* A plugin for Miranda IM which displays web page text in a window Copyright 
* (C) 2005 Vincent Joyce.
* Miranda IM: the free icq client for MS Windows  Copyright (C) 2000-2
* Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien & Tristan Van de Vreede
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 
* Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. 

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "webview.h"

// ///////////////////////
// characters and symbols//
// ///////////////////////

#define AMOUNT3  164

char*CharacterCodes[AMOUNT3] =
	" ",
	"Œ",        // greater that 255, extra latin characters
	"–",       // Misc other characters
	" ",
	" ",
	" ",
	" ",
	" ",
	" ",
	"õ",      // symbols without numeric code

char Characters[AMOUNT3] =
	' ',
	'�',  // greater than 255 extra latin characters
	'�',  // misc other characters
	' ',
	' ',
	' ',
	' ',
	' ',
	' ',

void CodetoSymbol(char *truncated)
	int counter = 0;
	int position = 0, recpos = 0;
	static char *stringfrompos;

	for (int n = 0; n < AMOUNT3; n++) {
		while (true) { // loop forever
			Sleep(1); // avoid 100% CPU

			if ( strstr(truncated, CharacterCodes[n]) != 0) { // does character code exist?
				if (strstr(truncated, CharacterCodes[n]) != 0)
					stringfrompos = strstr(truncated, CharacterCodes[n]);

				position = stringfrompos - truncated;
				counter = 0;
				while (counter != mir_strlen(CharacterCodes[n])) {
					truncated[position + counter] = ' ';

				truncated[(position + counter) - 1] = Characters[n];
				strncpy(&truncated[position], &truncated[position + mir_strlen(CharacterCodes[n])] - 1, mir_strlen(&truncated[position]) - 1);
			} // end does character code exist?

			if (recpos == position)
				break; // break out of loop if doesn't find new character code

			recpos = position;
		} // end loop forever         
	} // for

void EraseBlock(char *truncated)
	int counter = 0;
	int positionStart = 0, positionEnd = 0;
	char *stringfrompos;
	int BlockLength = 0;

	char* tempraw = (char*)malloc(MAXSIZE1);
	if (truncated)
		strncpy(tempraw, truncated, MAXSIZE1);

	// ///////////////////////////

	while (true) {
		Sleep(1); // avoid 100% CPU
		// /get start and end of block

		if (strstr(tempraw, "<!--") != 0) // does tag exist?
			stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "<!--");
			positionStart = stringfrompos - tempraw;

		if (strstr(tempraw, "-->") != 0) // does tag exist?
			stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "-->");
			positionEnd = stringfrompos - tempraw;
		BlockLength = (positionEnd - positionStart) + 3;

		if ((strstr(tempraw, "<!--") == 0) || (strstr(tempraw, "-->") == 0))


		if (strstr(tempraw, "<!--") != 0)
			for (counter = 0; counter < BlockLength; counter++)
				tempraw[positionStart + counter] = ' ';

		if ((positionStart == 0) && (positionEnd == 0))
		if (positionStart > positionEnd)

		positionStart = 0;
		positionEnd = 0;

	// ///////////////////////////
	positionStart = 0;
	positionEnd = 0;

	// 2//
	while (true) {
		Sleep(1); // avoid 100% CPU
		// /get start and end of block

		if (((strstr(tempraw, "<script")) != 0) || (strstr(tempraw, "<SCRIPT") != 0)) // does 
			if (strstr(tempraw, "<script") != 0)
				stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "<script");
				stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "<SCRIPT");

			positionStart = stringfrompos - tempraw;

		if (((strstr(tempraw, "</script")) != 0) || (strstr(tempraw, "</SCRIPT") != 0)) // does 
			if (strstr(tempraw, "<script") != 0)
				stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "</script");
				stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "</SCRIPT");

			positionEnd = stringfrompos - tempraw;
		BlockLength = (positionEnd - positionStart) + 9;

		if ((strstr(tempraw, "<script") != 0) && (strstr(tempraw, "</script") == 0))

		if ((strstr(tempraw, "<SCRIPT") != 0) && (strstr(tempraw, "</SCRIPT") == 0))


		if (((strstr(tempraw, "<script")) != 0) || ((strstr(tempraw, "<SCRIPT")) != 0))
			for (counter = 0; counter < BlockLength; counter++)
				tempraw[positionStart + counter] = ' ';

		if ((positionStart == 0) && (positionEnd == 0))
		if (positionStart > positionEnd)

		positionStart = 0;
		positionEnd = 0;

