{WAV processing} unit fmt_WAV; {$include compilers.inc} interface uses wat_api; function ReadWAV(var Info:tSongInfo):boolean; cdecl; implementation uses windows,common,io,tags,srv_format; const wavRIFF = $46464952; wavWAVE = $45564157; wavfmt_ = $20746D66; wavfact = $74636166; wavdata = $61746164; type tWAVChunk = packed record id :dword; size:dword; end; type tWAVFormatChunk = packed record Codec :word; Channels :word; SampleRate :dword; AvgBPS :dword; BlockAlign :word; BitsPerSample:word; end; const WavPackID = $6B707677; type // ckID :dword; // "wvpk" // ckSize :dword; // size of entire frame (minus 8, of course) tWavPackHeader = packed record version :word; // 0x403 for now track_no :byte; // track number (0 if not used, like now) index_no :byte; // track sub-index (0 if not used, like now) total_samples:dword; // for entire file (-1 if unknown) block_index :dword; // index of first sample in block (to file begin) block_samples:dword; // # samples in This block flags :dword; // various flags for id and decoding crc :dword; // crc for actual decoded data end; function ReadWAV(var Info:tSongInfo):boolean; cdecl; var f:THANDLE; chunk:tWAVChunk; fmtchunk:tWAVFormatChunk; tmp:dword; WPH:tWavPackHeader; fsize:dword; begin result:=false; f:=Reset(Info.mfile); if f=THANDLE(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then exit; BlockRead(f,chunk,SizeOf(chunk)); if chunk.id=WavPackID then begin BlockRead(f,WPH,SizeOf(tWavPackHeader)); BlockRead(f,tmp,2); //!! $1621 33,22 BlockRead(f,chunk,SizeOf(chunk)); end else begin WPH.version:=0; integer(WPH.total_samples):=-1; end; if chunk.id<>wavRIFF then exit; BlockRead(f,chunk,SizeOf(dword)); if chunk.id<>wavWAVE then exit; BlockRead(f,chunk,SizeOf(chunk)); if chunk.id<>wavfmt_ then exit; BlockRead(f,fmtchunk,SizeOf(tWAVFormatChunk)); Info.channels:=fmtchunk.Channels; Info.khz :=fmtchunk.SampleRate div 1000; if chunk.size>SizeOf(tWAVFormatChunk) then Skip(f,chunk.size-SizeOf(tWAVFormatChunk)); fsize:=FileSize(f); while FilePos(f)<fsize do begin BlockRead(f,chunk,SizeOf(chunk)); if chunk.id=wavfact then begin BlockRead(f,tmp,4); break; end; if chunk.id=wavdata then begin tmp:=chunk.size; break; end; Skip(f,chunk.size); end; if WPH.version<>0 then begin ReadAPEv2(f,Info); ReadID3v1(f,Info); end; if integer(WPH.total_samples)=-1 then if (fmtchunk.BitsPerSample<>0) and (fmtchunk.Channels<>0) then WPH.total_samples:=(tmp*8) div (fmtchunk.Channels*fmtchunk.BitsPerSample); if fmtchunk.SampleRate<>0 then Info.total:= WPH.total_samples div fmtchunk.SampleRate; if Info.total<>0 then Info.kbps:=tmp*8 div Info.total div 1000; CloseHandle(f); result:=true; end; var LocalFormatLinkWAV, LocalFormatLinkWV:twFormat; procedure InitLink; begin LocalFormatLinkWAV.Next:=FormatLink; LocalFormatLinkWAV.This.proc :=@ReadWAV; LocalFormatLinkWAV.This.ext :='WAV'; LocalFormatLinkWAV.This.flags:=0; FormatLink:=@LocalFormatLinkWAV; LocalFormatLinkWV.Next:=FormatLink; LocalFormatLinkWV.This.proc :=@ReadWAV; LocalFormatLinkWV.This.ext :='WV'; LocalFormatLinkWV.This.flags:=0; FormatLink:=@LocalFormatLinkWV; end; initialization InitLink; end.