{$include default.tmpl} function ReadTemplate(fname:PAnsiChar;var buf:PAnsiChar):integer; var f:THANDLE; size:integer; begin if (fname=nil) or (fname^=#0) then f:=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE else f:=Reset(fname); if f=THANDLE(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then result:=0 else begin size:=FileSize(f); mGetMem(buf,size+1); buf[size+1]:=#0; BlockRead(f,buf^,size); CloseHandle(f); result:=size; end; end; function StatOut(report,log,template:PAnsiChar):boolean; const bufsize = 16384; var fout:THANDLE; tt,tf:array [0..15] of AnsiChar; timebuf:array [0..17] of AnsiChar; // for current date / time outbuf:PAnsiChar; outpos:PAnsiChar; procedure OutChar(var pc:PAnsiChar); begin outpos^:=pc^; inc(pc); inc(outpos); if (outpos-outbuf)=bufsize then begin BlockWrite(fout,outbuf^,bufsize); outpos:=outbuf; end; end; procedure OutStr(pc:PAnsiChar); begin while pc^<>#0 do OutChar(pc); end; procedure OutputBlock(var start:PAnsiChar;var Root:pCells;asortmode:integer); const blocksize = 8192; var i,max,cnt,len:integer; items:cardinal; Cell:pStatCell; ls,ls1:array [0..511] of AnsiChar; block:array [0..blocksize-1] of AnsiChar; begin len:=StrIndex(start,'%end%'); if len=0 then len:=StrLen(start) else dec(len); if len>6143 then err('Template block too large'); Resort(Root,asortmode); case asortmode of stArtist,stAlbum,stPath: begin Cell:=Root^.Cells[0]; max:=Cell^.Count; if asortmode=stPath then OnlyPath(ls,Cell^.MFile); // speed optimization for i:=0 to Root^.Count-1 do begin with Root^.Cells[i]^ do begin AltCount:=0; if asortmode=stArtist then cnt:=lstrcmpia(Cell^.Artist,Artist) else if asortmode=stAlbum then cnt:=lstrcmpia(Cell^.Album,Album) else cnt:=lstrcmpia(ls,OnlyPath(ls1,MFile)); if cnt=0 then inc(max,Count) else begin Cell^.AltCount:=max; Cell:=Root^.Cells[i]; if asortmode=stPath then OnlyPath(ls,Cell^.MFile); // speed optimization max:=Count; end; end; end; Cell^.AltCount:=max; Resort(Root,stAltCount); if (asortmode=stAlbum) and (Root^.Cells[0]^.Album^=#0) then begin if Root^.Count>1 then max:=Root^.Cells[1]^.AltCount else max:=0; end else max:=Root^.Cells[0]^.AltCount; end; stCount: begin max:=Root^.Cells[0]^.Count; end; stLength: begin max:=Root^.Cells[0]^.Length; end; else max:=1; end; items:=1; if ReportItems>0 then for i:=0 to Root^.Count-1 do begin with Root^.Cells[i]^ do begin if (asortmode=stAlbum) and (Album^=#0) then continue; case asortmode of stArtist, stAlbum, stPath : cnt:=AltCount; stCount : cnt:=Count; stLength: cnt:=Length; else cnt:=1; end; if cnt=0 then break; move(start^,block,len); block[len]:=#0; StrReplace(block,'%date%' ,ShowTime(ls,LastTime)); StrReplace(block,'%length%' ,IntToTime(ls,Length)); StrReplace(block,'%artist%' ,Artist); StrReplace(block,'%title%' ,Title); StrReplace(block,'%album%' ,Album); StrReplace(block,'%file%' ,MFile); StrReplace(block,'%path%' ,OnlyPath(ls,MFile)); StrReplace(block,'%num%' ,IntToStr(ls,items)); StrReplace(block,'%currenttime%',timebuf); StrReplace(block,'%totaltime%' ,tt); StrReplace(block,'%totalfiles%' ,tf); StrReplace(block,'%percent%' ,IntToStr(ls,round(cnt*100/max))); StrReplace(block,'%count%' ,IntToStr(ls,cnt)); OutStr(block); end; if items=ReportItems then break; inc(items); end; inc(start,len+5); end; var TmplBuf:PAnsiChar; ptr:PAnsiChar; i,j,k:integer; size:integer; lsortmode:integer; MyTime:TSYSTEMTIME; Root:pCells; b1,tmp:PAnsiChar; begin result:=false; GetLocalTime(MyTime); ShowTime(timebuf,PackTime(MyTime)); Lock:=true; Root:=BuildTree(log,b1); if Root<>nil then begin Resort(Root,stArtist); Lock:=false; size:=ReadTemplate(template,TmplBuf); if size=0 then begin StrDup(TmplBuf,IntTmpl); size:=StrLen(IntTmpl); end; ptr:=TmplBuf; fout:=Rewrite(report); if fout=THANDLE(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then exit; mGetMem(outbuf,bufsize); outpos:=outbuf; i:=0; k:=0; for j:=0 to Root^.Count-1 do begin inc(k); with Root^.Cells[j]^ do inc(i,Length*Count); end; IntToTime(tt,i); // total time IntToStr(tf,k); // total files lsortmode:=stDate; while (ptr-TmplBuf)<size do begin while (ptr^<>'%') and (ptr^<>#0) do OutChar(ptr); if ptr^=#0 then break; if StrCmp(ptr,'%block_',7)=0 then begin if ptr>@TmplBuf then begin if (ptr-1)^<' ' then k:=-1; end; inc(ptr,7); if StrCmp(ptr,'end%',4)=0 then begin i:=4; end else if StrCmp(ptr,'freqartist%',11)=0 then begin lsortmode:=stArtist; i:=11; end else if StrCmp(ptr,'freqsongs%',10)=0 then begin lsortmode:=stCount; i:=10; end else if StrCmp(ptr,'freqalbum%',10)=0 then begin lsortmode:=stAlbum; i:=10; end else if StrCmp(ptr,'lastsongs%',10)=0 then begin lsortmode:=stDate; i:=10; end else if StrCmp(ptr,'songtime%',9)=0 then begin lsortmode:=stLength; i:=9; end else if StrCmp(ptr,'freqpath%',9)=0 then begin lsortmode:=stPath; i:=9; end else begin OutChar(ptr); continue; end; inc(ptr,i); if k<0 then begin while (ptr^<' ') and (ptr^<>#0) do inc(ptr); k:=0; end; if (ReportMask and lsortmode)=0 then begin tmp:=StrPos(ptr,'%block_end%'); if tmp<>nil then ptr:=tmp+11 else break; end; end else if StrCmp(ptr,'%start%',7)=0 then begin if ptr>@TmplBuf then begin if (ptr-1)^<' ' then k:=-1; end; inc(ptr,7); if k<0 then begin while (ptr^<' ') and (ptr^<>#0) do inc(ptr); k:=0; end; OutputBlock(ptr,Root,lsortmode); end else if StrCmp(ptr,'%currenttime%',13)=0 then begin inc(ptr,13); OutStr(timebuf); end else if StrCmp(ptr,'%totalfiles%',12)=0 then begin inc(ptr,12); OutStr(tf); end else if StrCmp(ptr,'%totaltime%',11)=0 then begin inc(ptr,11); OutStr(tt); end else OutChar(ptr); end; BlockWrite(fout,outbuf^,outpos-outbuf); CloseHandle(fout); mFreeMem(outbuf); mFreeMem(TmplBuf); ClearStatCells(Root); result:=true; end; mFreeMem(b1); end;