	// ////
	// 3//
	while (true)
		Sleep(1); // avoid 100% CPU
		// /get start and end of block

		if (((strstr(tempraw, "<style")) != 0) || (strstr(tempraw, "<STYLE") != 0)) // does 
			if (strstr(tempraw, "<style") != 0)
				stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "<style");
				stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "<STYLE");

			positionStart = stringfrompos - tempraw;

		if (((strstr(tempraw, "</style")) != 0) || (strstr(tempraw, "</STYLE") != 0)) // does 
			if (strstr(tempraw, "<style") != 0)
				stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "</style");
				stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "</STYLE");

			positionEnd = stringfrompos - tempraw;
		BlockLength = (positionEnd - positionStart) + 8;

		if ((strstr(tempraw, "<style") != 0) && (strstr(tempraw, "</style") == 0))

		if ((strstr(tempraw, "<STYLE") != 0) && (strstr(tempraw, "</STYLE") == 0))

		if (((strstr(tempraw, "<style")) != 0) || ((strstr(tempraw, "<STYLE")) != 0))
			for (counter = 0; counter < BlockLength; counter++)
				tempraw[positionStart + counter] = ' ';

		if ((positionStart == 0) && (positionEnd == 0))
		if (positionStart > positionEnd)

		positionStart = 0;
		positionEnd = 0;

	// 4//

	while (true) {
		Sleep(1); // avoid 100% CPU
		// /get start and end of block
		if (strstr(tempraw, "{") != 0) // does tag exist?
			stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "{");
			positionStart = stringfrompos - tempraw;

		if (strstr(tempraw, "}") != 0) // does tag exist?
			stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "}");
			positionEnd = stringfrompos - tempraw;
		BlockLength = (positionEnd - positionStart) + 1;

		if ((strstr(tempraw, "}") == 0) || (strstr(tempraw, "{") == 0))

		if (strstr(tempraw, "{") != 0)
			for (counter = 0; counter < BlockLength; counter++)
				tempraw[positionStart + counter] = ' ';

		if ((positionStart == 0) && (positionEnd == 0))
		if (positionStart > positionEnd)

		positionStart = 0;
		positionEnd = 0;

	// ///////////////////////////
	positionStart = 0;
	positionEnd = 0;

	strncpy(truncated, tempraw, mir_strlen(truncated));

void EraseSymbols(char *truncated)
	int counter = 0;
	int position = 0, recpos = 0;
	char *stringfrompos;

	char *tempraw = (char*)malloc(MAXSIZE1);
	if (truncated)
		strncpy(tempraw, truncated, MAXSIZE1);

	// //////
	while (true) {
		Sleep(1); // avoid 100% CPU

		counter = 0;
		if ((strstr(tempraw, "&#")) != 0) {
			stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "&#");
			position = stringfrompos - tempraw;

			while (true) {
				tempraw[position + counter] = ' ';
				if (counter > 20)
				if (tempraw[position + counter] == ' ')
			if (tempraw[position + counter] == ';')
				tempraw[position + counter] = ' ';
		if (recpos == position)
		recpos = position;

	strncpy(truncated, tempraw, mir_strlen(truncated));

void NumSymbols(char *truncated)
	int counter = 0;
	int position = 0, recpos = 0;
	char symbol[20];
	int character;

	char *tempraw = (char*)malloc(MAXSIZE1);
	if (truncated)
		strncpy(tempraw, truncated, MAXSIZE1);

