/* Weather Protocol plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (c) 2012 Miranda NG Team Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Boris Krasnovskiy All Rights Reserved Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Calvin Che This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* This file contain the source related to loading the reading the weather ini files and store them into memory. Also containing code for unloading and getting weather data from the ini settings. */ #include "stdafx.h" HWND hWndSetup; //============ DATA LIST (LINKED LIST) ============ // // add an item into weather service data list // Data = the service data to be added to the list static void WIListAdd(WIDATA Data) { // create a new datalist item and point to the data WIDATALIST *newItem = (WIDATALIST*)mir_alloc(sizeof(WIDATALIST)); newItem->Data = Data; // add to the linked list newItem->next = NULL; if (WITail == NULL) WIHead = newItem; else WITail->next = newItem; WITail = newItem; } // get the service data (from loaded ini file) by internal name // pszServ = internal name for the service // return value = the matching WIDATA struct for pszServ, NULL if no match found WIDATA* GetWIData(wchar_t *pszServ) { // loop through the list to find matching internal name for (WIDATALIST *Item = WIHead; Item != NULL; Item = Item->next) // if internal name found, return the data if (mir_wstrcmp(Item->Data.InternalName, pszServ) == 0) return &Item->Data; // return NULL when no match found return NULL; } //============ DATA ITEM LIST (LINKED LIST) ============ // // add a new update item into the current list void WIItemListAdd(WIDATAITEM *DataItem, WIDATA *Data) { WIDATAITEMLIST *newItem = (WIDATAITEMLIST*)mir_alloc(sizeof(WIDATAITEMLIST)); newItem->Item = *DataItem; newItem->Next = NULL; if (Data->UpdateData == NULL) Data->UpdateData = newItem; else Data->UpdateDataTail->Next = newItem; Data->UpdateDataTail = newItem; } // reset the data item by using empty string // Item = the item to set // name = the string to store in the "name" field void ResetDataItem(WIDATAITEM *Item, const wchar_t *name) { Item->Name = mir_wstrdup(name); Item->Start = L""; Item->End = L""; Item->Unit = L""; Item->Url = ""; Item->Break = L""; Item->Type = 0; } // free the data item by using empty string // Item = the item to free void FreeDataItem(WIDATAITEM *Item) { wfree(&Item->Name); wfree(&Item->Start); wfree(&Item->End); wfree(&Item->Unit); wfree(&Item->Url); wfree(&Item->Break); } //============ Condition Icon List ============ // // initiate icon assignmet list void WICondListInit(WICONDLIST *List) { List->Tail = NULL; List->Head = NULL; } // add a new update item into the current list void WICondListAdd(char *str, WICONDLIST *List) { WICONDITEM *newItem = (WICONDITEM*)mir_alloc(sizeof(WICONDITEM)); wSetData(&newItem->Item, str); CharLowerBuff(newItem->Item, (DWORD)mir_wstrlen(newItem->Item)); newItem->Next = NULL; if (List->Tail == NULL) List->Head = newItem; else List->Tail->Next = newItem; List->Tail = newItem; } // check if the condition string matched for the assignment bool IsContainedInCondList(const wchar_t *pszStr, WICONDLIST *List) { // loop through the list to find matching internal name for (WICONDITEM *Item = List->Head; Item != NULL; Item = Item->Next) { // if internal name found, return true indicating that the data is found if (wcsstr(pszStr, Item->Item)) return true; } // return false when no match found return false; } // free the memory for icon assignment list void DestroyCondList(WICONDLIST *List) { // free the list one by one for (WICONDITEM *temp = List->Head; temp != NULL; temp = List->Head) { List->Head = temp->Next; wfree(&temp->Item); // free the data struct mir_free(temp); } // make sure the entire list is clear List->Tail = NULL; } //============ WEATHER INI SETUP DIALOG ============ // static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcSetup(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); // make the buttons flat SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_STEP1, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, TRUE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_STEP2, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, TRUE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_STEP3, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, TRUE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_STEP4, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, TRUE, 0); // set icons Window_SetIcon_IcoLib(hwndDlg, GetIconHandle("main")); WindowList_Add(hWindowList, hwndDlg, NULL); ShowWindow(hwndDlg, SW_SHOW); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_STEP1: // update current data Utils_OpenUrl("http://miranda-ng.org/"); break; case IDC_STEP2: { wchar_t szPath[1024]; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), szPath, _countof(szPath)); wchar_t *chop = wcsrchr(szPath, '\\'); if (chop) { *chop = '\0'; mir_wstrncat(szPath, L"\\Plugins\\weather\\", _countof(szPath) - mir_wstrlen(szPath)); if (_wmkdir(szPath) == 