{Real file} unit fmt_Real; {$include compilers.inc} interface uses wat_api; function ReadReal(var Info:tSongInfo):boolean; cdecl; implementation uses windows,common,io,tags,srv_format; const blk_RMF = $464D522E; // '.RMF' blkPROP = $504F5250; // 'PROP' blkCONT = $544E4F43; // 'CONT' - content blkMDPR = $5250444D; // 'MDPR' blkDATA = $41544144; // 'DATA' blkINDX = $58444E49; // 'INDX' blkRMMD = $444D4D52; // 'RMMD' - comment block blkRMJD = $444A4D52; // 'RMJD' blkRMJE = $454A4D52; // 'RMJE' type tChunk = packed record ID:dword; Len:dword; //with Chunk; end; type pPROP = ^tPROP; tPROP = packed record w1 :word; l1,l2 :dword; l3,l4 :dword; un1 :dword; // or 2+2 filetotal :dword; // msec l5 :dword; InfoDataSize:dword; Infosize :dword; w2 :word; // always 2 ? w :word; // chunks+1? end; procedure SkipStr(var p:PAnsiChar;alen:integer); var len:integer; begin if alen=2 then len:=(ord(p[0]) shl 8)+ord(p[1]) else len:=ord(p[0]); inc(p,alen); // if len>0 then inc(p,len); end; function ReadStr(var p:PAnsiChar;alen:integer):PAnsiChar; var len:integer; begin if alen=2 then len:=(ord(p[0]) shl 8)+ord(p[1]) else len:=ord(p[0]); inc(p,alen); if len>0 then begin mGetMem(result,len+1); move(p^,result^,len); result[len]:=#0; inc(p,len); end else result:=nil; end; function GetWord(var p:PAnsiChar):word; begin result:=(ord(p[0]) shl 8)+ord(p[1]); inc(p,2); end; function GetLong(var p:PAnsiChar):dword; begin result:=(ord(p[0]) shl 24)+(ord(p[1]) shl 16)+(ord(p[2]) shl 8)+ord(p[3]); inc(p,4); end; function ReadReal(var Info:tSongInfo):boolean; cdecl; var f:THANDLE; chunk:tChunk; p,buf:PAnsiChar; ls:PAnsiChar; ver:integer; fsize:cardinal; begin result:=false; f:=Reset(Info.mfile); if f=THANDLE(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then exit; fsize:=FileSize(f); while FilePos(f)<fsize do begin BlockRead(f,chunk,SizeOf(chunk)); chunk.Len:=BSwap(chunk.Len); if (not (AnsiChar(chunk.ID and $FF) in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','.'])) or (chunk.Len<SizeOf(chunk)) then break; if (chunk.ID=blkPROP) or (chunk.ID=blkCONT) or (chunk.ID=blkMDPR) then begin mGetMem(buf,chunk.Len-SizeOf(chunk)); p:=buf; BlockRead(f,buf^,chunk.Len-SizeOf(chunk)); if chunk.ID=blkPROP then begin inc(p,22); { GetWord(p); // 0 GetLong(p); // min total bps? GetLong(p); // max total bps? GetLong(p); // a samples? GetLong(p); // b samples? GetLong(p); // c (samplesize?) } Info.total:=GetLong(p) div 1000; { GetLong(p); // X GetLong(p); // used data size (w/o INDX and tags) GetLong(p); // offset to DATA chunk GetWord(p); // number of MDPR chunks GetWord(p); // 2-9, 3-11 } end else if chunk.ID=blkCONT then begin SkipStr(p,2); // rating? ls:=ReadStr(p,2); // title AnsiToWide(ls,Info.title); mFreeMem(ls); ls:=ReadStr(p,2); // author AnsiToWide(ls,Info.artist); mFreeMem(ls); { SkipStr(p,2); // copyright SkipStr(p,2); // description } end else if chunk.ID=blkMDPR then begin //stream or logical info GetLong(p); // MDPR block number (from 0) if Info.kbps=0 then Info.kbps:=GetLong(p) div 1000 // a stream bps else GetLong(p); // a stream bps inc(p,24); { GetLong(p); // a stream bps GetLong(p); // b smp GetLong(p); // b smp GetLong(p); // 0 GetLong(p); // X GetLong(p); //StreamLen } SkipStr(p,1); //BlockName - usually 'Audio Stream' ls:=ReadStr(p,1); //BlockMime if StrCmp(ls,'audio/x-pn-realaudio')=0 then begin inc(p,20); { GetLong(p); // stream dataLen; GetLong(p); // type = $2E$72$61$FD GetWord(p); // binary version? [4/5] GetWord(p); // 0 GetLong(p); // last byte = ASC version $2E$72$61$($30+ver.) GetWord(p); GetWord(p); } ver:=GetWord(p); // =version? inc(p,30); { GetLong(p); // datalen incl +2 (ver?) GetWord(p); // ? 