; Common strings that belong to many files

; ../../plugins/YAPP/notify_imp.cpp
;[YAPP Popups]

; ../../plugins/YAPP/options.cpp
;[An avatar.]
;[Bottom left]
;[Bottom right]
;[Example With a Long Title]
;[Full-screen app running]
;[Icon on left]
;[Icon on right]
;[Left avatar]
;[No avatar]
;[No time]
;[Right avatar]
;[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
;[Time above avatar]
;[Time on left]
;[Time on right]
;[Top left]
;[Top right]
;[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]

; ../../plugins/YAPP/popup_history_dlg.cpp
;[Copy message to clipboard]
;[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
;[Copy title to clipboard]

; ../../plugins/YAPP/popups2.cpp
;[Test popup class]

; ../../plugins/YAPP/popups2.rc
;[Avatar size:]
;[Background colour:]
;[Case sensitive]
;[Default Timeout]
;[Disable when]
;[Global hover]
;[Maximum height:]
;[Never timeout]
;[Popup history]
;[Round corners (avatar)]
;[Round corners (window)]
;[Set timeout]
;[Set timeout:]
;[Sidebar width:]
;[Text colour:]
;[Text indent:]
;[Timeout value (0 = default):]
;[Transparent background]

; ../../plugins/YAPP/services.cpp
;[Disable Popups]
;[Enable Popups]
;[Popup History]