0) ShellExecute((HWND)lParam, L"open", szPath, L"", L"", SW_SHOW); } break; } case IDC_STEP3: if (LoadWIData(false)) MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("All update data has been reloaded."), TranslateT("Weather Protocol"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; case IDC_STEP4: WeatherAdd(0, 0); // fall through case IDCANCEL: // close the info window DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; } break; case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; case WM_DESTROY: Window_FreeIcon_IcoLib(hwndDlg); break; } return FALSE; } // load the station data from a file // pszFile = the file name + path for the ini file to be loaded // pszShortFile = the file name of the ini file, but not including the path // Data = the struct to load the ini content to, and return to previous function static void LoadStationData(wchar_t *pszFile, wchar_t *pszShortFile, WIDATA *Data) { WIDATAITEM DataItem; char *Group, *Temp; char *ValName, *Value; static const char *statusStr[10] = { "LIGHTNING", "FOG", "SNOW SHOWER", "SNOW", "RAIN SHOWER", "RAIN", "PARTLY CLOUDY", "CLOUDY", "SUNNY", "N/A" }; // clean up old stuff memset(Data, 0, sizeof(*Data)); Data->Enabled = FALSE; // open the ini file FILE *pfile = _wfsopen(pszFile, L"rt", _SH_DENYWR); if (pfile != NULL) { char Line[4096]; fgets(Line, _countof(Line), pfile); TrimString(Line); // make sure it is a valid weather protocol ini file if (!mir_strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data]")) Data->InternalVer = 1; else if (!mir_strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.1]")) Data->InternalVer = 2; else if (!mir_strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.1a]")) Data->InternalVer = 3; else if (!mir_strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.2]")) Data->InternalVer = 4; else if (!mir_strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.3]")) Data->InternalVer = 5; else if (!mir_strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.4]")) Data->InternalVer = 6; else if (!mir_strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.5]")) Data->InternalVer = 7; else { wchar_t str[4096]; mir_snwprintf(str, TranslateT("Invalid ini format for: %s"), pszFile); MessageBox(NULL, str, TranslateT("Weather Protocol"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); fclose(pfile); return; } // initialize all data fields Group = ""; Data->DisplayName = L""; Data->InternalName = L""; Data->Description = L""; Data->Author = L""; Data->Version = L""; Data->DefaultURL = ""; Data->DefaultMap = L""; Data->UpdateURL = ""; Data->UpdateURL2 = ""; Data->UpdateURL3 = ""; Data->UpdateURL4 = ""; Data->Cookie = ""; Data->UserAgent = ""; Data->IDSearch.SearchURL = ""; Data->IDSearch.NotFoundStr = L""; Data->NameSearch.SearchURL = ""; Data->NameSearch.NotFoundStr = L""; Data->NameSearch.SingleStr = L""; Data->NameSearch.Single.First = L""; Data->NameSearch.Multiple.First = L""; Data->IDSearch.Available = FALSE; Data->NameSearch.Single.Available = FALSE; Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Available = FALSE; wSetData(&Data->FileName, pszFile); wSetData(&Data->ShortFileName, pszShortFile); ResetDataItem(&Data->IDSearch.Name, L"ID Search - Station Name"); ResetDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Single.Name, L"Name Search Single Result - Station Name"); ResetDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Single.ID, L"Name Search Single Result - Station ID"); ResetDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Name, L"Name Search Multiple Result - Station Name"); ResetDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.ID, L"Name Search Multiple Result - Station ID"); DataItem.Name = L""; DataItem.Start = L""; DataItem.End = L""; DataItem.Unit = L""; DataItem.Url = ""; DataItem.Break = L""; DataItem.Type = 0; Temp = ""; // initialize the linked list for update items Data->UpdateDataCount = 0; Data->MemUsed = sizeof(WIDATA) + sizeof(WIDATALIST) + (mir_wstrlen(pszShortFile) + mir_wstrlen(pszFile) + 20)*sizeof(wchar_t); Data->UpdateData = NULL; Data->UpdateDataTail = NULL; // initialize the icon assignment list for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) WICondListInit(&Data->CondList[i]); while (!feof(pfile)) { // determine current tag if (fgets(Line, _countof(Line), pfile) == NULL) break; TrimString(Line); // if the line is a group header/footer if (Line[0] == '[') { char *chop = strchr(Line + 1, ']'); if (chop == NULL) continue; if (Line[1] != '/') { // if it is not a footer (for old ini) // save the group name Temp = (char *)mir_alloc(mir_strlen(Line) + 10); strncpy(Temp, Line + 1, chop - Line - 1); Temp[chop - Line - 1] = 0; wfree(&Group); wSetData(&Group, Temp); // see if it is a update item, if it is, add a new item to the linked list // if (_stricmp(Group, "HEADER") && _stricmp(Group, "DEFAULT") && _stricmp(Group, "ID SEARCH") && // strcmpi(Group, "NAME SEARCH")) // wSetData(&DataItem.Name, Group); if (_stricmp(Group, "HEADER") && _stricmp(Group, "DEFAULT") && _stricmp(Group, "ID SEARCH") && _stricmp(Group, "NAME SEARCH") && _stricmp(Group, "ICONS")) { wSetData(&DataItem.Name, Temp); DataItem.Type = WID_NORMAL; WIItemListAdd(&DataItem, Data); Data->UpdateDataCount++; } mir_free(Temp); } else { wfree(&Group); wSetData(&Group, ""); } } // ignore comments and all lines without an '=' Value = strstr(Line, "="); if (Value == NULL) continue; // get the string before '=' (ValName) and after '=' (Value) ValName = (char *)mir_alloc(mir_strlen(Line) + 1); strncpy(ValName, Line, Value - Line); ValName[Value - Line] = 0; Value++; ConvertBackslashes(Value); // store the value for each string if (!