// Copyright (c) 2008 sss, chaos.persei // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #include "stdafx.h" HNETLIBCONN ghConnection; HANDLE ghPacketReciever; BOOL Connected; int gbState; SONGINFO SongInfo = {}; void Start(void*) { NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc = {}; char *tmp = (char*)mir_u2a(gbHost); nloc.szHost = tmp; nloc.timeout = 5; nloc.flags = NLOCF_V2; nloc.wPort = gbPort; Connected = FALSE; ghConnection = Netlib_OpenConnection(ghNetlibUser, &nloc); if (ghConnection) ghPacketReciever = Netlib_CreatePacketReceiver(ghConnection, 2048); } void ReStart(void*) { if(ghPacketReciever) Netlib_CloseHandle(ghPacketReciever); if(ghConnection) Netlib_CloseHandle(ghConnection); Sleep(500); mir_forkthread(&Start); } int Parser() { static NETLIBPACKETRECVER nlpr = {}; char *ptr; int i; char *buf; static char ver[16]; nlpr.dwTimeout = 5; if(!ghConnection) { mir_forkthread(&Start); } if(ghConnection) { int recvResult; if(!Connected) { char tmp[128]; char *tmp2 = mir_u2a(gbPassword); recvResult = Netlib_GetMorePackets(ghPacketReciever, &nlpr); if(recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { mir_forkthread(&ReStart); // ReStart(); return 1; } if(mir_strlen(tmp2) > 2) { mir_strcpy(tmp, "password "); mir_strcat(tmp, tmp2); mir_strcat(tmp, "\n"); Netlib_Send(ghConnection, tmp, (int)mir_strlen(tmp), 0); recvResult = Netlib_GetMorePackets(ghPacketReciever, &nlpr); if(recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { mir_forkthread(&ReStart); return 1; } } mir_free(tmp2); } Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "status\n", (int)mir_strlen("status\n"), 0); recvResult = Netlib_GetMorePackets(ghPacketReciever, &nlpr); if(recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { mir_forkthread(&ReStart); return 1; } Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "currentsong\n", (int)mir_strlen("currentsong\n"), 0); recvResult = Netlib_GetMorePackets(ghPacketReciever, &nlpr); if(recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { mir_forkthread(&ReStart); return 1; } nlpr.bytesUsed = nlpr.bytesAvailable; } char tmp[256]; buf = (char*)nlpr.buffer; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "MPD")) { Connected = TRUE; ptr = &ptr[4]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; strncpy_s(ver, tmp, _TRUNCATE); SongInfo.txtver = mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.txtver = mir_utf8decodeW(ver); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "file:")) { ptr = &ptr[6]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.mfile = mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.mfile = mir_wstrdup(L""); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Time:")) { ptr = &ptr[6]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.total = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.total) SongInfo.total = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "time:")) { ptr = &ptr[6]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.time = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.time) SongInfo.time = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Title:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.title = mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.title = mir_wstrdup(L"Unknown track"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Artist:")) { ptr = &ptr[8]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.artist = mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.artist = mir_wstrdup(L"Unknown artist"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Genre:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.genre = mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.genre = mir_wstrdup(L"Unknown genre"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Album:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.album = mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.album = mir_wstrdup(L"Unknown album"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Date:")) { ptr = &ptr[6]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.year = mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.year = mir_wstrdup(L"Unknown year"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "volume:")) { ptr = &ptr[8]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.volume = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.volume) SongInfo.volume = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "audio:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.khz = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.khz) SongInfo.khz = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "bitrate:")) { ptr = &ptr[9]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.kbps = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.kbps) SongInfo.kbps = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Track:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.track = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.track) SongInfo.track = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "state:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; if(strstr(tmp, "play")) gbState = WAT_PLS_PLAYING; if(strstr(tmp, "pause")) gbState = WAT_PLS_PAUSED; if(strstr(tmp, "stop")) gbState = WAT_PLS_STOPPED; } else if(!gbState) gbState = WAT_PLS_UNKNOWN; return 0; } void Stop() { if(ghPacketReciever) Netlib_CloseHandle(ghPacketReciever); if(ghConnection) Netlib_CloseHandle(ghConnection); } int Init() { mir_forkthread(&Start); return 0; } int DeInit() { Stop(); return 0; } HWND CheckPlayer(HWND, int) { if(!ghConnection) { mir_forkthread(&Start); return nullptr; } if(Parser()) return (HWND)WAT_PLS_STOPPED; if(Connected) return (HWND)WAT_PLS_PLAYING; return nullptr; } int GetStatus(HWND) { if(!ghConnection) { mir_forkthread(&Start); return 0; } return Parser() ? -1 : gbState; } WCHAR* GetFileName(HWND, int) { if(!ghConnection) { mir_forkthread(&Start); return nullptr; } return nullptr; } int GetPlayerInfo(LPSONGINFO info, int) { if(!ghConnection) { mir_forkthread(&Start); return 0; } if(Parser()) return -1; /* info->channels = SongInfo.channels; info->codec = SongInfo.codec; info->comment = SongInfo.comment; info->cover = SongInfo.cover; info->date = SongInfo.date; info->fps = SongInfo.fps; info->fsize = SongInfo.fsize; info->icon = SongInfo.icon; info->kbps = SongInfo.kbps; info->khz = SongInfo.khz; info->lyric = SongInfo.lyric; info->mfile = SongInfo.mfile; info->player = SongInfo.player; info->plyver = SongInfo.plyver; info->status = SongInfo.status; info->time = SongInfo.time; info->title = SongInfo.title; info->total = SongInfo.total; info->track = SongInfo.track;*/ info->total = SongInfo.total; info->time = SongInfo.time; info->mfile = SongInfo.mfile; info->txtver = SongInfo.txtver; info->title = SongInfo.title; info->artist = SongInfo.artist; info->genre = SongInfo.genre; info->album = SongInfo.album; info->year = SongInfo.year; info->kbps = SongInfo.kbps; info->track = SongInfo.track; info->khz = SongInfo.khz; info->volume = SongInfo.volume; /* info->url = SongInfo.url; //?? info->vbr = SongInfo.vbr; info->volume = SongInfo.volume; */ return 0; } int SendCommand(HWND, int command, int) { switch (command) { case WAT_CTRL_PREV: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "previous\n", (int)mir_strlen("previous\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_PLAY: //add resuming support if(gbState != WAT_PLS_PAUSED) Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "play\n", (int)mir_strlen("play\n"), 0); else Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "pause 0\n", (int)mir_strlen("pause 0\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_PAUSE: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "pause 1\n", (int)mir_strlen("pause 1\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_STOP: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "stop\n", (int)mir_strlen("stop\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_NEXT: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "next\n", (int)mir_strlen("next\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_VOLDN: return 0; case WAT_CTRL_VOLUP: return 0; case WAT_CTRL_SEEK: return 0; default: return 0; } } void RegisterPlayer() { if(bWatrackService) { PLAYERCELL player = {}; player.Desc = "Music Player Daemon"; player.Notes = L"mpd is a nice music player for *nix which have not any gui, just daemon.\nuses very small amount of ram, cpu."; player.URL = "http://www.musicpd.org"; player.Check = CheckPlayer; player.Init = Init; player.DeInit = DeInit; player.Command = SendCommand; player.GetStatus = GetStatus; player.GetName = GetFileName; player.GetInfo = GetPlayerInfo; player.flags = (WAT_OPT_HASURL|WAT_OPT_SINGLEINST|WAT_OPT_PLAYERINFO); // player.Icon = //TODO:implement icon support CallService(MS_WAT_PLAYER, WAT_ACT_REGISTER, (LPARAM)&player); } }