[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.5] [Header] Name=MSN Weather (New Layout) Internal Name=msn2014 Description=Get Weather from www.msn.com/en-us/weather Author=HostedDinner Version=2014-11-08 ;Id of the station is lat,long as for example New York: "40.78,-73.83" [Default] Default URL=http://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/today/x/we-city-%s Default Map=http://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/maps/x/we-city-%s Update URL=http://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/today/x/we-city-%s?weadegreetype=C UserAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0 ;current Weather [Ignore] Start=<div class="current-info"> End="> [Temperature] Start= End=</span> Unit=C Url=1 [Condition] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Cond [Feel] Start=Feels Like</span> End=° Unit=C Url=1 [Wind Direction] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 [Wind Speed] Start=</div> End=kmph Url=1 Unit=km/h [Pressure] Start=<span>Barometer</span> End=</li> Url=1 Unit=mb [Visibility] Start=<span>Visibility</span> End=km Url=1 Unit=km [Humidity] Start=<span>Humidity</span> End=% Url=1 Unit=% [Dewpoint] Start=<span>Dew Point</span> End=° Url=1 unit=C ;First entry is still today [Sunrise] Start="sunrise":" End=" Url=1 [Sunset] Start="sunset":" End=" Url=1 [Moonrise] Start="moonrise":" End=" Url=1 [Moonset] Start="moonset":" End=" Url=1 [Moonphase] Start="moon":" End=" Url=1 [UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% [High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C [Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C ;Forecast ;[Forecast Day 1 Sunrise] ;Start="sunrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 1 Sunset] ;Start="sunset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 1 Moonrise] ;Start="moonrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 1 Moonset] ;Start="moonset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 1 Moonphase] ;Start="moon":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true [Forecast Day 1 Humidity] Start="humidity":" End=%" Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 1 UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 Hidden=true ;[Ignore] ;Start=class="dt" ;End=> ;Url=1 [Forecast Day 1 WeekDay] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Day Hidden=true [Forecast Day 1 Day] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Hidden=true [Forecast Day 1 Condition] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 Unit=Cond Hidden=true [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Forecast Day 1 Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 1 High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Forecast Day 1 Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 2 Sunrise] ;Start="sunrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 2 Sunset] ;Start="sunset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 2 Moonrise] ;Start="moonrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 2 Moonset] ;Start="moonset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 2 Moonphase] ;Start="moon":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true [Forecast Day 2 Humidity] Start="humidity":" End=%" Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 2 UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 Hidden=true ;[Ignore] ;Start=class="dt" ;End=> ;Url=1 [Forecast Day 2 WeekDay] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Day Hidden=true [Forecast Day 2 Day] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Hidden=true [Forecast Day 2 Condition] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 Unit=Cond Hidden=true [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Forecast Day 2 Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 2 High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Forecast Day 2 Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 3 Sunrise] ;Start="sunrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 3 Sunset] ;Start="sunset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 3 Moonrise] ;Start="moonrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 3 Moonset] ;Start="moonset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 3 Moonphase] ;Start="moon":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true [Forecast Day 3 Humidity] Start="humidity":" End=%" Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 3 UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 Hidden=true ;[Ignore] ;Start=class="dt" ;End=> ;Url=1 [Forecast Day 3 WeekDay] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Day Hidden=true [Forecast Day 3 Day] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Hidden=true [Forecast Day 3 Condition] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 Unit=Cond Hidden=true [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Forecast Day 3 Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 3 High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Forecast Day 3 Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 4 