@echo off set p1=%1 set p2=%2 if "%p1%" == "" (echo "please specify target platform by adding 'fpc' or 'fpc64' parameter to command line!"&&pause&&goto :EOF) if "%p2%" == "" (echo "please specify target output directory by adding '15' for bin15 to command line!"&&pause&&goto :EOF) if /i '%1' == 'fpc' ( set OUTDIR="..\..\bin%2\Release\Plugins" set FPCBIN=fpc.exe ) else if /i '%1' == 'fpc64' ( set OUTDIR="..\..\bin%2\Release64\Plugins" set FPCBIN=ppcrossx64.exe ) set PROJECT=Watrack if not exist %OUTDIR% mkdir %OUTDIR% md tmp brcc32.exe res\watrack.rc -fores\watrack.res brcc32.exe lastfm\lastfm.rc -folastfm\lastfm.res brcc32.exe myshows\myshows.rc -fomyshows\myshows.res brcc32.exe players\mradio.rc -foplayers\mradio.res brcc32.exe kolframe\frm.rc -fokolframe\frm.res brcc32.exe popup\popup.rc -fopopup\popup.res brcc32.exe proto\proto.rc -foproto\proto.res brcc32.exe stat\stat.rc -fostat\stat.res brcc32.exe status\status.rc -fostatus\status.res brcc32.exe templates\templates.rc -fotemplates\templates.res rc version.rc %FPCBIN% @..\Utils.pas\fpc.cfg %PROJECT%.dpr %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 move .\tmp\%PROJECT%.dll %OUTDIR% move .\tmp\%PROJECT%.map . del /Q .\tmp\* rd tmp exit /b 0