18,19,1,7 GetWord(p); // 0 GetWord(p); // un1 GetLong(p); // GetLong(p); // GetLong(p); // GetWord(p); // GetWord(p); // un2=un1 GetWord(p); // GetWord(p); // 60 [93] (0 for ra4) } if ver=5 then begin Info.khz:=GetLong(p) div 1000; inc(p,8); { GetLong(p); // equ KHZ GetLong(p); // bits/channel? } Info.channels:=GetWord(p); { GetLong(p); // 'genr' GetLong(p); // codec name GetWord(p); // $01 $07 GetLong(p); // 0 GetWord(p); // channel data len (16-stereo,8-mono) GetWord(p); // $01 $00 GetWord(p); // $00 $03[mono-2] GetWord(p); // $04 [mono-2] $00 GetWord(p); // if Info.channels=2 then begin GetLong(p); // 0 GetWord(p); // 01 GetWord(p); // 03 end } end else begin Info.khz:=GetWord(p) div 1000; GetLong(p); // bits/channel? Info.channels:=GetWord(p); { SkipStr(p,1); // codec SkipStr(p,1); // codec GetWord(p); // $01 $07 inc(p,5); } end end; { if StrCmp(tmpstr,'logical-fileinfo')=0 then begin GetLong(p); // a block len w/o GetLong(p); // a block len with GetLong(p); // 0 GetLong(p); // number of nodes for i:=0 to Nodes-1 do begin GetLong(p); // node len with len dword GetWord(p); SkipStr(p,1); // node name GetLong(p); // value type? 2 - asciiz SkipStr(p,2); //node value end; end; } // if StrCmp(tmpstr,'Video Stream')=0 then if StrCmp(ls,'video/x-pn-realvideo')=0 then begin GetLong(p); //stream dataLen; Info.kbps:=GetLong(p); //override kbps GetLong(p); //VIDO=vidtype Info.codec:=ord(p[0])+(ord(p[1]) shl 8)+ (ord(p[2]) shl 16)+(ord(p[3]) shl 24); //codec ex.'RV30' inc(p,4); Info.width:=GetWord(p); //width Info.height:=GetWord(p); //height GetWord(p); //fps or colordeep GetWord(p); //alt.width ? GetWord(p); //alt. height ? Info.fps:=GetWord(p)*100; //fps {} end; mFreeMem(ls); end; mFreeMem(buf); end else if chunk.ID=blkRMMD then //comment begin Skip(f,chunk.Len-SizeOf(chunk)); { BlockRead(f,chunk,SizeOf(chunk)); //RJMD chunk.len:=BSwap(chunk.len); BlockRead(f,tmplong,4); BlockRead(f,chunk,SizeOf(chunk)); //RMJE chunk.len:=BSwap(chunk.len); } end else begin if chunk.ID=blk_RMF then if FilePos(f)<>SizeOf(chunk) then // channels-1: ofs=$0A break; Skip(f,chunk.Len-SizeOf(chunk)); end; end; ReadID3v1(f,Info); CloseHandle(f); result:=true; end; var LocalFormatLinkRM, LocalFormatLinkRA, LocalFormatLinkRAM:twFormat; procedure InitLink; begin LocalFormatLinkRM.Next:=FormatLink; LocalFormatLinkRM.This.proc :=@ReadReal; LocalFormatLinkRM.This.ext :='RM'; LocalFormatLinkRM.This.flags:=WAT_OPT_VIDEO; FormatLink:=@LocalFormatLinkRM; LocalFormatLinkRA.Next:=FormatLink; LocalFormatLinkRA.This.proc :=@ReadReal; LocalFormatLinkRA.This.ext :='RA'; LocalFormatLinkRA.This.flags:=WAT_OPT_VIDEO; FormatLink:=@LocalFormatLinkRA; LocalFormatLinkRAM.Next:=FormatLink; LocalFormatLinkRAM.This.proc :=@ReadReal; LocalFormatLinkRAM.This.ext :='RAM'; LocalFormatLinkRAM.This.flags:=WAT_OPT_VIDEO; FormatLink:=@LocalFormatLinkRAM; end; initialization InitLink; end.