (bFoldersAvailable) { FoldersGetCustomPath(hOutputLocation, buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%miranda_path%"); strcat(buffer, "\\VersionInfo.txt"); } else{ GetStringFromDatabase("OutputFile", "VersionInfo.txt", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); } RelativePathToAbsolute(buffer, outputFileName, sizeof(buffer)); FILE *fp = fopen(outputFileName, "wb"); if (fp != NULL) { fprintf(fp, info); fclose(fp); char mex[512]; mir_snprintf(mex, sizeof(mex), Translate("Information successfully written to file: \"%s\"."), outputFileName); Log(mex); } else { char mex[512]; mir_snprintf(mex, sizeof(mex), Translate("Error during the creation of file \"%s\". Disk may be full or write protected."), outputFileName); Log(mex); } } void CVersionInfo::PrintInformationsToFile() { PrintInformationsToFile((*this).GetInformationsAsString().c_str()); } void CVersionInfo::PrintInformationsToMessageBox() { MessageBox(NULL, (*this).GetInformationsAsString().c_str(), ModuleName, MB_OK); return; } void CVersionInfo::PrintInformationsToOutputDebugString() { OutputDebugString((*this).GetInformationsAsString().c_str()); return; } #include "resource.h" //extern HINSTANCE hInst; void CVersionInfo::PrintInformationsToDialogBox() { // HWND parent = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, ModuleName, "ShowInTaskbar", TRUE)?GetDesktopWindow():NULL; HWND parent = NULL; HWND DialogBox = CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOGINFO), parent, DialogBoxProc, (LPARAM) this); SetDlgItemText(DialogBox, IDC_TEXT, (*this).GetInformationsAsString().c_str()); return; } void CVersionInfo::PrintInformationsToClipboard(bool showLog) { if (GetOpenClipboardWindow()) { Log(Translate("The clipboard is not available, retry.")); } else { OpenClipboard(NULL); //Ok, let's begin, then. EmptyClipboard(); //Storage data we'll use. LPTSTR lptstrCopy; std::string aux = (*this).GetInformationsAsString(); size_t length = aux.length() + 1; HANDLE hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, length + 5); //Lock memory, copy it, release it. lptstrCopy = (LPTSTR)GlobalLock(hData); memcpy(lptstrCopy, aux.c_str(), length); lptstrCopy[length] = '\0'; GlobalUnlock(hData); //Now set the clipboard data. SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hData); //Remove the lock on the clipboard. CloseClipboard(); if (showLog) { Log(Translate("Information successfully copied into clipboard.")); } } return; } /*int MyReceive(SOCKET sClient, char *message, int size, int bShow) { int len = recv(sClient, message, size - 1, 0); int success = 0; if (len != SOCKET_ERROR) { message[len] = '\0'; if (bShow) { PUShowMessage(message, SM_NOTIFY); } char *pos = message; while ((pos = strchr(pos + 1, '\n'))) { success++; } if (success <= 0) success = 1; //make sure success is at least 1 } else{ success = 0; closesocket(sClient); } return success; }*/ #define UPLOAD_ERROR() {PUShowMessage("Error while trying to upload data", SM_WARNING); return 1;} DWORD WINAPI UploadWorkerTread(LPVOID param) { //PUShowMessage("Uploading to site", SM_NOTIFY); /* char *text = (char *) param; char message[2048]; char server[1024]; int port; char user[512]; char password[512]; GetStringFromDatabase("UploadServer", "vi.cass.cz", server, sizeof(server)); port = DBGetContactSettingWord(NULL, ModuleName, "UploadPort", DEFAULT_UPLOAD_PORT); GetStringFromDatabase("UploadUser", "", user, sizeof(user)); GetStringFromDatabase("UploadPassword", "", password, sizeof(password)); CallService(MS_DB_CRYPT_DECODESTRING, sizeof(password), (LPARAM) password); SOCKET sClient = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (!sClient) { MB("Could not create connection socket ..."); return 1; } sockaddr_in addr = {0}; hostent *localHost = gethostbyname(server); char *localIP = (localHost) ? inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) *localHost->h_addr_list) : server; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(localIP); addr.sin_port = htons(port); int res = connect(sClient, (sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)); if (res) { char buffer[1024]; mir_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Could not connect to server '%s' on port %d", server, port); MB(buffer); return 1; } res = MyReceive(sClient, message, sizeof(message), TRUE); //get the welcome message switch (res) { case 1: if (!MyReceive(sClient, message, sizeof(message), 0)) UPLOAD_ERROR(); //get the enter username message break; case 2: //the enter user message was received already break; default: //assume error by default UPLOAD_ERROR(); } send(sClient, user, strlen(user), 0); if (!MyReceive(sClient, message, sizeof(message), FALSE)) UPLOAD_ERROR(); //get the enter password message send(sClient, password, strlen(password), 0); if (!MyReceive(sClient, message, sizeof(message), FALSE)) UPLOAD_ERROR(); //get the upload data message send(sClient, text, strlen(text) + 1, 0); //data message needs to send \0 so the server knows when to stop. if (!MyReceive(sClient, message, sizeof(message), TRUE)) UPLOAD_ERROR(); closesocket(sClient); //PUShowMessage("Done uploading to site", SM_NOTIFY); if (text) { free(text); } */ return 0; } void CVersionInfo::UploadToSite(char *text){ DWORD threadID; HANDLE thread; char *data = NULL; if (!text) { data = _strdup(GetInformationsAsString().c_str()); } else{ data = _strdup(text); } thread = CreateThread(NULL, NULL, UploadWorkerTread, data, 0, &threadID); //the thread will free the buffer if (!thread) { MB("Upload worker thread could not be created"); } if ((thread != NULL) && (thread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { CloseHandle(thread); } }