YahooGroups plugin for Miranda IM

Copyright � 2007 Cristian Libotean

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include "stdafx.h"

int Info(char *title, char *format, ...)
	char str[4096];
	va_list vararg;
	int tBytes;
	va_start(vararg, format);
	tBytes = mir_vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), format, vararg);
	if (tBytes > 0)
		str[tBytes] = 0;

	return MessageBoxA(0, str, title, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);		

int MyPUShowMessage(TCHAR *lpzText, BYTE kind)
	if (ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_SHOWMESSAGE))
		return PUShowMessageT(lpzText, kind);
		TCHAR *title = (kind == SM_NOTIFY) ? TranslateT("Notify") : TranslateT("Warning");
		return MessageBox(NULL, lpzText, title, MB_OK | (kind == SM_NOTIFY) ? MB_ICONINFORMATION : MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

#define HEX_SIZE 8

char *BinToHex(int size, PBYTE data)
	char *szresult = NULL;
	char buffer[32] = {0}; //should be more than enough
	int maxSize = size * 2 + HEX_SIZE + 1;
	szresult = (char *) new char[ maxSize ];
	memset(szresult, 0, maxSize);
	mir_snprintf(buffer, "%0*X", HEX_SIZE, size);
	mir_strcpy(szresult, buffer);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
			mir_snprintf(buffer, "%02X", data[i]);
			mir_strcpy(szresult + (HEX_SIZE + i * 2), buffer);
	return szresult; 

void HexToBin(char *inData, ULONG &size, LPBYTE &outData)
	char buffer[32] = {0};
	mir_strcpy(buffer, "0x");
	strncpy(buffer + 2, inData, HEX_SIZE);
	sscanf(buffer, "%x", &size);
	outData = (unsigned char*)new char[size*2];
	UINT i;
	//size = i;
	char *tmp = inData + HEX_SIZE;
	buffer[4] = '\0'; //mark the end of the string
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
			strncpy(buffer + 2, &tmp[i * 2], 2);
			sscanf(buffer, "%hhx", &outData[i]);
	i = size;

int GetStringFromDatabase(MCONTACT hContact, char *szModule, char *szSettingName, char *szError, char *szResult, int size)
	DBVARIANT dbv = {0};
	int res = 1;
	int len;
	dbv.type = DBVT_ASCIIZ;
	if (db_get_s(hContact, szModule, szSettingName, &dbv) == 0)
			res = 0;
			int tmp = (int)mir_strlen(dbv.pszVal);
			len = (tmp < size - 1) ? tmp : size - 1;
			strncpy(szResult, dbv.pszVal, len);
			szResult[len] = '\0';
			res = 1;
			if (szError)
					int tmp = (int)mir_strlen(szError);
					len = (tmp < size - 1) ? tmp : size - 1;
					strncpy(szResult, szError, len);
					szResult[len] = '\0';
					szResult[0] = '\0';
	return res;

int GetStringFromDatabase(MCONTACT hContact, char *szModule, char *szSettingName, WCHAR *szError, WCHAR *szResult, int count)
	DBVARIANT dbv = {0};
	int res = 1;
	int len;
	dbv.type = DBVT_WCHAR;
	if ( db_get_s(hContact, szModule, szSettingName, &dbv, 0) == 0) {
		res = 0;
		if (dbv.type != DBVT_WCHAR)
			MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, dbv.pszVal, -1, szResult, count);
		else {
			int tmp = (int)mir_wstrlen(dbv.pwszVal);
			len = (tmp < count - 1) ? tmp : count - 1;
			wcsncpy(szResult, dbv.pwszVal, len);
			szResult[len] = L'\0';
	else {
		res = 1;
		if (szError) {
			int tmp = (int)mir_wstrlen(szError);
			len = (tmp < count - 1) ? tmp : count - 1;
			wcsncpy(szResult, szError, len);
			szResult[len] = L'\0';
		else szResult[0] = L'\0';
	return res;

int GetStringFromDatabase(char *szSettingName, char *szError, char *szResult, int size)
	return GetStringFromDatabase(NULL, ModuleName, szSettingName, szError, szResult, size);

int GetStringFromDatabase(char *szSettingName, WCHAR *szError, WCHAR *szResult, int count)
	return GetStringFromDatabase(NULL, ModuleName, szSettingName, szError, szResult, count);

