/* * This code implements retrieving info from MIME header * * (c) majvan 2002-2004 */ #include "../yamn.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SMALL INTRO // Mails are queued in a queue (chained list). Pointer to first mail is pointed from Account structure // member called Mails. // Mail queue is ended with NULL- pointered mail (NULL handle) //Creates new mail for plugin (calling plugin's constructor, when plugin imported to YAMN) INT_PTR CreateAccountMailSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); //Deletes mail for plugin (calling plugin's destructor, when plugin imported to YAMN) INT_PTR DeleteAccountMailSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); //Loads mail data from standard storage to memory INT_PTR LoadMailDataSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); //Deletes mail data from memory INT_PTR UnloadMailDataSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM); //Saves mail data from memory to standard storage INT_PTR SaveMailDataSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); //Appends second MIME mail queue to the first one //Only finds the end of first queue and its Next memember repoints to second one void WINAPI AppendQueueFcn(HYAMNMAIL first,HYAMNMAIL second); //Synchronizes two accounts //Function finds, if there were some mails deleted from mailbox and deletes (depends on RemovedOld param) them from OldQueue //Next finds, if there are new mails. Mails that are still on mailbox are deleted (depends on RemovedNew param) from NewQueue //After this, OldQueue is pointer to mails that are on mailbox, but not new mails //and NewQueue contains new mails in account //New accounts can be then appended to account mails queue, but they have set the New flag // //Two mails equals if they have the same ID // // hPlugin- handle of plugin going to delete mails // OldQueue- queue of mails that we found on mailbox last time, after function finishes queue contains all mails except new ones // RemovedOld- queue of mails where to store removed mails from OldQueue, if NULL deletes mails from OldQueue // NewQueue- queue of mails that we found on mailbox (all mails), after function finishes queue contains only new mails // RemovedNew- queue of mails where to store removed mails from NewQueue, if NULL deletes mails from NewQueue //So function works like: //1. delete (or move to RemovedOld queue if RemovedOld is not NULL) all mails from OldQueue not found in NewQueue //2. delete (or move to RemovedNew queue if RemovedNew is not NULL) all mails from NewQueue found in OldQueue void WINAPI SynchroMessagesFcn(HACCOUNT Account,HYAMNMAIL *OldQueue,HYAMNMAIL *RemovedOld,HYAMNMAIL *NewQueue,HYAMNMAIL *RemovedNew); //Deletes messages from mail From to the end // Account- account who owns mails // From- first mail in queue, which is going to delete void WINAPI DeleteMessagesToEndFcn(HACCOUNT Account,HYAMNMAIL From); //Removes message from queue, does not delete from memory // From- queue pointer // Which- mail to delete // mode- nonzero if you want to decrement numbers in messages that are bigger than the one in Which mail, 0 if not void WINAPI DeleteMessageFromQueueFcn(HYAMNMAIL *From,HYAMNMAIL Which,int mode); //Finds message in queue that has the same ID number // From- message queue // ID- pointer to ID // returns pointer to found message, NULL if not found HYAMNMAIL WINAPI FindMessageByIDFcn(HYAMNMAIL From,char *ID); //Translate header from text to queue of CMimeItem structures //This means that new queue will contain all info about headers // stream- pointer to text containing header (can be ended with zero) // len- length of stream // head- function fills this pointer to first header item in queue void WINAPI TranslateHeaderFcn(char *stream,int len,struct CMimeItem **head); //Creates new mail queue, copying only these mails, that have set flag for deleting // From- message queue, whose