_stricmp(Group, "HEADER")) { if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NAME")) wSetData(&Data->DisplayName, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "INTERNAL NAME")) wSetData(&Data->InternalName, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "DESCRIPTION")) wSetData(&Data->Description, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "AUTHOR")) wSetData(&Data->Author, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "VERSION")) wSetData(&Data->Version, Value); } else if (!_stricmp(Group, "DEFAULT")) { if (!_stricmp(ValName, "DEFAULT URL")) wSetData(&Data->DefaultURL, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "DEFAULT MAP")) wSetData(&Data->DefaultMap, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UPDATE URL")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateURL, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UPDATE URL2")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateURL2, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UPDATE URL3")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateURL3, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UPDATE URL4")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateURL4, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "COOKIE")) wSetData(&Data->Cookie, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "USERAGENT")) wSetData(&Data->UserAgent, Value); } else if (!_stricmp(Group, "ID SEARCH")) { if (!_stricmp(ValName, "AVAILABLE")) { if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE")) Data->IDSearch.Available = TRUE; else Data->IDSearch.Available = FALSE; } else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SEARCH URL")) wSetData(&Data->IDSearch.SearchURL, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NOT FOUND STR")) wSetData(&Data->IDSearch.NotFoundStr, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NAME START")) wSetData(&Data->IDSearch.Name.Start, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NAME END")) wSetData(&Data->IDSearch.Name.End, Value); } else if (!_stricmp(Group, "NAME SEARCH")) { if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE RESULT")) { if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE")) Data->NameSearch.Single.Available = TRUE; else Data->NameSearch.Single.Available = FALSE; } else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULTIPLE RESULT")) { if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE")) Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Available = TRUE; else Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Available = FALSE; } else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SEARCH URL")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.SearchURL, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NOT FOUND STR")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.NotFoundStr, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE RESULT STR")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.SingleStr, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE FIRST")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.First, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE NAME START"))wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.Name.Start, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE NAME END")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.Name.End, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE ID START")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.ID.Start, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE ID END")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.ID.End, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT FIRST")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.First, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT NAME START")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Name.Start, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT NAME END")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Name.End, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT ID START")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.ID.Start, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT ID END")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.ID.End, Value); } else if (!_stricmp(Group, "ICONS")) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (!_stricmp(ValName, statusStr[i])) { WICondListAdd(Value, &Data->CondList[i]); break; } } } else if (Data->UpdateDataCount != 0) { if (!