/* WhenWasIt (birthday reminder) plugin for Miranda IM Copyright © 2006 Cristian Libotean This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #define COMMENT_CHAR '#' int bShouldCheckBirthdays = 0; int bBirthdayFound = 0; /* returns -1 if notify is not necesarry returns daysToBirthday if it should notify */ int NotifyContactBirthday(MCONTACT hContact, time_t now, int daysInAdvance) { int year, month, day; GetContactDOB(hContact, year, month, day); int daysToBirthday = DaysToBirthday(now, year, month, day); if (daysInAdvance >= daysToBirthday) return daysToBirthday; return -1; } // returns -1 if notify is not necessary // returns daysAfterBirthday if it should notify int NotifyMissedContactBirthday(MCONTACT hContact, time_t now, int daysAfter) { if (daysAfter > 0) { int year, month, day; GetContactDOB(hContact, year, month, day); int daysAfterBirthday = DaysAfterBirthday(now, year, month, day); if ((daysAfterBirthday >= 0) && (daysAfter >= daysAfterBirthday)) { return daysAfterBirthday; } } return -1; } //the timer functions call this service with lParam = 1 //lParam = 0 - force check, lParam - 1 do not force it. INT_PTR CheckBirthdaysService(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { bBirthdayFound = 0; //no birthdays have been found in the given interval SYSTEMTIME today; GetLocalTime(&today); uint32_t lastChecked = g_plugin.getDword("LastChecked"); //get last checked date int lcDay = LOBYTE(LOWORD(lastChecked)); int lcMonth = HIBYTE(LOWORD(lastChecked)); int lcYear = HIWORD(lastChecked); int daysAfter = DaysAfterBirthday(Today(), lcYear, lcMonth, lcDay); //get difference between last checked date and today int savedDaysAfter = 0; savedDaysAfter = g_plugin.daysAfter; //save value if ((daysAfter > g_plugin.daysAfter) && (g_plugin.daysAfter > 0))//check for passed birthdays g_plugin.daysAfter = daysAfter; //bigger values of the two if ((lParam) && (g_plugin.bOncePerDay)) //if force check then we don't take OncePerDay into account if (lcDay == today.wDay && lcMonth == today.wMonth && lcYear == today.wYear) return 0; //already checked today bShouldCheckBirthdays = 1; RefreshAllContactListIcons(); if ((!bBirthdayFound) && (g_plugin.bNoBirthdaysPopup)) PopupNotifyNoBirthdays(); bShouldCheckBirthdays = 0; g_plugin.daysAfter = savedDaysAfter; //restore previous value if (lParam) //if not forced - i.e. timer check g_plugin.setDword("LastChecked", MAKELONG(MAKEWORD(today.wDay, today.wMonth), today.wYear)); //write the value in DB so we don't check again today return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Refresh users' details thread void ShowPopupMessage(const wchar_t *title, const wchar_t *message, HANDLE icon) { POPUPDATAW ppd; ppd.lchIcon = IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(icon); wcsncpy_s(ppd.lpwzContactName, title, _TRUNCATE); wcsncpy_s(ppd.lpwzText, message, _TRUNCATE); ppd.colorText = g_plugin.foreground; ppd.colorBack = g_plugin.background; PUAddPopupW(&ppd); } void __cdecl RefreshUserDetailsWorkerThread(void*) { Thread_SetName("WhenWasIt: RefreshUserDetailsWorkerThread"); ShowPopupMessage(TranslateT("WhenWasIt"), TranslateT("Starting to refresh user details"), hRefreshUserDetails); int delay = g_plugin.getWord("UpdateDelay", REFRESH_DETAILS_DELAY); MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); while (hContact != NULL) { ProtoChainSend(hContact, PSS_GETINFO, 0, 0); hContact = db_find_next(hContact); if (hContact) Sleep(delay); //sleep for a few seconds between requests } ShowPopupMessage(TranslateT("WhenWasIt"), TranslateT("Done refreshing user details"), hRefreshUserDetails); } static INT_PTR RefreshUserDetailsService(WPARAM, LPARAM) { mir_forkthread(RefreshUserDetailsWorkerThread); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Birthdays import static int DoImport(wchar_t *fileName) { FILE *fin = _wfopen(fileName, L"rt"); if (!fin) { MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Could not open file to import birthdays"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } while (!feof(fin)) { wchar_t buffer[4096]; fgetws(buffer, _countof(buffer), fin); if (buffer[0] == COMMENT_CHAR) continue; wchar_t *delAccount = wcsstr(buffer, L" : "); if (delAccount) { int tmp = delAccount[0]; delAccount[0] = '\0'; wchar_t *delProto = wcsrchr(buffer, '@'); if (delProto) { delProto[0] = '\0'; wchar_t *szHandle = buffer; wchar_t *szProto = delProto + 1; MCONTACT hContact = GetContactFromID(szHandle, szProto); if (hContact) { delProto[0] = tmp; delAccount[0] = tmp; int year, month, day; swscanf(delAccount, L" : %02d/%02d/%04d", &day, &month, &year); SaveBirthday(hContact, year, month, day, DOB_USERINFO); } else { CMStringW msg(FORMAT, TranslateT("Could not find UID '%s [%S]' in current database, skipping"), szHandle, szProto); ShowPopupMessage(TranslateT("Warning"), msg, hImportBirthdays); } } } } fclose(fin); return 0; } static INT_PTR ImportBirthdaysService(WPARAM, LPARAM) { wchar_t fileName[1024] = { 0 }; OPENFILENAME of = { 0 }; of.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); //of.g_plugin.getInst() = g_plugin.getInst(); wchar_t filter[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(filter, L"%s (*" BIRTHDAY_EXTENSION L")%c*" BIRTHDAY_EXTENSION L"%c", TranslateT("Birthdays files"), 0, 0); of.lpstrFilter = filter; of.lpstrFile = fileName; of.nMaxFile = _countof(fileName); of.lpstrTitle = TranslateT("Please select a file to import birthdays from..."); of.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; if (GetOpenFileName(&of)) { wchar_t buffer[2048]; mir_snwprintf(buffer, TranslateT("Importing birthdays from file: %s"), fileName); ShowPopupMessage(TranslateT("WhenWasIt"), buffer, hImportBirthdays); DoImport(fileName); ShowPopupMessage(TranslateT("WhenWasIt"), TranslateT("Done importing birthdays"), hImportBirthdays); } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Birthdays export static int DoExport(wchar_t *fileName) { FILE *fout = _wfopen(fileName, L"wt"); if (!fout) { MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Could not open file to export birthdays"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } fwprintf(fout, L"%c%s", COMMENT_CHAR, TranslateT("Please do not edit this file by hand. Use the export function of WhenWasIt plugin.\n")); for (auto &hContact : Contacts()) { int year, month, day; GetContactDOB(hContact, year, month, day); if (IsDOBValid(year, month, day)) { char *szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); wchar_t *szHandle = GetContactID(hContact, szProto); if ((szHandle) && (mir_strlen(szProto) > 0)) fwprintf(fout, L"%s@%S : %02d/%02d/%04d\n", szHandle, szProto, day, month, year); if (szHandle) free(szHandle); } } fclose(fout); return 0; } static INT_PTR ExportBirthdaysService(WPARAM, LPARAM) { wchar_t fileName[1024] = { 0 }; OPENFILENAME of = { 0 }; of.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); //of.g_plugin.getInst() = g_plugin.getInst(); wchar_t filter[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(filter, L"%s (*" BIRTHDAY_EXTENSION L")%c*" BIRTHDAY_EXTENSION L"%c%s (*.*)%c*.*%c", TranslateT("Birthdays files"), 0, 0, TranslateT("All Files"), 0, 0); of.lpstrFilter = filter; of.lpstrFile = fileName; of.nMaxFile = _countof(fileName); of.lpstrTitle = TranslateT("Please select a file to export birthdays to..."); if (GetSaveFileName(&of)) { wchar_t buffer[2048]; wchar_t *fn = wcsrchr(fileName, '\\') + 1; if (!wcschr(fn, '.')) mir_wstrcat(fileName, BIRTHDAY_EXTENSION); mir_snwprintf(buffer, TranslateT("Exporting birthdays to file: %s"), fileName); ShowPopupMessage(TranslateT("WhenWasIt"), buffer, hExportBirthdays); DoExport(fileName); ShowPopupMessage(TranslateT("WhenWasIt"), TranslateT("Done exporting birthdays"), hExportBirthdays); } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // module entry point int InitServices() { CreateServiceFunction(MS_WWI_CHECK_BIRTHDAYS, CheckBirthdaysService); CreateServiceFunction(MS_WWI_LIST_SHOW, ShowListService); CreateServiceFunction(MS_WWI_ADD_BIRTHDAY, AddBirthdayService); CreateServiceFunction(MS_WWI_REFRESH_USERDETAILS, RefreshUserDetailsService); CreateServiceFunction(MS_WWI_IMPORT_BIRTHDAYS, ImportBirthdaysService); CreateServiceFunction(MS_WWI_EXPORT_BIRTHDAYS, ExportBirthdaysService); return 0; }