/* Version information plugin for Miranda IM Copyright � 2002-2006 Luca Santarelli, Cristian Libotean This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef M_VERSIONINFO_COMMON_H #define M_VERSIONINFO_COMMON_H #define STRICT #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include <windows.h> #include <commctrl.h> #include <imagehlp.h> #include <list> #include <string> #include <newpluginapi.h> #include <m_langpack.h> #include <m_utils.h> #include <m_clist.h> #include <m_options.h> #include <m_popup.h> #include <win2k.h> #include <m_versioninfo.h> #include <m_folders.h> #include "CPlugin.h" #include "version.h" #include "hooked_events.h" #include "services.h" #include "dlgHandlers.h" #include "utils.h" #include "CVersionInfo.h" #include "resource.h" #define VIPF_NONE 0x0000 #define VIPF_UNCERTAIN 0x0010 #define VISF_FORUMSTYLE 0x0001 #define VISF_SHOWUUID 0x0002 #define VISF_SHOWFLAGS 0x0004 #ifndef MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH_BASIC //db3xSA #define MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH_BASIC "DB/GetProfilePathBasic" #endif //main.cpp extern HINSTANCE hInst; //main.cpp extern HICON hiVIIcon; //main.cpp extern DWORD EnglishLocale; //for folders support extern HANDLE hOutputLocation; //services.cpp extern int bServiceMode; //main.cpp extern char ModuleName[]; extern BOOL verbose; #define DEFAULT_UPLOAD_PORT 51234 const MUUID UUID_NULL = {0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x0000, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }}; #endif