#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "resource.h" #include "Version.h" #define ModuleName "WUMF Plugin" #define LIFETIME_MAX 60 #define LIFETIME_MIN 1 #define MAX_PATHNAME 512 #define MAX_USERNAME 512 #define TIME 500 #define POPUPS_ENABLED "1033" #define DELAY_SEC "1026" #define DELAY_SET "1049" #define DELAY_INF "1050" #define DELAY_DEF "1051" #define COLOR_SET "1000" #define COLOR_WIN "1001" #define COLOR_DEF "1002" #define COLOR_BACK "1003" #define COLOR_TEXT "1004" #define OPT_FILE "1006" #define LOG_INTO_FILE "1054" #define LOG_FOLDER "1055" #define ALERT_FOLDER "1056" #define LOG_UNC "1057" #define ALERT_UNC "1058" #define LOG_COMP "1059" #define ALERT_COMP "1060" #define IDM_SETUP 0x0402 #define IDM_ABOUT 0x0403 #define IDM_SHOW 0x0405 #define IDM_EXIT 0x0404 typedef struct { BOOL PopupsEnabled; BOOL UseWinColor; BOOL UseDefColor; BOOL SelectColor; COLORREF ColorText; COLORREF ColorBack; BOOL DelayInf; BOOL DelayDef; BOOL DelaySet; int DelaySec; BOOL LogToFile; BOOL LogFolders; BOOL AlertFolders; BOOL LogUNC; BOOL AlertUNC; BOOL LogComp; BOOL AlertComp; TCHAR LogFile[255]; } WUMF_OPTIONS; typedef struct _WUMF{ DWORD dwID; LPTSTR szID; LPTSTR szUser; LPTSTR szPath; LPTSTR szComp; LPTSTR szUNC; LPTSTR szPerm; DWORD dwSess; DWORD dwLocks; DWORD dwAttr; DWORD dwPerm; BOOL mark; struct _WUMF* next; } Wumf, *PWumf; PWumf new_wumf( DWORD dwID, LPTSTR szUser, LPTSTR szPath, LPTSTR szComp, LPTSTR szUNC, DWORD szSess, DWORD dwPerm, DWORD dwAttr); BOOL add_cell (PWumf* l, PWumf w); BOOL del_cell (PWumf* l, PWumf w); BOOL cpy_cell (PWumf* l, PWumf w); PWumf fnd_cell (PWumf* l, DWORD dwID); PWumf cpy_list (PWumf* l); BOOL del_all (PWumf* l); void mark_all (PWumf* l, BOOL mark); BOOL del_marked(PWumf* l); extern WUMF_OPTIONS WumfOptions; extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern HANDLE hLog; static HANDLE hWumfBut; extern PWumf list; void FreeAll(); VOID CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD); int CALLBACK ConnDlgProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); int ResizeDialog(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); void ShowThePopUp(PWumf w, LPTSTR, LPTSTR); void ShowWumfPopUp(PWumf w); void process_session(SESSION_INFO_1 s_info); void process_file(SESSION_INFO_1 s_info, FILE_INFO_3 f_info); void printError(DWORD res); #define msg(X) MessageBox(NULL, X, _T("WUMF"), MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP) #define MS_WUMF_SWITCHPOPUP "WUMF/SwitchPopup" #define MS_WUMF_CONNECTIONSSHOW "WUMF/ShowConnections" #define malloc(size) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size) #define free(something) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, something) #ifndef RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM #define RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM 0 //function did everything required to the x axis, do no more processing #define RD_ANCHORX_LEFT 0 //move the control to keep it constant distance from the left edge of the dialog #define RD_ANCHORX_RIGHT 1 //move the control to keep it constant distance from the right edge of the dialog #define RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH 2 //size the control to keep it constant distance from both edges of the dialog #define RD_ANCHORX_CENTRE 4 //move the control to keep it constant distance from the centre of the dialog #define RD_ANCHORY_CUSTOM 0 #define RD_ANCHORY_TOP 0 #define RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM 8 #define RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT 16 #define RD_ANCHORY_CENTRE 32 typedef struct { int cbSize; UINT wId; //control ID RECT rcItem; //original control rectangle, relative to dialog //modify in-place to specify the new position SIZE dlgOriginalSize; //size of dialog client area in template SIZE dlgNewSize; //current size of dialog client area } UTILRESIZECONTROL; typedef int (*DIALOGRESIZERPROC)(HWND hwndDlg,LPARAM lParam,UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc); typedef struct { int cbSize; HWND hwndDlg; HINSTANCE hInstance; //module containing the dialog template LPCTSTR lpTemplate; //dialog template LPARAM lParam; //caller-defined DIALOGRESIZERPROC pfnResizer; } UTILRESIZEDIALOG; #endif