/* WhenWasIt (birthday reminder) plugin for Miranda IM Copyright � 2006 Cristian Libotean This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" HANDLE hCheckMenu, hListMenu, hAddBirthdayContact, hRefreshUserDetails; HANDLE hImportBirthdays, hExportBirthdays; const int cDTB = 10; HANDLE hDTB[cDTB] = { NULL }; HANDLE hDTBMore = NULL; HANDLE hWWIExtraIcons = (HANDLE)-1; static HANDLE AddIcon(char *name, char *description, wchar_t *tszPath, int iDefaultIdx) { SKINICONDESC sid = { 0 }; sid.flags = SIDF_PATH_UNICODE; sid.section.a = LPGEN("WhenWasIt"); sid.description.a = description; sid.pszName = name; sid.defaultFile.w = tszPath; sid.iDefaultIndex = -iDefaultIdx; return IcoLib_AddIcon(&sid); } int AddIcons() { wchar_t tszPath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(hInstance, tszPath, _countof(tszPath)); hCheckMenu = AddIcon("MenuCheck", LPGEN("Check birthdays menu item"), tszPath, IDI_CHECK); hListMenu = AddIcon("MenuList", LPGEN("List birthdays menu item"), tszPath, IDI_LIST); hAddBirthdayContact = AddIcon("AddBirthday", LPGEN("Add/change birthday"), tszPath, IDI_ADD); hRefreshUserDetails = AddIcon("RefreshUserDetails", LPGEN("Refresh user details"), tszPath, IDI_REFRESH_USERDETAILS); hImportBirthdays = AddIcon("ImportBirthdays", LPGEN("Import birthdays"), tszPath, IDI_IMPORT_BIRTHDAYS); hExportBirthdays = AddIcon("ExportBirthdays", LPGEN("Export birthdays"), tszPath, IDI_EXPORT_BIRTHDAYS); char name[1024]; char description[1024]; hDTB[0] = AddIcon("DTB0", LPGEN("Birthday today"), tszPath, IDI_DTB0); hDTB[1] = AddIcon("DTB1", LPGEN("1 day to birthday"), tszPath, IDI_DTB1); for (int i = 2; i < cDTB; i++) { mir_snprintf(name, "DTB%d", i); mir_snprintf(description, Translate("%d days to birthday"), i); hDTB[i] = AddIcon(name, description, tszPath, IDI_DTB0 + i); } mir_snprintf(description, Translate("More than %d days to birthday"), cDTB - 1); hDTBMore = AddIcon("DTBMore", description, tszPath, IDI_DTBMORE); hWWIExtraIcons = ExtraIcon_RegisterIcolib("WhenWasIt", LPGEN("WhenWasIt birthday reminder"), "MenuCheck"); return 0; } HANDLE GetDTBIconHandle(int dtb) { return ((dtb >= cDTB || dtb < 0) ? hDTBMore : hDTB[dtb]); }