_stricmp(ValName, "START")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Start, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SOURCE")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Start, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "END")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.End, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UNIT")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Unit, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "URL")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Url, Value); else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "HIDDEN")) { if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE")) { wchar_t *nm = Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Name; size_t len = mir_wstrlen(nm) + 1; Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Name = nm = (wchar_t*)mir_realloc(nm, sizeof(wchar_t)*(len + 3)); memmove(nm + 1, nm, len*sizeof(wchar_t)); *nm = '#'; } } else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SET DATA")) { Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Type = WID_SET; wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.End, Value); } else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "BREAK DATA")) { Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Type = WID_BREAK; wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Break, Value); } } // recalculate memory used Data->MemUsed += (mir_strlen(Value) + 10); wfree(&ValName); } // calcualate memory used for the ini and close the file Data->MemUsed += sizeof(WIDATAITEMLIST)*Data->UpdateDataCount; Data->Enabled = TRUE; // enable the service fclose(pfile); wfree(&Group); } } //============ LOADING INI FILES ============ // // load the weather update data form INI files bool LoadWIData(bool dial) { // make sure that the current service data list is empty WITail = NULL; WIHead = WITail; // find all *.ini file in the plugin\weather directory wchar_t szSearchPath[MAX_PATH], FileName[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), szSearchPath, _countof(szSearchPath)); wchar_t *chop = wcsrchr(szSearchPath, '\\'); if (chop == NULL) return false; *chop = '\0'; mir_wstrncat(szSearchPath, L"\\Plugins\\Weather\\*.ini", _countof(szSearchPath) - mir_wstrlen(szSearchPath)); wcsncpy(FileName, szSearchPath, MAX_PATH - 1); WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(szSearchPath, &fd); // load the content of the ini file into memory if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { chop = wcsrchr(FileName, '\\'); chop[1] = '\0'; mir_wstrncat(FileName, fd.cFileName, _countof(FileName) - mir_wstrlen(FileName)); if (mir_wstrcmpi(fd.cFileName, L"SAMPLE_INI.INI")) { WIDATA Data; LoadStationData(FileName, fd.cFileName, &Data); if (Data.Enabled) WIListAdd(Data); } // look through the entire "plugins\weather" directory } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &fd)); FindClose(hFind); } if (WIHead == NULL) { // no ini found, display an error message box. if (dial) hWndSetup = CreateDialog(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SETUP), NULL, DlgProcSetup); else MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("No update data file is found. Please check your Plugins\\Weather directory."), TranslateT("Weather Protocol"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return false; } return true; } //============ FREE WIDATA ITEM FROM MEMORY ============ // // free the WIDATA struct from memory // Data = the struct to be freed static void FreeWIData(WIDATA *Data) { // free update items linked list first WIDATAITEMLIST *WItem = Data->UpdateData; while (WItem != NULL) { Data->UpdateData = WItem->Next; FreeDataItem(&WItem->Item); mir_free(WItem); WItem = Data->UpdateData; } // free the strings in the rest of the struct wfree(&Data->DisplayName); wfree(&Data->InternalName); wfree(&Data->Description); wfree(&Data->Author); wfree(&Data->Version); wfree(&Data->DefaultURL); wfree(&Data->DefaultMap); wfree(&Data->UpdateURL); wfree(&Data->UpdateURL2); wfree(&Data->UpdateURL3); wfree(&Data->UpdateURL4); wfree(&Data->Cookie); wfree(&Data->UserAgent); wfree(&Data->IDSearch.SearchURL); wfree(&Data->IDSearch.NotFoundStr); FreeDataItem(&Data->IDSearch.Name); wfree(&Data->NameSearch.SearchURL); wfree(&Data->NameSearch.NotFoundStr); wfree(&Data->NameSearch.SingleStr); wfree(&Data->NameSearch.Single.First); FreeDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Single.Name); FreeDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Single.ID); wfree(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.First); FreeDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Name); FreeDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.ID); wfree(&Data->ShortFileName); wfree(&Data->FileName); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) DestroyCondList(&Data->CondList[i]); } // remove all service data from memory void DestroyWIList(void) { // free the list one by one while (WIHead != NULL) { WIDATALIST *wi = WIHead; WIHead = wi->next; FreeWIData(&wi->Data); // free the data struct mir_free(wi); } // make sure the entire list is clear WITail = NULL; }