	while (true) {
		Sleep(1); // avoid 100% CPU

		counter = 0;

		if ((strstr(tempraw, "&#")) != 0) {
			stringfrompos = strstr(tempraw, "&#");
			position = stringfrompos - tempraw;

			while (true) {
				if (counter > 1)
					symbol[counter - 2] = tempraw[position + counter];

				tempraw[position + counter] = ' ';
				if (counter > 20)

				if ((tempraw[position + counter] == ';')) {
					symbol[counter - 2] = '\0';
					character = atoi(symbol);

					if (character > 0 && character < 256)
						memset(&tempraw[position], character, 1);

			if (tempraw[position + counter] == ';')
				tempraw[position + counter] = ' ';
		if (recpos == position)
		recpos = position;

	strncpy(truncated, tempraw, mir_strlen(truncated));

void FastTagFilter(char *truncated)
	char *tempraw = (char*)malloc(MAXSIZE1);
	if (truncated)
		strncpy(tempraw, truncated, MAXSIZE1);

	for (int counter = 0; counter < mir_strlen(tempraw); counter++) {
		if (tempraw[counter] == '<') {
			while (tempraw[counter] != '>') {
				if (counter >= mir_strlen(tempraw))

				tempraw[counter] = ' ';
			if (tempraw[counter] == '>')
				tempraw[counter] = ' ';

	strncpy(truncated, tempraw, mir_strlen(truncated));

void RemoveInvis(char *truncated, int AmountWspcRem)
	int erase = 0;
	int RemovalLevel = 0;

	char *tempraw = (char*)malloc(MAXSIZE1);
	if (truncated)
		strncpy(tempraw, truncated, MAXSIZE1);

	switch (AmountWspcRem) {
	case 1:
		RemovalLevel = 80; // small
	case 2:
		RemovalLevel = 30; // medium
	case 3:
		RemovalLevel = 10; // large

	for (int counter = 0; counter < mir_strlen(tempraw); counter++) {
		if (AmountWspcRem != 0 && AmountWspcRem != 4) {
			if ((tempraw[counter] == '\n') || (tempraw[counter] == ' ') || (tempraw[counter] == '\r'))
				erase = erase + 1;
				erase = 0;

			if (erase > RemovalLevel)
				tempraw[counter] = ' ';

		if (AmountWspcRem == 4)
			if ((tempraw[counter] == '\n') || (tempraw[counter] == ' ') || (tempraw[counter] == '\r'))
				tempraw[counter] = ' ';
	} // end for

	strncpy(truncated, tempraw, mir_strlen(truncated));

void RemoveTabs(char *truncated)
	char *tempraw = (char*)malloc(MAXSIZE1);
	if (truncated)
		strncpy(tempraw, truncated, MAXSIZE1);

	for (int counter = 0; counter < mir_strlen(tempraw); counter++) 
		if (tempraw[counter] == '\t')
			tempraw[counter] = ' ';

	strncpy(truncated, tempraw, mir_strlen(truncated));

void Removewhitespace(char *truncated)
	int counter2 = 0;
	int pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0;

	for (int counter = 0; counter < mir_strlen(truncated); counter++) {
		if (truncated[counter] == ' ' && truncated[counter + 1] == ' ') {
			pos1 = counter + 1;
			counter2 = counter;

			while (truncated[counter2] == ' ')

			pos2 = counter2;
			strncpy(&truncated[pos1], &truncated[pos2], mir_strlen(&truncated[pos1]) - 1);
		} // end if
	} // end for

void Filter(char *truncated)
	char tempraw[MAXSIZE1];
	strncpy(tempraw, truncated, SIZEOF(tempraw));

	for (int counter = 0; counter < mir_strlen(tempraw); counter++)
		if ((tempraw[counter] == '\n') || (tempraw[counter] == '\r') || (tempraw[counter] == '\t'))
			strncpy(&tempraw[counter], &tempraw[counter + 1], mir_strlen(&tempraw[counter]) - 1);

	strncpy(truncated, tempraw, mir_strlen(truncated));