#ifndef __POP3COMM_H #define __POP3COMM_H #include #include "pop3.h" #include "m_protoplugin.h" //We can use synchro.h because this is internal plugin. If you use external plugin, //and you want to use SO for your plugin, you can use YAMN's SO. //All you need is to include synchro.h and use YAMN's exported synchronization functions. #include "m_synchro.h" //For mail exported functions defintions #include "../../mails/m_mails.h" #include "../../debug.h" #define POP3_FILEVERSION 1 //Version of aditional information stored in book file typedef struct CPOP3Account: public CAccount { // We can use SCOUNTER structure, because this is internal plugin. // This SO is used to determine if any POP3 account is in "write access" mode static PSCOUNTER AccountWriterSO; // It is usefull to have client structure in account. With this structure we have access to account's socket. // This is related to InternetQueries and UseInternetFree // This member should be synchronized with UseInternetFree class CPop3Client Client; // This member is usefull for MIME headers. It is default codepage, if no other codepage found WORD CP; //access only through AccountAccessSO // In this memeber last error code is stored DWORD SystemError; //access through UseInternetFree // We use only counter from this object and it is # of threads waiting to work on internet. // We use event UseInternet to access critical sections. // It is usefull in 2 ways: we have mutual exclusion that only one thread works with account on internet. // Thread, which has done its work with account on internet can close socket, but it is not needed, when any other // thread wants to work (e.g. we have deleted mails, but when deleting, another thread wants to check new mail, so // we delete all needed mails and check if there's thread that wants to work. If yes, we do not need to quit session, // we leave socket open, and leave internet. Another thread then start checking and does not connect, does not send // user and password... because socket is open- it continues) PSCOUNTER InternetQueries; HANDLE UseInternetFree; CPOP3Account(); ~CPOP3Account(); } POP3ACCOUNT,*HPOP3ACCOUNT; typedef struct POP3LayeredError { BOOL SSL; DWORD AppError; DWORD POP3Error; DWORD NetError; DWORD SystemError; } POP3_ERRORCODE,*PPOP3_ERRORCODE; struct YAMNExportedFcns { YAMN_SETPROTOCOLPLUGINFCNIMPORTFCN SetProtocolPluginFcnImportFcn; YAMN_WAITTOWRITEFCN WaitToWriteFcn; YAMN_WRITEDONEFCN WriteDoneFcn; YAMN_WAITTOREADFCN WaitToReadFcn; YAMN_READDONEFCN ReadDoneFcn; YAMN_SCMANAGEFCN SCGetNumberFcn; YAMN_SCMANAGEFCN SCIncFcn; YAMN_SCMANAGEFCN SCDecFcn; YAMN_SETSTATUSFCN SetStatusFcn; YAMN_GETSTATUSFCN GetStatusFcn; }; struct MailExportedFcns { YAMN_SYNCHROMIMEMSGSFCN SynchroMessagesFcn; YAMN_TRANSLATEHEADERFCN TranslateHeaderFcn; YAMN_APPENDQUEUEFCN AppendQueueFcn; YAMN_DELETEMIMEQUEUEFCN DeleteMessagesToEndFcn; YAMN_DELETEMIMEMESSAGEFCN DeleteMessageFromQueueFcn; YAMN_FINDMIMEMESSAGEFCN FindMessageByIDFcn; YAMN_CREATENEWDELETEQUEUEFCN CreateNewDeleteQueueFcn; }; enum { EACC_QUEUEALLOC=1, //memory allocation EACC_STOPPED, //stop account }; #define NO_MAIL_FOR_DELETE 1 #define POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK 1 #endif