#pragma once

#include <map>
#include <string>

class UserInformation

	// Description : update the users status
	// Parameters  : user - the current user
	//               status - the users status
	// Returns     : true - the status changed
	//               false - the status stayed the same
	bool updateStatus(MCONTACT user, int status);

	// Description : get a string containing the users current status string
	// Parameters  : user - the current user
	// Returns     : the string containing the users status
	std::wstring statusString(MCONTACT user);

	// Description : return the status mode of the user
	// Parameters  : user - the current user
	// Returns     : the string containing the users status mode
	std::wstring statusModeString(MCONTACT user);

	// Description : insert the name into the string at the %u location
	// Parameters  : str  - the string to have the username inserted into
	//               user - the current user
	void insertName(std::wstring &str, MCONTACT user) const;

	// Description : get the name string for the user
	// Parameters  : user - the current user
	// Returns     : a string containing the user's name
	std::wstring nameString(MCONTACT user) const;

	std::map<MCONTACT, int> m_status_info;
	std::map<int, std::wstring> m_status_strings;