mail with given flag are duplicated // returns new mail queue (or NULL when no mail with flag is in From queue) //Function does not copy the whole mails, it copies only ID string. And ID is copied as string, so //you can use this fcn only if you have your ID as pointer to char string ended with zero character HYAMNMAIL WINAPI CreateNewDeleteQueueFcn(HYAMNMAIL From); //Sets/removes flags from specific mails // From- pointer to first message // FlagsSet- mail must have set these flags... // FlagsNotSet- ...and must not have set these flags... // FlagsToSetRemove- ...to set/remove these flags (see mode) // mode- nonzero to set, else remove void WINAPI SetRemoveFlagsInQueueFcn(HYAMNMAIL From,DWORD FlagsSet,DWORD FlagsNotSet,DWORD FlagsToSetRemove,int mode); struct CExportedFunctions MailExportedFcn[]= { {YAMN_SYNCHROMIMEMSGSID,(void *)SynchroMessagesFcn}, {YAMN_TRANSLATEHEADERID,(void *)TranslateHeaderFcn}, {YAMN_APPENDQUEUEID,(void *)AppendQueueFcn}, {YAMN_DELETEMIMEQUEUEID,(void *)DeleteMessagesToEndFcn}, {YAMN_DELETEMIMEMESSAGEID,(void *)DeleteMessageFromQueueFcn}, {YAMN_FINDMIMEMESSAGEID,(void *)FindMessageByIDFcn}, {YAMN_CREATENEWDELETEQUEUEID,(void *)CreateNewDeleteQueueFcn}, {YAMN_SETREMOVEQUEUEFLAGSID,(void *)SetRemoveFlagsInQueueFcn}, }; struct CExportedServices MailExportedSvc[]= { {MS_YAMN_CREATEACCOUNTMAIL,CreateAccountMailSvc}, {MS_YAMN_DELETEACCOUNTMAIL,DeleteAccountMailSvc}, {MS_YAMN_LOADMAILDATA,LoadMailDataSvc}, {MS_YAMN_UNLOADMAILDATA,UnloadMailDataSvc}, {MS_YAMN_SAVEMAILDATA,SaveMailDataSvc}, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_PTR CreateAccountMailSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HACCOUNT Account=(HACCOUNT)wParam; DWORD MailVersion=(DWORD)lParam; HYAMNMAIL NewMail; //test if we are going to initialize members of suitable structure (structures of plugin and YAMN must match) if (MailVersion != YAMN_MAILVERSION) return NULL; if (Account->Plugin != NULL) { if (Account->Plugin->MailFcn->NewMailFcnPtr != NULL) { //Let plugin create its own structure, which can be derived from CAccount structure if (NULL==(NewMail=Account->Plugin->MailFcn->NewMailFcnPtr(Account,YAMN_MAILVERSION))) return NULL; } else { //We suggest plugin uses standard CAccount structure, so we create it if (NULL==(NewMail=new YAMNMAIL)) //If not created successfully return NULL; NewMail->MailData=NULL; } //Init every members of structure, used by YAMN return (INT_PTR)NewMail; } return NULL; } INT_PTR DeleteAccountMailSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin=(HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN)wParam; HYAMNMAIL OldMail=(HYAMNMAIL)lParam; struct CMimeItem *TH; if (Plugin->MailFcn != NULL) { if (Plugin->MailFcn->DeleteMailFcnPtr != NULL) { //Let plugin delete its own CMimeMsgQueue derived structure Plugin->MailFcn->DeleteMailFcnPtr(OldMail); return 1; } } if (OldMail->MailData != NULL) { if (OldMail->MailData->Body != NULL) delete[] OldMail->MailData->Body; if ((TH=OldMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader) != NULL) for (;OldMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader != NULL;) { TH=TH->Next; if (OldMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader->name != NULL) delete[] OldMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader->name; if (OldMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader->value != NULL) delete[] OldMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader->value; delete OldMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader; OldMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader=TH; } delete OldMail->MailData; } if (OldMail->ID != NULL) delete[] OldMail->ID; delete OldMail; //consider mail as standard HYAMNMAIL, not initialized before and use its own destructor return 1; } void WINAPI AppendQueueFcn(HYAMNMAIL first,HYAMNMAIL second) { HYAMNMAIL Finder=first; while(Finder->Next != NULL) Finder=Finder->Next; Finder->Next=second; } INT_PTR LoadMailDataSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HYAMNMAIL Mail=(HYAMNMAIL)wParam; DWORD MailVersion=(DWORD)lParam; if (MailVersion != YAMN_MAILDATAVERSION) return NULL; //now we have all data to memory persisting, so no loading is needed return (INT_PTR)Mail->MailData; } INT_PTR UnloadMailDataSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM) { HYAMNMAIL Mail=(HYAMNMAIL)wParam; //now we should delete structure from memory, but it will be made in future YAMN version return 1; } INT_PTR SaveMailDataSvc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HYAMNMAIL Mail=(HYAMNMAIL)wParam; DWORD MailVersion=(DWORD)lParam; if (MailVersion != YAMN_MAILDATAVERSION) return (INT_PTR)-1; //now we have all data to memory persisting, so no saving is needed return (INT_PTR)0; } void WINAPI SynchroMessagesFcn(HACCOUNT Account,HYAMNMAIL *OldQueue,HYAMNMAIL *RemovedOld,HYAMNMAIL *NewQueue,HYAMNMAIL *RemovedNew) //deletes messages from new queue, if they are old //it also deletes messages from old queue, if they are not in mailbox anymore //"YAMN_MSG_DELETED" messages in old queue remain in old queue (are never removed, although they are not in new queue) //"YAMN_MSG_DELETED" messages in new queue remain in new queue (are never removed, although they can be in old queue) { HYAMNMAIL Finder,FinderPrev; HYAMNMAIL Parser,ParserPrev; HYAMNMAIL RemovedOldParser =NULL; HYAMNMAIL RemovedNewParser =NULL; if (RemovedOld != NULL) *RemovedOld=NULL; if (RemovedNew != NULL) *RemovedNew=NULL; for (FinderPrev=NULL,Finder=*OldQueue;Finder != NULL;) { if (Finder->Flags & YAMN_MSG_DELETED) //if old queue contains deleted mail { FinderPrev=Finder; Finder=Finder->Next; //get next message in old queue for testing continue; } for (ParserPrev=NULL,Parser=*NewQueue;Parser != NULL;ParserPrev=Parser,Parser=Parser->Next) { if (Parser->Flags & YAMN_MSG_DELETED) continue; if (Parser->ID==NULL) //simply ignore the message, that has not filled its ID continue; if (0==mir_strcmp(Parser->ID,Finder->ID)) //search for equal message in new queue break; } if (Parser != NULL) //found equal message in new queue { if (Parser==*NewQueue) *NewQueue=(*NewQueue)->Next; else ParserPrev->Next=Parser->Next; Finder->Number=Parser->Number; //rewrite the number of current message in old queue if (RemovedNew==NULL) //delete from new queue DeleteAccountMailSvc((WPARAM)Account->Plugin,(LPARAM)Parser); else //or move to RemovedNew { if (RemovedNewParser==NULL) //if it is first mail removed from NewQueue *RemovedNew=Parser; //set RemovedNew queue to point to first message in removed queue else RemovedNewParser->Next=Parser; //else don't forget to show to next message in RemovedNew queue RemovedNewParser=Parser; //follow RemovedNew queue RemovedNewParser->Next=NULL; } FinderPrev=Finder; Finder=Finder->Next; //get next message in old queue for testing } else //a message was already deleted from mailbox { if (Finder==*OldQueue) //if we are at the first item in OldQueue { *OldQueue=(*OldQueue)->Next; //set OldQueue to next item if (RemovedOld==NULL) //delete from old queue DeleteAccountMailSvc((WPARAM)Account->Plugin,(LPARAM)Finder); else //or move to RemovedOld { if (RemovedOldParser==NULL) //if it is first mail removed from OldQueue *RemovedOld=Finder; //set RemovedOld queue to point to first message in removed queue else RemovedOldParser->Next=Finder; //else don't forget to show to next message in RemovedNew queue RemovedOldParser=Finder; //follow RemovedOld queue RemovedOldParser->Next=NULL; } Finder=*OldQueue; } else { FinderPrev->Next=Finder->Next; if (RemovedOld==NULL) //delete from old queue DeleteAccountMailSvc((WPARAM)Account->Plugin,(LPARAM)Finder); else //or move to RemovedOld { if (RemovedOldParser==NULL) //if it is first mail removed from OldQueue *RemovedOld=Finder; //set RemovedOld queue to point to first message in removed queue else