TCHAR* GetContactName(MCONTACT hContact, char *szProto)
	ptrT id(Contact_GetInfo(CNF_DISPLAYUID, hContact, szProto));
	return (id != NULL) ? _tcsdup(id) : NULL;

void GetContactProtocol(MCONTACT hContact, char *szProto, int size)
	GetStringFromDatabase(hContact, "Protocol", "p", NULL, szProto, size);

TCHAR *GetContactID(MCONTACT hContact)
	char protocol[256];
	GetContactProtocol(hContact, protocol, sizeof(protocol));

	return GetContactID(hContact, protocol);

TCHAR* GetContactID(MCONTACT hContact, char *szProto)
	ptrT id(Contact_GetInfo(CNF_DISPLAY, hContact, szProto));
	return (id != NULL) ? _tcsdup(id) : NULL;

MCONTACT GetContactFromID(TCHAR *szID, char *szProto)
	TCHAR *szHandle;
	TCHAR dispName[1024];
	char cProtocol[256];
	TCHAR *tmp;

	int found = 0;
	for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) {
		GetContactProtocol(hContact, cProtocol, sizeof(cProtocol));
		szHandle = GetContactID(hContact, cProtocol);
		tmp = pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0);
		_tcsncpy(dispName, tmp, _countof(dispName));
		if ((szHandle) && ((mir_tstrcmpi(szHandle, szID) == 0) || (mir_tstrcmpi(dispName, szID) == 0)) && ((szProto == NULL) || (_stricmp(szProto, cProtocol) == 0)))
			found = 1;

		if (szHandle) { free(szHandle); }
		if (found)
			return hContact;
	return NULL;
#pragma warning (default: 4312)

#pragma warning (disable: 4312)
MCONTACT GetContactFromID(TCHAR *szID, wchar_t *szProto)
	char protocol[1024];
	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szProto, -1, protocol, sizeof(protocol), NULL, NULL);
	return GetContactFromID(szID, protocol);
#pragma warning (default: 4312)

void ScreenToClient(HWND hWnd, LPRECT rect)
	POINT pt;
	int cx = rect->right - rect->left;
	int cy = rect->bottom - rect->top;
	pt.x = rect->left;
	pt.y = rect->top;
	ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt);
	rect->left = pt.x;
	rect->top = pt.y;
	rect->right = pt.x + cx;
	rect->bottom = pt.y + cy;

void AnchorMoveWindow(HWND window, const WINDOWPOS *parentPos, int anchors)
	RECT rParent;
	RECT rChild;
	if (parentPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)
	GetWindowRect(parentPos->hwnd, &rParent);
	rChild = AnchorCalcPos(window, &rParent, parentPos, anchors);
	MoveWindow(window, rChild.left, rChild.top, rChild.right - rChild.left, rChild.bottom - rChild.top, FALSE);

RECT AnchorCalcPos(HWND window, const RECT *rParent, const WINDOWPOS *parentPos, int anchors)
	RECT rChild;
	RECT rTmp;

	GetWindowRect(window, &rChild);
	ScreenToClient(parentPos->hwnd, &rChild);

	int cx = rParent->right - rParent->left;
	int cy = rParent->bottom - rParent->top;
	if ((cx == parentPos->cx) && (cy == parentPos->cy))
			return rChild;
	if (parentPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)
			return rChild;

	rTmp.left = parentPos->x - rParent->left;
	rTmp.right = (parentPos->x + parentPos->cx) - rParent->right;
	rTmp.bottom = (parentPos->y + parentPos->cy) - rParent->bottom;
	rTmp.top = parentPos->y - rParent->top;
	cx = (rTmp.left) ? -rTmp.left : rTmp.right;
	cy = (rTmp.top) ? -rTmp.top : rTmp.bottom;	
	rChild.right += cx;
	rChild.bottom += cy;
	//expanded the window accordingly, now we need to enforce the anchors
	if ((anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT) && (!(anchors & ANCHOR_RIGHT)))
			rChild.right -= cx;
	if ((anchors & ANCHOR_TOP) && (!(anchors & ANCHOR_BOTTOM)))
			rChild.bottom -= cy;
	if ((anchors & ANCHOR_RIGHT) && (!(anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT)))
			rChild.left += cx;
	if ((anchors & ANCHOR_BOTTOM) && (!(anchors & ANCHOR_TOP)))
			rChild.top += cy;
	return rChild;