Sunrise] ;Start="sunrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 4 Sunset] ;Start="sunset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 4 Moonrise] ;Start="moonrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 4 Moonset] ;Start="moonset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 4 Moonphase] ;Start="moon":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true [Forecast Day 4 Humidity] Start="humidity":" End=%" Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 4 UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 Hidden=true ;[Ignore] ;Start=class="dt" ;End=> ;Url=1 [Forecast Day 4 WeekDay] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Day Hidden=true [Forecast Day 4 Day] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Hidden=true [Forecast Day 4 Condition] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 Unit=Cond Hidden=true [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Forecast Day 4 Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 4 High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Forecast Day 4 Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 5 Sunrise] ;Start="sunrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 5 Sunset] ;Start="sunset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 5 Moonrise] ;Start="moonrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 5 Moonset] ;Start="moonset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 5 Moonphase] ;Start="moon":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true [Forecast Day 5 Humidity] Start="humidity":" End=%" Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 5 UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 Hidden=true ;[Ignore] ;Start=class="dt" ;End=> ;Url=1 [Forecast Day 5 WeekDay] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Day Hidden=true [Forecast Day 5 Day] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Hidden=true [Forecast Day 5 Condition] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 Unit=Cond Hidden=true [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Forecast Day 5 Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 5 High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Forecast Day 5 Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 6 Sunrise] ;Start="sunrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 6 Sunset] ;Start="sunset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 6 Moonrise] ;Start="moonrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 6 Moonset] ;Start="moonset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 6 Moonphase] ;Start="moon":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true [Forecast Day 6 Humidity] Start="humidity":" End=%" Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 6 UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 Hidden=true ;[Ignore] ;Start=class="dt" ;End=> ;Url=1 [Forecast Day 6 WeekDay] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Day Hidden=true [Forecast Day 6 Day] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Hidden=true [Forecast Day 6 Condition] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 Unit=Cond Hidden=true [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Forecast Day 6 Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 6 High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Forecast Day 6 Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 7 Sunrise] ;Start="sunrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 7 Sunset] ;Start="sunset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 7 Moonrise] ;Start="moonrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 7 Moonset] ;Start="moonset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 7 Moonphase] ;Start="moon":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true [Forecast Day 7 Humidity] Start="humidity":" End=%" Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 7 UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 Hidden=true ;[Ignore] ;Start=class="dt" ;End=> ;Url=1 [Forecast Day 7 WeekDay] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Day Hidden=true [Forecast Day 7 Day] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Hidden=true [Forecast Day 7 Condition] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 Unit=Cond Hidden=true [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Forecast Day 7 Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 7 High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Forecast Day 7 Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 8 Sunrise] ;Start="sunrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 8 Sunset] ;Start="sunset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 8 Moonrise] ;Start="moonrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 8 Moonset] ;Start="moonset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 8 Moonphase] ;Start="moon":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true [Forecast Day 8 Humidity] Start="humidity":" End=%" Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 8 UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 Hidden=true ;[Ignore] ;Start=class="dt" ;End=> ;Url=1 [Forecast Day 8 WeekDay] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Day Hidden=true [Forecast Day 8 Day] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Hidden=true [Forecast Day 8 Condition] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 Unit=Cond Hidden=true [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Forecast Day 8 Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 8 High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Forecast Day 8 Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 9 Sunrise] ;Start="sunrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 9 Sunset] ;Start="sunset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 9 Moonrise] ;Start="moonrise":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 9 Moonset] ;Start="moonset":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true ;[Forecast Day 9 Moonphase] ;Start="moon":" ;End=" ;Url=1 ;Hidden=true [Forecast Day 9 Humidity] Start="humidity":" End=%" Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 9 UV Index] Start="uvindex":" End=" Url=1 Hidden=true ;[Ignore] ;Start=class="dt" ;End=> ;Url=1 [Forecast Day 9 WeekDay] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Unit=Day Hidden=true [Forecast Day 9 Day] Start=<span> End=</span> Url=1 Hidden=true [Forecast Day 9 Condition] Start=title=" End=" Url=1 Unit=Cond Hidden=true [Ignore] Start=class="precipicn End=> Url=1 [Forecast Day 9 Precipitation] Start=> End=%</span> Url=1 Unit=% Hidden=true [Forecast Day 9 High] Start=<p> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Forecast Day 9 Low] Start=<p class="transparent"> End=° Url=1 Unit=C Hidden=true [Update] Start=data-obstime=" End=" Url=1 [Forecast Day 1] Set Data=[Forecast Day 1 WeekDay] & ", " & [Forecast Day 1 Day] & ": " & [Forecast Day 1 Condition] & " (" & [Forecast Day 1 Low] & "/" & [Forecast Day 1 High] & "), " & [Forecast Day 1 Precipitation] & " Rain, UV: " & [Forecast Day 1 UV Index] & ", Humidity: " & [Forecast Day 1 Humidity] [Forecast Day 2] Set Data=[Forecast Day 2 WeekDay] & ", " & [Forecast Day 2 Day] & ": " & [Forecast Day 2 Condition] & " (" & [Forecast Day 2 Low] & "/" & [Forecast Day 2 High] & "), " & [Forecast Day 2 Precipitation] & " Rain, UV: " & [Forecast Day 2 UV Index] & ", Humidity: " & [Forecast Day 2 Humidity] [Forecast Day 3] Set Data=[Forecast Day 3 WeekDay] & ", " & [Forecast Day 3 Day] & ": " & [Forecast Day 3 Condition] & " (" & [Forecast Day 3 Low] & "/" & [Forecast Day 3 High] & "), " & [Forecast Day 3 Precipitation] & " Rain, UV: " & [Forecast Day 3 UV Index] & ", Humidity: " & [Forecast Day 3 Humidity] [Forecast Day 4] Set Data=[Forecast Day 4 WeekDay] & ", " & [Forecast Day 4 Day] & ": " & [Forecast Day 4 Condition] & " (" & [Forecast Day 4 Low] & "/" & [Forecast Day 4 High] & "), " & [Forecast Day 4 Precipitation] & " Rain, UV: " & [Forecast Day 4 UV Index] & ", Humidity: " & [Forecast Day 4 Humidity] [Forecast Day 5] Set Data=[Forecast Day 5 WeekDay] & ", " & [Forecast Day 5 Day] & ": " & [Forecast Day 5 Condition] & " (" & [Forecast Day 5 Low] & "/" & [Forecast Day 5 High] & "), " & [Forecast Day 5 Precipitation] & " Rain, UV: " & [Forecast Day 5 UV Index] & ", Humidity: " & [Forecast Day 5 Humidity] [Forecast Day 6] Set Data=[Forecast Day 6 WeekDay] & ", " & [Forecast Day 6 Day] & ": " & [Forecast Day 6 Condition] & " (" & [Forecast Day 6 Low] & "/" & [Forecast Day 6 High] & "), " & [Forecast Day 6 Precipitation] & " Rain, UV: " & [Forecast Day 6 UV Index] & ", Humidity: " & [Forecast Day 6 Humidity] [Forecast Day 7] Set Data=[Forecast Day 7 WeekDay] & ", " & [Forecast Day 7 Day] & ": " & [Forecast Day 7 Condition] & " (" & [Forecast Day 7 Low] & "/" & [Forecast Day 7 High] & "), " & [Forecast Day 7 Precipitation] & " Rain, UV: " & [Forecast Day 7 UV Index] & ", Humidity: " & [Forecast Day 7 Humidity] [Forecast Day 8] Set Data=[Forecast Day 8 WeekDay] & ", " & [Forecast Day 8 Day] & ": " & [Forecast Day 8 Condition] & " (" & [Forecast Day 8 Low] & "/" & [Forecast Day 8 High] & "), " & [Forecast Day 8 Precipitation] & " Rain, UV: " & [Forecast Day 8 UV Index] & ", Humidity: " & [Forecast Day 8 Humidity] [Forecast Day 9] Set Data=[Forecast Day 9 WeekDay] & ", " & [Forecast Day 9 Day] & ": " & [Forecast Day 9 Condition] & " (" & [Forecast Day 9 Low] & "/" & [Forecast Day 9 High] & "), " & [Forecast Day 9 Precipitation] & " Rain, UV: " & [Forecast Day 9 UV Index] & ", Humidity: " & [Forecast Day 9 Humidity] [ID Search] Available=false [Name Search] Single Result=false Multiple Result=false ;It's impossible to parse that... ;the id is the lat/long of the town seperated with comma... ;Search URL=http://api.bing.com/qsonhs.aspx?ds=w8weather&mkt=en-us&q=%s [Icons] ;Sunny=Sunny Sunny=Clear Sunny=Fair Sunny=Sunny (Clear) ;Partly Cloudy=Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy=Mostly Cloudy ;Cloudy=Cloudy ;Rain=Rain Rain=Showers ;Rain Shower=Rain Shower Rain Shower=Sprinkles ;To fix this one: Rain Shower=Sleet ;Snow=Snow ;Snow Shower=Snow Shower ;Ligntning=Ligntning Ligntning=T-storms Ligntning=Scattered Thunderstorms Ligntning=Isolated Thunderstorms ;Fog=Fog