RemovedOldParser->Next=Finder; //else don't forget to show to next message in RemovedNew queue RemovedOldParser=Finder; //follow RemovedOld queue RemovedOldParser->Next=NULL; } Finder=FinderPrev->Next; } } } } void WINAPI DeleteMessagesToEndFcn(HACCOUNT Account,HYAMNMAIL From) { HYAMNMAIL Temp; while(From != NULL) { Temp=From; From=From->Next; DeleteAccountMailSvc((WPARAM)Account->Plugin,(LPARAM)Temp); } } void WINAPI DeleteMessageFromQueueFcn(HYAMNMAIL *From,HYAMNMAIL Which,int mode=0) { DWORD Number=Which->Number; HYAMNMAIL Parser; if (*From==Which) { Parser=Which->Next; *From=Parser; } else { for (Parser=*From;Which != Parser->Next;Parser=Parser->Next) if (mode && (Parser->Number>Number)) Parser->Number--; if (mode && (Parser->Number>Number)) Parser->Number--; Parser->Next=Parser->Next->Next; Parser=Which->Next; } if (mode) for (;Parser != NULL;Parser=Parser->Next) if (Parser->Number>Number) Parser->Number--; } void DeleteMessagesFromQueue(HYAMNMAIL *From,HYAMNMAIL Which,int mode=0) { HYAMNMAIL Parser; for (Parser=Which;Parser != NULL;Parser=Parser->Next) DeleteMessageFromQueueFcn(From,Parser,mode); } HYAMNMAIL WINAPI FindMessageByIDFcn(HYAMNMAIL From,char *ID) { HYAMNMAIL Browser; for (Browser=From;Browser != NULL;Browser=Browser->Next) if (0==mir_strcmp(Browser->ID,ID)) break; return Browser; } void WINAPI TranslateHeaderFcn(char *stream,int len,struct CMimeItem **head) { try { char *finder=stream; char *prev1,*prev2,*prev3; struct CMimeItem *Item=NULL; while(finder<=(stream+len)) { while(ENDLINEWS(finder)) finder++; //at the start of line if (DOTLINE(finder+1)) //at the end of stream break; prev1=finder; while(*finder != ':' && !EOS(finder)) finder++; if (!EOS(finder)) prev2=finder++; else break; while(WS(finder) && !EOS(finder)) finder++; if (!EOS(finder)) prev3=finder; else break; do { if (ENDLINEWS(finder)) finder+=2; //after endline information continues while(!ENDLINE(finder) && !EOS(finder)) finder++; }while(ENDLINEWS(finder)); if (Item != NULL) { if (NULL==(Item->Next=new struct CMimeItem)) break; Item=Item->Next; } else { Item = new CMimeItem; *head = Item; } Item->Next=NULL; Item->name=new char [prev2-prev1+1]; mir_strncpy(Item->name,prev1,prev2-prev1+1); Item->value=new char [finder-prev3+1]; mir_strncpy(Item->value,prev3,finder-prev3+1); if (EOS(finder)) break; finder++; if (ENDLINE(finder)) { finder++; if (ENDLINE(finder)) { // end of headers. message body begins finder++; if (ENDLINE(finder))finder++; prev1 = finder; while (!DOTLINE(finder+1))finder++; if (ENDLINE(finder))finder--; prev2 = finder; if (prev2>prev1) { // yes, we have body if (NULL==(Item->Next=new struct CMimeItem)) break; // Cant create new item?! Item=Item->Next; Item->Next=NULL;//just in case; Item->name=new char[5]; mir_strncpy(Item->name,"Body",5); Item->value=new char [prev2-prev1]; mir_strncpy(Item->value,prev1,prev2-prev1-1); } break; // there is nothing else } } } } catch(...) { MessageBoxA(NULL,"Translate header error","",0); } } HYAMNMAIL WINAPI CreateNewDeleteQueueFcn(HYAMNMAIL From) { HYAMNMAIL FirstMail,Browser; for (FirstMail=NULL;From != NULL;From=From->Next) { if ((From->Flags & (YAMN_MSG_USERDELETE | YAMN_MSG_AUTODELETE)) && !(From->Flags & YAMN_MSG_DELETED)) { if (FirstMail==NULL) { FirstMail=Browser=new YAMNMAIL; if (FirstMail==NULL) break; } else { Browser->Next=new YAMNMAIL; Browser=Browser->Next; } Browser->ID=new char[mir_strlen(From->ID)+1]; mir_strcpy(Browser->ID,From->ID); Browser->Number=From->Number; Browser->Flags=From->Flags; } } return FirstMail; } void WINAPI SetRemoveFlagsInQueueFcn(HYAMNMAIL From,DWORD FlagsSet,DWORD FlagsNotSet,DWORD FlagsToSetRemove,int mode) { HYAMNMAIL msgq; for (msgq=(HYAMNMAIL)From;msgq != NULL;msgq=msgq->Next) { if ((FlagsSet==(msgq->Flags & FlagsSet)) && (0==(msgq->Flags & FlagsNotSet))) { if (mode) msgq->Flags=msgq->Flags | FlagsToSetRemove; else msgq->Flags=msgq->Flags & ~FlagsToSetRemove; } } }